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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 158771

Creates Vegan drama for his channel, had his channel terminated by freelee for copyright and now they maybe going to court. Known to make up stories, be racist, degrade women, body shame and state transphobic comments. He created a new YouTube account which is illegal and still takes steroids despite being a recovering drug addict.

Sorry if I make some spelling and grammar mistakes. English isn't my first language.


No. 158772

Sorry I linked his Twitter twice. The Facebook ones arnt mistakes though. One is his main page that you add as a friend and the other is his fan page that you like

No. 158774

Why is it illegal?

No. 158781


Venus said that you can't simply make a new account while the old one is still being checked over but to be fair she did have like 80 videos reported and this guy has like 8

No. 158782

No. 158783

I can't believe they are 20 in that picture. They look 16

No. 158784

File: 1469374215567.png (139.82 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

He's been asking people to tweet that drama alert guy about making a video on him. I hope he doesn't. I want him to make a video on VEnus instead

No. 158791

Looking at his Facebook he appears to be the fat kid that everyone used to bully in school. I doesn't look any like a drug addict. Why the fuck would you make that shit up.

No. 158792

No. 158793

Wrong link sorry

No. 158798

He looks like he's going to fucking shit himself in those fucking stretch out pants.

Isn't he dating that anorexic Scotish girl to stop these gay rumours? He was playing on grinder the other day

No. 158811

What about that 12 year old is was banging? She still around? If he's not carful he's going to end up behind bars again. Dip shit

No. 158813

All these comments are clearly from the same person it's so pathetic

Get a life or kill yourselves

No. 158823

obviously by a dickrider too

No. 158852

His vlog channel isn't illegal. He had it before the copy right strikes on his main channel.

No. 158869

What's a dick rider? Full me in

No. 158872


No he made a new one called vegan drama. His Vlog is a separate channel. The guy has like 5

No. 158923

No. 158930

His brother is a fucking freak

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