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No. 162550
Oh boy. This cow's milk dates all the way back to 2013. Where do I even start.
>30 years old
>was in an emo band until she wins 2nd place in The Voice in 2012 and finds that her fame and money dies out very quickly
>has no credibility and owes her fame and money to nothing apart from dating emo screamo teen heartthrob Andy Biersack
>about 20 hate pages on tumblr about her
>has horrible bald patches and extensive permanent damage from wearing extensions for about 3 unimpeded years
>begs underage fans for money and has a new scam every week despite getting a new fucking hairdo every week as well
>has arguments with 14 year old girls on her social media calling them bitches, whores, etc.
>around March, snuck onto warped tour
>faked engagement to Andy Ballsack
>claimed she didn't fake said engagement
>video shows her talking about shitting into a bag in front of her boyfriend and his band while illegally sneaking into warped tour
>scammy bracelet charms Never Take Ot Off, sells overpriced childish hippy jewellery
>had a mental breakdown and shaved her whole head
>weird blog called pervybvbcaps on Tumblr
claims andy has other lovers, makes Juliet upset, shit storm on Twitter
>released another skeevy clothing line called Angels and Demons or something, doesn't exist anymore but she was charging $700 for a leather jacket
>has a depop account
>opened a pledge store where she was charging $100 for her teen fans to Skype her, and dinner with her for $5000, basically escorting?
>convinced her fans she needed the money to release a new EP which took about 2 years to release and said EP was shit and sounded recycled
>claimed to be dirt poor and then posted pictures of herself with her new Prada clogs, when questioned she said they were fake and were off eBay
>tweeted some extremely aggressive, insulting, sexist, slut shamey shit about Miley Cyrus when she copied her haircut and caused shit storm and deleted the tweets
>went on warped again, picture attached is from one of her sets, but you can see her bald patches and how her hair is falling out
>wears bindis and claims it's OK because she does yoga or some shit and claimed to be part Native American
>finally married Andy biersack
>on top of all of this, she's a fucking scietologist
>is still manipulating vulnerable fans for money and support
>buys her insta likes and followers, ratio is way off
>haven't checked on her a whole lot recently but I'm really fucking surprised that I've not heard the faintest mention of her o here. She's a top lolcow for sure.
No. 162554
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>>162553OP here, yes I forgot to mention, I absolutely LOVE her music which she no longer makes. It's depressing that one of the only female singers I listen to 1) isn't a feminist and 2) behaves so embarrassingly.
I look back on the emo scene MySpace cultureof the mid to late 2000s with nostalgia. It's the only culture she has a place in. She's now trying to emulate her own brand of the "Instagram look" and it's all sad and as you can see from this pic, she's looking a little old.
No. 162557
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Woah let's get a close up on that face!! Why is she dating Andy Biersack who is in his 20s. She looks as if she's nearly 60? Definitely a predator looking to abuse.
No. 162559
>>162555>>162556Jfc, isn't school back in session yet? Summer can't be over soon enough. She looks like she's in her mid 30's.
And OP, as cringey as this bitch is this should really have started off in /snow/.
No. 162576
>>162554>it's depressing someone I like doesn't have the same political beliefs as meYou must be 18 to post on here.
Not only that but this thread REAKS of samefagging bullshit, no one cares about your husbando's horrible evil wife.
No. 162588
>>162557I don't know what 60-year-olds you've been looking at, but she looks her age.
Someday, provided you don't die of dumb shit, you too will be 30. However, if you want to stay ~eternally young~ you can always an hero. :^)
I agree with
>>162559Most of this cow's milk dried up before she was posted here. Post recent stuff with screencaps and stuff.
No. 162598
I'm not going to read the whole thread mobile buy I hope her lying about her wedding/engagement ring and getting donations for an EP which she released years late is mentioned. Oh, and her being rude to Andy's fans and being visibly jealous while he's on stage - there's videos on YT.
>>162576No, Juliet was a major cow on her own, even without the milk involving Andy. I personally don't think she's a cow anymore since she hasn't done anything notable lately, though.
No. 162604
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>has no credibility and owes her fame and money to nothing apart from dating emo screamo teen heartthrob Andy Biersack
Cucky? is that you?!
No. 162624
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>>162622>>162622Meant to post this with this
No. 162627
>>162624First of all, I think Juliet used Andys account to make this statement. It doesn't seem like his writing style at all.
And woah. The most beautiful woman in the world? Don't you think you're setting yourself up for criticism with such a sweeping and subjective statement?
It's insulting to a lot of women. To say that this plain Jane uncultured chain smoking white woman exceeds the beauty of people like Beyoncé, Selena Gomez, Kim K, Lupita N'yongo.
Most beautiful woman in the world? or the most delusional, narcissistic woman in the world? You're a very basic, run-of-the-mill Becky type. I see girls better looking than Juliet on my way to work every day. And I live in northern England, the part of the country where the girls are notoriously grotty.
No. 162628
This thread is weird. I have no idea who tbese people are, but it sounds like a lot of same fagging and jealous fangirls.
>>162627I'm sure he didn't mean literally, but when you love someone they do become the most beautiful person to you at least. This sounds like tin foil hat shit that you think it couldn't be him typing it too.
No. 162644
>>162628It's 2016.
No one fucking likes BVB anymore
No. 162654
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Whoever made this thread and is smaefagging through it sounds like a textbook internet feminist.
>using "becky" as an insult
>le Beyonce and Kim K r amazing womyn meme
>wahh my favorite singer isn't a feminist!!
This thread is embarrassing and so is whoever the fangirl who made it. I can't wait for school to come back so this shit will end.
No. 162786
>>162742Can you read?
Bad thread overall. Also, she's definitely attractive.
To be honest, Andy Ballsack is more of a cow than her.
No. 162788
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>>162747>Andy>Dime pieceSeriously? He looks like Charms' ugly boyfriend. I swear, only BVB fangirls or scene/emo nostalgics could find this "hot".
No. 162805
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>>162627Kim K, selena gomez and beyonce… Kys
No. 162971
> decent rack and a bumDid your uncle touch you and now you defect your self hatred onto women because you were made to feel like one? Kys.
Can this user just get fucking banned? It's so embarrassingly obvious this is literally one person talking to himself.
No. 163032
her name sounded familiar so i did a quick google and one of the first image results for her was this blog this chick and her husband just seem like a couple of cringy tryhards, but andy biersack always has been so it's not much of a surprise she's a pain in the ass as well.
No. 163048
>>162972You guys realize Onision's crush on Andy was an act for views right? It's a tactic to catch the attention of the YouTuber/celebrity and to gain more young female viewers. He's been doing this his whole YouTube career.
>act like fanboy>person notices and reaches out to him>work together on videos>become buddies>person stops sucking his dick>cuts them off and makes dramaHe did the same thing to Shane Dawson in the beginning of his YouTube career and now he's going for Dan and Phil.
No. 195415
>>162554>isn't a feministI'm serious tumblr
Fuck off
No. 222504
lmfao she got arrested after a physical fight with her husband also apparently had a miscarriage and used it to excuse her behaviour that led to her arrest
No. 384298
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Anyone else think taking a pic of yourself with a Gucci handbag in a poor black neighbour hood is a bit insulting if not stupidly unsafe (bc of criminals not black ppl ofc)
No. 384304
>>384298She wants to show how rich she is to the lowly peasants. Lol when she gets her shit stolen.
She must be in a lot of debt to own al these luxurious designer items she posts pics of if she has to sell things via depop…
No. 384306
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An account posted a pic of andy and she commented telling her to back off….1) she stalks her husbands tag on tumblr (I guess you have to pass time when you're unemployed) and 2) she's supposed to be an adult I can't believe she feels her marriage is threatened by his teen fans
No. 384309
>>384308This, thank u anon.
It's obvious upon first glance that this is a black nrbhd
No. 384380
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>>384309>>384308I don't know Los Angeles but:
>New Jimi Hendrix mural by @leviponce. On Lankershim just north of the big, goofy NoHo archway. No. 385065
>>162747I agree he'll cheat.
Model Ash Stymest, kind of an Andy lookalike left his Maille O'Doyle wife and young daughter for Lily Depp. (Who can blame him, the girl is really unattractive, I always thought there was something off about the looks ratio)
When hot men commit to plain/ugly looking girls like Juliet/Maille, they will always end up cheating with a girl who is their looksmatch.
Men are pigs in this way. I also believe Maille had a breakdown over Facebook and started slagging off Lily Depp like lol good luck getting an A Lister to notice ur nobody ass
No. 385078
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>>385065sorry for a slight off-top but anon…
>really unattractiveuh
(to be fair, she has atrocious fillers now, but I can't say how recent they are, so)
No. 385079
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>>385065I think mallie is more attractive than lily tbh, but that's just me
I get what you mean though, people should just stay in their league, or at least have personality to make up for it, like if a 5/10 guy was with a 8/10 girl and the guy was funny, a gentleman, sweet, etc etc, it would kinda make sense and be understandable, however juliet doesn't even have the personality to make up for it , she seems abusive, manipulative and obsessive, even if andy did have some sort of ~I want to be femdommed by a crazy bitch~ kink, wouldn't andy still want respect outside of the bedroom as well?
andy is def gonna end up cheating, he has hot goth rocker girls that are throwing pussy his way everyday all while being with a mediocre looking crazy bitch, it's a recipe for cheating
No. 385084
>>385079*cheating if he hasn't already
id like to add
No. 1170143
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wtf is Lilith Czar?
this screams divorce. what happened
No. 1242318
>>385079>5/10 guy with 8/10 girl is great because he's "funny"This thread is some stunted 35 year old emo nostalgic femcel breeding and it shows. Sorry you wasted your youth hoping that Tunnelears Tattoosleeves would notice you showing your boobs at Warped Tour.
Men are inherently uglier than women due to evolution, and thus only about 20% of men can be a true looksmatch for what we consider an average Becky. You don't see it because you have your fangirl "benedict cumcumber and adam driver are very hot" goggles on. Women develop this compensatory focus on personality precisely to cope with men's lack of looks, because otherwise there's no way to monogamously match every hot girl with an equally hot guy. If you aren't blinded by fangirl delusions, Andy IS her looksmatch.
Lastly, most of you are either coping or have never been in a relationship. A scrote is more likely to cheat if you're more successful and more attractive, if anything.