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No. 186605
Plainclone containment thread so her every sperg-out on Twitter doesn't have to derail Onion's thread. (private)
http://www.glizziepop.tumblr.comLaineybot whiteknight despite lainey not actually giving a fuck, clearly pulling a Single White Female.
She's a baby snowflake in that her only claim to online fame is copying another baby snowflake whose only relevance consists of being Onision's wife. Constantly sucks up to her, hates on Billie and Greg (but only when Lainey does, so she never goes against
Space Princex' mood swings and denial)
Lurks onion threads and constantly whines about them.
No. 186616
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"I can't help looking like Lain! You're all so mean!"
> changes Twitter URL from LizzepopLiz to Lane1313_
> cuts hair
> copies Laineybot's makeup
> same selfie styles
> fiercely whiteknights
> pussydrools every time Lainey acknowledges her existence
No. 186642
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>>186605OMG she's one step away from wearing Laineybot's skin. That creepy level of ass-kissing and molding herself into Laineybot, on almost…
everything No. 186661
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Hi Elisabeth
No. 186864
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How hard can you lurk?
No. 186918
>>186684Yeah this i feel bad for her. She's clearly underage so she should be left alone. Later in life she'll look back in shame. Just let her do her annoying little kid on the inernet thing for now.
At least I'd hope she's under aged because if not she's either an extremely
extremely late bloomer or legitimately cognitively retarded.
No. 186951
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this is so pathetic it hurts, poor thing keeps refreshing this page just to make indirects on twitter for sympathy :'(
No. 190760
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>>189719not even by proxy, she's a full-fledged fan.
No. 194281
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I know she just wants the attention, but I don't even care, I want to document her stupidity for the future.
No. 194319
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sage for her being a tumor
No. 204811
>>204794despite her desperate claims that she didnt do it bc of lainey, it's pretty obvious she did (or at least she did it for some form of attention.) she's an irrelevant teen looking for some way to get attention, so she dyes her hair to get attention from lainey… or maybe even us to notice her since we haven't talked about her for a while. then she rants about how shes so upset that people arent giving her endless compliments and complaining while also obviously fishing for people to be like "oh it looks great! ignore those BULLIES!"
shes so try-hard it hurts.
No. 204886
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Her hair's going to be fried to shit.
No. 204895
>>204891according to her, it was only $10 box dye.
still, what a waste.
No. 204916
>>204891 means is the time and money she spent bleaching and coloring her hair turquoise was a waste
No. 205438
>>205429She probably does.
Hey, if you're reading this (not sure what's your real name) turn off the computer and stop thinking about Lainey/Onision. Seriously, this is a legit advice, I'd say the same to a friend or younger family member.
All the anons here will forget about you soon if you stop, and honestly I'm sure most of them, if not all of them, don't have a single thing against you. We think your behaviour is sad, but we don't hate your per say. I'm sure most just want you to set yourself free from this shit.
Lainey probably won't ever notice you and even if she did you wouldn't want to have a relationship with her or be her close friend, just look at her and Greg's recent drama. Trust me, you don't wanna be part of that shit show just to have a super negative video about you and your private life on YouTube after get tired of you. I know she's some kind of idol in your life rn, but you can find cooler idols and tbh being crazy for a celebrity isn't healthy (I use celebrity very loosely here lol), especially one who shits on her fans when they try to help her.
Save yourself now, forget about those two and try to find some inner peace. Good luck!
Sage for a buncha reasons
No. 205573
>>205401woah there edgelord
how about we reel it in and NOT tell harmless teenagers to commit suicide like an asshole?
No. 205574
>>204872>>204872She lies a lot, you just have to read what was previously said in this thread to see those examples.
1. Claimed her real name was "Lane" before Lamo even changed her name from Taylor to Lainey… her name is Lizzie.
2. Says she "can't help looking like Lainey" when there's proof she used to have a different style and fashion sense before being her stan/fan.
3. Claimed she disliked Onion and doesn't follow him or watch his videos.
4. Plays the victim when she purposely goes out of her way to stir up this pit of snakes.
5. Dyes her hair the same colors as Ayalla/Billie in hope that Lainey will notice her.
She's delusional.
>>204886Gah… she's going to end up like Charms if she keeps doing that shit to her hair.
>>205429Of course nobody is saying anything negative about her on her Twitter, she's addicted to the attention she gets from here - whether it's negative or not.
She's basically doing this to herself, if she had stopped antagonizing Onion/Lamo's Twitter trolls and stopped self-inserting her existence into the Onion threads on here to begin with, she would've never had to of worry about getting her own thread on here in the first place.
It's all self-inflicted… and it will continue to be self-inflicted if she keeps on associating herself with this board.
>>205446It's not going to happen, she'll resort to self-posting in Onion's thread to get attention when she feels she's not getting attention elsewhere… the best course of action we should be agreeing on is reporting every post in there that relates to her from here on and to consider emailing Admin with her details so that they can ban her from posting in there in future.
No. 205824
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just posting proof that she lurks here religiously. word for word.
No. 205825
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No. 206257
Yo, have a nice tune… you're okay.\Pick your idols more carefully.
No. 206284
Hey Lizzie… Mannequin challenge.
You still interested in a mother of two, no personality and says and does what her creepy husband wants of her?
You deserve more than that.
Have some self-respect, if you don't feel it yet… it will come to you.
No. 207503
>>207391I think they didn't choose her simply because she copies Lainey, considering Lainey has self-esteem issues I'd assume she would not want to get with someone who styles themselves after her.
She claims to be more into more femme looking girls… with blue hair.
No. 210394
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she needs to chill the fuck out and stop word for word quoting this place.
No. 210609
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>>210394She's going through the typical teen angst phase and playing the pity-magnet-drama card to attract followers.
She's not even a full grown adult yet, so there's no substantial milk that lulzworthy. So you all need to stop bumping up this laineyclone thread and just
sage when you comment – otherwise it'll be plain obvious that you're in cahoots with this girl or you are her shit-posting and self-posting.
Don't waste your time trying to make her e-famous by biting into her ploy in using lolcow to garner fame/infamy. Let this laimeclone be laimeclone.
No. 210791
>>210394i hope this thread fucking dies again soon. lizzie, if you read this at least you can take pride in the fact you complain just as much as lainey, kek.
No. 215780
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>>215773samefag here. okay so she KNOWS. and looks pretty depressed about it so i imagine she got played by lainey too.
sorry about what happened. but again, they already dumped you like they did with those girls, so may as well get something out of it?
No. 553581
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After the whole Billie saga, Lane went from copying Lainey to copying Billie. She's very buddy buddy with her on Twitter.
Just look at her, poor Billie can't get enough skinwalkers:(necro)
No. 873279
>>870411she lives in Menphis, TN
19 in october 5.7 tall