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No. 1985718

Neckbeard manchild in his 30’s who spends all of his waking hours online malding over randoms on Twitter and making “anti-woke” YouTube videos all while larping as an underage anime girl.

He is notorious for speaking out in support of lolicon, posting low-quality ragebait on social media, putting Japan on a pedestal, and calling people on social media “tourists” despite the fact that he lives in the US.

>got doxxed on his wedding day along with his wife, spent the whole day blocking people on twitter and tweeting about it
>larps as a rip-off of Nico Yazawa on social media while maintaining the voice of a fully grown man, odds are he’s a repressing troon
>cherry picks posts on Twitter made by literal who’s and makes ~25 minute videos about them on YouTube acting as if the majority shares that opinion
>has a fanbase consisting of misogynistic porn addicted scrotes who constantly attempt to justify cranking it to lolicon
>married e-thot @darlingstrawb who also larps as an anime girl online and makes self-insert asmr

Social Media:
https://www.youtube.com/@Revsaysdesu(shit thread)

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