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No. 1485870


im a lurker so bare with me idk if this guy even needs his own thread

he makes sfm or some shit, he talks to middle aged women and steals money from them as well as preys on tiktok teenagers if you look at his videos you can see which ones are him "hexxing" some random girls, look at the community posts too it's endless

i have no clue how to summarize this guy someone has to help me(Shit thread)

No. 1856139

> 1485870
Hi, I know this post is old but I'm trying to figure out if we can do something about Abyssarian, like you I discovered that guy some years ago but I never tried anything, but recently he popped up in my recommendations, and so I remembered him. Can we contact eachother in some way please?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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