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No. 1715111
Unsure if she is a lolcow but i wanted to discuss about the situation somewhere away from the 13 years old stans slayy queening her and the virulent alogs that want her to kill herself.
>be funny youtuber>makes videos related to lolcows mainly onision and shane dawson>has around 200k subs>suddenly quits the internet for a year
>returns after a year with the first video pic related>says she's been stalked by a moid and to please send gibs>doesn't elaborate much but looks clean and coherent
>second video drops with "context" (archived at >says she moved from cozy family house to a one room apartment in a basement>mold, food stains in walls(sticky), dirt everywhere, one small window, smells putrid, bugs everywhere etc>shares bathroom with other 5 apartments >tries to make apartment liveable, fails, gets depressed>feels she's being watched and followed>gets so paranoid she's afraid to leave the room and go to the bathroom>gets a note from stalker confirming she's being watched and followed>moves out immediately to a tent in the woods because no money >has never felt more free, safe and happy>goes to another country (undisclosed), because is getting too cold in winter>lives in the airport because she has no money>supposedly drops first video in this time>uses gibs donated to "spoil herself" to an Airbnb>mold, food stains in walls(sticky), dirt everywhere, one small window, smells putrid, bugs everywhere etc>shared bathroom >tries to make apartment liveable, fails, gets depressed>feels she's being watched and followed>gets so paranoid she's afraid to leave the room and go to the bathroom>in the video she rambles about seeing a bug, feeling she's passing out (nam moment?), having flashbacks, feeling the bugs all over her skin etc >lives inside a tent on the airbnb with the lights off so she doesn't have to see the stained walls/bugs and get a nam moment>uses headphones to noise cancel so she doesn't gets scared of everything>looks bad, greasy hair, visibly fatter than previous video, rambles a lot>explicitly says she is alone in a foreign country >please send gibs
>fans react badly to that video>some weens think she is manic and is probably going to kill herself>they reach out to her family in social media>she freaks out and uploads her more recent video>she's all smiley, makeup done, not inside a tent but still looks off>says everything is okay, she contacted the cops about the stalking (no mention of any of that before)>she is living with a friend (what happened to being alone in a foreign country?)>the friend is a "he" but she is a lefty so who knows if it's a moid>condemns the retards that harassed her family, says her family "supports her" (what happened to being alone with no money?)>doesn't directly asks for gibs but makes sure to put donation links in the description >comments are 50/50 in between believing her at face value and calling her a grifterYoutube: Instagram: Patreon: Twitch: No. 1715126
>>1715111Could be a case of "If you stare too long at the cow, the cow stares back at you."
I hope she gets help.
No. 1715142
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Thanks for the thread nona, not sure if this meets the requirements either (or if talking about it counts as armchairing) but this "stalker" saga is milky af. It's 100% schizophrenia/psychosis, I don't buy her recent "I'm just neurödivergent" excuse at all. Wouldn't call it mania either, unless she's faking it, it's definitely some sort of psychosis. An unseen "stalker" who follows her across two countries turning normal rental units/Airbnbs into backrooms meme type rooms, with yellow lighting, the same stains and imaginary bugs everywhere? Very likely indeed. Seeing/feeling bugs is an extremely common sign of psychosis. I don't buy anything she says about either the stalker or the most recent information about this supposed friend and how caring and loving her family is. What kind of family would let a young woman just run off to another country if she's experiencing mental distress? Oh and another thing worth adding is the fact she thought it was the "stalker" who had put up a Live, Love, Laugh sign on the wall, which she said is a response to her saying he should "die, hate, cry" in her initial video and is extremely terrified/paranoid of. I've seen schizophrenics and this is either great acting or just baby's first psychosis 101. I saw a comment saying she had previously mentioned having a family history of schizophrenia, so there's that too.
No. 1715277
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Apparently losing subs over the grifting and inauthenticity backlash
No. 1715306
>>1715142To be clear, she did state in the deleted video that she was aware that her stalker didn't rent out the airbnb to her. She knew the state of the room and the live laugh love sign was all a coincidence.
I don't doubt that she's having some kind of psychotic episode though, because the way she talks about the room she's in it sounds like she thinks the airbnb has a mind of it's own or something.
I find it very weird that she is super vague about the stalker himself. He left her a note, she said she'll show it in her "final stalker video" and she'll tell the story presumably. I don't think she's lying but I just don't understand why she won't talk about it at all, it's literally the reason why she's in another country right now.
No. 1715624
>>1715277I don't think it's a grift, but it's unlikely that the stalker is a real thing. Genuinely sounds more like a mental health thing. Her speech and cadence are drastically different.
Her being away from family to the point of homelessness also points to it.
No. 1715769
>>1715737If he was your nigel why aren't you together anymore
(derail) No. 1715804
>>1715785nta but if the anon doesnt want questions she should hide her powerlevel
bringing this back to the thread, good infosec & not sharing personal details online is the best way to avoid stalkers
No. 1715812
>>1715769>>1715785>>1715804happy to answer! I was a retard and trusted a moid (the nigel in question)
you guys genuinely helped me realize I was in a shitty fucky
abusive situation. he is nigel no more, never was shouldn't have even called him that but he was at the time.
(enough blogging in this thread, please move on) No. 1715925
I was going through the comments on her videos before they were deleted. Some were from Patreon members saying that she's uploaded videos about her mental health, asked for donos and then disappeared for months more than once. There has been at least one other video she has deleted after uploading, so this isn't exactly new.
Another point I see ignored is that in
two days she is suddenly in a home, has support (when in her previous video she said she had no one) and is happier than she has been in years.
One more thing: the stalker video. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say that gathering evidence and editing can be time consuming and emotionally difficult. It makes sense if she needs time. However, why nothing else? And why never any mention of employment? She is ebegging when she had other options besides leaving the country with no plans and no money.
She is not well, which is the reason I want to believe she's making very questionable decisions, but the difference in the last video and the hour and a half deleted one is… stark.
No. 1715974
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Thank you for making this thread. I wanted to talk about it but the youtubers thread was full.
One thing I had noticed about her over the years is that she wasn't really consistent with youtube. She kept deleting and making channels, living stuff unfinished etc. Obviously you can say it was due to personal stuff or lack of privacy since she was at her family home. But with these new videos plus people saying she had been making videos on patreon where she was crying, it paints a picture of an unstable person. Which is fine, everyone has something going on, but I would never imagine that her, out of all youtubers, would have such an outburst. Her talking about the airbnb exactly the same way like she talked about the room she was staying in was very unsettling.
I do believe the stalker story and that she probably has PTSD on top of whatever mental things she has going on, but her last video didn't sit well with me at all. Suddenly she is out of the tent, has support and feels great? Nothing like this happens this fast. Why not mention friends/family/police in the previous 1.5 hour video ONCE? Where were they? And I specifically remember she said she left Iceland because she felt uncomfortable because of the stalker but now she says she just wanted to get away and think stuff through? And if she is fine and safe and has support why still ask for donations? I was especially bothered when she called people very nicely commenting on her mother's channel asking for help "harassment". Idk if her mom got terrible DMs, but the vast majority of the comments I saw were just like "she needs help please do something!". It's like she tries to blame her audience for the only option they felt they had with the context she gave. I just feel that the last video is all lies and that nothing is ok so they just stop bothering her family OR her family just told her to stop this bs.
Also what bothered me was that when she got the money from fans she got a hotel and then the airbnb to "spoil" herself. Is this REALLY the time to spoil oneself? Idk the choice of word was just wrong
>And why never any mention of employment? She is ebegging when she had other options besides leaving the country with no plans and no money.
I remember in the past she mentioned that she had done some other real life job but she is probably dead-set on being a youtuber for whatever personal reasons she has. Idk what goes through her mind rn, but I feel like that she is going to milk the stalker situation as much as possible to get money
pic rel is a community post from her mother's youtube channel about some women getting scammed and people speculate is has to do with morges
No. 1715990
>>1715285I would prefer it to be a grift. I'm not going to give her any money but why not get money from internet losers, everyone else has.
Tinfoil: she's overstayed on a visa and she's hiding from The Man.
No. 1716554
>>1716289Smartphones allowed double-digit IQ people access to the internet.
Part of me wants it not to be schizo/psychosis but with the family history and evidence in the deleted video it seems likely. Depressing and I feel terrible for her.
No. 1799039
>>1798839I'll take one for the team because the video is 2 hours long. Sorry if it's unorganized but she tends to repeat herself a lot
>planned to make a "documentary" about what happened to her, she wanted to animate some parts to go in depth with everything that happened to her>she's been working on this for months, realized she's not ready to go in depth because she's overwhelmed, doing a storytime instead>she removed the meltdown videos because she didn't want more people to donate thinking they'd have their names in future videos>cuts to a few weeks later, she decided she didn't want to do a storytime after all because it's overwhelming, she wrote everything down instead>gives a rundown of the layout of her old apartment building>her stalker's room was next to the bathroom, he could hear people enter/leave the bathroom>her room was next to the entrance, she could hear people enter the building and people outside her window. People outside could hear her talking in her apartment>at this point she makes it clear the stalking is "alleged">stalker never left his room during the day, only left his room in the evening to stalk her>she could tell the stalker was mentally ill by the look in his eyes, shows photo of Adam Lanza and says that's what he looked like>he was from another european country, he's the only person in the building that didn't speak Icelandic, he only spoke English to her>she didn't know she was being stalked the entire time she lived there, only had a bad feeling in her gut, blamed herself, became anxious and depressed, thought she was going insane>before moving in to the building she had good mental health, was happy, physically fit, went to crossfit five times a week>after a few months she was depressed, anxious and paranoid. Stopped meeting people, stopped doing her hobbies, got paranoid from being around people, stopped working out>every sound she heard in her room made her scared>spent every day in her bed, only left to get fast food, would stand at the door before leaving to make sure no one was outside>would stay up all night from paranoia, only felt safe sleeping during the day>she didn't think she could possibly be stalked, Iceland is a safe country>when she was moving her furniture in a man stood next to the entrance for an hour staring at her, randomly stops her and says in english "I know what kind of car you're driving", she rationalizes this as some kind of compliment>after a week noticed she would run into this guy every time she leaves her comes home, never sees any of her other neighbours>he would be standing at the entrance staring at her every time she left the building or came home>the pizza story(this is 20 minutes long):>one day she wants to leave for food but she hears someone walking past her window every few minutes but didn't hear them enter the building>at 1am she ordered a pizza, when she goes to leave he's at the door, when she comes back he's outside, she forgets the pizza in the car, when she goes to get it he's coming back to the building>realized she forgot her drink in the car, again he's standing outside looking around aimlessly>the bathroom story:>for weeks she notices that every single time she left the bathroom she would hear someone go when she was walking back to her room, wouldn't look back to see who it was>after a while she gets scared every time this happens, starts going to the laundry room to brush her teeth and do her dishes instead>she finds out the other rooms around the bathroom are empty so it must be the stalker who was going into the bathroom after her>the laundry room story:>she would do her laundry several times a week in the shared laundry, she would leave her clothes on the drying rack overnight>the next morning when she would pick up her clothes the washing machine would always be full of wet clothes>she stops doing her laundry, only goes in the laundry room to do her dishes, now that she isn't using the washing machine it's always empty>the first time she does her laundry in weeks afterwards there are wet clothes in the washing machine again>stalker comes in the laundry room while she's taking her clothes, says "do you mind if I put my clothes on the rack next to yours">she takes her clothes and leaves, he says something to her but she ignores him and runs>she noticed when she went to pick up her clothes they had been moved slightly>she would never leave underwear or bras on the laundry rack because she was paranoid of the stalker>she now "knows for a fact" he was going through her laundry looking for her underwear>the note:>he left a note and a pair of used but clean womens underwear at her door, the underwear isn't hers>she's looking at the note on her screen but doesn't feel comfortable reading it all>she shows some of the note on screen, verbatim: "Hello!! Gorgeous!! I Believe This is Belong To You. (smiley face) You Know What? I Been Dreaming You a million Times To See…">she blurred out the rest of the note, apparently it says he was dreaming of her wearing the underwear and goes into detail about something sexual>"Hit me Up! On This (blurred out email address) If Your Interested To Have a Drinks..Secretly From: Your's Secret Admirer (heart) (smiley face)">the email sounds something like "amazing wifey", he made a throwaway email just for her to contact him>after she finds the note she knows every incident in the building was him stalking her>she thinks he stole the underwear from another woman in the building and possibly thought they belonged to morges>she contacted the police, won't go into more details>she feels safe now, wants to keep this private>cuts to a few weeks later again>she started to feel drained after she finished telling the story, slept for three days, needed weeks to recover>she took so long to release the video because she kept sleeping>paypal plug>she's not scared of the stalker, but her body still reacts to the traumatic memories with physical pain, she starts to feel paranoid for a few days>she feels like she can't trust herself, now she doesn't know if she's paranoid or if there's real danger around her>goes really fast through the rest of the story>after finding the note she moved back into her parents house, still felt like someone was watching her through the window while she slept>one day goes camping, feels free sleeping in the tent, hears people and nature outside and feels safe, lives in a tent for a few months>works on herself, feels happy and like herself again, wanted to come out stronger than before>decides to fly to another unnamed country, takes out a loan>this is when she started to plan out her in depth stalker video/documentary>expected to finish in a week, doesn't finish in time, moves to the airport for two weeks>living at the airport was fun for her, she realizes she does all this because she needs to feel free after living in the room in fear>gets donations, goes to the airbnb, has schizo moment>airbnb looks like the backrooms, the host photoshopped the pictures to make it look nicer>gets donations, moves to other airbnb, feels like herself again>makes fun of people who contacted/blamed her family>she's thankful for her supporters>get a bit emotional when she realizes she's finished the video, she's never gonna talk about the stalker again on her channel>wants to go back to making normal videos No. 1802011
>>1715656I've been cyberstalked from reddit and had a couple ex bfs stalk me on social media. The weird backroom shit sounds sus as fuck but there are ways of subtly stalking someone just enough so that they seem crazy and the stalking itself is hard to prove. Mine just stalks my social media every day making fun of my past drug addiction or other
triggers. I'm inclined to believe she had a mild stalker and just exaggerated the story to make it more interesting and get more views. Bad time to have any social media presence as a woman btw, I'm not even that attractive and I have people dedicated to finding me no matter how many privacy measures I've taken.
No. 1802628
>>1800513It also crossed my mind. So weird.
Who else was "cursed" by Onision? Only Repzion comes to mind.