No. 1603750
thought i should start a thread on her, not a known cow but has LOTS of milk
>wannabe famous twitch streamer but puts in 0 effort
>thinks having a tiktok blow up made her famous, the views dropped in a month and now talks about how she “used to have a viewerbase”
>got a POG tattoo and now regrets it since she doesnt get more then 20 viewers
>is “nonbinary” yet calls herself she on stream by “accident”
>uses every chance she gets to say shes “plus size”
>says shes gay when shes talking about homophobia but only simps for men
>lists her gender, fatness and unknown “disability” off as her personality
>calls herself a woman when she wants oppression points for being a “gamer grill!”
>begs for money on her socials every other week because shes “poor” but spends thousands in video games and buys starbucks daily while living with her parents while having no job
>rants on tiktok about how she deserves to be famous and that tiktok isnt pushing out her content when its just shit
>says she hates when people make pity posts while thats 80% of what she does
>over shares her whole stream about how “terrible” her life is but screams when someone “vents” in her chat
>says she feels guilty for mentioning her wishlist all the time as a way to mention it
>says straight white men arent allowed in her stream while being a straight white women
>thinks shes inspirational by being a PLUS SIZE NON BINARY GAMER
>loves attention, when playing with her friends on discord she talks over them all to talk about something bad in her life
>cries about people being mean to her in video game voice instead of just muting themTwitch thread) No. 1603758
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Faggot vendetta thread on a fat nobody by an outsider