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No. 175552
>>175551so nothing a google search can't easily find.
next time, find milk and then make a thread, not the other way around.
No. 175555
>>175551If you read the comments on the top post there's a huge war going on between Jessie, a potential sock puppet(?), and some people who're defending an alleged rapist. Lots of old milk potential there.
I wonder if her and Erika hang out. This girl is nuts.
No. 175647
>>175646Her license is still active (somehow). I assume she doesn't have too many clients if she's stalking random drug addicts on the Internet.
Her desperate attempts to get Luna's address were just fucking creepy and pathetic.
No. 175659
>>175647She never actually made herself useful and filed that APS report she was screeching about filing "out of concern for your father-in-law's safety" either, did she?
Like, Luna is a twat for sure, but Jessie using Roger as a bargaining chip to get her own way is… pretty fucked up.
No. 175673
>>175670Honestly, still could have respected it if she'd begged Luna's address then brought the Hello Kitty Heroin House to the attention of someone who could give them all some legit help and/or a swift kicking.
Makes me wonder what she would have done if Luna had been on board with the "free social worker" idea and reached out to her, though. Gross.
No. 175675
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No. 175703
>>175676It's not porno, it's reality TV™.
Naked and Afraid, Buying Naked, Naked Dating, I wonder how many American families watch this stuff over dinner?
No. 175712
>>175673Apparently she wanted to "get close enough" to talk her into getting into rehab. Oh, but her concern was for Roger, not Luna. And apparently Roger is just another "mean old man".
If you're going to pretend to be noble, at least be consistent about your motives.
No. 175716
>>175713Oh yeah, and she was going to bring her friend Sophie and they were going to have non-judging girl talk and listen to music and take a break for lunch and then get right back to cleaning and then drive to the hospital, etc…
It was so fucking weird how much detail she put into that post. Like how long has she been fantasizing about having a cleaning party with a random addict?
No. 175724
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Found this while I was reminiscing in the old Pro-Ana Scumbags threads, she also had time to have it out with Ember apparently. She's not wrong, but calling a teenager a wannarexic lying cow is pretty rich coming from a ~selfless concerned social worker~.
No. 175727
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Is she autistic?
No. 175755
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Jessie gloating about her masters degree
No. 175776
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wtf she looks like christine chubbuck's retarded granddaughter.
No. 175902
>>175900She only has like 94 followers on her insta, this whole thread reeks of petty drama.
Whatever she did to you get over it, there is no milk here.
No. 175948
>>175916Not me dear, but, hi OP.
i did post a link to anands conviction tho, bc he's guilty as sin, calling him an
alleged rapist is offensive to all 36 of his victims.
strangers talking about me on the internet is like pissing into the ocean. this thread isn't sad, its pointless.
petty drama =/= vendetta thread milk.
but if it makes u happy op..
No. 176019
>>176001I identified myself when I posted.
Grow up ember. There's nothing to roast. At least sage if you're going to shitpost.
No. 176041
>>176034Help ember? Off a cliff maybe..
I've never tried to help anyone but Luna and I'd still get her into the nicest detox Medicaid will cover in NYC, but she wants to stay as she is and that's her choice.
>who's emberVery funny ember.
No. 176042
>>175914no shit sherlock but as outsiders who aren't directly involved how can I derive enjoyment from this if there is no milk and juicy shit for people to enjoy?
This thread is a circle jerk of like 1 or 2 people
No. 176048
>>176046You're clinically retarded aren't u? I just said
thats her choice. You have no milk, old pics of me is not milk. Me arguing with Anands sister and assistant is not milk. You failed, but it was impossible to succeed bc there is no milk. I could not be more boring. Now go study for the GED.
No. 176063
>>176052I wish you would get under my skin.. when you made the thread i thought
really? is there anything to be said about me that hasn't already been said? but no, there isn't.
the most irritating nonsense you've spouted so far is that I'm "
also rochester anon from the ember threads" as if I'd ever live there, I'm not poor like you ember, thats like 6 hours upstate.
where did Luna block me from? I never followed her IG, i've never even looked at it. you obviously never followed me either, or you'd know i didn't delete.
I don't think you know what samefagging means. I'm not pretending to be multiple people in order to prove anything or start an argument (thats you). Spamming maybe, but then again, its
my thread, which you so foolishly made for me.
>Now I'm going to Really roast your creepy dumb asskek. so, this has all been pre-milk??
>>176056>You're so aggressive. Tone it down a bitno thanks. I'm really no more aggressive than the average asshole in nyc. and if i wasn't, anand prob would've tried to rape me too.
No. 176070
>>176069>what online university gave her that masters degreeyou wish. you're not even allowed to
sit for the licensing exam without a degree from an accredited MSW program. I'm not even bragging. I think most farmers are very clever. I think all levels of education are represented on lolcow, from ember to lawyers, doctors, autopsy-anon, etc. plenty of farmers are much smarter than me, you're just not one of them.
No. 176078
im not actually the bitch OP/ember thinks i am, so I'm going to be optimistic and assume this isn't OP fishing for milk they can't find.. even tho this isn't going to be milk either.
I can't point to 1 specific thing, it was a few things and a genetic predisposition.
-I knew by age 4 that thin was good and fat was bad. I grew up in a very jappy, vain, north shore town on long island.
-when i was 5, a scout from Jordache Jeans found me and asked my mom if i could miss school to model. she said yes and i did that for a few years.
I wanted to play sports in middle school and my mom said i couldn't do sports and modeling, i had to pick one. i picked sports.
-I was cheerleading capt in 8th grade and one day in health class boys were talking about how "
wrestling season is starting soon, its the hardest sport, blablabla" and i stupidly said "cheerleading is a sport too!" (which it is, but not the shit we were doing) …they basically said "
Nizebitch, you are captain of the after school slumber party from 3-5:30, you wouldn't last a day on the wrestling team" and being the stubborn brat i am, i had to prove them wrong.
so i became the only girl on the wrestling team. 1 other girl joined with me, but she didn't last. megan was about 150 lbs, which is one of the toughest weight classes. girls are really only successful against guys in wrestling if they're in the bottom weight classes, like 96, 103, and
maybe 112 but thats pushing it. the lightweight matches are more about speed, technique and stamina. the heavier the weight class, the stronger the guys, and theres no amount of training i could've done to close that strength gap. so in order to win, i had to stay 96-103. i didn't make weight once and wrestled 112, i got my ass kicked.
so i was weight obsessed from the start and involved in activities that demanded i stay a low weight for many years. and i was successful in modeling and wrestling because i was able to maintain that low weight. i got positive reinforcement from maintaining that weight.
idk if id call myself "recovered" but I'm def healthier than i was and a functioning adult. thanks anon :)
No. 176080
>>176075>No one's saying that your degree isn't legit.really?
>what diploma mill did she get her degree from>what online university nice try idiot. you're going to fail the GED if you don't start studying.
No. 176081
>>176075She seems way more like a complex-needs client than a worker.
It's sad that standards for social workers is so low in America. I'd guess this creep couldn't conduct a motivational interview or a K10 screen to save her life.
No. 176082
>>176074>That mid-30s employed Jewish man keeping you from being poor enoughthere is no jewish man, he never existed. it was a big publicity stunt, you're an idiot.
>>176073it was in manhattan. so either Columbia, NYU, or Hunter. you figure it out yourself.
No. 176083
>>176081the standards are actually lower in the UK and Australia. you basically need a bachelors (uni) and some years experience in the field.
im gonna get some dinner and wine now while you continue talking to yourself ok? ok.
No. 176086
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Jessie making generalized assumptions about Haitian parents
No. 176097
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Remember when Jessie gave out the link to Lolcow to every underaged ana-chan on Instagram? That was fun. Those were some fun times.
PSA: Most of the milk can easily be found by Googling "never2old2recover lolcow" or "jessnize lolcow". She's all over this damn site.
No. 176103
>>176101it must be nice to be so easily amused.
no one wants a thread bumped unless theres milk, thats why. like i said, if you post milk, don't sage.
>>176091I'm in the field and yeah it's full of idiots.
Here though, we have methods of at least weeding out the untreated mentally ill or freaks like this who just want access to vulnerable people for power/martyr fantasies/more victims for abuse or manipulation.
theres no such thing as a good social worker who's so obviously insecure.