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No. 1983074

After all the denying and insisting her boobs are “100% real” we can actually see the scar where the incision of the surgery took place. She claimed so hard taht she had no scarring thinking people are stupid and wouldn’t se this(shit vendetta thread)

No. 1983077

File: 1712376557945.jpeg (85.81 KB, 1169x869, 0E141B8C-6BA4-46E9-A2A2-1EC9C6…)

My boobies are real fyi… laughable. This girl must have way too much time from living a jobless life, getting silicone injected inside of herself with daddies money. I knew her friend that said her boobs were done when she was 16/17. crzyyy

No. 1983078

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i wonder how her friends feel about all of this. she literally seems like she will take this lie to her grave which irks me. someone has to be so full of themselves and narcissistic but so insecure and empty at the same time to make up such bs to their friends and bfs . It’s funny because she has no media before 2019. She really thought she had all the lies together. what’s her excuse for the armpit scars ? lol

No. 1983080


No. 1983082

For real these girls? need jesus

No. 1983087

File: 1712378750166.jpeg (150.02 KB, 749x977, DKoVjITU8AA0uK5.jpeg)

all natural kek

No. 1983092

Jesus Christ LOL how did u find this(sage your shit)

No. 1983093


No. 1983095

no1curr vendetta chan.

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