File: 1663898545411.png (1.05 MB, 605x1079, 2482DD96-AE69-4F62-90AA-7BCD96…)

No. 1654949
Ruby calderon is a 17 year old from [removed]. Youd think from the outside shes just a normal girl, her family has a good house in what seems to be a good neighbourhood, she has a job, friends seemingly, but online shes someone entirely different. Recently it was brought to me and my friends that she had shot a cat in the head with a bb gun multiple times over several hours killing it. On video. I say over several hours because she had shot it multiple times thought it had died, went to get things to dispose of it and came back finding it wasnt and was in severe pain and looked to be seizing. She then shot it until it was dead point blank. She goes by the username purrito online, shes also known to post cp, shes sent her nudes to an older man named jeff, known as sleepy_seymour online, shes admitted this. Shes boasts about all of this. I dont know how the fuck this girl was raised and I dont care. You do not fuck with cats.
Address: [removed]
Landline: [removed]
Parents: her father is [removed], her mother is [removed]
other family members: [removed] her other sisters name is [removed]
School: [removed]
school contact information: their phone number is [removed]
this is a link to the video of her killing the cat: Edit: Common sense. Don't dox. Also important to remember, we don't know if any of this is legitimate. All we have is this video. We need more than that to link the video to this person.
No. 1655004
File: 1663902862282.png (96.79 KB, 1805x256, purrito.png)

>Farmhand Edit: Common sense. Don't dox. Also important to remember, we don't know if any of this is legitimate. All we have is this video. We need more than that to link the video to this person.
Not OP, but here is her admitting to shooting the cat, with an original photo of herself to prove it's her confessing and not just someone impersonating her. She did this, and she should absolutely be reported to the authorities and known as an animal abuser. There's being a cringy edgelord, and then there's shit like this.
No. 1655011
File: 1663903505674.jpeg (Spoiler Image,873.65 KB, 1284x1567, 1B44EF91-CC1B-46DD-B656-2A52B1…)

photo of her sending the image of the cat over discord
No. 1655012
File: 1663903546293.jpeg (478.27 KB, 1284x525, F90E7BF2-3A6C-419E-B316-8B5067…)

screenshot of her telling someone that she will kill their entire family
No. 1655014
File: 1663903638292.jpeg (867.87 KB, 1284x927, 09C1D078-2C43-4785-AF0A-34BAAC…)

screenshot of her saying some out of pocket shit
No. 1655019
File: 1663904203728.png (1.28 MB, 1006x737, 1663715295595.png)

Candid photo of her vs a selfie. Apparently, she might actually be lying about being 17 and photoshopping herself to look younger to pedopander to /r9k/ scrotes and seem less culpable for her actions
No. 1655022
File: 1663904468370.jpg (967.56 KB, 2661x2234, aNkRT2Z.jpg)

She's an admin of "Marc's E-Harem", a Discord server full of pedophiles/groomers in the same vein as Mantras'/Michael Sosa's "Sheep Village" Discord. Here's a sample of the member base.
No. 1655023
File: 1663904593701.png (202.37 KB, 899x592, 1663677804618.png)

>>1655022Swastika edit to impress scrotes
No. 1655027
File: 1663904889599.png (103.1 KB, 769x620, 1663626078700.png)

>>1655023Edgy racism and bragging about killing animals
No. 1655030
File: 1663905092910.png (143.07 KB, 947x680, 1663630264475.png)

Scrotes from the Discord defending her killing a kitten.
No. 1655041
File: 1663905930083.png (271.59 KB, 976x482, 1663713716116.png)

>>1655014She seems to want people to dox her.
>>1655015She supposedly said she went to Jefferson Township high School in the server, among other things.
No. 1655045
File: 1663906155599.jpg (8.33 KB, 226x422, rubycalderon.jpg)

>>1655004Here's the picture, enlarged
No. 1655063
File: 1663907441409.png (281.12 KB, 450x792, 1663712826899.png)

>>1655049She's been trying hard to get their attention by being a racist NLOG, on top of apparently sharing CP and claiming she has/had 1.5 GB of it. It worked to some extent, and they even praise her for shooting a cat multiple times. She belongs in jail, honestly, and so do the groomers she panders to. At this point, she is not "a child".
No. 1655074
File: 1663908139038.png (361.9 KB, 742x612, jths.png)

Here's the school's Twitter account. They list their phone number at the bottom of their home page.'s public information, and she doxxed herself.
No. 1655130
Kek imagine ruining your entire life over some bottom tier scrotes. Sad.
>>1655122Get tf outta here defending pedos and animal abusers newfag
No. 1655144
File: 1663912662994.jpg (46.5 KB, 792x410, ar.jpg)

>>1655139Literally only someone with personal investment would try this hard to convince people the thread shouldn't be around, holy shit.
No. 1655155
File: 1663913414313.jpeg (157.2 KB, 1080x1080, 2407CD75-66CB-46AF-9463-659316…)

Go to the police and report this shit instead of posting it in a place where people laugh at cows jfc
No. 1655627
>>1655619this is literally animal abuse you fucking degenerate
also lean2sage fag
No. 1656241
>>1656016Came to ask the same thing. Multiple reports = more attention, so I think disseminating this information is good.
>>1655619Maybe they won't, but hearing about her CP stash and the pedomoids she simps over won't look so good. Hope the incel attention was worth it