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No. 159177
Meet Whitney/Twitney Way Thore. She claims that PCOS made her gain over 100 pounds in college. She also claims that she was bullied in highscool for being fat. Even though she wasn't even fat. (she was also voted prom princess, so take her bullying claims as you may.)
Whitney Way Thore is another fat athelte/ fat activist, famous for her no body shame campaign, and also dancing badly while being fat, as seen here
–→ video went viral so rapidly that TLC decided to give her a show called "My Big Fat Fabulous Life" where viewers can watch her life spiral out of control.
She's surrounded by enablers, like her mom, her guy best friend Buddy, and basically anyone else in her orbit.
Her "boyfriend" Lenny, (Lennie?) seems to be an actor paid by TLC to make whitney seem semi-functional, because he sure as hell ain't interested in her.
>recent shenanigans Whitney has recently confrouted a comedian that dared make fun of fat people, and failed in the most hilarious way ever. personal trainer also seems done with her and her fatlogic, and the speculation is that she'll be dropped as a client
>Fun videos of whitney ←–bicth ripped her pants ←– passing out from dancing
>Further reading note that I'm probably missing a lot but fuck I'm tired
No. 159188
>>159177>She also claims that she was bullied in highscool for being fat. Even though she wasn't even fat.Well it's not like you have to be a planet in high school to get called fat. That's like the default insult to use against any girl in high school, as it is on lolcow and 4chan.
That said, are there pictures from when she was younger? Considering she looks like she weighs 300 pounds or more, gaining only 100 in college technically puts her pre-college weight in the 200s. Definitely fat.
No. 159189
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>>159188my fault, she probably claimed closer to two hundred pounds since she wasnt a fat fuck before college.
I'd definitely put her in the chubby range when she was a child, though.
No. 159196
>>159189Yeah I can totally see her being bullied in high school. She's not the thinnest, basically anyone who weighed less than her would have called her a porker just to get under her skin.
Like I'm okay with people who are clearly overweight who try their best to be healthy. But it just seems to me someone who is morbidly obese who feels she has to be on a reality show to protest how happy she is…might not be the happiest person deep down. I feel bad for her, but she is also making her own bed there.
No. 159205
>>159188300, ha! She's about 380-400 lbs now.
She whines and groans that pcos caused her to gain weight but she proved in the past she was able to lose some weight on her own. She just doesn't want to take personal responsibility for anything.
She needs an intervention, preferably from Dr. Now.
No. 159207
>>159196if you watch the show enough you can see she has no interest in getting healthy. She's pre-diabetic (probably has full on beetus at this point) and she's constantly eating.
One episode she just got so upset over being fat she hides away from everyone and eats a tub of ice cream in her car.
There's also suspicion of her smoking, so there's that.
No. 159236
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Two episodes ago, Whitney supposedly pulled her back in the shower. She called her roommate, Buddy, to come help her out, and started half-limping around with her hand on her back and making a big fuss about it. Looked legit.
So then a few days later, the "Big Girl Dance Class" signed up to dance at a St Patty's day parade. They got a scooty puff for Whitney so that she could putt along beside them without injuring her back further, giving us this hilarious image.
She wasn't too happy with this though, her exact words being "When I'm on the scooter, I'm a little self conscious about it cause there's such a stereotype about fat people who are able-bodied just being so lazy that they use scooters".
So then the dance performance starts. And you can just see Whitney's beady little eyes lighting up when she scoots over to the judges. There is attention to be had at this parade, and there's no way she's going to miss out on it. So Whitney gets out of her wheelchair and does the whole routine with no issues and a huge, cheesy grin on her face.
Then she goes back to holding her back and pretending to be in pain.
No. 159246
>>159207>smokingSad, the worst thing anyone can do for themselves is habitually smoke and the effects are twofold when someone's overweight.
>>159225>that splitAHAHAHA!
Why doesn't she just fall on her ass? Fuck I'm embarrassed for her. The only thing this woman needs is therapy.
>>159236The people behind her look so annoyed. I'd be pissed if I had to be lumped in with her blob ass in front of my parade sign. If she was in such pain she should have just stayed on the sidelines…what a terrible image to give to that class who look ways above her in capability.
No. 159349
>>159205What gets me is that she even says during one of her speeches that in college she ordered lots of pizza and would drink heavily on the weekends.
But of course it's the PCOS that caused the 100-lb+ weight gain and not her binge eating disorder.
She's even said in the past she suffered with an eating disorder(s?). Why can't she just own the fact that she developed BED and ride the band wagon along with her No-BS campaign. She'd get a hell of a lot more sympathy.
I'm just waiting for her to make an appearance on "My 600lb Life" in a few years.
No. 159360
>>159349I doubt she had an eating disorder, bet she's lying about it.
Dr Now would ream into Whit and her family for being enablers, I'd love to see that.
No. 159361
>>159360Dr. Now is a godsend. I love how blunt he is, but you can also see that he really cares about his patients.
And I disagree. I would believe she's had bulimia or OSFED in the past. Either that or she just had the genetics/"trauma"/stress to develop BED in college. You don't get close to 400 lbs by just overeating on occasion.
No. 159440
>>159177I straight up can't understand how you can be THAT big and actually move that much. My thought process would lead me to believe if you did that every day for 20 to 40 minutes, you'd have a decent routine. Not like amazing, but decent.
I've worked with people around her size or bigger that just get tired walking down the street and need to stop every corner.
No. 159444
>>159440She doesn't move much.
It's a lot of pressure on the joints and knees. People her size have to be extremely careful about doing low-impact activities for exercise like swimming or biking because it's a VERY high possibility that even walking for a time could cause knee damages and pain. That's why she's whimpering like a bitch trying to ski. She claims it's because the braces are digging into her shins but the reality is the effort of balancing her core and the knees supporting her weight at the same time are too overwhelming.
>>159382Anon nobody likes constant shit about their weight, shut up.
No. 159600
>>159558If you watch the show you can see her getting out of breath walking into her doctor's building, or walking to her house. It seems at times she even gets out of breath speaking.
I have a feeling her dance class is either 30-60 minutes with lots of "water" breaks in between. When you break down the time allotted for the class and taking in regular things like stretching, meetings (usually at the beginning and end to see where everyone is and how the routine is going), and whatever that free-dance circle thing is where everyone gets a few seconds to be the center of attention and dance however they want (last episode or the one before that idk), you hardly have anytime left for the actual routine.
Plus the choreography is pretty basic. Which I guess can be explained by this being a "free to anyone and everyone" dance class. The only people who do the more advanced choreography in performances are Todd and some skinny girl that's able to do flips and shit (obviously the both have an actual dance/gymnastics background).
No. 159690
>>159685I don't know if there's proof on the boyfriend but it's pretty obvious. And I think I heard that he has two kids? So that's kinda suspect.
As for the comedian though, she did an AMA on reddit where she said that she was contracted. No. 160966
>>160931I tried to hate watch this show because she's so annoying and horrible but it's only doable in small parts. Her mom is really cute and endearing tho
didn't she actually have a heart attack on tv during that dancing thing?
No. 160968
>>160966Her parents are really sweet I agree. Her dad even makes a lot of efforts to try and help her lose weight. He bought Tupperware containers for her so she could make her own lunches and bring them to work/make salads and of course the bitch complains that her dad is shaming her and that she knows how to feed herself and eat healthy.
And no, she fainted during a 5-hour(?) dance-a-thon because of exhaustion. Though her heart was a bit out of whack when she later had to go to a heart specialist. I think it was a minor cardiac event if I remember correctly? But still it obviously is going to lead to bigger problems in the future because she's not going to change her health for shit.
No. 161011
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>>159729will this one do? it's from that episode where she's like 'i deserve a trophy for getting out of my mobility scooter and performing a short dance routine because muh back'
i like how you can see the crazy in her eyes.
for someone who's so insistent that you can be 'healthy at any size', her weight sure does seem to cause her a lot of problems.
No. 161024
>>159246You can't when you're in skiis. The boots restrict your ankles normally (I'm pretty sure you can't even sit on the ground, you'd have to hold your butt up with the weight on your arms, but it's Whitney…), so adding the skiis (meaning you'd have a foot+ of board to have to deal with) would be a no-go even for the skinniest of person. Usually you'd reach behind you to press a button which would unlock the boot, but because of how "healthy" she is, she can only blubber like a whale while her knight in shining armor stands there uselessly.
In this situation, she should have fallen to the side and then let people deal with it.
No. 161937
>>161869It's possible the wrappers were planted there BUT Whitney has a habit of secret eating, so it's not that surprising.
>>161929She wasn't so bad the first season. I don't know if TLC decided to take the show in another direction, but the show def. show Whitney not being able to do stuff more often, or shows more if Whitney whining about her health.
No. 161943
>>159368I'd believe that. Many anorexics are obsessed with food, after starving for a while it's not only possible but very likely that they'll binge and overeat because their brain wants to prevent starvation from happening again.
And from another POV, obese people are more likely to hate themselves enough, and to be desperate enough to drastically undereat and overexercise in order to get quicker results. Especially if they've tried traditional diet and exercise and it didn't work as it should've.