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No. 187686
anyone remember this racist little snowflake?
proof of the racist shit she said:
No. 187690
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>>187689>she's not prettyYes anon, so ugly
No. 187693
>>187690She's really not attractive. I will say, though, she looks miles better with short brown hair than she does with pastel hair (and even then, it looks retarded and not thick enough from the side). It doesn't suit her and she looks oily and has gnarled features in both the photos you posted.
>Muh 200k tumblr notes!!! That's PROOF she's not ugly!Lmao Tumblr is the same website you'll get 300k notes if you're an obese black cosplayer. It's not proof of objective attractiveness, just how much you appeal to the populace.
No. 187697
>>187694They're not, but being black, regardless of how attractive you are, usually helps you when it comes to certain circles on Tumblr.
I put "obese" before "black" for a reason lmao
No. 187702
>>187701I'm really not lying, and I don't know enough about her to form any vendetta, but whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night.
Is it really that unfathomable that people have different ideas of beauty to you
No. 187705
Woah, she's defo not ugly. Calling her ugly is like calling the sky red imo.
She has excellent facial dimensions, plump and long lips, a small shapely nose, a light Hispanic skin tone, dark, circular eyes, naturally thick eyebrows, a good jaw, entirely clear skin, youthful fat under her cheeks, and is thin with a medium height. Obviously she doesn't have big boobs but she does have all of the above which beats big boobs any day. She's physically flawless. Oh and she's obviously not photoshopped.
No. 187707
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>>187704>trying to talk about objective beauty>mentions the most basic of bitchesLmao embarrassing.
Nope, she's not objectively beautiful. There are thousands of objectively beautiful girls, and she isn't one unfortunately. Sorry I insulted your pastel tumblr waifu.
No. 187710
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>>187709You seriously think fat housewives know how to Photoshop?
Next you'll be telling me Dakota never had a gross alien forehead phase and it was all jelly haters from /cgl/ trying to ruin her reputation.
No. 187718
>>187714Actually, that's not me, thanks.
No. 187722
>>187720I'm just your friendly shitposter from /x/.
But no, this girl really isn't pretty. I didn't make this thread. She has low cheekbones and her nose looks odd, if you're considering what the person behind the shitposting thinks.
I like lighter girls, honestly.
No. 187725
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>>187723Darker skin is prettier anyway
No. 187726
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She looks like a classic beauty imo.
No. 187727
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>>187725don't do this. not in this thread too
No. 187729
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OP you're a newfag she is not a snowflake anymore
>>187725>>187723You're right that Mila Kunis isnt dark skinned but that anon is probably pasty. Also you should stop doing with what you're doing. Get out.
No. 187730
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>>187727Do what? I'm not the same person who shat up the Rachel Dolezal thread by spamming black models, I just think dark skin is pretty.
No. 187731
>>187728what? her face isn't chubby at all lol are you blind?
>>187730alright, you made your point. kindly drop the subject.
No. 187739
>>187738Fucking thank you. I said this here
No. 187740
>>187719So you're a racist and a white fetishit basically.
PS everyone knows white women are ugly as shit
No. 187749
>>187748They were being an ignorant nigger, like most niggers.
Just because a white person called you a nigger doesn't mean you can be racist.
No. 187753
>>187752Chances are, you've seen me shitpost consistently enough. I am racist, but most of the time I'm just responding to racist black people.
((I only like white girls chick here.))
No. 187757
>>187745Ohhhhh boy, here we go.
Why people believe this, I'll never know.
No. 187766
>>187754Yeah Ariana grande is sooooo ugly?
You tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night, anon.
No. 187769
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>>187766lmao, not even that anon, but holy shit grow up. how can someone not understand that people having varying tastes? what you think is the most beautiful girl there is, another finds basic. it looks like that's the case here.
No. 187770
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>>187769Different OT anon. I think she is a lot prettier now that she's had a little work done/has better stylists.
I never found her attractive until she narrowed her nose out a bit.
pic related
No. 187778
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I'll nuke this bitch anyday
No. 187779
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Maybe we should bring back Felice's thread too and talk about her Deumos scam days of 2011 while we're at it.
No. 187780
>>187758I'm from 4chan.
I am not a Tumblr operative like the majority of you.
I have only gone near Tumblr to piss off black supremacy.
Do you think I give a fuck if I'm the problem?
No. 187782
>>187780Fuck off, most of us are from 4chan. You're not special.
>Do you think I give a fuck if I'm the problem?Yes, because that means you're actively shitting up the board and are just as bad as any SJW. :^)
No. 187796
>>187794>this thread should be deletedSo you're the mod here? Oh cool didn't know.
Also you're a disgusting racist piece of shit and should gtfo to stormfront bitch.
No. 187800
>>187796Where did that Anon say anything bad about another race?
Racist-chan or some shit here ;3
No. 187804
>>187803Is tumblr mad or does tumblr like her? I seriously don't know if this thread is shit because of vendetta or the ones calling her a model. Maybe it's the same retard?
This thread is grade F shit. Pixy provides delicious hormone free goat milk. Free range goats with tiny pink bows on them. This bitch is providing cups of semen saved up in jars over the years.
No. 187806
>>187801That anon isn't lying. She really does have a job at Chipotle, and she hasn't had any 'high-end' modeling jobs that I'm aware of. She tried to get scouted by American apparel but I don't think that went anywhere.
I think she has potential for some lolz, she says a LOT of dumb stuff, and her blog about 'TWO GURLS LIVIN IN NEW YORK!!' is so spoiled and naive. She's also suuuper right wing and a self proclaimed racist, but everyone on here keeps either focusing on how weird she looks or conversely acting like she can do no wrong. =/ wrong priorities
No. 187819
>>187818Pale is best.
No, I'm not pasty, by the way. I have freckles on my nose. c:
No. 187820
>>187818Shes far from ugly.
She's cute, you just have sandy cunts from pull being dumb af.
No. 187821
>>187820Her eyes, eyebrows and forehead are ugly.
Her lips and nose are alright.
Dark skin is still no.
No. 187822
>>187820She's ugly to average. It's called having an opinion, dumbass. If you expect everyone to have the same opinion as you but if they dont then theyre "oMG SO JEALOUS!!" then youre retarded as fuck.
You can see her roots. Her eyebrows are ugly. Her nose is weird. She's skinny but that's it. lol nothing attractive
No. 187823
>>187822I kinda like rounded noses. Her nose looks cute in OP but is uglier now.
Skinny isn't all that great. She's too skinny tbh.
No. 187826
>>187825As someone who's been hating on her looks, honestly, I look a little like her.
But her nose really did get uglier, or she contoured to high heavens in that picture. That's how my nose looks when I contour (just pale and with freckles)
I won't say she's super ugly. She's okay at the least, would call back after a date. But she's not as pretty as old Taylor or even Berry.
No. 187828
>>187827You only refer to people as nigger if they diss the white race.
No. 187831
>>187829I only find whites and Asians pretty.
Blacks with white features can be okay, latins are almost always plain and boring (there is no difference in Latin faces, they all look the same)
Australian aboriginals and New Zealand aboriginals are the most hideous races, While on a very rate occasion Ethiopian women can be some of the most beautiful.
Central asian Caucasians aren't very attractive compared to other whites. Italians tend to be too dark and on the masculine side, same with Spaniards.
British women tend to be horsefaced, which is unattractive. Korean women are very attractive, even the darker ones (I'm talking not this bitch dark, but, like white man goes out in the sun dark.)
Blonde males are unattractive most of the time, it looks feminine and like a baby. Men are better with darker hair, white or not.
If your skin is darker than your hair, that's unattractive. I hate blonde latins.
No. 187833
>>187832OMG are you people new to forms.
Nigger isn't used to call someone black it means dumbass/ idiot. sure is summer.
No. 187837
>>187835racist-chan said they had freckles earlier in the thread
i think they have self esteem issues going on
No. 187842
>>187840>Men's opinions>importantThese are the same people who masturbate to scat and MLP. In any case, this study literally discredits itself in the last two lines
>The analysis of white women found that those with the darkest complexions were likely to be wearing the least clothes, hinting at the association with sex and danger that the colour subconsciously triggers.>In contrast, women with the most pale skin were more likely to be conservatively dressed, living up to the innocent and modest ideal.Literally what the fuck does skin tone have to do with the amount of clothes you wear? Embarrassing and shitty article.
No. 187843
>>187842>>Who cares what boys find attractive whaa they should be finding ME attractive Lamo, again with this shit? I'm sorry that men vomit at the sight of you, what do you want me to do about it?
And the article mentioned clothing to show how light skinned women are portrayed in the media as opposed to dark skinned women. Women naturally have lighter skin than men. Young people also tend to be lighter and darken with age, which is why light skin is more feminine and youthful.
No. 187844
>>187843When did I say they should find me attractive?
I feel really bad for you if you can't even fathom other people not putting weight on mens' opinions of their attractiveness lmao
No. 187845
>>187843lol you're just a mess of misinformation and ignorance. people don't darken with age, women don't have lighter skin than men, and what is considered feminine or youthful is extremely subjective depending on the place.
>>187844agree with ^, you sound really pathetic on that end
No. 187848
>>187847Racist chan here
She makes me feel like a good person.
No. 187860
>>187858No offense, but you're an idiot.
He's pale because gingers are pale. They cannot tan. All gingers are milk white.
They freckle, not tan, and avoid the sun to avoid freckling.
No. 187864
>>187818yes, i genuinely find her ugly.
>>187822agree with everything you said.
this anon is really salty though. they're very unhappy with the responses they got, so they must resort to picking out minuscule things to bitch about. just leave if you're so
triggered, damn.
No. 187872
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>>187870>former tumblr queen is a republican who presumably supports Trump.I suddenly like her so much more now.
No. 187874
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What the fuck is up with her current hairstyle…
No. 187879
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Ahhh, I remember this chick from like 2012! I definitely reblogged his pic of her back in my tumblr days. Had no idea she was an lol cow but it makes sense.
So what ever happened to her? Does she still look like a tumblr hipster or has she grown up a bit? Did she try to monetize on her "fame" at all and become and even more horrible person?
Curious because she is very striking in this photo and I'm sure a lot of people recognize her without knowing exactly who she is.