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No. 1752764
Tina Choi (better known as Doobydobap or Dooby) is a 25-year-old Korean food vlogger. She is mostly known for her short-form content via YouTube and Tiktok but also creates long-form vlogs. Tina has generated controversy for her often tone-death and self-unaware rants presented through her shorts. During the Summer of 2021, she began dating Danish chef Kevin Kroløkke, which has generated concern and speculation due to how quickly their relationship has progressed. The two are currently in the process of starting their own restaurant in Korea together which some believe may be an attempt at securing Kevin’s stay in the country.
>Is an only child of two accomplished doctors with their own clinics in Seoul.>Went to boarding school in Connecticut (40K+/y), then Cornell University (60K+/y) for a BS in food science.>Her parents bought her an Audi, her apartment in Korea and have a history of being extremely supportive of her.>Travelled constantly (through business class) during the pandemic which helped build her social media.>Despite this, she considers her family ‘working class’ because they both ‘had to work every day’ to the extent that Tina’s grandmother was her primary caretaker. >Does not consider herself rich despite the above and seems to somewhat resent her ‘richer’ former classmates because they had ‘more options.’ Ignoring the fact her parents paid for her specialized, less mainstream degree and financially supported her until her career became sustainable.More recent milk:
>In December 2021, mentioned that she was in the progress of attempting to immigrate to the US. She planned on going to Mexico for two months but was unable to due to COVID.>In March 2022, Tina mentioned in a vlog that she had recently reconnected with an ex-boyfriend who lives in the UK. She flew to London to see if they could rebuild the relationship.>In July 2022, explains that she’s now in love with ‘Umbrella Man’ (Kevin), a man that she has been doing long distance with for ‘awhile’. She mentions in her vlog that her parents disapprove of their relationship, and they are no longer talking.>In September 2022, has a health scare which leads to (at least partially) repairing her relationship with her parents.>In October 2022, explains that Kevin applied for a Working Holiday Visa so they could live together in Korea.>In December 2022, announces that her and Kevin will be opening a restaurant in Korea together.Links: No. 1752780
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hated seeing this bitch on my algorithm for weeks. honestly hate all these asian food tubers. there could be a whole thread about them.
does anyone know that korean vegan that makes up random stories about her family??? i don't remember her name but she mentioned her mom beating up 4 women she was young. strange woman.
sorry for derail… here is the video about her not talking with
her family. wont let me insert shorts for some reason so i will add it below. No. 1752809

>>1752784the danish man saga is milky because she went from wanting to move to the US to wanting her ex back in the UK to dating this guy she had just met within the span of six months and cutting her family off over him. her parents were perfectly fine with her pursuing her ex, her mom even dropped her off at the airport when she was going to the UK. the timeline is also sketchy as hell since best case scenario, she was already talking to him when she was with her ex. worst case, she immediately jumped headfirst into the relationship.
the danish guy himself is also a host of red flags. tina will say that her parents disapprove of him because he's a chef and did not pursue a mainstream path. that makes absolutely no sense given that tina studied food science and went into content creation and they were perfectly fine with that to the point that they financially supported her until her channel went viral. its more than likely that they think she is being taken advantage of, and i have to agree based on what i've seen of their relationship.
he has a working holiday visa which gives him a year in korea. if his intentions were pure, he could have worked for a restaurant and eventually gotten sponsored for a longer term visa. instead he has immediately encouraged tina to start a whole restaurant (not a virtual kitchen, a foot truck, a catering business or something more realistic for her first foray into the industry) despite knowing that most restaurants close within the first few years of opening due to how cutthroat that industry is. he has no experience owning or running a restaurant himself, and tina hasn't worked in a restaurant ever.
also, their dynamic is so strange. timestamped is tina telling him 'let's talk later' because she's exhausted and he rolls his eyes over it. i don't think this relationship will last.
No. 1752814
>>1752780oh yeah i know who you mean. her channel name is literally 'the korean vegan' lmao, she makes a lot of shorts where she trauma dumps about her parents or whatever. not too milky, more annoying that anything
also i'd argue this would be better in the youtube shorts/tiktok thread? along with all the other asian food content creators
No. 1752829
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>>1752764Idk if dooby is milky enough to have a whole thread but we should 100% have a thread for asian food vloggers. She is not the only annoying westernized asian that has to use food as a way to justify her existence.
>>1752780 I always wondered why she looks like picrel. All her stories scream I want attention and I suck energy from the people around me. Honestly wanna call her yuppie but it doesn't really fit and I think we need a new word to describe these modern self-important 2nd/3rd gen recognition starved asian women that have been gaining a lot of popularity recently. I have seen this being discussed on other threads and it really rings true in these cases, the borderline valley girl accent, thirsting after average white guys, and thinking they are oh so strong and independent because they went against their parents once. Like the korean vegan has a book and an app? I get the book, it's popular for food vloggers to launch one but bruh who are the people scrooling on 30 second videos on the toilet going like you know what, what I really need in my life is another SUBSCRIPTION data mining app to clutter my phone with, yeah this neurotic monkfish faced retard on tiktok really fills in that void nicely. Forget the millions of recipes online at the click of a button for free, The Great Korean Vegan really is special and 100% unique.
And lol @ fucking doobydobap so much for "not being priveledged" when you have never worked a day in your life and wasted your youth on some random degree and now you want to open a business with 0 exeperience lmao fun fact restaurants are some of the hardest business to start from scratch (that is why everyone franchises), because of the high costs and low profit margins per item, it's not the kind of business you can handle with a few hours per week like her youtube channel but it's ok, she is not the one sinking "investment" money into this so she will come out unscratched when the thing inevitably collapses. Bonus points if she makes videos like "10 things no one told me before starting my own business" and cries on camera so she can recoup some of daddy's money. Smartest person here is probably the chef tbh, he just found a sheltered rich kid to leech from and fund his career, even world renowned chefs take years or even decades to open their own restaurants but he can just eat a bit of pussy on the weekend and do the bare minimum and he has a much bigger shot at being successful. Worst case scenario he gains some experience. This is what happens when you raise kids in a bubble; they become naive and retarded.
No. 1752838
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>Smartest person here is probably the chef tbh, he just found a sheltered rich kid to leech from and fund his career, even world renowned chefs take years or even decades to open their own restaurants but he can just eat a bit of pussy on the weekend and do the bare minimum and he has a much bigger shot at being successful. Worst case scenario he gains some experience.
He already seems so social-media minded (google his name and there's an article about how he quit business school before even starting to pursue cooking) I'm almost certain he found her rather than the other way around. I really can't imagine seeing this sheltered girl pretending she's working class like a chef who works long hours like her parents but don't even bring a fraction of that money home and thinking we could have a sustainable relationship. I'd have to say I'm almost certain he's a grifter.
Also, he's not even cute. He's a below average Scandinavian guy. He must be really good at eating pussy.
No. 1752921
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This thread made me watch some of videos and I just noticed in at 11:14 she is using a fucking Goyard flap wallet to store her little skying receipt. Is this what brain damaged zoomers call workingclasscore? Also, how did she exactly buy the property to open the restaurant? The area looks so residential and the property is neither big enough nor adapted to be anything close to a restaurant. If I had to guess this is some scrap that her parents got her (they have their own clinics and bought her a house so it's not wild to assume they are well connected with local realtors) but idk.
How delusional can you be? The route for food creators is always writing a book or partnering with well-established companies to promote an existing product or more rarely launch their own (chamberlain coffee), and even when you are supported by a company it is hard to establish a product that isn't marketing dependent. Considering the size of her audience I have no doubts it wouldn't be hard for her to partner with some company so why on earth create a whole restaurant? Her moid really strikes me as delusional and I think he planted illusions of grandeur seeds in her head and she is to sheltered to realize how retarded the idea is. The only problem is that she is an attention-seeker and if she actually wanted to create a sustainable business related to her social media brand she would not need her bf for anything, thus rendering his grift impossible.
The funniest thing that encompasses her whole mentality and how naive she is, is that in the my new job video she approaches "creating a restaurant" as if it was a school project, she draws the most retarded floor plan I have ever seen and goes to a book shop with her bf to gather "research material". Someone please tell her this is not a college assignment you do with your friends at the library. I can 200% guarantee you that most highschoolers doing a part-time in fast-food are have more business experience than her and would come up with a better restaurant than her, no bullshit food science degree needed.
>>1752838When you google crusty white male this should be the first image
No. 1753027
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>>1752921i watched that vlog (left it on in the background) and wtf he has hit the wall hard and looks even worse than he did in
>>1752838 and what was the point of having that photo of him shirtless at the beach… twice at 13 minutes? his physique is pretty average (not fat or scrawny) too. home girl really is dating down.
No. 1753765
>>1753761I just feel somewhat bad for her. Insecure and sheltered, she probably came across as a perfect vulnerable
victim for that Danish moid to take advantage of. She’s very pretty and a good cook, and I hope she realises that it’s a very obvious abuse manipulation pattern that her boyfriend caused her to drift from her family, and then this whole risky restaurant business. To say she is too good for him is an understatement.
No. 1753776
>>1752838doubt it has anything to do with him being good at eating pussy, she just has a good ol white fever lol
but yeah, she'll end up ruining her life like Yumi if somebody (or something) doesn't snap her back to reality, but it would be a hard task to convince a sheltered rich girl like her.
No. 1756513
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she's so quirky
No. 1759236
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'traveling with my guy friend'
>she introduces us to miguel, her friend of 3+ years who she met through an ex boyfriend but he 'likes her more'.
>miguel is a software engineer working for google korea.
>mentions that her primary love language is acts of service for people.
>texts miguel to join her on a trip to japan for 4 days within 4(!!!) HOURS!! miguel agrees.
>some flight issues due to dooby booking through a third party website that didn't go through in time so the airline didn't have her booking. so dooby had to pay 3x more to get a booking through the airline.
>tells miguel that she feels self conscious vlogging with kevin and it makes her feel shy but she feels so comfortable with miguel.
>NSFW pic related scene
>despite kevin being in japan, they don't visit him or really mention him in the vlog outside of the one quip.
dooby must be really dying without kevin there. it is really fucked he didn't take her on the trip, maybe she felt like she would be third wheeling but she just went to japan anyway?
she seems to be so weird with boundaries. love languages are how you express love to your partner, not a platonic friends. not really a big deal on its own, probably just a misconception but then she tells miguel how comfortable she is with him vlogging. err?
also paying SO much money to fly you and your 'guy' friend with barely any notice. i'd be so uncomfortable if my partner did that.
this vlog is just so strange, it feels like she's trying to make kevin jealous and miss her. but it's just so inappropriate.
No. 1767944
>>1767934yeah, i'm surprised too. she seems like she's a really difficult person to date since she seems so self-centered. not to mention she broadcasted the fight for her fans who would probably automatically side with her.
the plus side to all of this is she's making everything so public that we might get a really good break up video in the end.
No. 1774483
>>1756540>>1756647I think it's just jealous white women posting, like
>>1756533 said. She's annoying but her dating white
meh white men isn't milky, and what's up with anons who cares so much about who dates who?
No. 1786603

They got evicted from the "restaurant", looks like they rented some random place without getting building inspected first. From the comments:
>So in summary, the situation is pretty much as follows:
>Dooby did not have professional architects/ inspectors look at the building for safety/ other structural issues prior to signing the contract
>After reading her youtube comments, Dooby realized what should have been done first thing: professional inspection of the building for safety
>With the uncovering of multiple, expensive safety issues, she rang up the landlord and tried to argue into the landlord's paying for the costs, that he is not obligated to pay for
>Landlord agreed to pay for the cost initially, but later on changed his/her mind and decided to evict Dooby, likely because costs of renovations> benefits from rent and value of this restaurant
>Dooby is upset and feels cheated because she made the down payments for the renovations with the presumption that it would be covered by the landlord, but will not be getting reimbursed, and faces the possibility of eviction if she does not cover for the costs
>But the initial contract seems to state plainly that the tenant is responsible for the costs of additional repairs.
>If the landlord has fault, it would be for the promise of agreeing for paying for the renovations, then backing out. >However, fact is Dooby is also at fault for trying to project the costs of the renovations that was not in the contract to begin with.
No. 1787220
>>1786607>>1786603So from the beginning it was clear both of them are delusional but this is on a different level. They're both stupid. I no longer believe the scrote is trying to manipulate her, he is doing a piss poor job of stealing her money. Thanks for the recap
No. 1791975
>>1791606Seen a decent amount of comments calling her out on this situation and her bullshit in general though.
She's still renovating and has now set up her office with an expensive iMac even though she's been given an eviction notice and knows the landlord is now suing her. This vlog is a great display to her viewers that she is a dumb spoiled rich girl who thinks the world revolves around her and cannot accept when she's in the wrong. Landlord will win the case and the inevitable "We Lost" vlog fallout will be great.
There's another potential legal issue because she's airing out all her issues about the landlord online it's a very high chance the landlord could also sue her for online defamation (something South Korea takes very seriously). People are already warning her about it in the comments but I doubt it's going to get through to her.
No. 1792574
I just saw this article about Kevin being a chef and was ridiculed in his family, tbh its kind of sad
He had sleep problems and would smoke weed every night to calm him down
& it has some of interesting details too
The restaurant in which Kevin previously worked (relæ restaurant) has been closed due to the pandemic
The restaurant itself has a concept of botanical-ish, which I can see why dooby envisioned her restaurant to have that urban garden
If I get the sense of Kevin's upbringing here, I don't think there is a lot to offer on the table, especially for financial support. (I assume if his family ridiculed him for being a cook, then opening a restaurant would def be unsupported)
Here's the link No. 1793702
There's a reddit thread on /r/outoftheloop discussing the legal battle between Tina and her landlord. There's currently almost 300 comments discussing it and they're mostly critical of her:'m surprised she is this delusional and is trying to act like she's being taken advantage of. I'm in no rush to defend landlords in general but it sounds like this property was really fucked over by the previous tenant(s). They had a frozen, exploded pipe which I know are a nightmare to deal with. Many leases mandate keeping the temperature above a certain degrees to prevent this from happening since they can be extremely costly to repair. Fortunately for her, even if she goes bankrupt from this (doubt) she can still run to mommy and daddy for help.
No. 1794163
>>1793765She privated all videos about her landlord, eviction and lawsuit lol. Wonder if it was because she finally listened to everyone (or her lawyer) on not posting about an ongoing lawsuit or she couldn't take the backlash anymore. I think it's the latter since she's admitted to not listening to anyone but herself and is completely disconnected from reality.
Either way the damage has been done and this situation makes her past videos seem even worse because it's clear she hasn't learned or changed at all.
No. 1794847
>>1794466What I assume happened is he didn't know what was actually going on since he doesn't know Korean and just went along with whatever she said. Then he checked the comments of the videos or someone who knows him personally told him what's going on.
According to dooby he also put in his own money so I would think he's super pissed at her now and wants out of the relationship. In her mind she thinks she will win the lawsuit and be able to open the restaurant so visa issues for her boyfriend wouldn't even cross her mind. Seems like he just done with her and I assume that's also what made her create the video addressing the situation.
No. 1796937
>>1795647The account named TeamLandLord posted mirror videos of dooby's restaurant saga (especially on the part where it gets really interesting a.k.a things started to go downhill)
There are three videos in total, the one where she got evicted, the one where she got sued, and the last one is the short video where she attempted to explain herself about the lawsuit.
No. 1822467
They seem to have invite Influencers for a first cook-off, before they will actually open up to the public, to get the word out.
Here’s one of the videos that got created: your shit) No. 1836323
>>1810216At one point when they were fighting she like backed off a bit and tried to step back, it looked like she thought he was gonna hit or something.
Agree with the other poster I get serial killer vibes from him.
>>1774483WMAF relationships in and of themselves aren’t milky but a lot of milky couples are WMAF if you know what I mean. There’s something about that particular pairing that often involves psycho or super controlling white guys with an Asian fetish and self hating or delusional asian women, emotional and physical abuse is more commonplace than normal in these relationships from what I have seen.
No. 1837359
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kpop is really the best thing that could have happened to all these girlies huh…
i agree that this thread could contain all those other privileged af asian american living alone vloggers, "chefs" and so on, e.g. jenn im who solely did fashion content with her friend 10 years ago and now is suddenly all about KOREAN whatever. and her glorious half white baby…
the rage in response to dooby's video about her privileged friends was so funny, truly a let them eat cake moment. she had another one about how to destress and it was her spontaneously taking a trip to ny kek(sage your shit)
No. 1840295
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Nip slip in the newest video
Don't really think this is accidental given the amount of effort she put in the censor the rest
Maybe its some way to gain attention at this point
No. 1840379
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>>1840349he looks like a cavemoid
No. 1840381
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>>1840349>>1840379she, on the other hand, has "girl-next-door" appeal
No. 1840802
>>1840381Neither of them is attractive, both are average.
He is tall though so he has an edge over her.
No. 1841058
>>1840634Yes, understanding basic female anatomy is obviously me WKing her anon. kek
I agree it's super fucking weird she has her whole nipple out on YT though.
No. 1841273
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>>1841146We just have eyes, no ones calling her ugly, she is average. The only reason anyone was sayong anything id because anons were saying the moid was out of her league when they play in the same division.
No. 1841973
>>1841968I made two comments lol, the ones sperging are the ones who keep replying to anons stating that dont find her beautiful but just average. Do you look like her or something?
I agree, i could see her posting here, she definetly lurks maybe shes dumb enough ala Spergchan.
No. 1842376
>>1842372She did delete the nipple video almost immediatly after it was posted here, and she wouldnt be the first cow to lurk and sockpuppet on her own thread.
Why are you caping so hard “anon”? Your typing style gives you away immediatly kek
No. 1844067
>>1843408honestly what i've found is that her ingredient combinations are nice but i think her measurements are completely guesstimated. in her videos you only see her eyeballing everything and i think she doesn't bother to actually weigh out anything. you end up with a published recipe where the proportions are completely off. especially apparent when making the recipe yourself whilst watching the video and you can tell that it doesn't add up between the two whatsoever.
what i often do is take one of her recipes and just change the ingredient amounts to what i think is non-retarded. i tried the mushroom rice pot too and it's actually pretty nice if you don't add as much honey. like her website lists 3 tablespoons of honey. does this girl know that that's 63 grams? that's so fucking much lol
No. 1844069
>>1844067also the mushroom rice pot is missing acidity and spice, add some lime juice to it and some kind of chili flake & it's decent
but yeah defo don't blindly trust dooby's recipes. idk why the gochujang pasta was a hype all that time ago when it's really just kinda mid, it's just a bunch of butter with pasta lol
No. 1845329
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I feel like he's just always annoyed with her because she doesn't pull her weight
She's just the "pretty face" of the brand
The few times she's helped, she points it out and brags like she did 99% of the workload but realistically doesn't really do anything but "hang out with friends" while Kevin is running around doing almost everything
She came over to tell him and I felt like she expected him to be like great job for telling me about the tables and fixing it up, but he's right. She should have run that to the kitchen because they tell the staff where to place the dishes. He treated her like he would have anybody else and she gets butt hurt
Why doesn't she help break down the kitchen, or clean or sort the trash? She could surely watch the way he does things since it's obvious he wants them done in a certain way and then just make sure she starts doing them before he has time to get to them and do it thr way he does it. It would take so much load and stress off of him to know he can count on someone
But no, she's probably too busy putting on make up, editing videos and blah blah while, like he said doing the remodeling, he's doing all the work
He still is
She gets a spa day. Woo
No. 1845412
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>>1843408lol I haven't made this recipe but I checked it out and is it just me or is this writing kinda ass
No. 1845493
>>1845486I totally agree. I think that he’s probably annoyed at how immature she is. And I think it was good for him to tell her like hey, if you’re going to change something let’s talk about it first. I mean he’s literally doing EVERYTHING as far as I see. Also as far as the allergy, Idk how long ago they filmed this video but at least a month ago I saw a message on their website saying they don’t accommodate any dietary restrictions. Like Dooby, why wouldn’t you know that?
I like both Dooby and Kevin. But, Dooby definitely needs to grow up. I think their age difference makes sense as far as their personalities go. Kevin being in his 30s already, he’s definitely a lot more mature. But he can be funny, too! I’m sure in time Dooby will catch up.
(sage your shit) No. 1845605
Yeah, she is just very immature in the sense that she doesn't pull her own weight and literally let's everyone else do everything while sort of hanging in the background and feeling like her tiny two seconds she provides is enough
She needs to start getting in there. I like her a lot, her personality is funny and I think if she keeps on growing and trying she could really get there but she had to start putting in more work.
She had to be more assertive instead of grtting butt hurt.
You can tell the other staff even feels this way. All the staff looked away, the new chef tried to hide a smile, while he tried to explain to her why it's important for the kitchen to know it and then she suddenly disappears off camera with him trying to keep the mood and atmosphere going because at the end of the day. This is a job, she shouldn't be getting butt hurt and running off camera to tell him he shouldn't be criticizing her in front of staff.
No Tina, he is treating you like he would treat anyone else in that position and I'm sorry that you can't handle the heat so you keep yourself out of the kitchen.
You need to grow up, stop assuming that others will always be taking care of it for you and then letting them be the only ones who actually do the work.
Her attitude with this would never fly in any actual kitchen, but boohoo I went to Cornell for food science.
Get thicker skin, see what everyone else is doing and just start asserting yourself.
Does Kevin always water the plants after working 14 hours prepping? Maybe when you have free time, instead of waiting around and yawning and complaining and asking for McDonalds, go do that
Go sort the trash. Drain the oil. He said that he needs to add wood chips every 15 minutes? Tell him in 12 that you're about to head up to add woodchips and if there's anything else you should pay attention to
Maybe he'll get annoyed at first but be persistent. He is handling you with kid gloves and everyone else on the staff can tell but they're not allowed to say anything. They think it
Prove them wrong. Start acting like you are an actual helpful, moving cog of this restaurant. No one else in the comments even know what you contribute aside from the face and money and any moron can try to run a restaurant
You have someone there you could be a literal sponge off of instead of complaining.
You're kind of cut off from your parents because you wouldn't do it their way? Well, start showing you're an adult. Act like you deserve all these things thst we're handed to you
He said thst he hopes for a 4th member in the kitchen to help clean the radishes so he can start pickling them?
Well, go in there and wash those radishes off. Clean them.
You see dishes that need to go in a dishwasher? GET ERR DONE
You have been here from day one and you seem just as clueless since then
Stop staying out of thr way because oh boohoo, you might look inexperienced and the staff mught judge you
Show them that it's OK, we all start some where and then wow them
Like goddammit dude. How clueless are you after this long
This is the real world and act like it. Everyone will see how far you come and they'll talk about how hard you worked there instead of relying on your pretty face and the 14 year Olds that you desire to thirst trap
No. 1845607
>>1845357New video up about Kevin's day in the restaurant and what he does
He is literally like Messi in the kitchen while Dooby just is uh. There
Anyone can finance and say "ohhh add sesame oil! I did something!! I contributed, i just want you all to know"
Girl, you are almost 30. Start acting like it, you have gotten an incredible chance and opportunity here. Make something of it. Get ditty, the staff will think better of you
Even if you make mistakes and think it's dumb, at least they'll see you trying and we all start some where
You reall6 want everyone to always think, "aww mommy and daddy and your r
Pretty dave got you this. You didn't actually do anything to work for it"
As an Asian, she is kind of embarrassing. Get a backbone
(integrate) No. 1845632
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Everyone enjoying family meal after prepping for her mess of a restaurant and suddenly Tina thinks its a good time to tell Kevin, whose literally running everything, to "fix his bad habits" in front of everyone because she changed table numbers. What a joke lmao
No. 1845667
>>1845493Tina is just a spoiled princess complex rich chick who has never had to struggle in her entire life. The worst thing she can go through is her bf being passive aggressive towards her for a second or getting sore arms from lifting kimchi. As someone who is Asian myself I can confirm I’ve met sooo many of these types of Asians and a lot of these brats are really out of touch with reality. They don’t understand costs, labor, budgeting etc because they’ve never had to think about it. They run to mommy who indulges them and treats them like an adorable naughty kid and then run to daddy for practical coddling and to clean up all their messes. They are basically spoiled 5 year olds stuck in an adults body.
Many Korean women especially are known for expecting their bf or dad to pick up all the slack or clean up when they make a mess. For example if a Korean girl breaks something in a store she expects her bf to apologise to the owner and pay for it. This is the spoiled Korean girl mentality and it’s everywhere in Korea, even among girls who aren’t really wealthy or upper class. Westerners really don’t like it, especially a westerner coming from a feminist/Nordic country where women are independent and expected to take responsibility for themselves, I’m not surprised her bf is somewhat disgusted by it. So no wonder they are having so many clashes. Tina expects her bf to treat her like a cutesy 5 year old and her bf expects her to woman up and stop being an immature brat. She is using him for the status of having a white bf in an Asian country, he is using her for her family’s money to attain his goal. Very dysfunctional couple. Little emperor/little empress complex in China and Korea among rich kids is well known.
No. 1845801
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The way he threw shade at her at the end saying there's no front of house and its just 2 chefs..him and TK…and she's right there. Maybe she can make a video crying about it and throw him under the bus like she did with her landlord.