No. 15303
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>>15302Eh, she was just your typical teenage whore. Nigga, are you crazy. All she wanted was the jap dick like the rest of white wash idols wannabe adirous. Plus theres nude videos of her everywhere so i doubt she could ever be one again. And yep, drugs made her old as fuck.
No. 15310
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saw this gal on PULL. Her name is Lucy Paradise and is Spanish
>Oh and dancing on the subway and inside stores is penalized ._. The bakery let her but I doubt it was the ownerLOL much embarrassment
Someone told her to learn to sing because 'we all know how to destroy songs' hahaha also pointed out something about her dancing
No. 15315
>>15310the hair… my skin has crawled completely off my bones i cant believe this is real
why is she pairing that hair with that neck the length of a sequoia. ive never seen a person more in need of a wardrobe made only of turtlenecks
i could rent this bitch out as a cherry picker
No. 15316
>>15314she's living a fake dream lol she uses autotune, a lot kek and yeah, she painted it with spray. also look at her eyebrows ew.
Her vids are cheap and I don't know how she doesn't feel embarrased
No. 15317
>>15312they all look like men. like, i don't get it. fine if you look like a dude, ok. and ok if you even want to dress cute, but WHY, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WOULD YOU WANT ATTENTION/PRAISE FOR IT
i think the last one was actually carl sagan
No. 15329
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>>15323this…this is a joke, right?
No. 15331
>>15310OH MY GOD
No. 15341
>>15336I'm sorry I failed thee.
>>15339I'm still waiting for Ichigo-chu's return one day
No. 15342
>>15320>matching costumesBut what about those gorgeous Bodyline pastel seifukus!!! Everyone looks great in those~
>>15340This goes on for so long. It's only 2:33 but it feels like it's dragging after about 30 seconds.
No. 15351
>>15298She may not have the "look" but I think her dancing is pretty cute
>thanks for 33 subscribers!I don't know why but I find it kinda endearing how happy she is about only 33
No. 15355
I always assumed she only got a chance because the 'manager' guy liked her.
No. 15358
>>15344I think she'd be at least 20 by now?
But in that video probably ~17?
>3:20-3:30 No. 15362
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what happened to these niggas
No. 15366
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>>15362This tumblr post kinda describes what happened to them. Beckii and Camille aka Dansa no Himitsu abandoned Oishii Project with no formal announcement. Beckii won't respond to people asking what happened to the project and the members don't even know what's going on.
No. 15388
>>15386What are they even cosplaying…?
coloured wig + clothes =/= cosplay
No. 15390
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>>15388>>15389They're supposed to be Eli and Nozomi from Love Live!
No. 15396
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>>15386I've honestly never been genuinely disgusted by a fat person still now but the girl on the left legitimately repulsed me
No. 15397
>>15320Motherfucking this. I've seen a million aidoru groups but they never, EVER get the look down. Unmatched, wrinkly, ill-fitting outfits, no make-up or sloppy make-up, greasy fried hair or unstyled cosplay wigs, shitty and unrehearsed choreography, chubby and fat. The make-up part especially irks me because it's an essential part about the whole aidoru thing.
But in reality they couldn't give a shit about perfecting their look, the important thing for them is to FEEL popular and have attention, not to learn what an authentic aidoru is like.
No. 15404
>>15403OP asked for any that were good/decent and I think they're pretty decent so I shared.
I think they're former members of on of those Project groups
No. 15409
>>15328Could probably find out somehow from her blog if you understand Japanese well enough- posts regularly and seems sweet.
No. 15417
>>15402They're good but why did Chii wear that horrible wig?
And the blonde looks way too gyaru-esque to be an idol. Idols are supposed to look pure.
No. 15418
>>15414"Anyone know of any that are actually good/decent?"
OP asked for some good/decent groups as well, so they were posted.
No. 15419
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>>15417Not all are pure looking but a lot of the ones who don't fit the typical image usually don't sit well with all the fans. Pic related, she was an idol since she was training as an idol since she was 8
No. 15422
>>15420Yep, trained in 2002, joined the group berryz Koubou 2004, and disbanded this year. A lot of these girls on youtube seem to think it's just singing, dancing, and looking cute but theres a lot of practice that goes into it. I remember this year members under Hello! Project were forced to miss their coming of age ceremony.
A lot of these girls go through a lot just to be idols and I think a lot of it goes unnoticed by try to be aidoru girls. (sorry for the mini slightly off topic rant)
No. 15425
>>15424lol x300
I'm done with these girls.
No. 15430
>>15405This. Why would you try to be an idol if you seem bored as hell dancing, singing or even just talking? Aren't idols supposed to be energetic and full of personality or something?
>>15425You can't resist their charms~☆
No. 15431
>>15427Sorry but you seem to Know very little about idols yourself, and are just one of those western people who think not all idols need to cater to wota and it's unfair.
There are a small handful of idols who don't fit that pure image, but they don't have as many fans.
Risako was pushed in Berryz, but their fan base in general was slipping because of their sloppy attitudes.
A gyaru as an idol is usually a joke to Japanese people. Sorry but it's true. She looks more Koda Kumi when idols are supposed to be more "the pretty girl in my class I used to have a crush on."
Idols are based on looks. Sorry you don't like it, but it's the sad truth.
No. 15436
>>15430How old is she?
Like 9? lol
No. 15451
Here's Sakura Station's debut>Sakura Station subscribed to a channel >Downward Submission Position???
No. 15455
>>15312I actually had hope in this like a year or maybe 2 yrs ago. But like, I don't see much activity, expect for a bunch of shit previews and teasers. The only song I can say I like is Win This War, but even that along with the others sound like songs school with force the kids to sing about.. With a pop beat. Anyways, it's pretty nice. Some of the girls are cute a'f, and some are as ugly than IchigoChu.
Sigh, wish them luck. For whatever the fuck they're doing now.
No. 15462
>>154601) What the fuck is up with the Asian girl's hair??
2) Everything after 1:40 is like a bad trippy experience wtf
No. 15464
>>15462She has a great face and looks the best out of all of them, but that hair ruins it a bit.
This video made me bust up laughing after 1:40
No. 15465
>>15460"Sing along, Christmas song, Christmas all the way"
How generic
>3:00>"Spread your wings like sacred treasure"wtf does that mean?
No. 15466
>>15456Is that her natural voice? I'm pretty certain she's faking that voice.
>>15465This songis so dreary. Why is it so slow? They sound so sad.
No. 15470
>>15463Seems like they thought this was good too
They sound like the turrets from Portal
No. 15474
>>15470How fucking deaf do you have to be to think this sounds good?
>>15472Damn, he's got everyone in this thread (aside from Yapura Meri) beat
No. 15475
>>15465What is up with the girl on the left??
What is this thread? I thought we were supposed to posting decent idols lmfao
What is
No. 15481
>>15479The girl in the shorts and the two girls with the Dweeb shirts are the best in the group. The chick in the blue dress is behind and awkward at times. The girl in the pink is okay I guess.
All in all, it wasn't that bad. I could have done without the awkward close ups. Especially of the girl in the blue dress (dead face) and the girl in the pink (it was too low and you couldn't see her face properly). The first zoom when it was of the chick in the grey dweeb shirt pretty much just standing there was the most awkward.
No. 15492
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>>15491the song reminds me of aqua's barbie girl, but preformed by itas
No. 15496
>>15494I don't mind Kelsey when it comes to her dancing but her woredrobe choices are terrible and she has been overusing her
kawaii voice as of late that she sounds terrible now.
She needs to only only stick with the dance covers.
No. 15501
>>15494Her voice and outfits are just annoying in every way.
That ridiculous eyeliner is terrible too. It always looks wonky because of her eye, she should go for a way thinner line to make it less obvious.
No. 15506
>>15505What is it with weeb thinking it is cute to eat sweets on camera?
If I watch the video I want to see the Dancing. Not close ups of awful ass white eyeliner and them stuffing their faces with sweets.
Is there any dancer out there who hasn't eaten sweets on camera?
No. 15508
>>15376Because even if yuka did bad things, her aidoru character was still great. jesus christ get over it already. Stop acting as if yuka wasnt a good idol just because of the bad stuff she did and its called an opinion.
She was the best western idol imo and her shitty personality doesnt change my mind
No. 15516
>>15386Why do landwhales always go for my waifu?
I am disgusted.
No. 15519
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>>15515>>15518>Coming together in 2006 under the name Happy! Project, their aim is to become the first well-known Japanese pop group in America.I can't find anything regarding their ages, but the group was formed 9 years ago.
No. 15520
>>15516which one? lol. but assuming you meant nozomi, a lot of fatties cosplay her because they think she's meant to be fat. she IS slightly larger than the other girls but it's her boobs, i don't know why they can't tell that. also i think a lot of tumblr wiccans (often fats) are into her because she's into tarot and stuff.
thing about the love live dances is that there are so many routines with two or three girls, idk why they always try to make a 9-piece dance work with only a couple people.
No. 15528
>>15523Nobody is worshipping her.
Yuka was a popular and great aidoru. Just because she was a lolcow doesnt mean her character was shit, stop it. She knew Japanese very well, she had the looks.
No. 15538
>>15533>>15529Anon seems jealous of Yuka, I rarely pull out the jealousy card but you really seem mad that some people can like yuka or dakota even though "omg theyre lolcows wow nobody should like them because i say so!!! GO BACK TO PULL".
it's fucking pathetic.
The only reason why people now bash yuka is because she did some stupid shit.
Before she has done it, everyone liked her and found her character cute and adorable. so sorry but the fact she did stupid shit doesnt affect her yuka character and you really reek jealousy if you think so lol get over it already faggot
No. 15539
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>>15538>The only reason why people now bash yuka is because she did some stupid shit.that's why we bash on everyone here, genius.
she's a joke, much like yourself. get a grip.
No. 15543
>>15542They aren't even comparable?
Yuka was an actual child/teenager and developed a lolicon character (or Akira did, whatever) that had some success in Japan and she would have probably had some success as an Akiba idol if she had not made foolish decisions. She has been to Japan and has been photographed on street-snap blogs. She is still trying to make something of herself in Japan (even if she is mainly partying and doing drugs).
PT is a delusional 30 year old woman who has been dressing as a loli only since her 20s, and she has never once fit the image, not even in high school. She has always claimed to want to be a famous cosplayer or compared herself to idols despite putting no effort into her appearance or at the very least, her costumes. She has had many opportunities to go to Japan (allegedly) and never taken them and still acts like it's not her fault that her life is shit. She has not left her hometown since at least high school, probably ever.
It's easy to assume people kiss Yuka's ass because she's cute and actually looked good as a loli character and I'm sure that's some of it. But, Yuka is someone who was thisclose to achieving her dreams or whatever but shat it away but has tried to move on, PT has just never even tried and still lives in her delusion. People here do have a soft spot for people who genuinely try and succeed.
No. 15544
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>>15516No idol-waifu is safe
No. 15555
>>15550trying to show diversity but using the same idiot face for every character? ok
this is more cringeworthy than the cowplayers themselves
No. 15557
>>15556but they're moe.
>>15550 looks gross
No. 15560
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>>15550nico looks like a starving indian child and eli looks like a character straight out of a yaoi doujin
>>15551not irrational at all, especially considering that idols are supposed to be ideal girls, and not one of those girls is desirable
No. 15564
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>>15550 I knew they looked familiar and I finally put my finger on it
>>15562Its nice to see composed chubby girls dancing. Refreshing from the huge yt mess of so called "idols"
No. 15569
>>15303r u serious
she is in japan now
living it up
No. 15576
>>15574>>15575Ignore the man trying to be funny and ending up being disrespectful. Ruki appears in 21:00 someone wants to know what they are talking about just tell me and I'll translate
No. 15577
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No. 15583
>>15346She was pretty cute back then tbh, and she's not really ugly now if you wanna compare her to
coughVenuscough All I'm saying is maturity hit her really hard.
No. 15587
>>15586I have no idea who they are but they seem to have not been active since last year on their facebook
Who let them have their own concert?? and why is black inuyasha their opening act?
No. 15601
>>15596Shit like this makes me wonder how these people can make these videos and not cringe at themselves.
Like the girl herself is cute, but this whole video is just really embarrassing to watch.
Like I imagine her excitedly showing this to friends who have no idea what the fuck she's trying to do, or this ending up in a cringe compilation titled "FUNNIEST White Girl Dancing Fails 2015 NEW".
No. 15602
>>15562The fact that they were all secure enough to eat and jump in front of the camera fucks me up. Still cute, though. I couldn't stop watching certain bits, and the song is cute.
Oh and most of them are actually obese tbh
No. 15605
>>15604They are glow sticks for wotagei.
I always find people doing their own wotagei so creepy. And teaching your audience to wotagei is just a bit egotistical.
But if they were actually dildos then that would be hilarious
No. 15606
>>15605even this wotagei
>>15525 could be improved with dildos
No. 15610
>>15608>In fact most of these dancers seem like they are trying to emulate the dancing skills of a childum…they are. well, i guess a few years ago, the "thing" was to have a loli imouto image. i know that's still kind of a thing but it seems like a lot of the weebs doing this are now more interested in idol anime than akiba.
a lot of the dancing others are doing (love live etc) aren't really impressive either, it's just that they are expected to be singing as well, or with a large group, which adds difficulty – but most of them just do it alone without singing.
>>15609genuinely impressed ha
No. 15617
>>15300in the meantime there's ichigo-chan
(she's not bad by any means, and kinda cute imo, but not really anything special)
No. 15620
>>15618jfc do you really think she would stop in to lolcow to defend a years old video? this "hur you said something vaguely nice so you must be them" thing is so old.
She's not cute but she tried and she dances better than 80% of this thread, no matter how simplistic the dances are. Anyway, are we just posting old videos now?
No. 15623
>>15614im positive it was just her dressed as herself
Ririri is better than this entire thread tbh
No. 15625
>>15624holy shit this man.
can we have a thread about vic? he's kind of old news, but god, everyone has a story about dick mangina.
No. 15633
>>15622Eh, I guess I have low standards being an ugly girl myself
>>15632My guess is it's not likely
No. 15634
>>15631isn't that the point of lolcow? to share weird & terrible stories about shitty human beings?
The face that he's a z-list 'celebrity' only adds icing to the cake.
>>15626everyone who's ever had to work with him or for him has got a story about what a heel Vic is. I've never interacted with him, but I've seen his shenanigans from afar.
At one convention that I attended, he literally made his fans wait over an hour in line before he even
came downstairs from the green room and started signing things.
The reason for the hold-up? The hotel didn't sell Vic's preferred brand of bottled water. I think it's Evian?–so he insisted that his volunteer assistant for the weekend drive out and find a case before he'd do the signing. In the meanwhile, a line formed that literally snaked around the circumference of the convention space and met itself on the other end. It created a horrible traffic jam for everybody else. If you were trying to get to a panel room? You were shit out of luck. If you had to maneuver a bulky and/or delicate costume through the halls? Prepare to get it damaged. He has absolutely no consideration for other people and thinks that the rest of us are only too delighted to bend over backwards at his convenience. Dude really does deserve his own thread. If only I wasn't so lazy, I'd look up the rest of his exploits for y'all's amusement.
No. 15635
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> nico is polyamorous, a trans girl and biromantic asexual! she also has bpd. >bpd rin who is also a trans girl and is a panromantic demisexual> trans boy nico! he wants to be the cutest boy idol in history >consider: trans girlfriends rinpana & nozoeli why the fuck does
everyone need to be trans
No. 15645
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Her fucking nose cracks me up every time.
No. 15668
>>15623favorite JPOP dancer lol
Ririri is the only good one and she like just turned eight. These other basic wannabe idols need to step up their game.
No. 15675
>>15669Song aside, this music video is just so fucking uninspired. It's really obvious they're marketing themselves toward people who don't know anything about Jfash and will mistakenly think they're looking at something unique or interesting. I'm legitimately enraged by how basic and pleb this whole thing is and how they just look so satisfied with themselves. They just threw on some fucking wigs and contact lenses, went on a 30-minute look through the "kawaii" and "pastel" tags on Instagram or Tumblr and called it a day.
0/10, little to no aesthetic knowledge applied here, would not watch again. Good quality camera, though.
No. 15676
>>15669i just saw this the other day, wow, what a coincidence.
it's just terribly cringeworthy.
No. 15678
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No. 15683
>>15682What anon was talking about I think are bands such as d.k or YOHIO(sp?).
Unless songs such as 'Koko Soko', 'Japanese Boy', 'Tomoe'(I think I spelt this one wrong) and 'Butterfly' are bubblegum dance
No. 15686
>>15683Oh I misunderstood
But yeah,'s music is bubblegum pop.
I've never heard of Yohio, but he doesn't seem to be bubblegum pop, just dresses in J-fashion.
Bubblegum pop is basically just catchy, upbeat songs with cutesy, usually meaningless lyrics (like Aqua's Barbie Girl)
Now to get the thread somewhat back on topic, The Wish Sisters' latest performance
No. 15689
>>15665I found this and thought of you, anon
Theres also a dancer I think you would like called Monoton though she's not active anymore (You can take a guess which one she is)
No. 15693
>>15298The Wish Sisters' cover of Start:Dash!! is private now.
I wonder why..
No. 15698
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I can't help but believe there is at least one self post ITT.
No. 15699
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>>15697>Theres also a familiar face you might recognise x'DWho's supposed to be familiar?
For a second I thought Rina was Himezawa (bc Sab
rina and also
that nose) but I'm not 100% sure
Also, how do they have 421 likes on Facebook without having any content yet?
No. 15700
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>>15697Christ we have a lot of ugly people in this country.
'Kuri' even admits she's not an idol fan, what's the point of this group?
>>15699Beth was in Wish Sisters
>>15693I guess the likes are just from the members
sharing on their own pages.
No. 15701
>>15700Ah, thank you.
After looking a little more, I see that this is Rina (girl on the right in the vid). No. 15703
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>>15697Why the hell there are no aidoru wannabee groups with members who at least have decent faces
No. 15705
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No. 15706
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100000x the autism.
No. 15709
most of them are nice girls but damn they need to work on posing
No. 15710
>>15697Tbh this seems promising.
>Average to kinda cute girls>Clean cut>Sorta professional looking costumes>All in one area >Not too many girlsNow if these girls can get their asses out of Japan or actually attempted to get a Japanese audience (learning Japanese, NND Lives YouTube Streams, actually trying to gain connections or agents in Japan), they can actuay be successful and start the idea of 'idols' girl/boy groups outside of Japan/UK/US that isn't trying to gain Japanese appeal but Western appeal. Somewhat like a mix of kpop groups and Fifth Harmony/1D.
No. 15722
>>15713Again, my comment:
>>15713 was about her posture and lack of energy, not specifically looks. But regardless, I assume they are aiming for the Japanese market- and its all about a youthful, full, small face, bright eyes and dazzling "genki" personality- sadly, she possesses none of the above.
No. 15725
>>15724 Self post?
>>156741:30 Girl can't pronounce the name of her favourite group
face palm No. 15730
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"one of the more experienced idols in the group"
I can't with this girl.
No. 15738
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>>15735oh wow. what pro looking icons…
No. 15741
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Seeing all these makes me feel pretty good about my own weeb years.
No. 15749
>>15748Fkusay or those Hanapinku chicks.
Video wise at least. Voice? Flusay.
No. 15756
>>15755That's a remix of their own song
Flugel writes the lyrics, produces the music, and edits the videos for every song it seems
No. 15758
>>15699Who is Rina? Does she have a thread here?
Also, just curious if she's German. Most German girls I've seen/known have looked a bit like this.
No. 15759
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>>15758No, she doesn't have a thread, I just mistook her for a different lolcow (Himezawa) No. 15763
>>15761I wonder when the one in green will get an outfit that actually matches the others. It makes her stick out so badly and draws attention
If they want to look professional on stage (well as professional as weeb dancers can) then they really should all have matching outfits
No. 15772
>>15766what the fuck
I mean she's cute
but I'm pretty sure she's tone deaf
No. 15774
>>15770Aidoru groups will usually outright call themselves "idols"
>"Kirakira! Project (KRP) is the umbrella name of multiple idol units that release Japanese-pop inspired music and videos."
>"Pinku! Project is a Toronto based idol group… Our goal had been bringing some Asian idol culture to people in Canada"
>(Flusay Girls) "Welcome to the new age of Cyberspace idols/Artists"
>"We are Platinum Happy, an aspiring lifestyle idol group!"
>(Sakura Station) "We are a Jpop Net-idol, with a passion for japanese music."While solo girls will say it's their ~dream~ to become an idol
>(Ichigo Chu) My dream Is to be an Akiba Idol In Akihabara!And I vaguely remember a video where Himezawa was interviewed on some Japanese show and said she wanted to become Japan's #1 idol or something like that?
No. 15780
>>15623Holy shit, I want this to be an animu so bad
>kawaii TOP SKILLED DANCER rich girl with no friends>forces her butler to be in a sugoi aidoru duo with herI would watch the shit out of this
No. 15782
>>15779She uses so much more energy here than in any of her Wish Sisters performances.
If she used that energy with wish it would make the videos a bit better to watch
No. 15795
>>15793>who even wants to listen to fake high pitched baby voices singing about candy?Me, lol. Although I don't like this song, I just like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's music, lol.
Anyway, I love Amina, I think she's really cute and all, but honestly, her singing/music is just awful. I don't know much about idols, all I know/like is Idolm@ster and AKB48, but they can't be that bad, can they? I don't get how anyone could even tolerate the shitty music, even if the most attractive person on the earth was making it. I mean, I actually really did want to like this, because like I said, I really like Amina, and even I couldn't tolerate it.
No. 15799
>>15779>>15778If Rina and Amelia are good friends, do I sense a Furi Furi x Wish collab
That could be a hilarious disaster.
No. 15808
>>15806Sayumi can't sing and everyone knows that. That's why they would autotune her parts. Either way it's pretty stupid to compare her to a group like AKB which has been out for a while. If you listen to individual members songs they're not great singers.
>>15807Maybe you're just being nitpicky. It's the exact same somg.
No. 15814
>>15799I….I actually kinda want to see that…
sure it might be terrible, but all 9 of them together? they could do some love live, theres not a lot of groups that have all the members, theres always a few missing.
No. 15817
An acapella preview of Flusay Girls newest song: the lyrics:
>When the world has spoken one last time>No more salvation for your kind>When we resonate with glowing light>Divination call's to put up a fightThese lyrics sound like whoever she's breaking up with is doomed to eternal damnation on Judgement Day or some shit.
No. 15819
>>15818i fucking hate that song
why does every single weeaboo dance to this kiddy crap
No. 15825
File: 1435780699927.jpg (716.59 KB, 1280x720, FuriFuri.jpg)

Furi Furi announced that their first dance cover will be up this Friday.
No. 15829
>>15825Isnt there 6 members of furi furi?
who is missing?
No. 15835
>>15797I agree
While I hate the video and the song is pretty shit. Amina pretty much had no control over this, she didn't even know when they were filming her for the music video which can explain why she looks so lost at some parts. I'm not inclined to judge her just yet, especially since they told her to use the voice that she is currently using instead of her natural voice. Hopefully as she becomes more popular and experienced she can start to be herself a bit more but right now I'm not impressed.
No. 15837
>>15834Unfortunately this WAS the 'other day'
and trying to get 6 girls from around the UK all in the same place is really difficult and with our first public performance being this Saturday, we didn't have time.
No. 15838
>>15832that's a really terrible excuse, if this is your debut then all the members should be there, that and the fact that you all look off in this picture
>>15825 really destroys the little bit of faith I had in your group.
No. 15840
>>15832 >>130302
Are you just lurking places that talk about idol groups? Because I saw you on cgl as well defending yourself or whatever when people were discussing your group.
No. 15842
>>15837yeah I agree with anons, it says very little about your dedication or the effort you put into your group if you couldnt be bothered to wait a bit to have a proper debut video rather than exclude her intentionally or not, its unprofessional
>>15838 my faith is now lost too
No. 15845
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Her train was delayed here too?
No. 15846
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No. 15857
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>>15853on their instagram theres a photo of them all after rehearsals
No. 15875
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Sorry for the bad quality. One of them was on the Convention Gaijin Idol/Cover Groups/Cover Soloist Thread on /cgl/ defending the group.
According to one of the members, they only record dances once they've perfected them.
No. 15891
File: 1435795859506.png (202.47 KB, 734x385, hbgvftcrd.png)

>>15875From the Jfashion/lolita/cosplay Instagram sharing thread.
No. 15897
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Self posting more than confirmed.
No. 15898
>>15832>>15837>>15875>>15891I'm positive Rina is the one who's posting on behalf of Furi Furi
This video of her was posted in a cringe thread on /cgl/ and she tried to defend herself also tried to promote her instagram>Rina currently manages the group's online presence applying her extensive knowledge of social networking to organise the groups online content.kek
No. 15902
>>15900someone that likes anime too much
most of these girls try too hard to look like a anime girl and fail supremely almost every time
No. 15905
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>>15901>>I was dared to do this by my friend, the whole thing is a joke>I make it insanely obvious is was a huge joke.Calling something a joke doesn't automatically make it funny, Rina.
No. 15906
>>15904if they like anime too much it counts too IMO they mostly mesh together
pixy doesn't know about japan, she just likes anime and thinks japan is anime IRL
No. 15909
>>15783The dude looks so gay so LOL
Nevertheless, this is really entertaining. They're really good!
No. 15911
>>15790Her voice is so fake
it hurts my ears
No. 15926
>>15925you just said it yourself.
'the dance is so basic'
And they still make it look untidy and do different moves.
No. 15929
>>15921well for a first cover, its not terrible, as mentioned, they were thrown together without knowing each other so its gonna take a while of getting used to each other, also filming in public for the first time is scary.
not bad, I see potential, at least the dancing is much more in time than some others first covers
No. 15933
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>>15921KFC is quite an easy song to dance. One girl's timing is so off that it makes me want to punch a baby. It's not River, it's KFC, not Kamonegix or UZA.
No. 15935
File: 1435966587996.gif (14.08 MB, 643x351, furifuri.gif)

>>15934Not that anon, but imo Beth (far left) is really off, especially after the fourth minute of the video
No. 15936
>>15921So I may be thinking way too much into this, but didn't they say they had a member missing because her train was late and they couldn't wait any longer before filming?
It seems like they managed to perfect the movement of everyone without that sixth member very easily for not knowing she would be missing. I know it probably wasn't very difficult to reorganise people but it just some as though everyone knows just where they need to be, I would have expected it to be a bit more obvious they had a member missing. I was expecting to see where the member was supposed to be or a bit of confusion over the new movements as they swap places. Was the sixth member just stuck on the end and so it didn't really matter if she was missing?
No. 15937
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>>15936That's actually a really good point.
It's kinda hard to see where an extra person would be in this choreography. It's as if it was a 5-person dance to begin with.
Not sure if that means anything though.
No. 15939
>>15937Glasses is off
and once again long hair in the front doesn't know what the fuck she is doing
No. 15941
>>15936Why would you record the 'debut' dance the same day or just a few days before you upload? If they prepared it like let's say a week before, they could have stayed in the area together or something, practice so it wouldn't look off, and record with the 6th member.
If I was that member, I wouldn't want to be in such a group that acts professional but is not. They look like they don't need her? Well fine she can drop out. I could understand if it was later on for another dance.
They shouldn't have called it a debut then, because a debut showcases the whole group.
>>15940Like the other anon said, it's really.basic compared to their.other songs, so I guess it was the best one to do. It's like the basic bitch song.
Not gonna patronize them for that though, I myself prefer their older songs, so if I was an idoru I would want to cover River or Beginner or something.
No. 15942
>>15921they look so bad tbh
>one black and three overweight girlsugh and their dancing…..
No. 15944
>>15936>>15937Actually you could very easily make this 6 > 5. In this gif
>>15937 you can see that ginger girl thinks she's the middle girl, meaning the 6th member who isn't in the debut would be next to glasses. So there would be 3 at the back, 3 at the front, they travel in between each other. It's very simple and not rocket science to remove the end girl.
No. 15947
>>15945>bullying the 6th memberIf they sent applications in, I wonder if they have a manager or leader who isn't dancing? If so, would they allow this behavior? I mean, wouldn't the manager tell them to wait, or practice the 5 dance so no one could be confused?
Poor Kuri, can't blame her for the train because she is trying, but probably she should invest in an earlier train.
No. 15951
>>15782The Wish Sisters have uploaded two videos without the third member.
Does she live too far away from them to meet up?
No. 15957
>>15955That is absolute bullshit.
There are not nearly enough members for them to have "ranks" that just makes it like they are singling out the new member.
Contract? Seriously? They are not a professional group what the fuck would a contract do besides guilt trip people into being loyal to a weebish dance group. What if a better opportunity comes up for a member but they can't take it because of this fucking "contract" for a no way professional group
No. 15962
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>>15960If we were going to, should it be in /b/ or /pt/?
Have they done enough lulzy things to warrant an entire thread?
>one member (most likely Rina, as she's in charge of the group's social media) managed to almost ruin her group's image before they've even properly debuted>promoted the group on /cgl/ and lolcow>claimed they don't record their dances until they've perfected them>defensive over criticisms that probably wouldn't have been as harsh if she hadn't come in here claiming their group is totally professionalI guess until they post more videos, we could discuss the members themselves if there is anything to discuss about them. Or maybe Rina will come in and continue to try to defend the group.
No. 15966
>>15964Jrcach doesn't consider black girls to be girls, apparently we're subhuman, I'm not sure how he could outwardly call this girl cute
Her nose is the size of texas and her eyebrows are shit. What the ever loving fuck?
No. 15970
>>15969My bad, that's why I had the question marks there in case I was wrong lol.
Either way, yh he called her cute, but Idk she ain't ugly either? With proper makeup I'm sure she can look a LOT better.
No. 15977
>>15971>>15972>>15973>>15975>>15976none of this has anything to do with aspiring idols
No. 15978
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>>15971She's pretty and all, but this is the wrong thread for her; she's not an idol.
>>15963>the big thing is if they'll continue being this lulzyTrue, maybe it's best to hold off a new thread for a while until they have more content or whichever member is lurking here comes back to defend the group.>"Resident meme queen" No. 15980
File: 1436125952630.jpg (74.02 KB, 720x960, 11705354_496627140501468_30293…)

This is probably a dumb idea so I apologize in advance,
but would it be worth the trouble to ask an admin if the person who first mentioned Furi Furi in this thread (
>>15697) is the same IP or location or whatever as the Furi Furi member trying to justify why they debuted without a member (
Just to confirm whether or not a member of the group was stupid enough to try and promote themselves on a site dedicated to making fun of people and then defend themselves
No. 15981
>>15980That'd be hilarious maybe even see if the person saying this too
>>15849 if it isn't too much trouble
No. 15982
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>>15981Oh shit, good idea.
So, it needs to be confirmed whether these posts
>>15849 >>127620 were made by the same person as
>>15832 >>130302. Or would it be simpler to just ask for all posts that were made by the Furi Furi member?
Also, how does one go about requesting an admin to check…?
No. 15983
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>>15845They performed at a con talent show yesterday.
I hope someone recorded their performance; I'm wondering how their live would compare to their debut video.
No. 15986
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No. 15990
>>15980 Well considering I posted the OP:
>>15697 You'd be wasting your time. And excuse me for posting about a new idol group under the idol group thread. Y'all are getting way too paranoid for your own good. Clutching at straws trying to create drama about a group that has barely debut lol. Are you that desperate for drama?? Go outside
No. 16005
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>>15784>Currently a Stay at home mum, I'd like to work more online with youtube (I love making videos) and music which are my hobbies but I'd really like to find where my future profession might be. For now I just need to focus more and figure it outI don't know whether to encourage her endeavors with Flusay Girls just so she'll create more shit like
>>15460 or to tell her to quit the weeby idol shit and get a job so she can support her daughter and move out of her parents' house.
No. 16009
>>16008Do you think she'll get her daughter involved in dances when she is old enough?
The japanese dancers that are children seem to have loads of views so it wouldn't surprise me if she tried to get more views that way.
Mother and daughter aidoru unit?
No. 16010
>>15993even her room is that of a 14 year old.
it's sad. she really needs to grow up. you can still be kawaii in your spare time, just get a real job.
or at least like get a husband or something.
No. 16013
>>16008Yeah, she could almost be lolcow material:
>mid-twenties >unemployed and living with her parents>started a net idol group with a bunch weeby teenagers(though I'm not really sure what her goal is with Flusay Girls, like if she's trying to become famous/popular or if it's just a hobby or whatever)
>is the song writer, composer and mixer, producer, and video editor for all of Flusay Girls' songs and videos and is shit at all of thembut I don't want her daughter to end up messed up because mommy's too busy being kawaii on the internet to take care of her
Her daughter shows up in this video at 3:30 (this video is from 2 years ago)
No. 16015
>>16013>>16013idk, who am I to say she should stop what she does because she's old by the jcomm standards? At least she has her youngish features to work with
Some people get into the whole weeb thing late, or they just like it from childhood.
Tbh, the only thing that upset me bit is that she doesn't have a proper job.
Not going to fault her for living with her mom because some cultures basically keep their kids in for financial reasoning and familial reasons. Idk if her mom wants her there or not.
Probably she can take some online college courses and see what she wants with her life.
No. 16022
>>16017someone seems asshurt
being a single just-out of-teenage mom is a bad thing and shows that they are clearly incapable of making good decisions or maintaining or choosing good relationships
btw bringing up that daddy thing out of nowhere is kind of strange and makes it seem you have a fetish for it or something
No. 16023
>>16016>>16020>>16022So… now we make a thread for each girl that has been on MTV's teen mom? That sounds like we would need an entire board for them.
What makes her a perfect lolcow candidate? Just asking.
No. 16024
>>16023the fact that she makes videos of herself dancing in japanese schoolgirl outfits in bare feet and messy hair while her kid hangs off the edge of a bed
how is that not lolcow worthy?
are you her or something?
No. 16029
>>16025Everywhere I see you here
Every step I do, you're in front of me
Everything I can hear can bring me back to reality
this is so inspiring. my tearz
No. 16031
>>16025 *But now my love is in pain
I cut my heart with the help of a knife*
No. 16045
>>16044I disagree, Ikuze Kaito Shojo (Shoujo?) looks too messy, KFC looks slightly more organized, despite the timing problems.
Also, Momoiro Clover Z choreographies tend to be waaay more challenging because of the stamina required. I call this an unfortunate song choice. The member that played Kanako couldn't jump very high, so the "Kanako Jump" made her look really heavy and unathletic, I would choose someone different in the group to play her.
No. 16048
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forgot to attach how i found that video (went onto the person who commented videos and found a video which looked very similar to Rina not sure if its 100% her)
No. 16051
File: 1436839332430.jpg (87.19 KB, 960x720, 11741846_1103996632948667_2676…)

>>15664This girl is Japan right now performing, there is only a 5 second clip of her on stage so I don't know how well she did.
No. 16056
File: 1436875580848.png (343.97 KB, 616x464, 1371740549959.png)

>>16051>>16052Yes she is,she's also the same girl who begged for money to go to Japan to see her favorite idol and then posted her nudes on /b/ No. 16058
File: 1436915573799.jpg (75.55 KB, 720x960, 11214242_892944474097937_74571…)

>>16056>Begs for money to go to Japan for free.
>Then Anime Weekend Atlanta sends her as an idol representative for the Haneda International Anime Music Festival where she is seen performing here.>>15654
>And now she is Japan for free, a third time after winning the Nashville Cherry Blossom FestivalI'm a little impressed.
No. 16059
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>>16051>>16051jeez how old is she?
No. 16066
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>>16063Massive dick sucking I assume
>>16065Nah dude, she's like as white a curdled milk
No. 16070
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>>16069Pretty sure she's 23
No. 16078
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>>16077here she mentions that the girl who bullied her performed at Haneda International Airport Festival (HAF) and is now performing at Akiba SIXTEEN and makes a point to say she is NOT her friend
No. 16084
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>>16078yeah she's definitely talking about her
No. 16086
>>16075probs cos she's black and kawaii while she's white and fugly
her whiteness is the only fab thing japs would like
No. 16088
>>16084She's just like Micky with the whole ~so pale, so white~ thing.
You can see here
>>16066 she isn't that light. She just abuses filters. I also don't get why she thinks being oogled by Japanese people is special, they do that to every nonjapanese person.
No. 16092
Sakura Station's newest song, "S!MPLEX Dance! Tonight!"
Well, it's better than their debut
>>15451 …but that's not saying much
No. 16095
File: 1437029997532.jpg (43.16 KB, 533x800, 11721203_1102985839716413_6372…)

>>16084ugh is she seriously bragging?
I've seen her in person and her face always looks dirty
No. 16102
>>16100Wow, what a cunt. Amina has the patience of a saint.
>make people at cons laugh at her videosLike holding panels about it?
No. 16106
>>16105Oh this was insanely cute.
They all look so lovely and nice.
When I saw the title I was expecting a copy of the MOE photo shoot videos complete with KONNICHIWAAAA MINNAAAAA~~~~ PHOTOSHOOT DESUUUUU
No. 16113
File: 1437179365495.png (485.49 KB, 856x461, Screen Shot 2015-07-18 at 01.2…)

Such attractive girls!
>>16108in b4 Tumblr ~omg fatshaming~
>>16111oh wait
Those fucking cat shirts. All this focus on their looks so far and black girl is the only decent-looking one.
No. 16114
>>16113oh NO.
is that… FEMALES…with NO. MAKE UP?!!
and noone is going tumblr on the fat shaming. these girls are just simply, not fat.
No. 16115
>>16114Tumblr, get out.
They are not aidoru material, which is the entire point. Stop.
No. 16116
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>>16114… ok even PT looks great
grrrrl power!
No. 16119
>>16118Well honestly despite all of those skills, it really helps if you're pretty. And look really young. Without copious amounts of makeup. Japanese idol fans don't like that stuff.
If you don't have that, then you will stay like all the other girls who have tried. Underground with a very small fan base.
If you have nice singing skills I would aim for avex auditions or becoming a solo artist if you're serious.
It's harder for non full or half Asians to make it at all in the music industry. Modeling is easier.
But if you're serious about it, try it! Never hurts to try.
No. 16120
>>16119I plan to pursue modeling as well! I'm not sure how pretty others would consider me to be, but I'm 18 and people still think I'm in middle school so that a plus? As for makeup I only wear a ton for cosplay, outside of that I just wear like eyeliner or none at all.
I'll look into avex auditions, for sure!
No. 16124
> calling those outfits anywhere near cute.okay sweety
>>16114The only decent ones are the black girl and the one with short hair, the rest are either ugly or fat.. or both.
No. 16126
>>16120Yeah. Because you're 18, I would start now! You're at an age where agencies will still want to pick you up because you have a while before becoming retiring age for an idol which is like 24-26. And like the other anon said, you look young so you can also say you're 16 or something to the public. Looking like you're a western middle schooler is basically a Japanese 16 year old's looks.
People always mistook me for like 16 when I am actually in my early 20s but in Japan, they thought I looked my age.
No. 16129
>>16128Scream-singing and shitty, unsynchronized dancing
this girl and her squad are a lot better
>>15479 No. 16131
>>16127To be honest, I was interested in modeling before I knew what an idol was, and now I really want to do both, but I'm not going to get my hopes and dreams up about being an idol because succeeding as a gaijin just isn't realistic.
I'm aware about the Japanese, I've been taking it for a few years now but I'm still not very good due to the fact I took it online. I'm about to pick up private lessons, and I also has a friend who is a Japanese major and is helping me!!
I know being an idol is really hard work, but it's something I'm serious about and would like to try, even if I fail it'll be a good experience.
I've been trying to learn more about idols because I really am clueless and don't want to end up embarrassing myself @u@ when I was younger I wanted to do dance covers but wasn't happy with the quality so I never posted them, thank god.
As for the visa thing, I actually have that worked out but I'm not going to get into it haha
No. 16133
>>16103for real anon?
they look ridiculous af
No. 16134
No. 16138
>>16132No no, I know what an idol /is/, I mean I'm trying to learn more about how to become one. Sorry for being so vague!
I don't plan on depending on it as a career either, it's really just for fun, as I know that there's no way I'd ever be famous for it or anything.
No. 16142
>>16140>Anina She's the first black idol in Japan and she's pretty educated. Plus she has a reliable visa.
>YurikoCosplayer + white + big tits. Obviously she'll get a lot of attention in japan.
>RukiShe's not really anything new to the table.
No. 16147
>>16137if you look at the two sisters who danced the other day they have those bright pink weekend wristbands too, I thought performers get free entry?
>>16141 >>16137
somethings definitely a giant mess
No. 16150
>>16144I'm not sure if she was an idol, but happened to that little black girl who was in a group? She was like what? 6..8? Then their group disbanded soon after.
I searched her up a long time ago, but I can't seem to remember the name.
No. 16151
>You dumb bitch. You need to calm down. You're taking this way to seriously.
>>16150I think she would count as an idol since she was a part of an idol group.
I remember her being brought up, but I don't remember if it was said that she continued being an idol or not.
No. 16153
>>16152>>16151Thanks anon! Turns out she graduated from her group, and doesn't seem to have any internet presence (as far as I can see) on the internet as of yet.
Turns out she was 13 at the time, and should be about 17 now. No. 16156
>>16155I don't get what they find so fun about being an idol. Yes it's a cute career to have but you practice & train 24/7, can't actually enjoy a private life and have thirsty neckbeards fantasizing over you as their pure virgin maiden who will never seek any other male but them. Not to mention get degraded on television for a quick laugh.
No. 16158
>>16157RIP wish
the new member wasn't around for very long, it seems like a bit of a shame for her
No. 16165
>>16164Bit odd how they've moved on so quickly…
I dont trust that purple one, since she joined its slowly fell apart and members have been leaving left right and center.
Something about her seems off… shes definitely not genuine
No. 16168
>>16165 >>18583
They seem to have gone through 6 members now with only one staying through it from gen 1
No. 16171
>>16169well, you'd think amelia would be rank a
but for some reason shes rank s?
maybe she came up with the rank idea and demanded a higher rank than a? maybe she threatened to leave unless she got a higher rank? theres a lot of reasons she could have been rank s
just because she had a high rank doesnt mean shes genuine
No. 16174
>>16172>>16173Whatever… I still don't trust her and her fake ass genki genki desu personality
Sorry for offending the Amelia oshii
No. 16179
>>16178Idols arent characters, they dont have "idol personas"
Even still "Amelia" isnt an idol, shes a dancer, and that 10 second clip of Aishiteru Banzai with the terrible japanese pronounciation doesnt count.
No. 16184
>>16182Noone said anything about maids.
Idols have personas, every performer does, idols are going to use all their energy to keep people captivated in what they do.
No. 16196
>>16182Idols DO have personas. Not all of them, though. Do you think Momochi is like that all the time?
Also, some idols have been maids before, they got recruited at maid cafes, idol and maid culture do have stuff in common. The problem around non japanese girls is that they all happen to choose the imouto kawaii pinku desu ne, onii-chan-lover chara. Is it effective? I have no idea, I guess it can work for some of them.
>>16192Japanese wota are jealous, how do you think they took Nono being pregnant? I guess there was some protection about being engaged, but they still felt cheated.
I believe you people follow some super duper über underground idols, but since the beginning of idols, waaaaay before Morning Musume, they cannot have boyfriends or get married, heck, they couldn't even smoke. If a former idol gets married she can become a tarento, but she is no longer pure like an idol. There seems to be an unwritten rule.
Despite the concept of purity being different for non japanese people, it still comes down to wota who think they are entitled to virgin, regardless of their personality, idols.
No. 16224
>>16217Countless things about different dance groups and how they include members that are "fat and can't dance" and I've also spoken to multiple different members in various Idol groups and they have mentioned Amelia in a discouraging way.
As for Alice and the other one. I'm not entirely sure on what to even say about them due to the fact I haven't necessarily heard them say anything about anybody nor have I heard about them. Could possibly just be a fact that they may be able to stay quiet about their issues, but I'm not too certain on it.
No. 16230
>>16229God knows how she's going to fare with having to perform alone and apparently talk at a panel on top of that, when it looks like she's always needing people at her side. If we refer to MCM she had both other members with her and then at Hyper Japan she had one of the wish sisters and another girl with her.
When she performs by herself and has to speak by herself it's going to more than likely be a trainwreck.
The Amelia Express is going to crash and burn by the looks of it.
No. 16238
>>16234Fresh from cgl in response to a "someone has a vendetta against furi furi"
"I had a theory, since one of the Wish Sisters "graduated" and ended up in Furi, maybe it was one of them, though the fact that Rina is the one getting the most backlash didnt make sense until I realised that Amelia and Rina are/were really close friends, further investigations shows that the two are no longer friends. Signs point to her."
Which matches up nicely with what
>>16224 was saying about her trash talking other groups.
No. 16266
>>16264Totally agreed.
If you use Alice's Hyper Japan performance in comparison to Amelia's and the other 2 girls then you'll see just how much Alice actually managed to brush up on her skills and the way she dances, considering before she wasn't the greatest out of the bunch and now it's fair to say that she's doing well for herself. I mean look at it in the sense that she managed to pull a half an hour set by herself and well. That's fairly impressive.
No. 16269
>>16268True. Considering after dancing anybody would be out of breath yet she actually managed to interact with the audience and speak well. Whereas I'm not too sure if the others even tried to do that.
It's just showing who can actually be 'top aidoru'
No. 16280
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>>16279i find this… confusing
No. 16282
>>16273I wouldn't bother. Anyone with a second opinion about anyone is OBVIOUSLY the person in question
Mind the sarcasm
No. 16283
>>16281Yup, and wow look, it's her favourite member, ex bffl Rina getting it again.
The theory is pretty much confirmed.
No. 16288
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>>16287>I'm sure her underwear didn't match her outfit too, THE HORROR.>>16114>oh NO.>is that… FEMALES…with NO. MAKE UP?!!The Furi Furi member is back again
No. 16330
>>16328 this is more accurate.
i think abi only vaguely knows who she is.
abi is always fake-nice to all the other aidoru.
No. 16331
>>16330Abi probably puts up with her because she's scared Alice will be more popular than she is
But when Alice treats her friends like crap and tries to follow abis footsteps by self-posting etc. she won't get very far
No. 16332
>>16331eh….not to kiss Abi's ass or anything but I don't think she's worried about Alice being more popular than her. She has nothing to worry about imo and already has a fanbase.
Abi is "nice" to everyone even when they're bullshitting. Remember when Himezawa was posting shit on twitter acting like she was famous in Japan? Abi was tweeting her and playing along like she believed her. She's done similar stuff with other aidoru. She's just the fake nice bitch.
In the video Alice posted of her going to the maid cafe with Abi being her waitress, Abi asked to make sure her name was Alice, which to me says she doesn't know her that well.
No. 16334
>>16333More like Alice studied how to be Abi, she's become a mirror image of her, dying her hair the same colour/same little hairstyle
>>16328 better description for sure
No. 16337
>>16336Even Abi has noticed her copying her style
Look at their old photos and you'll see everything abi previously did, Alice did shortly after
No. 16343
>>16341You can be frienemies
Alice copies Abi so much that's probably what it is
No. 16362
>>16361she was their photographer along with some spikey haired guy"The wish Sisters and Their Photographers Decided to Go the Purikura"
No. 16366
>>16365incorrect. shess not always bitching about her friends. infact shes always trying to push her friends to do good things and is quite a positive person to be around.
ive been close with her for a couple of years now and have had some good help from her.
everybody bitches. look at what everybody is doing right now.
No. 16379
>>16378Not yet anon….Not yet.
On the other hand, the real question should be, "Do we have a new Venus and Margaret on our hands?"
Because some people forget that Marge started as a weeb/wannabe modan/idol too….
Lottes fits bikini video anyone?
No. 16382
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>>16381Yeah, that's Rina's.>Tarina LastellaFuck, this picture is so unfortunate. She looks like troll face.
No. 16383
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>>16382not so genki kawaii aidoru now lol
No. 16384
File: 1438301103554.jpg (106.56 KB, 640x960, 11188468_823715447716503_23673…)

shell turn up in a minute like 'hey kids heard you talking shit'
No. 16404
File: 1438326463586.jpg (296.87 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_ncqv1zSNsk1tbs02to1_128…)

>>16382>Visual Representation of an Internal Struggle
>In the middle we have plain old me, surrounded by my 4 best/worst friends… BDD, ADHD, Depression and Anxiety.
>We’ve all been friends since I remember, we fall out a lot, they’re very controlling and demanding friends.. but I’m kinda stuck with them.So Rina has all these disorders, or it's just for a story to go along with her photo of a cliched interpretation of mental disorders (probably the latter)
No. 16408
>>16405She'd be crazy if she had some sort of a personality disorder (NPD) or schizophrenia (and even then, it needs to be really bad).
Almost everyone has these at some point in their life, you sound retarded
No. 16410
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>>16406Rina posted something about falling out with Amelia, she says they've agreed on no drama.
No. 16412
No. 16418
>>16417They should learn japanese and upload their videos on NicoNico.
they're really good.
I feel like it's much harder to be an idol now because people dont care anymore.
Nowadays people are into Kpop (too much 2012+ Kpop is shit tho)
No. 16421
>>16411It depends. Are you just another girl who is going to jump around in a tiny pink seifuku, wearing twintails and a randoseru? Are you going to say ONIICHAAAN every 2 minutes? Are you openly going to praise lolicon, eroge and anime and try to be "Akiba Idol"? Are you going to do videos consisting of just Hengao? Are you going to trust the first japanese man who offers you advice in exchange for nudes? Will you cry when the users of this board start bashing you? How do you deal with negative feedback?
Or are you actually going to approach the whole idol culture beyond H!P and AKB?
It depends, it depends.
Protip: Most western or non japanese girls try to become loli imouto idol. Some have obvious daddy issues.
My advice, is learn all the positive and negative consequences and risks of being an internet famous aidoru desu desu BEFORE attempting anything.
No. 16425
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Wow..She looks really cute here!
No. 16438
>>16435Furi Furi are actually still trying?
Are they even trying? kek.
No. 16439
>>16435Listening to the song again after 2 or 3 years makes me cringe.
Reminds me of MY weeaboo years.
Other than that, she's cute, but I'd think it would have looked better with Miku's boots/socks.
No. 16442
wish i could find people like this to dance with me with this enthusiasm
No. 16451
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Guess Dwarfchan realized the jig is up.
No. 16455
>>16451who's hayrii?
links pls?
No. 16456
>>16447kek since when did non Furi Furi members defend Furi Furi? Oh yeah, never.
Hi Furi Furi.
No. 16459
>>16457You sure seem defensive.
Furi Furi really do suck ass, sorry.
No. 16464
"Sookie, are you dead? Are you dead? Are you dead? Are you dead? Are you dead to the world?"
No. 16467
>>16466Self posts..self posts everywhere.
It's fucking hilarious!
No. 16470
File: 1439354930861.gif (430.84 KB, 460x322, tumblr_lmx21uvXYe1qg1pgk.gif)

>The fourteen-year-old school girl has disappeared from Japanese pop charts almost completely. Google'ing her won't draw much information unless you can read Japanese.
No. 16471
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>>16466Kek this is BeckiiCruel.
No. 16473
>>16466>Pei Ton was discovered in early 2012 on Nico Nico Douga. Her cover of Danjo was the 5th most watched video of the time, until her account was hacked into and deleted by an anonymous viewer. Her fan base of over 10,000 was vastly ignored until April of 2012, when the Internet sensation was flown to Tokyo.Seems legit.
And why is there a pic of Beckii Cruel on her article?
No. 16474
>>16473I'm guessing she didn't think people would recognize Beckii in this incredibly small picture but think it's actually her.
The article is lulzy as shit.
No. 16476
>>16466>>16469Bitch is fucking delusional. People who make up stories (and believe them) have severe childhood trauma and or abuse.
I just can't feel sorry for compulsive liars. I'd send the "article" to Beckii if I could, then I'd sit down, grabbing some popcorn.
No. 16478
Btw, did she steal Beckii Cruel's story?
>>16476I don't think Beckii would care. The girl is still pretty young, should've seen me at my weeaboo phase. Let's just hope she deletes this shit.
No. 16482
>>15298I know everyone is probably fed up of hearing about the Wish Sisters, but I noticed two of them still film videos together. does this mean the rumors about dramabetween members was true?
Anyone got any other potentially interesting aidoru groups they know of?
No. 16485
>>16483My bet would also be on Amelia, however she is still dancing with the other girl whereas Alice has started doing her own dances solo.
Raises a few questions.
No. 16493
>>16492We're gonna need a new thread in about 10 posts or so.
Maybe we can start the next thread with Flusay Girls' upcoming song "Jump Jump Midnight Fever" when it comes out can already tell it's gonna be good.
No. 16497
>>16485Alice has always done solo videos though?
Rina your problem with Amelia is so obvious
No. 16499
>>16489What's up with the farmers brown-nosing Aminyan?
Every aspiring aidoru gets bashed except her.
No. 16502
>>16501Who is that?
Pink maid dress, pink room. I am sick of seeing Aidoru weebs with this pink obsession. I know it could be that they actually like the color, but I would love to see an Aidoru wannabe that doesnt have a sickenengly pink room
No. 16505
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When filters can't save you on tv