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No. 179896
A cow if I ever saw one! She wrote an article that went viral saying that people judge her because she's "too beautiful" and write in self-pity saying how miserable her life is because she's just TOO pretty. she's delusional. She looks like an alien chipmunk.
No. 179900
>>179896Wow. She sounds like a crazy tumblr bitch.
Why do the media give coverage to that shit?
No. 179904
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>Coming to terms with being perceived as "beautiful" wasn't easy.
No. 179916
>>179909for the rest of her life, she'll be known as the narcissist who wrote that one article. i wouldn't hire her. it's not positive attention she's getting. everyone's just laughing at her.
her ego is unbelievable
No. 179918
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I'm willing to bet 99% of the people who are going to call her an alien chipmunk and delusional in this thread aren't even a fourth as good looking as her IRL. OP's pic isn't flattering but she's objectively a very attractive girl. She has the good kind of curves and positively striking face, (Mira's face is an example of the opposite) and I'm sure she gets to live life on easy mode because of it. She's just a complete and utter retard for trying to frame herself as a victim instead.
The real rage-worthy thing here is that it doesn't even matter. She's hot, so she'll coast through life until she isn't hot any more no matter how much she acts like an unlikable narcissist. But what can you do about the way the world works. Just strive to be hotter, I guess.
I'm now going to eject myself from this thread because I'm sure the wrath of a thousand insecure farmers is about to rain down on me for admitting that she's good looking.
No. 179919
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>>179918I don't know…I'm normally pretty opened minded about stuff like this and I don't find her attractive. I don't think she will age very well either.
No. 179921
>>179918So…I considered your argument and you know, I agree that she's kind of cute in a mousey type of way. I know that if I saw her in person I'd think she was quite adorable, but if you put yourself up to a high standard that same standard is upheld via strangers. Objectively, she's cute, but like anon here
>>179920 says, I also see super beautiful girls walking around campus all day. I mean girls with legs for days, perfect faces, amazing skin, big round eyes and doll faces. It's glaring that girls that are objectively prettier than her don't get the attention she claims to get. It's all delusion. Gotta agree that the internet female neckbeards come out, but she has some harsh features you can rip on if you have a shit personality.
No. 179925
>>179918Are you her?
Honestly I don't see how she sees herself as "exceptionally beautiful." She has literally no upper lip, derpy eyes, and chipmunk cheeks.
No. 179928
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She has a terrible posture. But tbh, she is not really ugly or repulsive, I could even picture her being considered a cute girl since she has a round face and big eyes. She is not drop dead gorgeous and she is not the kind of person that blow you away with her beauty.
If she was Rihanna or supermodel material I would get it, but she is not even in the higher end of the average category.
No. 179929
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Natalie Dormer looks fugly in 99% of her pictures. She only looks cute in some magazines and with GoT styling.
No. 179930
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>>179918just lmao if u think she is hot and your only supporting argument for that is that you really really hope we're all ugly ITT???? no. please. this girl is average af and delusional. and i agree that girls that are actually attractive don't often get called 'babe' at all hours of the day. Lord.
No. 179932
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>>179929I don't think she's ugly, just not very photogenic. A lot of people are like that, they look amazing on film and in motion, but a single snapshot makes them look like garbage.
No. 179940
>>179934Yeah, she always looks delicate and elfin in motion but the photos from premieres and stuff really don't do her justice.
>>179937lmao hers was my favourite
No. 179941
>>179918>>179919I think she looks fine but wouldn't call her "hot". That's setting the bar pretty low.
>>17991599% of the time when I stare at someone it's because their ugliness or strange features fascinate me, so this sounds more likely to me.
>>179938>>179939Truth. I know a friend-of-friend who is a six foot tall runway model and while she does get stares, she has practically never been catcalled. Men are more intimidated by her than anything. Most catcallers go for chicks who they think will be affected by it, not Tolkien elves walking around like they own the place.
No. 179952
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>>179950Remember when Keeks tweeted that "someone told her she looks just like Tomie"?
No. 179956
>>179953AAHHH yes… "could you guys tell me about this Manga bc I literally can't Google shit"
Those were the days
But we still have hope. Just let that Felicia girl get a hold of this Tomie manga
No. 179961
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She is SO not pretty…
No. 179962
>>179961For real, I can't imagine men "tapping their friends to 'look at that chick'" at all. Maybe if she worked out and had a killer body, fixed her eyebrows and closed her mouth.
Maybe. But still, she simply is nowhere near breathtaking in the slightest. Especially in somewhere like NYC.
She looks quite nice here
>>179918 on the right, but her face looks way different in that pic compared to the left one and all others in this thread, so it's probably just either shoop or a really flattering/fortunate photo.
No. 179964
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OP you might have a mild case of retarded
i dont think that girl meant to be talking exclusively about herself but was trying to make a message in general about catcalling
No. 179967
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it's her eyes. not just the eye bags, her eyes just have a dead stare (and her eyebrows are a weird shape).
No. 179973
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>>179972wait, nvm, she's definitely bordering on chubby in this picture taken 3wks ago. Overall, she's a 3.5 outta 10. at most.
No. 179974
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how does she think she's beautiful?! She's merely cute at her very best.
No. 179975
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AND her eyes are lopsided af. Great. Just great.
No. 179976
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Literally all her young female relatives are better looking than her.
No. 179977
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Double D's?? lol as if
No. 179980
>>179976Her face is definitly the wonkiest of the four. She's by no means ugly but she her looks don't merit an article that's basically "woe is me, I'm too pretty!". I don't doubt she has a massive cunt personality, though.
>>179977>dem legs>dem arms>dat stomachTime to hit the gym ASAP.
No. 179985
>>179976The brunette in the center seems like more likely to turn heads.
Seems like everyone is going through her instagram. You can clearly understand where her delusion is coming from. She's just incredibly spoiled and seems upper middle class, if not more affluent. She's probably told constantly how attractive she is. Girls with this kind of up bringing usually act like people are constantly noticing how amazing they are. I feel bad because she was probably tailored to be this narcissistic because she has zero perspective.
Her bf is goofy looking and below average in looks. And btw, anon who thinks she's a 3.5…have you seen ugly people? Most people are below this girl. She's probably a 6. Slightly above average, but if she gained weight or look care of herself less she'd probably drop well below that as she ages.
No. 179986
>>179972>>179973This girl isn't exceptionally beautiful but a 3.5?! You're just as delusional as her.
To men, she definitely looks good enough to get cat calls and compliments all the time which is what she's complaining about in her stupid, little article.
No. 179990
>>179989approachable/attainable is the key here
if a woman is a 9 or 10, she probably gets catcalled less, because men would actually feel threatened
No. 179996
>>179995Your expectations are too high. Go out on the street and you'll see fat, balding women, scarred acne face etc. No you might not see her as pretty, but she's above average. Not above average as far as being pretty compared to pretty girls. Think of general population. And think US population because we dress like shit here which lowers our score in general.
>>179990True. I remember having to the ride the bus for a year after some financial trouble and nothing but hobos and former parolees ride the bus in this area. Anyways, sometimes I'd dress up really cute and I'd mostly be left alone, but whenever I'd wear some khakis, an old men's size baseball tee, puffy hair and no make up I'd get these gross disgusting old men salivating over me. It took me awhile to realize that they probably thought I was more in their league. Approachable is really important to men. They get intimidated easy and more likely to think you're a gaudy bitch if they think you're too good for them appearance wise.
No. 179999
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She reminds me of this buzzfeed girl