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No. 182008
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Damn, OP. Show me on this doll where Dania hurt you.
No. 182175
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>>182174um does she have a disease that makes her look like this
No. 182176
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I wouldn't want to be seen with her tbh.
No. 182243
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oh my god 31 YEARS OLD??? I thought she was early 20's tops
not to say being in your 30's is bad but it's a little old for the shit she wears and is into
No. 182396
>>182371its always been like this. your old ass was
triggered bc you wear the same fugly shut probably.
No. 182434
>>182283clearly same anon as up here with emote usage.
>>182043Hello Danias friend.
No. 182437
>>182417If you had seen her FB and twitter recently you'd have seen how much she put her "so called gyaru friends" or in general friends on blast. She's basically a shrew who just wants to be relevant so instead of actually making friends she starts shit and makes drama with the ones she calls friends.
She's been on here quite a bit for that kind of stuff. She then goes and spreads whatever new fresh drama she has enacted around to anyone who will listen to her sperg it all over them.
No. 184069
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She actually looks like this, without makeup. Do you think she's pretty now?
And On Insta, there was this one post, where she said she was desperate of going to Japan, just to fuck with Japanese guys.(she actually admitted that she goes to Japan, just to stalk Japanese guys, J-rockers, and so on) GROSSS!!! WHO THE HELL WOULD WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH HER??? AND, she's not White, she's Mexican, with light skin. But still fuckin ugly.
No. 184336
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Found out this chick also hangs out with Dania. Is she also one of those girls, that go to japan, just to sleep with guys? She looks like a slut. Wears the same clothes as Dania( short shorts, crop tops, etc). She also follows j-rockers, like Takeru ( Sug), Mia( Mejibray), etc. Almost all her pictures on insta( skysky, if you want to search her), are pictures of her, with her legs spread apart( looks like she wants guys to fuck her)
No. 184376
>>184336They're not friends anymore some shit happened that Skylar girl is so thirsty for dick she would stalk jrockers faking that her thirsty brother was sick just so they talk to her fake ass. She's an ugly hoe just nasty with a thirsty family
I know that Sky girl is thirsty for girls with big follow like Dania and that Essy girl (who looks like to be Dania's other bff same with Christy Linares). They all look like a shady bunch
No. 184720
>>184336They aren't friends anymore. Dania dragged her on facebook and called her out for her eating disorder years ago. They got into some huge fight after going to Japan together where one of them was sick(?) and was rude to the other(?). I used to be acquaintances with them both but deleted them from FB after because I didn't want to see stupid high school drama
Honestly I don't get the "slut" vibe from Sky tho. She definitely wears some risque stuff sometimes but otherwise I haven't heard anything bad about her. She's halfu and has family in Japan, iirc, so she's not just going over there to fuck guys. I haven't talked to her in years so she might have changed but idk but she isn't really lulzworthy. Just another basic insta model. The samefagging is strong.
>>184354>>184376>>184435>>184487all use the same writing style (they put a space after every opening bracket they use) so I assume it's someone who's buttblasted or Dania herself.
No. 185016
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here ya go you salty idiots. Chill you preggo cunt. No one's jealous of you, but you clearly are still salty bout Dania. No one curr bout you honey, so you can just move on with your super cool kawaii~ Japaneseu life. Maybe focus on being a fucking DECENT PARENT instead of making up fake up shit on a stupid site. Dumb dumb dumb bitch.
No. 185028
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CAROLINE ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? you dont really have a pot to shit on girl you are fucking hideous!! That horse face, that hair, everything! Holy fucking shit. it's worse than I thought.
No. 185033
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Bubbly and petite, loves to laugh?, loves Japanese fashion???, loves God✝ まあり ほりす, キャリー ホリス
Former Volunteer at Koza Baptist Church
Former Teaching Assistant at English Language Teacher
Studied History - General History at Thomas Edison State University
Lives in Twentynine Palms, California
Married to Joshua A Hollis
From Jacksonville, North Carolina
HAHAHHAH PETITE??!?!?!? ARE YOU JOKING ME. YOU ARE FUCKING COW with huge broad shoulders and a man face and you have the fucking BALLS to try to roast dania?! LOL holy fucking shit. How does your husband fuck you? With a bag over your head? She's a fucking uber christian with a fucking crucifix on, don't you know that only fucking catholics wear crucifixes you dumb cunt. What the fuck.
No. 185035
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No. 185036
Just make a new thread about this new person
>>185033>>185028 and stop posting here just to white knight
No. 185038
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>>185036You see I dont fucking care enough to make a new post. I just want to point out to you fucktards how retarded this whole fucking thread is. People are buying into this dumb hoe's fucking personal fight with some bitch she didn't even know! She was obsessed with dania trying to get in and failed bc - well look at her. Do you honestly think I have enough fucking time to dig through this dumb cunts social media profiles to make a thread? It's simple. Caroline got pissed off at Dania and decided to come to lolcow so yall could fight her personal army. Sorry Caroline, looks like you got more than you could handle you fucking haggard ass cow-faced freak. Oh look! its her and her hideous ass hubby! Look at that pale pasty fat ass redneck!! OMG you literally had to marry into the fucking military meathead to get to japan yet you're here calling out Dania for being a prostitute when in reality…. you fucking sold your horse soul to some hambeast JUST to get to Japan and brag about it… LIKE I CANT EVEN ITS TOO GOOD.
No. 185039
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so yall can say OMG DANIA DRESSES TOO YOUNG FOR HER AGE but this caroline fucking slut can wear dumb shit like this with her fucking giant horse head and everything is A-ok? Ok. It's not whiteknighting. It's just facts being presented, JSYK IDGAF about any of this. Im bored and wanted to expose this dumb fucking broad for what she is, a jealous autistic freak.
No. 185042
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she literally had this as her profile pic - bad quality and all. Do you really think Dania was jealous of this? She fucking looks 40. I think she's fucking mentally retarded. Had to be to marry that piece of shit.
No. 185048
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dipshits jumping on any fucking hate post on here how about making sure the lolcows you post arent being posted BY OTHER FUCKING LOLCOWS YOU MORONS OTHERWISE THIS SITE IS POINTLESS. have some fucking standards for fucks sake. god damn its like 4 chan's retarded little brother over here.
No. 185060
>>184995Are you kidding me??
I have the fucking screencaps so shut up, she brags about her japan vacations in being soooo popular over there cause she got a pic with xyz fashion icon or hosts
No. 185062
>>185060then make a thread about her and post them there you autist. Another cow existing doesnt make Dania less of an ugly troll.
Also she actually looks like a human rather than the subhuman mess Dania is. Irony is I dont know or care about either of these people but the spam in this thread is ridiculous.
No. 185064
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>shingles has gone awol
>this happens
No. 185070
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welll congratu-fucking lations Caroline you managed to have the sex. Now enjoy your fucking redneck demon spawn and breed another hatemongering racist machine to throw into this world. i hope you fucking miscarry you jealous old hag.
No. 185079
>>185074Calm down autist chan
Get some fresh air and maybe you'll realize that dania isnt showing you every single conversation with dudes she tries to hook up with??
No. 185088
>>185077I wont relive the identity of the guy?? How stupid are you
Everyone who can actually moonspeak knows what foreign old pussy is looking in places like kabukicho
Wouldnt want to imagine what would happen if small red monkey would live over here… the new sere???
No. 185094
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>>185088 im still waiting.
No. 185097
>>185088 im still waiting.
>>185095oh shit watch out! They think its a samefag! Gotta ban them all but why? because we're whiteknighting??? i think its dumb yall can talk madddddd shit about someone you dont even know and make false claims like fucking retard with a fake boyfriend over here, but yall cant handle it when real people come here with a dose of reality for your little kid asses. Oh shit no! Someone is defending the random person we're making fun of! Ban them! Oh no! Help mods pls help! You fucktards can't even handle it. Christ, get off the internet you little tools.
No. 185098
>>184850Dania has fucktoys? Someone would actually fuck that? lol
Funny how so many posts are in her defence. Dania sure talks a lot of shit but can't take the heat!
No. 185115
>>185084Talking about how you're outside eating ice cream and the rest of us are apparently sitting in basements, yet you're the one spending all of this time frantically posting on lolcow. Wow, you must have such a fulfilling life
Dania, do yourself a favor and take a look at Vicky, the poor cow currently pinned to the top of /pt/. Do you know why? Cause she fucking spammed her own thread to the point it pissed everyone off. You're bumping your own thread and doing the same thing.
No. 185127
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No. 185179
>>185165You don't even know how to properly reply to a comment after vomiting all over this thread? And by the way, we know you're the same person that's been samefagging all day. You think using different IP's will really disguise that? You're not even smart enough to change the way you write.
Well if you're really Dania's friend tell her to invest in some clothes other than the shorts and thigh-highs she's been trying to pull off. Your poor friend needs a new look :(
No. 185294
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Is this girl that poor, that she can't afford a pair of jeans, dresses,etc.
Or, does she have like a hundred of the same shorts, and tops in her closet? From what I can see (pictures that were posted on top), Its the same clothes she has( and looks like she's worn that same outfit for decades). Someone needs to donate some clothes for her, poor girl.But, whatever, DAMN!!, this thread is SUPER LONG!!!
No. 185526
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No. 185815
>>185786my body looks nothing like hers lol i have wide hips but nothing like hers
this is irrelevant
No. 185891
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#gaijingyaru #gyaru
No. 185892
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Once a weeb always a weeb.
No. 186085
>>185892She looks really cute here
I went through this whole thread and found absolutely no milk. Most of you would cream yourselves for as vast an array of kawaii hoe gear as hers. Weird Looking With Booty Shorts isn't a crime. She's just flaunting her Asset
No. 186099
>>186085Her sperging out claiming to be 6 different people and throwing some weeb who moved on under the bus is not entertaining at all okay
>assetsure jan
No. 186342
>>186085Sure Dania.
If you had some common sense you would at least try to cover your tracks.
No. 186343
>>185764OT but i'm the same as you (5'0, wide hips/ butt and smallish everything else which makes finding pants hell) and i would recommend BDG brand jeans! they sell them at urban outfitters, they're kinda mid range pricey in my frugal ass opinion but my only few pairs of pants are by them. they're nice quality and have stretch to the denim and come in different inseam/ waist combos! look for the ankle grazer styles bc those are the like, 26 inch inseam ones which are perfect for my baby legs as normal length pants. i wear a 25w and my high rise pair is stretchy enough to flatter my waist while actually fitting over my birthing hips
now that i think of it topshop pants have similar styles/ size ranges but are more expensive and in my experience run rly small
No. 186732
>>185294>>182176>>182175If you ignore her face she's got a decent body, I love her legs. I like how the upper thighs are quite curvy but the rest of her legs are dainty looking.
>>185891>>184069>>185526>>185892>>184307Fucking A fam
Her face is so fucked. She looks like a fallout mole rat.
No. 187287
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>>187277I always thought she photoshopped herself to be this hideous but no she looks that awful in real life.
Separate note: her friends must really hate her because everyone knows not to whiteknight or else it just blows up the thread.
No. 187337
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No. 187383
>>187373Honestly, her nose isn't bad. Nothing contour can't fix at least. But yea… chin fillers would make a big difference.
She's not that bad. Her make up and brows are just unflattering as fuck.
No. 187504
>>187383>>187385I actually think the clown makeup distracts from her leafy-esque features.
To each his own though I guess.
No. 190953
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Anyone else remember that time when Dania talked so much shit about Sere and Eleanor for going to host clubs?
No. 190955
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Guess she has to settle for whatever Asian will hang out with her in L.A. even if they are old men.
No. 190956
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Someone give this bitch some makeup lessons!!!
No. 193228
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seriously…whats up with her face…and someone posted that she looks like twiggy….
She's wishes she looked like twiggy
No. 193232
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She's old, and still dresses up like this…god, she needs help
No. 193242
OOH, I have a friend, who found a picture of her on Tumblr, and posted a message saying "she looks old". Then 15min's past, and that Dania's friends started replied back, saying that my friend had no right to insult Dania, bla, bla, bla. Dania then replied and said to my friend " she's probably jelly(jealous), because she doesn't look like me. She wishes she was me". My friend was like "SERIOUSLY! Who the hell would like to look like her, she looks deformed." I was like "just ignore her, she sounds conceited ".
No. 193431
>>193232right. she's in her 30s, she should tone down all of that kawaii bullshit. i get secondhand embarrassment looking at her fashion choices. she looks better in that older photo, with shorter hair and pants.
i looked at her IG and there's nothing on it but trips to… LA's Little Tokyo and Japan. christ, it's boring. i mean are there any interesting places in LA other than weeby Little Tokyo? what about Silver Lake?
No. 193438
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>>193232i don't give a fuck about how she dresses, but her head is lumpy. what gives.
No. 193870
>>193245Don't insult a queen darling.
Dania, you are MEXICAN. STOP trying to hard to be Japanese you fake ass bitch.
No. 325158
>>325133instagram: cadavers
(for context: a lot of these gaijin aren't famous or anything, this is more comm gossip related I guess where people who already know of them gossip about them, kind of like gyaru secrets before the site died, hence lack of links I imagine, but agreed, for lolcow it should have been posted better… ah well, threads old, don't get mad now)
No. 329341
>>325133 cadavers
didnt she have a tumblr at some point too?
No. 331303
>>331213even if he wasn't, he wouldnt fuck hartley hooligan dania, no one would (apart from that blind boy she lost her viginity to…. and that's only because he tripped and his dick fell inside, wasn't like he liked her or anything baka)
No. 333204
>>331966She was apparently there today sniffing round the goods table like a dumb weeb on heat trying to chat up staff
she also has been taking photos with ONLY japanese people she can find and claiming to 'miss' them
all her tomodachi r nihongo jin desu
No. 334169
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I just found out that Sere (Dania's friend), is also friends with KyokoBarie( the GazettE, and other Jrock bands fashion stylist). So they are all connected. Their just getting close, so they can be close to jrockers?????. Their all a bunch of sluts.
No. 334171
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KyokoBarie, she looks like a sluty witch
No. 334249
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Seriously, she's so ghetto
No. 334250
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She still hangs out with that Sere girl
No. 334251
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Is this the guy she sleeps with?
No. 334252
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No. 334320
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Is this her? If so, she's "yvtori" on tumblr
No. 334760
>>334376She is desperate for Minpha's dick lolol
>>334395I am actually surprised she wore a skirt and not her camel hugging shorts lolol
At least she has gone home now I was worried she would be lingering round like a bad smell
No. 541498
>>335438She's 4'7".
She's also 35/36 now.
No. 919246
>>184069She looks like an average makeup-less Mexican woman. I don't know her shady background, but everyone seems to be really over-dramatizing her looks. All you
triggered fags are too normie to go on /b/