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No. 158301
>>158300OP, this is not how you make a good thread. Tell us about him and give us some milk.
But regardless, he is pretty lulzy. I still think him coming out as bisexual was just to get views since he's just becoming more and more irrelevant. Joey Graceffa and Miranda Sings are pretty much the only Youtubers that collab with him anymore and they're ridiculous too. Did anyone read his book or watch his movie (it's on netflix iirc)?
No. 158307
>>158303There was a reality show no one watched based around it called The Chair. Two young directors were given the same script and the funds to make a movie, with a viewer vote determining the winner. Anna Martemucci's was like 10 times better than Shane's but it came down to which of them had the most rabid social media fans in the end.
His version of the movie is basically a brain damaged American Pie ripoff.
No. 158309
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>>158308No, his was called Not Cool. He had to star in it too of course. Look at him on the poster, eyes staring off in two different directions.
No. 158310
>>158309Guess the fat one was a mini YouTube movie.
Also that fag on the left isn't it one of those trans freaks or he just looks like that popular trans tumblr fag.
No. 158320
>>158317He lies a lot, good example being one time he said doctors gave him free liposuction without his permission.
Also he rubbed his dick on his cat and then jizzed on it.
No. 158325
>>158310Don't even trash Drew, he's perfect.
>>158324As far as Shane goes, the only videos he seems to be putting up are reaction videos and the side shows with that Zall girl and Destrey from dessnnate. He's said before that he's only floating now and he acknowledges that his YouTube 'career' is over. Every YouTuber has a a 4 year shelf life at best, and he seems to be aware.
I was there when the channel began with just his silly little vlogs and I stopped watching in like '09 because grew out of the humor in the sketch videos. On that note I do very much enjoy his podcast.
He's not a cow or even a snowflake, just edgy sometimes. There's no milk or water here.
No. 158344
>>158333> he apparently humped his cat and came on itWhat is with men on the Internet and cats? First Jrcock, now this faggot.
It sucks that Youtube gives mentally ill people a platform to be vocal and jerk off to their own false sense of superiority all because of a large, underaged fanbase.
No. 158349
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>>158309>mfw I sat through 10 minutes of thisIt's literally his bottom of the barrel humor, generic plot, with a higher budget then his videos. I'm biased but Drew was the only decent part.
No. 158356
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He's like a gay Woody
No. 158357
>>158355He's an idiot for joking about himself like that. Even if it's not true, a small portion of his audience will take it seriously, so why even plant that seed?
He must be seriously retarded to think jizzing on cats and making out with dogs makes for a good joke. The only type of people who would laugh at something like that are inbred hillbillies.
I've also heard him say he's drank his own piss so it wouldn't suprise me if he's a disgusting freak irl.
No. 158358
>>158357He didn't seem like he was joking when he told the cat jizz story. He actually sounded serious, he told it on his podcast when Daniel Franzese was on, you can look it up. Once Daniel and his co-host Jesse got uncomfortable, they dropped the subject. According to him, he was 18 and bored and horny so he humped his cat and finished on its stomach.
There's also at least 2 videos of him making out with dogs, this one: this one:'s made tons of the same types of jokes and pedophilia ones as well. And usually when he makes "jokes" they turn out to be true
cough his sexuality
cough him treating lisa poorly and no longer loving her until he dumps her to "figure himself out* He also pees in bottles (Seriously), doesn't shower or brush his teeth often and has awful hygiene. The guy is disgusting inside and out, is petty as hell, and is two-faced and fake as fuck these days. He'll talk shit on Farrah Abaraham, then act nice to her on Twitter just so he can laugh with his friends later about her in private. I remember someone said he used to talk shit about every YouTuber. The guy is so insecure. HE also hates on Viners and people who make challenge videos yet he does the lamest cheapest videos now because he's lazy and old.
No. 158359
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>>158358I'll take your word for it, I don't really want to hear him talking about dry humping his poor cat.
Why is he so popular? both his channels have 6-7 million subs wtf
No. 158360
>>158359Because of his old videos mostly.
I guess the appeal was from his pseudo-nice, goofy persona, long emo hair and edgy content/attitude. He basically made videos that were offensive as hell and kids loved it. He also pandered to emo chicks with his whole persona somewhat by acting weird and they loved it. He also did personal vlogs/videos and of course they loved that too.
Then he got past age 19 and grew older. Now he admits he doesn't like YouTube or videos and just rushes easy, lame videos everyone can do for money. He lost the edginess after the whole blackface controversy (He did blackface in a few old videos "unknowingly to be a character" so he toned it down a bit for a while. He still makes the odd jokes, but racist jokes are the thing that's reduced a lot. Also cause of the current time we're in, which he has criticized. But yeah… it's an interesting thing.
No. 158361
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>>158360Hell, he used be so popular they even sold his tshirts at Hot Topic for few years. It's impressive considering this was around 2009-2011, and YouTubers weren't nearly as a big of a thing then as they are now.>>158360
No. 158362
>>158360Yeah, he was alright back then. Now he's a miserable fuck.
No. 158365
>>158363Wow anon, same. Including being too poor for hot topic merch. I remember being in middle school and laughing over his videos with my friends. I used to watch them at home too. I was really touched by the one he posted about his weight loss. At the time, he just seemed like a funny person who was also kind of weird.
Seeing him now.. I feel kind of disenchanted, tbh.
No. 158366
>>158364Glad I'm not the only one who thought this about Shane. He did seem happier and it looked like he enjoyed making his videos. Now he's just… idk.
I felt as if he's just used us all really.
>>158365Me too, weekends I'd watch all his videos on my old piece of shit ipod in bed and laugh. Now it's just… was that the same person?
No. 158367
>>158366Agreed 100 percent.
And no, I'd say it was a different person… sadly, that shane is long gone.
Just like he constantly goes through friends and relationships. He's not healthy.
No. 158371
>>158302>I've spoken to thought he was gay for years, but apparently he's bisexualThen your friends are wrong. He's nor "apparently" bisexual, he is.
>bi barely counts as does being gay?
i don't get your comment.
No. 158373
>>158332personally I love Shane but hate Drew.
Drew is creepy and ugly as fuck (especially in that trisha vida)
No. 158375
>>158343Bisexuals can have a preference, it doesnt make them any less bi.
i'm tired of all of you thinking bisexuality is a phase, it fucking isnt
No. 158376
>>158357Some people find it funny, just like some people find rape jokes funny.
Just different humor, you're retarded if you take anything shane says seriously.
No. 158380
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>>158378Filthy Frank isn't deep in the slightest way
It's disgusting and shitty
but he knows how to be so shitty it's funny
No. 158384
>>158383If you look at his older videos on the channel he's def much more coordinated then he let's himself appear. He's never done anything too complex, but he is capable when he's not pandering. I think he's almost at the point where he's milked It too much.
Shane made him worse. In just that one ep.
No. 158397
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>>158300You roasties seriously watch fags like this for fun? This is what you enjoy?
Holy fucking shit the only ''lulzy'' thing i'll see on this board is if one of you kills themselves.