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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 16626

>used to be a weeaboo and speak broken japanese in her older videos
>does shitty makeup tutorials
>left the weeaboo phase to become a koreaboo
>actually went into korea and bought a lot of shit
>apparently is rich and got plastic surgery

No. 16627

Look at her google translated japanese

No. 17355

she is so manly to me, idk what it is but she's not cutey at all

No. 17359

What's wrong with her accent?

No. 17369

Same, she reminds me of a paler, more feminine Miles Jai.

No. 17412

she looks like wengie/wedgie/whateverhernamewas

it comes to a conclusion that all weebs are just clones of each other

No. 17435

they all look the same

No. 17491

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I've been subscribed to this girl for probably over 2 years. I really don't think she is rich.

I think it's funded by her bf that also promotes it because she started it when she started dating him. If you watch her old videos she has generic Canadian white trash style. In her old vlogs she had a roommate and worked a cosmetics counter or some shit, I don't know how you get rich at all.

Also she followed her bf to korea, he wasn't even going to take her at first.

What I like to think is her bf had an Asian fetish so grabbed a native and tried to dress her up as one. Now he is surgically turning her into a Korean.

Also the hair color looks so bad on her. She needs to go back to dark hair.

No. 241112

I've read this so many times but I don't see how she's manly at all. Maybe she looks rough in pics but in videos she looks 100% like a girl.

No. 241116

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What do you guys think now though? Still "manly"?

No. 241425

between the unfortunate face and man voice i just cant believe this person was born a female
i'd feel really bad for her if she wasnt such a bitch kek

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