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No. 1512778
Hello. This thread is for all the cows, flakes, and cringe people that are part of a -core suffix aesthetic community.
Common traits of this people include:
>Labeling every single part of their life within a -core stereotype>Trying to fit very hard into one aesthetic, have an identity crisis if they like multiple things>Terminally online, mainly on tiktok>Can't seem to enjoy things genuinely and loves to do shit for attentionEtc. Some very milky -cores include:
>Goblincore>Kidcore>Clowncore>Weirdcore>Fairycore>Cottagecore>Traumacore>Dark academia>Bimbocore>LolcowcoreEtc. There exist way too many of those and new ones are being invented all the time.
You can check a lot more here: free to talk about it, post your personal cows, drama, cringe compilations, etc. Webms of shitty tiktoks you found amusing are welcomed as well.
No. 1512834
>>1512778>lolcowcore Example?
No. 1512838
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>>1512834I guess this counts as lolcow core?
No. 1512989
Will be keeping up with this thread!
>>1512978I think it should be fine here, but if not mods could always move it back.
No. 1513852
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Back then when I thought of the word aesthetic my mind would think of stuff like picrel. The first time I ever came across these "-cores", though, was way before it became a virus on TT. I didn't think anything of them, but now I resent most of the people associated with it.
No. 1514359
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Oh lord a new core is on it's way, prepare for chonky cringe lords in the shitty acrylic white turtle necks purchases off amazon soon.
No. 1515157
>>1514730normal clothes for people over 40
we did “rich grandma” in the early 2000s and “menocore” in 2017, so I guess this is the blend of both trends
Chico’s and Monsoon stock on the rise
No. 1516417
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I don't know why, but I find this girl annoying. She's very obsessed with Lolita, specifically the movie's "aesthetic", and calls all of Dolores' clothing choices "Nymphette".
But she will wear kid's clothes from Justice calling that "Nymphette", or most recently, wearing Japanese fashion (that's already had it's own names, like Larme or Dolly kei), and insisting it's "Nymphette".
Something just seems off about her and I've never liked her uppity-attitude about the Lolita book and her "nymphette aesthetic". As if she's somehow different from the thousands of girls on Tumblr. If she really wanted to separate her fashion from the book, she could just stop talking about it. Or even use a different name, since we know from Tumblr the pre-established connotations of "Nymphette" (with girls that DID want to live like the book).
No. 1516419
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>>1516417picrel. some of her older videos really emphasize to "look like a kid".
No. 1516743
>>1516402I think they're talking about kiwifarms which has threads with many pages about nobodies from the past (e.g the Lori thread is very active there and full of autistic tinfoil and discussion about their parents and shit), and also uses the term lolcow.
We'd have a lot more moronic anons if the tiktok teens invaded here, though did go viral around creepshowgate iirc
No. 1516853
>>1516417this chick's pre-coquette, she came with the wave of nymphets, or at least post-nymphet phase of 2017-2018 when they tried hard to rebrand as nymphette. there was actually a time when they tried to call it "coquette" but the style was more original nymphet just with a new name and they didn't push this 00's coke celebrity anorexic thing that's associated with coquettes now yet (current coquette idiots don't even know that someone brought coquette up a few years before them lol).
i had no idea Shyler is still producing her bullshit videos. that's you know… a bit too long. most girls her age already has grown out of nymphet/lolita phase.
No. 1517002
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>>1516417the retarded way her name is spelled made me think of this lady
No. 1517126
>>1516853She’s still active on Instagram and is still advocating for “Nymphet”, even with it being long dead. I think Schyler just has an obsession with the book and being a Dolores Haze. She has moved on in some ways, living in Japan now and wearing Larme kei and vintage Japan clothing, but she’s still very insistent on calling it “Nymphet”. Like anon said
>>1516555 I don’t know why she can’t just dress in this cutesy way without the labels.
Schyler says she’s “anti-kink” and “not ddlg”, but her photos and her insistence on being “child-like” says otherwise. I think she does have some tendencies, as she tries very hard to look underage. I mean, even the word “Nymph” came from the Lolita book, and she even keeps a decoration that says “Lolita” in her bedroom. For her, it’s obvious she wants to be a preyed-on “Lolita” like Dolores.
I just find it annoying that she’s calling normal cute feminine clothing “Nymphet” for whatever reason and acting like some sort of better-than-thou spokesperson.