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No. 1504002
Jack/Vincent is a 24 year old who hangs around R9k communities on Discord with a history of self posting to stroke his own ego and attempt to become a 'R9k eboy'.
>Posts on R9k under the trip Vincent!KNs1o0VDv6
>Has gone by multiple names, for example, Lawrence, Vincent, Rust, Atlas etc.
>A penchant for teenage girls, from his current server 'Marc's E-harem' to past servers, Jack openly talks about his love for girls under 18.
>History of grooming and harassment of teenage girls
>Friends with the likes of Michael Sosa and Brendioeeee, both of which have a past of revenge porn, grooming, and a multitude of illegal activities online.
>Obsession with 'edrama', Jack befriends these people because of their infamy.
>His narcissism and attention whoring have finally culminated in him making a bit of a name for himself, and in the process of receiving and backlash, Jack threatened the mods of an imageboard with legal action because the attached image was posted.
>His cow behaviour continues when he is caught red-handed self posting on said imageboard and makes a post begging for 'any mention of his name' to be taken down.
>This is despite his constant sperging of girls in these communities, in which he will lie and schizo post to no end.
No. 1506587
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Thread was made because of his cow behaviour not because of slander of any kind. I’ll provide more proof if that is what is needed.
No. 1506743
>>1506587My first time seeing this thread and I think anons just meant he's not entertaining enough to be a cow. If you have more milk, do post
but as of now, he seems like a classic incel pedo and he might even be happy this thread was made because this is the only time women will ever talk about him.
>>1506730Kek same, he looks like a fag. It's always the faggy ones who blame women for being "old and ugly" because they're not attracted to women, most pedos are more likely to be bi/gay too so he just might be a gay dude in disguise and finds it easier to lust after younger women because they have less womanly features.
No. 1506861
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This was relating to his grooming server from a couple years ago, if anything it was cringe and edgy. Frankly no girls were actually hurt because as well as being a pedo he is too retarded to manipulate anyone
No. 1506867
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I would bet money on this being him self posting in defense, if not it will likely be Limes or Sosa as his lackeys because of the latent homosexuality they have that attracts them to Vince, and that they believe he could better groom kids online because they can’t stop calling him a handsome misunderstood chad.
No. 1506870
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>>1506867Forgot to sage. But I’ll also leave some spergy posts from his most recent trip because they are pretty lulsy
No. 1506902
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>>1506867>>1504002Well OP seems to really have a lot of obsession with projecting homosexuality on to this guy. Could it be that her name is Bry and he rejected her and showed more interest in talking to his guy friends than her?
Could maybe just maybe she be the psycho BPD clown (pic related) who got mad that he took her mod privileges away after she threatened to abuse her mod powers because he refused to orbit her? Oh and how about the fact that she had been obsessively saving pictures of him and screenshots of people using his pictures pretending to be him for almost a year before this? Who sounds obsessed to you?
Vincent did not groom anyone, and he rejected the advances of several girls because they were minors.
Hell actually you might be right about him being gay because he rejected all the girls who tried hitting on him, or he was just too blunt to see that he was being hit on. This guy could literally not say anything sexual and a girl to save his life and I honestly think he was terrified of women.
But that doesn't give you a right to slander him and say these twisted false rumors as your petty form of revenge Bry, people like you take things way too far and I hope one day you get your fair share of what you put out to others.
No. 1507089
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>>1507057>>1506903>>1506902>>1506870>>1506867>>1506861>>1506743>>1506738>>1506730>>1506581>>1506209>>1506204>>1506126>>1504799>>1504389>>1506587>>1504002>>1504272These posts are all the result of discord bullying and lies by a specific clique of very nasty pedophile enabling creeps who have targeted this poor man. Do not believe the things they say some of them even hacked his discord account and somehow were also able to use his tripcode to fuck with him even more.
Please leave this poor guy alone
No. 1507096
>>1507089you’re a sack of shit, ugly pedo
anyone have his full dox?
No. 1507134
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>>1507089Under less than an hour of announcing his leave he’s back under anon trying to damage control kek
No. 1507991
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>>1507928he didn't invite minors to the server, other people did, he only invited like five people who did the rest. Are you seriously that bored that you're looking for an internet punching bag?
And why do you people want to see his ass?
No. 1508007
>>1507999Learn how to sage Jack. Unfortunately, no one is going to coddle you here and believe your incessant lying and treat you like a
victim. You aren't a
victim, you're dealing with karma. Lie all you want, but you can't erase the shit you have said and done online especially to the young girls you have stalked and harassed over the internet.
No. 1508108
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>>1506864>a man playing dress up gamesWtf you are talking about. That's peak chad behavior
No. 1508130
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all of this got started over some trolls making fake screenshots cuz hes autistic and overreacts alot
he's not a groomer thats a lie
hes just retarded and an easy target for trolls
No. 1508230
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>>1508130Nice filename, from the 10th though, so unrelated to anything in this thread. Also a screenshot from your own discord messages Jack so well done. Since you’re showing this Discord account of yours can you explain why you were bragging about harassing the mother of teenage girl that was murdered? Because for someone so innocent that’s pretty scummy.
No. 1510326
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why does this scrote look like Mark zuckerberg.
No. 1635138
>>1504002Joined the marcs eharem server recently, it's disgusting but I haven't left because I'm keeping tabs on it. Jack messaged me on Instagram and gave me the link so i joined. Absolute fucking shit show, that server is ran by literal paedophiles, Jack being one of them it seems and the original owner deleted it in the past due to what it had become. Have heard things about people being arrested for cp and there being literal child rapists in that server, although I haven't seen proof of it so I can't say for definite.
The server is full of teenage girls, originally I thought they were all kind of cow-ish themselves, but it seems like the moids have groomed them all to act like that. Guys comment on them, openly talk about orbiting and even raping underage girls in the server. There was a 16 year old who Jack seemed quite close to, she had her Instagram in her bio and she used the same screen name for all social media's and it was obvious she was extremely mentally ill, she was open about being a
victim of sexual assault.
It's absolutely disgusting, not just Jack everyone in that circle. Obviously these girls shouldn't be browsing /soc/ but at the end of the day, they're (probably extremely mentally ill) kids and adults should just block them. This shit needs to be looked into honestly
No. 1638894
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>>1636054thank you! I hope things got better for you and the harassment stopped. These men are sick and desperate, you didnt deserve to be harassed.
I like your idea and I'll probably start compiling evidence from the server, although the messages delete every hour or so, but ill see what i can get.
>>1637794no youre right he isnt on these sites anymore, but he was at one point. I can share proof, its just not very good proof since half the accounts are dead lol. Picrel of him inviting me to the server, like i said, the accounts are deleted. But i can try and find more shit
No. 1638953
>>1638894I think you've seriously taken things out of context. This guy got caught in a crossfire between a bunch of trolls and discord drama that he didn't want to be a part of, he wasn't aware of anything surrounding Michael Sosa and his server was never intended to be full of creeps, that's why he left, he actually tried to delete it, several times but Sosa and the other admins wouldn't let him, so he just left.
This guy is seriously just a normal dude from 4chan he's not some nefarious figure like you think he is. Not even your screenshots make him look bad, I think this is all just a witch hunt and imagining boogie men where there are none. There are actual creeps in that server, he's not one of them, go after any of the countless weirdos who say and brag about the literal worst things you could hear from someone.
No. 1638958
>>1638953I agree
nonnie, i was just proving i had spoken to him. I just wanted to share some info on the server itself and some of the people in that circle.
No. 1639307
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>>1639265no proof beyond your own gossipy whining, no screenshots, no evidence, just bitter resentment for someone who isn't on the internet anymore. Sounds like you're simply off your meds.
No. 1639310
>>1639265>You’re either a handmaidenFat femcel detected
Did someone get rejected by this scrote? :(
Whatever you think he is, you're the one obsessing over him, says more about you and your life.