File: 1673322336878.jpeg (394.38 KB, 936x1585, FA0D9EAF-D6E3-42F5-8E23-18CEC7…)

No. 1740934
I was surprised she did not have her own thread yet considering all the milk going on
>Deadbeat mother who verbally/physically abuse and screams like a banshee at her own children >Has three kids and seems to particularly hate her 2 daughters >Said that she hates her middle child, that she do not care for her and didn’t bond with her >Take pictures of her morbidly obese body on Twitter and Onlyfans for a living >Exposed her 300lbs+ bare ass at her State fair in front of children >A woman working at that fair publicly posted a picture of her from the back to point out/make fun of her inappropriate attire. >Pic later got deleted due to her simps coming to defend her and mass reporting the picture >Made fun of a girl’s disabled child because she called her fat, then another occurrence when she mocked someone’s dead mother for laugh reacting her picture >Plays the “i’M DiSAbLEd and I have BPD” card to justify her behavior Links :
Facebook : Bella Bunnii : Bunniicat : Bunniiicat (currently private)
No. 1740945
File: 1673322768656.jpeg (54.25 KB, 444x960, BCF420C6-56BC-48E5-96FF-BD46B3…)

When she showed her whole ass at the fair in front of a bunch of kids
No. 1740980
File: 1673324346587.webm (942.63 KB, 480x388, RPReplay_Final1673320263.webm)
Video proof of her verbally abusing her kid :
No. 1741006
File: 1673325339297.jpeg (74.54 KB, 1242x726, 7F9A9DDA-73F7-4FF5-99B8-A47149…)

How about taking care of your children instead of sperging about a laugh react ? Typical retarded e-girl behavior. People like her shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.
No. 1741022
>>1740980>>1740989Oh my God my heart hurts hearing those kids cry like that.
>>1740945What a dumb fat ugly whore.
No. 1741176
File: 1673355572368.jpg (28.34 KB, 395x304, bella.jpg)

>>1740934she looks like this in that shitty lingerie
No. 1741232
File: 1673363452916.png (Spoiler Image,3.02 MB, 828x1792, 81C4981B-3B62-4AD8-9FB4-1D279B…)

>>1741176Scrolled through her twitter and imagine this fat troll in
this room all day yelling at her children and eye fucking herself for online validation. Like, please sudoku and give those kids a fighting chance. I hate her. I also noticed she had bongs out in one video. I hope cps is called and she loses her children if nothing else.
No. 1741246
>>1741232they all have the same trash pink aesthetic too.
The videos of her kids crying like that are repulsive.
No. 1741306
File: 1673370552080.jpeg (582.58 KB, 750x914, 5FC7E9DC-9EE6-483E-94A3-B96C56…)

She unsurprisingly exposes her kids to her degenerate lifestyle. How classy !
No. 1741361
File: 1673377928328.jpeg (190.93 KB, 750x527, 6420BA5A-25E3-4C8F-93D9-8B5758…)

>>1741358The girl who used to be roommate with her sent the police to do a wellness check on the kids, but no more updates so I assume they did not get taken away
No. 1741469
File: 1673386839606.jpeg (92 KB, 539x960, 54232639-29A7-4F5C-9FF4-C0AF7B…)

This did not age well
No. 1741487
File: 1673388617923.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1366x2208, BCDD0F49-0E69-43C0-8704-C240EE…)

Idk how old she is right here but shes a total dog.
No. 1741796
File: 1673436569009.webm (1.51 MB, 576x1024, bunniicat-1505725288365367299-…)
Why are all OF whores making tiktoks? It's a platform for children, no one wants to see you there and your degeneracy.
Did she wipe out her FB page? All I could find is that she's from Columbus, Ohio, but no posts
No. 1741797
File: 1673436739992.jpg (Spoiler Image,118.5 KB, 1080x1444, FO-bK27X0AULJv8.jpg)

>>1741796samefag but minidump incoming, this bitch is repulsive and ngl the clips upthread
triggered me. disgusting outside and inside
No. 1741799
File: 1673436911791.jpg (Spoiler Image,445.29 KB, 1433x1836, FbK21JWUcAU3vAs.jpg)

>>1741798This 'pouch' is horrific, I know she has three kids but still. how does anyone find this appealing?
No. 1741801
>>1741796>from OhioIt all makes sense now kek
>>1741799I refuse to believe she actually fits in that disgusting cage holy shit
No. 1741847
>>1741306I'm sorry but i can't imagine her crawling inside that cage. like, how in the fuck would she be able to squeeze herself… not even trying to be mean, that's just physically impossible? how-
this thread is the stuff of a nightmares, Shayna or that blue Luna girl if they had children.
No. 1741854
File: 1673451546726.png (2.32 MB, 2052x1420, bunniicat.png)

Not saging because picrel contains receipts. Mods plz don't ban me
OP didn't include a lot so I went digging and aside from receipts I found some funny stuff which I included because she seems to either go private or nuke everything once shit hits the fan. I also have some links, not much is there but I'll include them regardless. Anyway, what a rotten cunt this Isabelle Mensink aka Bella Bunnii aka Bunniicat of Columbus, Ohio, the US is.
Reddit search with her name (mostly the things that have already been posted) more footage/audio of her being verbally
abusive to her children. Warning for a methhead teeth No. 1741888
>>1740993>>1740989>>1741799Hearing the kids totally shut down like that is pretty sickening. And when they do cry or respond they are clearly just little children hardly speaking. She should put them up for adoption if she cant handle them normally or I think the state should get involved tbh
>>1740980Sidebar she looks busted & the yellow crusty lingerie matches the grimy rainbow rug
No. 1741914
File: 1673458384168.jpeg (132.17 KB, 1537x1152, 6B2C86AD-9D95-4566-9207-299540…)

No. 1741965
>>1741888>I think the state should get involvedI've read in facebook comments from people that know her personally that, according to them, she lives in government housing and is on benefits/welfare. Allegedly, she also has a case woroker from CPS assigned to her. If all of it is true (and I think it is considering it's coming from people close to her) can't she just ask them to take her kids? I'm guessing she's getting more money if she keeps them around. I can't imagine her keeping them around for any other reason considering how she treats them
>>1741914kek spot on
No. 1742121
File: 1673472628761.jpeg (Spoiler Image,325.73 KB, 1534x2048, 1321BB27-E6AE-425B-AC49-770918…)

I know it smells crazy in there
No. 1742288
File: 1673484869708.jpg (Spoiler Image,210.27 KB, 934x1200, media_Fb6WDYLWAAAJCI9.jpg)

Some things should remain unopened.
No. 1742350
File: 1673491526886.png (119.61 KB, 1319x1856, Snowman.PNG.png)

>>1741799>>1741798>>1741797Her body rolls make her look like a snowman. Jfc. She's obviously jealous of her daughters.
I had a weird ass mom who was jealous of me and my sisters growing up so I can just sense it, those moms always do anything for male attention. I hope she doesn't let any men around her kids because she's the type to look the other way if something goes wrong
No. 1742365
>>1740989Jesus Christ.
This white trash heifer should have been sterilized before she had a chance to bring life into this world. We need to bring eugenics back.
No. 1742789
>>1742554I don't understand this cope nor why you're defending this
abusive cow. There are several different reasons for why someone's anal region can appear hyper-pigmented, such as friction in the area (probably because she's fat) or folliculitis (infected hair follicles).
No. 1744094
>>1741361The one thing MRAs are right about (a broken clock is right twice a day,
nonny) is family court being overwhelmingly biased in favor of mothers. Some states still enforce old laws that give mom custody automatically, I'm guessing Ohio is one of them. I know Texas is.
No. 1744824
File: 1673729748844.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.12 KB, 495x680, FmXXkiPXEAEdt6D.jpg)

Her upper tight/inner upper tight and genital area look like it's rotting. I'm sure a shit diet and drugs aren't enough to make your skin look like this, guessing Mother Of The Year can't be arsed to wash herself
No. 1759689
File: 1675387382054.jpeg (608.62 KB, 750x1009, E7535637-14A5-43D2-86AF-F50AF4…)

How much do you bet that she abuse her cat too ? But she always yell, so that poor thing must feel so stressed out either way(tinfoil)
No. 2052672
>>2052542This site is not about virtue signalling for fatties
Why would you even come to a site called lolcow and expect everything to be pc rainbows lmao