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No. 1987326

Hey everyone, don't mean to revive this thread but we just had a falling out with Serenity IRL and holy shit is this thread frustrating to read. Not because of the things we wish we knew she's done, but because of the fact that you have to dig through such a massive, dumpster fire of a schizo thread before finding any of the actual relevant criticisms of what she did in the past and why she's actually a shitty human being that nobody should be around. Not sure if you're all aware of this but it's not normal to obsess over someones appearance, race, and social media presence for 3 fucking years without looking like a bunch of incel basement dwellers with nothing better to do in their lives except circlejerk over how much they collectively hate a youtuber that they never even met IRL. If anything this only helps her dismiss ths lolcow threads to any new friends she makes because any normal person looking at this kn the outside gets the impression that this is just a schizo thread filled with a bunch of retards who don't know even know her.

Any way we can clean this up?

Also, anyone know anything about her fiance that presumably killed himself? She mentioned this(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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