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No. 183670
White supremacist Edgelady trying to make it on the internet by bragging about things that never happened, posting photos of alt model Mosh and pretending it's her, screeching into a microphone, and being an overall asshole.
No. 183672
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copying Mosh's photos
No. 183673
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edgy rape jokes
No. 183675
File: 1476638258953.jpg (240.09 KB, 622x500, AsIHjB8.jpg)

Things that totally happened part 1
No. 183677
File: 1476638329420.jpg (154.6 KB, 445x236, A3tqVXH.jpg)

More things that totally happened
No. 183678
File: 1476638420602.jpg (Spoiler Image,119.62 KB, 526x480, WsHavDC.jpg)

pretending to be Mosh
No. 183679
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And some Onision stanning for good measure.
No. 183691
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No. 183696
File: 1476638885845.jpg (Spoiler Image,925.24 KB, 935x1130, FELbf5f.jpg)

self harm posts for attention
No. 183739
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One more because it's just so creepy and disgusting.
No. 183753
>>183739I guess disgusting people attract other disgusting people. Both of them are sick.
People like her always attract the most scummy men who boost her ego to try to fuck her, making her even more narcissistic. But honestly who would fuck someone in front of a family member??
No. 183755
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At least she knows.
No. 183774
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She thinks she's a bombshell but she's completely flat chested and has a chubby stomach
No. 183802
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>Seriously at the beach everyone I came into contact with called me #Gwenstefani or said I looked like her. (If only) it was actually ridiculous. I'm used to that randomly happening here but After TWENTY something people said it I had to stop counting. I felt fucking famous got V.I.P treatment at the clubs. Paid for nothing
No. 183804
File: 1476650669633.png (45.58 KB, 598x268, Screenshot from 2016-10-16 16:…)

>Go back to your sewer or hot topic…& yes I love blood and am a sick fuck & proud
Holy shit, she is so fucking embarrassing.
No. 183824
>>183804She even references an American Psycho quote in her Insta bio…so cringe.
>>183691Wait she's 26? Fuck, I could've sworn she was at most 18/19 based on the typing style and shoehorning how edgy she is into every status and tweet, but 26 years old? That's just sad.
No. 183878
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>>183675>>183747I'm so sure she wants her nose job to look like this
No. 183907
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She always takes pictures at a weird angle that makes her nose look even worse. She always looks like she's about to sneeze
No. 184274
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like 90% of her stories deserve the surejan.gif b/c it's just total bs.
funny how one day she can post an up nostril pic of herself, humble bragging about buying clothes from the kids section and feeling like a doll though some mean ol' "ghetto black girls" were making fun of her. the next day she's whining about being "forever alone" and how her mom totes embarrassed her at sally's. that remark about never being attracted to anyone is also shitty considering she was engaged at one point, so what was that then.
No. 184276
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>>184274samefagging to include pic related b/c this story is so hilarious.