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No. 2034956

Chapelle Roan (born Kayleigh Rose Amstutz) is a 26 year "lesbian" pop singer and songwriter that was propelled into popularity in mid 2024. Some highlights:

-Came out as a lesbian, supposedly after being dumped by her military loving ex boyfriend

-No evidence of any actual homosexual experiences, despite writing numerous songs sexualizing lesbian relationships

-Obsessed with RuPaul's Drag Race and emulating the behavior of effeminate gay men

-Relentlessly complains about fans "overstepping boundaries" and claims to find fame undesirable

-Cancels small venue concert in favor of performing at the VMAs

-Rumors of being in debt to her record label

-Made normie Taylor Swift esque pop until reinventing herself with a LGBT centric aesthetic

-From a wealthy family in Missouri; claims to be sympathetic towards conservatives, citing this as a reason

-Literally never stops complaining

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chappellroan?igsh=cWtqcGxzd3p3Zm4w

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chappellroan

Twitter: https://x.com/chappellroan(shit thread)

No. 2034959

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Sorry if the thread is bad anons, this is my first time making one

No. 2034960

>lillee jean in drag

No. 2034968

damn i knew she was discussed in celebricows, i don’t really see how she warrants a thread in /snow/?

No. 2034970

this should have been the thread pic. why is the thread pic a fucking youtube embed kekkk

No. 2034972


You're welcome to make your own(sage your shit)

No. 2034980

Honestly I wonder if she is even bisexual. Everything about her screams heterosexuality.

No. 2034983

>Made normie Taylor Swift esque pop until reinventing herself with a LGBT centric aesthetic
I'd argue that her music still sounds normie as shit, she heavily relies on the aesthetics to hide that fact.

No. 2034985

Ehhh…I feel like it might be better to make a thread about all fake dyke celebrities if we wanna discuss this, like the blonde one from Sex Lives of College Girls or Julia Fox or the white haired girl from boygenius. She’s not nearly milky enough, I feel like she’s too normie and safe. I don’t like her music but if the worst thing she’s done is lying about fucking girls than where the hell is the Lady Gaga thread.

No. 2034987

I formatted this a bit better for you

Chappell Roan (born Kayleigh Rose Amstutz) is a 26 year "lesbian" pop singer and songwriter that was propelled into popularity in mid 2024. Some highlights:

>Came out as a lesbian, supposedly after being dumped by her military loving ex boyfriend

>Multiple videos of her riding on male's laps despite calling herself a lesbian
>No evidence of any actual homosexual experiences, despite writing numerous songs sexualizing lesbian relationships
>Obsessed with RuPaul's Drag Race and emulating the behavior of effeminate gay men, often gets made fun of by said gay men
>Relentlessly complains about fans "overstepping boundaries" and claims to find fame undesirable
>Cancels small venue concert in favor of performing at the VMAs
>Rumors of being in debt to her record label
>Made normie Taylor Swift esque pop until reinventing herself with a LGBT centric aesthetic
>From a wealthy family in Missouri; claims to be sympathetic towards conservatives, citing this as a reason
>Very mentally ill, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2020
>Literally never stops complaining

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chappellroan?igsh=cWtqcGxzd3p3Zm4w

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chappellroan

Twitter: https://x.com/chappellroan

No. 2035019

Thank you so much for this thread. She's so full of milk.
I predict she'll be with a moid within two years.

No. 2035029

She's clearly a newfag, she doesn't even know how to sage

No. 2035034

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ill probably move this post over to a new thread if one gets made. but anyways femininomenom is about moids being unable to make her coom kek. She tries so hard to dig shit like this away

No. 2035035

This girl loves making digs at moids' sexual inferiority a whole lot for a total 100% lesbo dyke. I can't find the specific tiktok but if anyone remembers it, she was on a lesbian podcast with two lesbian hosts and they asked her how she knew she liked women and she was fumbling really hard, and was just super nervous in a way that felt off. She was emanating pure fauxbian energies.

No. 2035046

she's kind of a cow but is this really threadworthy?

No. 2035047

she’s at the peak of her fame rn tbh and there’s something she does every other day that’s milky so yes

No. 2035051

One of the biggest tells that she's straight is that her supposed lesbianism is all about how she hates men and they can't get her off. Which is valid tbh but not what lesbianism is. She never talks about her lesbianism in terms of feeling desire for women, it's always just about how her ex was shit and couldn't make her cum. Which isn't a lesbian experience, that's just a straight woman being disappointed by men like many of them are because men are selfish lovers.

No. 2035054

I don't know, good luck babe felt pretty real in terms of falling in love with a woman. It doesn't go anywhere in the song but it's a pretty common experience of lesbians

No. 2035057

Good Luck Babe was written about the girl her boyfriend left her for… the dastardly moid ex strikes again. She's not gay.

No. 2035058

lmao really? I stand corrected.

No. 2035059

isn’t good luck babe about “comphet” kek

No. 2035060

yes but from the other woman's perspective. The singer wants to be with a woman who may or may not reciprocate but ends up leaving her for a man

No. 2035062

do you seriously think one song about “comphet” (fakebian’s favorite topic) in a pile of 300 other songs about fucking moids and how they can’t make her cum is truly raw?

No. 2035064

I'm not white knighting her. I'm saying that in a vaccuum, I personally related to that song as a lesbian, in the sense that I projected feelings on to a bihet woman who had a boyfriend who would never possibly love me back.

No. 2035069

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Naw bru fuck this bitch nigga's fake ass """"""dyke""""""" music two synths singing about kissing be a more authentic lesbo experience than whatever this hoe trynna do yo(integrate)

No. 2035071

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No. 2035072

It is? Where does she say that? I've been searching her live performances and her interviews about that song and I can't find it.

No. 2035073

posted in celebricows but she basically forces herself to be gay kek

No. 2035074

DA I do think it's about comphet. It would be very unusual for a het leaning bi woman to be dissatisfied in her marriage to a man

No. 2035076

I miss when celebs were banned so we didn't get threads full of dissecting how much of a lesbo some pop star is or isn't.

No. 2035082

I kekd more at her "omgawd it's so hard to be so famousss" shtick while I found out about her existence on lolcow out of all places

No. 2035095

It's insane how quickly comphet discourse has devolved into the idea that "real heterosexuality" is nothing short of worshipping the ground moids walk on.
In what universe is it "very unusual" for women to be dissatisfied with the way men treat us? The average scrote is an entitled shitstain, being able to see their flaws doesn't magically turn you into a lesbian.

No. 2035107

Oh boy! I LOVE my CIA sponsored industry plants!!1
It's all so tiresome.

No. 2035147

Weird that her stylist is Genesis Webb, a minor character/clout chaser from the old Soundclout threads

No. 2035188

What makes you think she’s CIA?

No. 2035210

I think it comes from this video >>>/ot/2144226

No. 2035211

I think she has tried to force herself to believe that she is because she desperately wants the marginalized identity that (she thinks) comes with it, but isn't deep down. or at best might find some women hot but is romantically interested in men

No. 2035214

Yeah this is kind of the clincher, I have yet to meet an actual homosexual who's ever felt "not gay enough." Usually gay people are trying not to seem TOO gay, because of, y'know, homophobia? Even the interviewer seems to be confused and thinking wtf is she talking about. Guarantee she'll switch to climbing she's bi (or god forbid "pan") as soon as she finds another moid to obsess over, and it'll be celebrated by the other heterokweers as proof that sexuality is fluid lmao.
She needs a PR team and fast, she's a cash cow for paparazzi now that they know they can minorly irritate her and get a free show of rage and hysterics whenever they want.

No. 2035222

I've been exposed to a lot of content from this girl via Tiktok and Instagram and as soon as I read how half of her songs are actually written about a male ex it all made sense

She's literally a caricature like that one ex from Scott Pilgrim, her songs are all low level, mediocre lyrics and tune, and negative, she chimps out constantly (screaming on stage at the VIP area that they "are no fun" because they didn't do her retarded dance, screaming at photographers to "shut the fuck up" when they weren't even talking to her (they were telling each other to STFU, not her kek) like she has such serious anger issues and is such a bad representation of lesbian/queer music.
Every time a mic gets near her she starts screeching about her ex, and she means the male ex like "I know you're watching" "I dedicate this to you" if a man did this it would look stalkery and insane.
So yeah she's milky af thanks for the thread, I promise we will see more from her because she's definitely a lolcow. She has no self awareness whatsoever.

No. 2035229

I predict a full poon out in the next two years for this cow. Also there's no chance in hell she's lesbian.

No. 2035234

I swear before LC was down someone started a thread on this chick and it had screenshots of her grandpa's obituary. The chapell part of her stage name is her gpas last name and apparently hes loaded. She does a larp like she's a poor chick but I'm pretty sure her family are yuppies. Part of why she's mad at fans is because they were finding her family irl and I guess it's obv by seeing them that they are not white trash like she says.

I'm so mad I can't find the old thread idk what happened to it

No. 2035236

Samefag I meant to type "poor hick" not chick

I think she is lying about the white trash backstory she created for herself to seem less privileged. And the queer shit is to solidify that she is in fact a very oppressed and impoverished kweer artist

No. 2035237

> Every time a mic gets near her she starts screeching about her ex, and she means the male ex like "I know you're watching" "I dedicate this to you" if a man did this it would look stalkery and insane.
Im laughing at this, does anyone have any good examples?
She seems to like making a caricature of femininity like drag queens do, I think it’s more likely she’ll wear a prosthetic dick and pretend to pee champagne in her fans mouths with it or something.
I kinda feel like she will also get into a fake lesbian relationship to look more legitimate.

No. 2035240

I think that whole shtick is because she’s afraid of being in the public eye when the time comes that she’s outed as a fakebian/starts dating a man

No. 2035242

I've said this before on celebricows, but she doesn't have to worry about being "outed" as a fakebian because it's all out in the open. What part of constantly being obsessed with her moid ex and claiming she's a super gay lesbo dyke just because men can't make her coom seems like she's hiding being a fakebian? She's fully open about her larp, her audience doesn't care because they're spicy hets appropriating the gay label themselves

No. 2035265

same, very few mainstream celebs are true cows because they almost all do 'cow' behaviors as just part of being the type of person that becomes a celebrity. if being obnoxious and attention seeking is enough to make a celebrity a cow, then literally all celebrities would be cows. this is an unbelievably bad thread and i predict it will dissolve into bi/les infights within a week.

No. 2035274

Thanks nonna, I was looking for that one. I looked into it and she doesn't sing Good Luck Babe, she sings some other song on that Midwest Princess album. Maybe it's true but I can't find anything supporting it. I'd find it more believable if the woman she wrote it about just didn't exist or something

No. 2035278

There's an obituary for him here, it doesnt suggest to me that they're a rich family, but def don't seem like white trash https://www.butlerfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Dennis-Chappell/#!/Obituary

No. 2035281

%90 of threads on snow are nitpicking and vendettafagging the most random irrelevant e-thots nobody even knows and you don't see me go in there to bitch about how boring I find to constantly see them posting Shayna's uncensored asshole kek. Just hide threads you don't like, celebrities are way more milky than the OF whores with 200 threads dedicated to zooming in on their shooped waists and dirty mirrors. If anything, it's even more cowlike to behave this way while being a public figure as opposed to OF thots who are extremely low hanging fruit in the cringe scale

No. 2035301

Completely agree. Everyone on the internet has their eye on CR right now, there's undoubtedly going to be some milk dredged up.

No. 2035307

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Something about her face makes me think that if someone asked her if she liked pussy, her exact reaction would be picrel. I could see her making out with another woman (likely while drunk) for male approval but that's it. She's barsexual at most.

No. 2035308

lmaoooo I would bet big money she has """sensory issues""" that prevent her from eating pussy like every other modern pretendbian.

No. 2035316

definitely not

No. 2035317

Is this a joke? Most women are dissatisfied in their marriages to men.

No. 2035319

The “not gay enough” stuff is always weird because, as a gay woman, I don’t think about it at all. I’m also kind of normie though.

No. 2035330

Ever since that comphet paper came out the lesbian community has been in shambles. Exploring is okay, finding yourself too. But a certain point you know whether you’re bi or lesbian, it’s not that deep.

No. 2035332

what grinds my gears is how bitter and ungrateful she sounds all the time. i hated karma is my kink, another muahaha i hate my ex! song, and after i saw her thank her ex for her success at the vmas like 3 times in a row (who even does this) even good luck babe sounds bitter to me now

No. 2035333

She’s more entertaining than the e-thots nobodies that are on most threads. She is lolcow material, just give her enough time.
> if being obnoxious and attention seeking is enough to make a celebrity a cow
Celebrities have PR training and despite being obnoxious and presumptuous they still keep their image, while she just spews whatever her mind tells her to kek.

Her music is nice though, I’ll give her that

No. 2035335

she’s bitter that her ex broke up with her. If she truly discovered her identity she wouldn’t be over-fixating on her ex and dedicating everything she does to him.
I did date a boy in high school before coming out, but I never thought about him, I was actually relieved when I left him because it felt like I had to perform 24/7 and it felt unnatural and uncomfortable.(blogpost)

No. 2035338

Chappell reminds me of Emilie Autumn in every way. Emilie had a thread here so I think it makes sense for Chappell, too. I think she'll end up scamming her fans and habitually lying. So it will be as milky as Emilie was.

No. 2035341

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Every time I see her in her drag getup I'm reminded of Ashnikko who at least doesn't claim to be lesbian (as far as I know) but claims to be "pan" and her songs about women feel very pandery. I wonder if Kayleigh felt inspired

No. 2035343

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Old but this bitch wants to be Gaga so bad kek this is literally Jo Calderone

No. 2035344

At least Emilie actually made alternative music, I'll give her that. Chappell literally makes basic pop but tries to portray it as alternative and artsy by using the drag inspired outfits

No. 2035345

Except Emilie is actually talented and somewhat interesting as an artist, not just a bland pop singer. Chappelle doesn't have a personal enough relationship with her fans to have that kind of drama. If anything she'll become one of those out of control party girls and get completely washed up in 5 years (if that)

No. 2035347

i usually like her looks but this one is a sooo bad and so grotesque

No. 2035350

Her outfits reminds me much more of 70's rock (example: Kiss) with some modern touches and fairy-core from time to time, rather than drag inspired

No. 2035351

True, she looks more like a clown than a drag queen. But I say drag inspired because her schtick is that she's a "lesbian drag queen"

No. 2035354

They're only doing this because she has the typical white gormless midwestern face, putting her in crazy outfits distracts from the lack of surgeries.

No. 2035355

Yeah i think that's part of her character being so antipathic, her outfits and songs have tons of inspos like kate bush etc and she keeps calling herself a gay "clown" or lesbian "drag" like nothing about her style is drag, that makes her art so bland, she doesnt know the universe she's trying to cater to it seems

No. 2035356

>>2035351 I was just about to ask why her look is considered ‚drag‘ and not just theatrical? I guess it’s to hammer home that she is just so gay and loves the gays? Otherwise it just sounds like some overly cultured, chronically online shit.

No. 2035375

Worked in insurance and owned a golf course and country club? He definitely had money

No. 2035386

i hate this woman for giving drag queens credit and acting like they invented makeup and costumes. drag queens all deserve to rot and i hate seeing a woman publicly glaze them. there's nothing 'creative' about drag, they're literally just doing bad makeup and stealing fashion from actual women.

No. 2035388

Thought that too when first seeing her. They are very similar.

No. 2035389

same, I also noticed how many drag queens seem to be dressing up as her in mockery rather than as a homage to her, like the one who started fake pissing wine while in chappell cosplay. as if to say "oh yeah? you think we're iconic and you admire us? let's see if you still think that after we do what we do best and do misogynistic minstrel shows with your likeness".
It reminds me of the christian girl autumn meme where a bunch of fags and trannies relentlessly mocked this normie woman for her normie pumpkin spice white girl aesthetic, and they only started unironically liking her after she took the jokes like a champ and I think even donated to the tranny that started the meme or something. There's a bootlicking fee these gay dudes charge handmaidens before they start treating them with decency.

No. 2035391

Ashnikko is much more e-girl/emo/melanie martinez influenced though, but the style on slumber party is def old theater inspired like some of chappel's looks music wise they're world apart though

No. 2035392

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are you talking about vidrel? Also I remember the christian autumn girl shit so well, they kept joking that these girls they were memeing were racist homophobic trumpies. There was a group photo of the christian autumn girls, one of them was a black girl, and fags kept joking about her being excluded??? like it's so fucking weird. The switch up was so weird. No way chappell bootlicks these fags so much, they hate her. Women need to learn how to stand up for themselves

No. 2035394

I wonder if she feels flattered that a drag queen paid attention to her for once or if she's offended that he made fun of her. She seems like the type who tries to act tough and cool but would cry if anyone actually insulted them.

No. 2035397

OT but i thought ashniko had a girlfriend, wasn't she in a relationship with a woman at some point? I actually don't think she's pandery, a lot of her lyrics are based. she seems like an actual bi woman who has had traumatic experiences with men. But she doesn't go around making it her whole "thing" and seems like she actually likes her fans.

No. 2035399

It's based to tell fans to fuck off and that they're not entitled to pictures or messages, being famous seems like hell. Artists make art, just bc we normalized parasocial relationships doesnt make it right ngl. That's like the only likeable thing about her, she's real for that.(integrate)

No. 2035400

Ok but why do that? Such a weird performance.

No. 2035407

It’s giving 2016 instagram makeup artist posts

No. 2035408

NTA but I think the criticism of her acting this way (yelling at photographers, getting mad about fans) isn't because it's parasocial, but because she's an attention seeker who then screams in rage when she receives attention (which is fucking annoying and retarded)

No. 2035410

Didnt that photographer literaly told her to shut up? Good for her to give him the energy back(sage your shit)

No. 2035412

Nta but he was telling another photographer to shut up and she overheard and assumed he was talking to her (he wasn't)

No. 2035413

What even is this picture? Why does she look like Lillee Jean in a clown costume? What is the backstory of this picture?

No. 2035414

Then why did she want to become famous lol it’s not like it’s a secret that being famous comes with all that bullshit. She could have stayed a nobody and not have these “problems”

No. 2035417

You know that it's possible to want to live off your work; that your art is recognized and appreciated (admittedly her is shit), without wanting to be constantly abused right?(sage your shit)

No. 2035418

>>artists make art
Okay but musicians typically tour and play live shows. And if your art is music, and you want to be successful you’re gonna most likely want people to listen to it and will need people who like you enough to pay to come hear you play. Those people are called fans. So she wants to be a musician but not have fans lol

No. 2035420

oh my god she is not being “abused.” Stop

No. 2035421

Man this is gonna come off as defending but I feel like she just isn't used to fame yet. Bitch became famous in the span of a few months after a decade long career. 3-4 months when you're facing nonstop fame, going from a nobody to one of the biggest pop names right now must feel like a day or two. It's probably a huge whirlwind for her right now but lashing out at fans is not the move here. I think it's pretty based of her to go off on parasocial retards though.(unsaged wking)

No. 2035424

You'd feel like absolute shit if people yelled at you on the street, stalked you and everything. Do you guys not remember what are the fates of women in those industries?(whiteknighting)

No. 2035425

Will you first of all stop whiteknighting her and second of all sage? If you want to defend her go to Tumblr or something shit instead of shitting up the thread

No. 2035426

Forgot to sage once, get over it

No. 2035428

Of course I would hate that and that’s why I stay off of social media and don’t aspire to be famous. Seems like a simple concept.

No. 2035429

If she hated fame she wouldn't be doing Rolling Stone interviews and cancelling concerts her original fans booked ages ago to do the VMAs. Bitch is the type that just loves complaining for the sake of it, but her actions show that she's a famewhore despite what she says. And anyone who can't see the hypocrisy is as much of a retard as she is.

No. 2035431

How dare she having interviews as an artist? kek

No. 2035432

source for this? she could be milky if people posted milk so it's inexplicable that half this thread is just people making things up (claiming good luck babe is about an ex boyfriend's new gf, saying she pretends to be poor, fanfiction about her trooning out and being offended by drag queens)

No. 2035433

(trying so hard not to blog, as someone who’s experienced actual domestic abuse) but seriously calling someone yelling at you on the street, or wanting a photo with you, or an autograph, abuse is insanity.
I know she’s not liked here either but even Taylor who has experienced SA and numerous instances of stalking and people breaking into her homes, doesn’t whine about being “abused by fame.” She realizes that this is something she chose to do and not that these things are okay or acceptable, but they are literally the price of fame. Is it worth it? Personal decision

No. 2035436

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Agree. It sounds like scalpers and people wanting to profit off her are following her really aggressively, see picrel. I don’t think she’s just being followed by nice fans who want autographs, it looks like sleazy resellers and actual psychos.

No. 2035437

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hate her but even though she's always complaining about something, she's in her right to yell at moids who do this shit
Honestly those are all of her looks, she tries so hard to look "cunty". She's always talking about "serving cunt" and it sounds so fucking cringe coming from her considering fags hate her. Funnily enough, she made an instagram story once asking her fans what would be "cunty" to say to her ex moidfriend that she always sperges about on stage.

No. 2035439

It's not "based" you wking retard, if she only wanted to make art she could've remained a nobody making small numbers. She clearly paid someone a good amount for all the publicity she's been getting and cancelled a small venue concert to go to MTV only to bitch about paparazzi and how "invasive" it felt. If she truly wanted people to "respekt her privacy" she'd stay at home, stop showing her face, stop paying TikTok to promote her songs and stop being such an attention whore. You can't want the privileges that come with fame and money while expecting to still live a completely normie life without even a single fan stopping you for a picture when these people pay your bills.

No. 2035442

nta but I feel like you're missing anon's point
She also gets annoyed when people don't recognize her (like that yoga teacher), like what does she even want? It's typical "look at me but don't look at me" shit.

No. 2035445

Yes you can be an artist without plastering your face on the cover of Rolling Stone while simultaneously whining about being famous. Fiona Apple, who people love comparing her to for some reason, doesn't do interviews and isn't on social media because she actually hates fame but yet she's still a successful artist who is still popular to this day

No. 2035446

Nta but interviews aren't mandatory for an artist. Beyoncé doesn't do interviews because she wants privacy. Chappell could stop doing interviews too.

No. 2035449

Does she even know what "serving cunt" means? It's gay male slang (specifically drag queen slang) for passing as a woman. Which just makes her sound ridiculous because she's an actual woman. For someone who's soooo queer and such a fan of drag culture you'd think she'd understand what she's saying instead of misusing gay slang because she read spicy straight twitter users using it incorrectly.

No. 2035451

Producing music and tours cost hella money, she probably has a very pressing managers and deals she has to fulfill. There's literaly nothing wrong to want your work to go bigger and spread without wanting to be stalked and harassed. Buying shit from someone (a dvd) doesnt says you can harass them.

No. 2035452

nta but she clearly wasn't insanely annoyed at the yoga teacher for not recognizing her, it was just a mildly funny anecdote for a podcast to say "someone told me I looked like me and said she was gonna call me by my name because I look so much like me and didn't even realize I was me."

No. 2035453

The vitriol for her is deranged, why nonnes arent focusing on real cringy things instead of legitimate criticism of how the celebrity business operate

No. 2035456

Yeah I think this is part of her problem. She would have been much better off if she just made music and kept herself low key. All the interviews and talking she’s doing is what’s backfiring on her.

No. 2035457

Why doesn’t she get some security

No. 2035458

part of me thinks she isn't very genuine about the "um actually I dont wanna win a grammy" "I actually hate being famous" thing and is just using it for her image. She goes to interviews with this kind of talk and I really think it's for publicity and attention. She's right for yelling at sleazy moids trying to get autographs to sell for a bajillion dollars but I don't think it's really that genuine. She's clearly trying to build some sort of rebellious image of herself.

No. 2035460

Can't you lurk more, retard? All of it was posted in the celebricows thread, we're not gonna spoonfeed you by reposting shit everyone's already seen
resellers are admittedly awful (and rude to ALL celebs according to many anecdotes), but if that's the case she had no reason to make that bitchy tiktok aimed specifically at her fans
Jesus imagine being this obsessed with a moid who dumped you and likely hasn't thought of her ever since. It's also so cringe she can't even come up with her own sassy one liners to say in her own concert, her whole "cunty" persona is super fabricated, shes awkward and borderline illiterate in interviews
you're thinking of the term "fish". serving cunt is not an exclusively gay moid phrase and it doesn't mean to pass as a woman kek

No. 2035462

you could be on to something. I was thinking she’s unintentionally self sabotaging but maybe it’s all intentional to keep people talking about her, I mean it’s working lol

No. 2035463

>All of it was posted in the celebricows thread, we're not gonna spoonfeed you by reposting shit everyone's already seen
No, what I asked for specifically wasn't in celebricows which is why I asked. I've actually seen several alternative explanations and yours seems fake
>you're thinking of the term "fish". serving cunt is not an exclusively gay moid phrase and it doesn't mean to pass as a woman kek
you're wrong about this also, the only difference between serving fish and serving cunt is that the second phrase became a meme used ironically in a bunch of contexts but they're obviously the same thing

No. 2035466

(im the anon "defending" her i guess) I can agree with that, i guess after the Doja cat (she lost it when they released a private letter that she adressed to her estranged father) incident, i find people entitlement just supremely weird. Celebrity should not equate with allowing people to be fucking weird, when we would all think it's wrong if done to a normal person.

No. 2035467

Yes it was, its literally posted in the previous thread. Learn to lurk, retarded newfag. Also, what explanation? I didn't even give you one, kek. Try not to doublepost next time

No. 2035468

you seem easily confused. I said I want to see a source that she misheard a photographer, you said that evidence was posted in celebricows, I said it wasn't actually posted in celebricows and I've seen other explanations of why she said shut up, and now you're already lost? kek

No. 2035472

You do realize the entire "evidence" is the video, right? It's not like someone's gonna go interview that absolute nobody photographer for his side of the story, you absolute autist. If you want more sources, look them up and post them in the thread yourself. I repeat: Nobody's here to spoonfeed you. Nor correct you on your wrongful understanding of fag slang, retard

No. 2035473

I've seen the video and that isn't what happens, though. also, it is funny that you think "serving cunt" and "serving fish" are two different things but I'm glad you're this confident about everything you post

No. 2035474

samefagging, but its more than obvious he wasn't saying shut up to her on account that she wasn't even speaking

No. 2035475

yes, which is why it's obvious that isn't what she was responding to kek.

No. 2035477

What was she responding to then retard? Why did she tell him to shut the fuck up?

No. 2035478

Glad you're this confident about being wrong when you're not even using fish right kek. It's not "serving" fish, it's either giving or being fish.
You're clearly autistic beyond help kekk its more than obvious her attentionwhore ass thought she was speaking to her. Whats your theory otherwise, autist-chan?

No. 2035479

ashnikko is one of the few 'bi' women that i believe has actually made a woman cum before

No. 2035480

NTA but you are wrong, "fishy" means passing for female, "cunty" or "serving cunt" just means you look really good and you know it. Try not to talk out of your ass when you're the one who's uninformed on the subject. >>2035436
Wtf is she doing in the TSA line anyway, she's more than rich and famous enough to get a nexus pass lol.

No. 2035483

Lets not fight about who knows best faggish lexicon

No. 2035484

a, the photographer was yelling at her and other photographers. b, "serving fish" is a joke on serving like in ballroom slang and also a joke on serving food so it actually used to be more common than serving cunt before that became a meme because it's such a low hanging pun.

No. 2035485

Can't you just take the L and stop shitting up the thread with your retardation already, like 4 anons have told you you're wrong already. Post milk or gtfo

No. 2035486

Only this cow would bring out all the faghags who have watched every season of rupaul's drag race out to argue over gay slang. Jfc

No. 2035487

You do realize you don't have to be a drag fan to know fag slang because fags exist, both in social media and irl, and bring their retarded slang with them, right? Just like most of us know tranny slang just from making fun of them(derail)

No. 2035488

Why are you so mad about people getting a drag queen term wrong if you're not a fan of them then? You've been clogging up the thread with your retarded infight over the meaning of the words "serving cunt" for the last twenty minutes.(derail)

No. 2035497

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> For someone who's soooo queer and such a fan of drag culture you'd think she'd understand what she's saying
That’s because she only started watching Drag Race last year kek. Interview here: https://theface.com/music/chappell-roan-pop-music-famous-interview-good-luck-babe

No. 2035500

The execs behind her are unsubtle. Her raison d'etre is obviously to get a loyal gay male fanbase and loyal female paypigs who go crazy for taylor swift/k-pop lesbian fanfic, right off the bat. Its very clumsy, she doesn't make music that's interesting enough to be some niche kweer icon. Getting women invested in lesbian bait (or genuine lesbian-themed music) takes time, it requires good songwriting, you can't hammer it home with labels and bland pop music. I hate how zoomies fall for this shit

No. 2035507

I don't understand why she's pandering to gays and trying to be a gay icon, when gay men have historically never been interested in lesbian music. Every female musician gay icon ever is straight.

No. 2035516

I know, her marketing team must be out of touch male boomers. I feel like many fags hate her specifically because they blindly believe her lesbian larp and just hate lesbians in general

No. 2035520

How is this thread not locked yet? Celebricows in /ot/ exists for a reason.

No. 2035539

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So glad we are back! I’ve been waiting for this thread, I’ve been so excited to share my CR cringe shit I’ve seen lately.
I can’t stand this woman. She’s making her own fans turn against her KEKEKKKKK

No. 2035544

Does she only have boring photoshoots? I've never seen any pic of hers that made me go 'well that's quite creative' it's always the most mainstream 'wannabe-high fashion type of weird' concepts and styling.

No. 2035548

I mean is there one picture of her with a girl friend? not staged pictures, but prefame, regular instagram photos of her and a partner. because if not, that’s usually a sign that she’s “curious” and has never had an EMOTIONAL attachment, because being a lesbian isn’t just about getting your pussy eaten and not reciprocating.

No. 2035550

All she does is complain, and pander to gay dudes. She’s gonna apologize when the gays start claiming she hurt their feelings, not the women that are actually victims of domestic violence>>2035539

No. 2035551

>gay men have historically never been interested in lesbian music.
Right? Gay men are obsessed with feminine, het female singers for a reason. They aspire to be as attractive to men and they identify with their 'feminine' exterior. Being a faghag breaks this aspirational relationship, they lose all respect for the singer (see what happened to Charli XCX)
>I feel like many fags hate her
Yep, they have no patience for female artists who aren't 100% male-oriented in their sexuality and aesthetics, even if it's some tryhard fakebian. I hope she stops pandering to faggots

No. 2035553

i don’t even understand how she has fans. Her songs are BAD. Like bad writing, bad producing, bad vocals. bad.

her tinydesk performance was atrocious. when a clip of her singing “red wine supernova” popped up on twitter and i watched it to see why everyone was shitting their pants over her, i didn’t get them drag shtick, and she wasn’t singing, she was screeching. her back up singer had her mic up louder and was showing her up. i was shocked that she was getting praised and not laughed off the planet

No. 2035554

New prediction, she starts dating a famous TIM

No. 2035557

Misia Butler, hate the fact that she looks so cute as a man

No. 2035558

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You're insane, she looks like fucking Megamind.

No. 2035559

TIM stands for trans identified male nonnie. Misia Butler is a TIF.

No. 2035562

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Guess i have issues because it's the only TIM i ever found decent looking.
my bad(derail)

No. 2035566

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Why is this thread so chock full of morons? "Misia" is a woman, anon.

No. 2035568

this thread should be Faghag Infighting #1

No. 2035569

Yes i know it's a woman, i said "she" looks cute as a man kek

No. 2035571

Oh it's because i said TIM and not TIF, excuse me i pulled an all nighter, no need to get all worked up, i'm well aware it's a female, i'm just not used to TIM or TIF, i only know MtF or FtM(no1currs)

No. 2035572

Her album just doesn’t know what it wants to be tbh. like it’s trying to be extravagant but also soft indie at the same time? like it all just sounds messy. I’m pretty sure there’s some rejects from her old unsuccessful indie albums but i may be wrong

No. 2035583

>le ebin one eye symbolism xDD
How does anyone not see that she's clearly just a media puppet? Do some of you actually believe that she's choosing these looks? You know stylists curate this shit, right? Gaga came out of nowhere, just like Katy Perry, Ice Spice, etc. No way in hell Gaga came up with an alter ego on her own and she certainly wasn't the first to do so. This is just stupid idolatry and LGBTQ+ pandering that we're all being forcefed, whether we like it or not. Yes, this is a "WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!" post.

No. 2035586

as the years go by everything seems faker and faker and chappell is like the worst example of it, she tries so hard to seem raw it’s so cringey. Most artists have atleast a small say in their creative direction but it seems like chappell is just asking for whatever makes her seem the edgiest. Everything about her seems off to me, i hate how she’s being shoved in everyone’s faces on social media. She fits the current inauthentic kweer movement though so of course the most annoying people ever are going to shill her. Can’t stand her fanbase, chappell is as inauthentic as all of them

No. 2035599

it was posted in the previous celebricows thread but the images on /ot/ got deleted since then so i don't know if that image was restored or not

No. 2035601

>as the years go by everything seems faker
That's because it 100% is.
>but it seems like chappell is just asking for whatever makes her seem the edgiest
Is she asking for it? Or are the music execs, handlers, stylists, and publicists simply telling her to do x, y, and z for fame and she blindly obeys and takes whatever comes of it?

No. 2035610

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Something about her as a person just makes me laugh

No. 2035611

I’m genuinely curious what this ex she’s obsessed with looks like

No. 2035617

I just know he's a 4

No. 2035622

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Chappell allegedly has “one of the best deals” in music. She’s signed to Dan Nigro’s imprint (he’s a co-writer for Olivia Rodrigo) and he seems to really like her. I suspect there’s an element here of “labels don’t know what to do and will throw money at seemingly successful TikTok stars.”

No. 2035623

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Nigro even set up an imprint to sign her, specifically.

No. 2035637

Holy shit just before she starts singing red wine supernova she says "BE BIMBOS, LADIES! BE BIMBOS!". She was so fucking obnoxious during her tiny desk performance, using faghag slang for no reason. She doesn't come off as "fag-kin" she comes off like a terminally online zoomer because that's what she is.

No. 2035639

>>Fuck you guys give me what i want
>>look at the numbers bitch
>>bitch i've been here the whole time
why is she so aggro all the time for no reason
always cursing and yelling at people. like calm down bitch

No. 2035642

why would she say that. i don't get it

No. 2035664

We're locking this thread as Chappell Roan is not milky enough in her own right to warrant a thread, and much of what has been posted so far is derailing or speculative. For now, discussion about her should remain in Celebricows. If her antics escalate, you can ask in /meta/ for the thread to be unlocked.

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