File: 1430812347707.png (28.33 KB, 533x149, tail.png)

No. 146679
File: 1430812375878.jpg (283.31 KB, 2048x1366, ughwhy.jpg)

A+ craftsmanship
No. 146680
File: 1430812412858.jpg (21.71 KB, 356x438, kawaii.jpg)

No. 146684
File: 1430891654599.jpg (114.13 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

>>146683Wow fuck, forgot my pic.
No. 146686
File: 1430891833061.jpg (555.06 KB, 1365x2048, image.jpg)

>>146685Daenerys really let herself go.
No. 146687
File: 1430891948516.jpg (145.27 KB, 636x960, image.jpg)

>>146686Here she is as Sarah.
No. 146691
>>146687Sewing wise it looks like she has improved.
Not saying its great but I see improvement on that skill set.(she still sucks butts on special effects makeup.)
No. 146695
File: 1431160324443.jpg (131.02 KB, 540x810, tumblr_no0p2iWvkb1rwdig0o1_540…)

She could have so much potential if she would take her time with her makeup. The faun shit is ridiculous, but this looks like it could've been okay if she could take criticism and learn to improve. It's been at least two or three years since seagulls honestly tried to help her, but she was bitchier than all of them when it came to critique, so /cgl/ let her become a featured lolcow.
I think that's what gets me: she has potential, but refuses to take any help to heart and rush through shit just to show it off.
No. 146698
File: 1431231008569.jpg (144.27 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

>>146697Except that she's fucking orange.
In other news, this.
No. 146702
>>146695For a moment I thought she was just in her bra.
That blending is horrible… her nose looks like it's melting to the side. In the thumbnail it looked okay? but enlarging it is whoa, no. Those antlers are depressing looking, too.
I don't think ears are suppose to be that transparent?
No. 146703
File: 1431533029296.jpg (181.43 KB, 900x1350, 1345751800264.jpg)

Blast from the past from one of my top ten favourite cows ever. Mini dump commencing.
No. 146704
File: 1431533076696.jpg (419.72 KB, 1280x720, 1343857959175.jpg)

No. 146705
File: 1431533108466.png (429.25 KB, 868x1102, avenger otp.png)

No. 146707
File: 1431534005504.png (484.75 KB, 860x1030, horse.png)

No. 146708
File: 1431534080947.png (50.47 KB, 636x496, no.png)

No. 146709
File: 1431534164598.png (41.75 KB, 636x394, wasn't going to say anything.P…)

No. 146710
File: 1431534311407.png (120.79 KB, 521x1497, 1337548049038.png)

No. 146711
File: 1431534357464.png (558.46 KB, 844x2990, 1344137196209.png)

No. 146712
File: 1431534389438.png (35.12 KB, 823x145, 1344138115450.png)

No. 146713
File: 1431534445430.jpg (71.15 KB, 500x600, BINGO.jpg)

No. 146714
File: 1431534643589.png (1012.5 KB, 1428x448, 1379045534776.png)

No. 146718
File: 1431823420844.jpg (176.38 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

"don't be mean to Ashley guiz her sewing skills have totally improved"
No. 146726
File: 1432180259088.jpg (52.82 KB, 644x1024, art.jpg)

Art. That's not how anal beads work….
No. 146731
File: 1433922729121.png (100.46 KB, 1076x467, ash.png)

She's back to begging for cosplayers for her shitty CMVs. I really hope she records another one soon, they're so cringy it's glorious.
No. 146732
File: 1433922866828.png (102.67 KB, 860x431, ash2.png)

You'd think with how "bullied" she used to cry that she was, she wouldn't make things like her Skype public.
No. 146735
File: 1435859229485.png (847.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-02-13-33-38…)

Her newest cosplay thanks to my fb feed.
No. 146737
File: 1445207216010.jpg (86.64 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Stay classy Ashley
No. 146738
File: 1445617026394.png (37.67 KB, 607x612, mhm.png)

No. 146741
>>146737Is she actually 12? Are we actually picking on a 12 year old? I'd feel bad if that were the case.
But no. She's like 21 or something isn't she. ffs.
No. 146742
>>146732>20 years old>legally an adult>still needs mommy and daddy's permission to travelI can't.
And yeah you can live with parents as an adult and still tell (not ask) them that you'll be travelling. I guess. One of the perks to being an adult like having your own money and doing the dishes without being asked.
Does asherbee have a job? Or is she just a 5th year fulltime community college student? She strikes me as the second one tbh. She also strikes me as the sort who has to be badgered to do the dishes.
So yeah, maybe getting mommy and daddy's permission before travelling is appropriate.
No. 146747
File: 1450820565639.jpeg (175.81 KB, 750x1026, image.jpeg)

Okay, I was content to just sit back and hope Ashley learned from everything since she seemed to have stopped posting here, but holy shit she's such a fucking cunt sometimes. Context of the screenshot is basically she reposted some asspained chink bitching about a horror movie coming out that takes place in Japan's "suicide forest" and how it's whitewashing and appropriating his culture. I can't believe how much of a fucking hypocrite she is and calling Ty out on personal shit is fucking low.
No. 146749
>>146710Dis message though
>whines about how Ashley is so lucky people love and want to help her >goes on to say she could never accept any help because of guilt>bitches Ashley out for asking for attention >very obviously NEEDS some attention to deal with the debilitating depression and guilt Wtf is this the mental health special Olympics?
No. 146751
>>146749>>146750I always thought this too. If I were Asher in that situation I would have told socialanxietyanon to piss off as well.
And maybe called the venue to let them know they might need a suicide net, because some loon wanted to jump off the parking garage over being too poor to go to a convention.
No. 146754
File: 1459226722092.png (1.78 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Glad to say Ash is still full of lulz. Between TMI Facebook posts about fighting with her family and basically becoming the next Pixyteri (in the sense of forever living with her parents and churning out horrible cosplay), she's now selling her old Hetalia fap comics and gorgeous wigs like this for a minimum of $6! What a deal!
No. 146756
File: 1459230709578.png (1.58 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>146755This one she butchered for an apparent Yui cosplay from Diabolik Lovers and went on a Tumblr rant when someone "shamed" her about cosplaying her.
No. 146757
File: 1459231395446.jpeg (192.96 KB, 750x1297, image.jpeg)

>>146756Incoming TMI rant about her supposedly being sexually assaulted and how cosplaying Yui "helps" her. 1/5
No. 146761
File: 1459231621345.jpeg (206.66 KB, 750x1300, image.jpeg)

I feel like lolcows/snowflakes always pull these long stories out their asses to sound so oppressed and special. Her rant had little to nothing to do with the anon ask, in my opinion. She could've easily left it at "most of the cosplayers are women and I'm comfortable with that" or some shit rather than telling everyone her supposed sexual assault stories.
No. 146762
File: 1459253656552.jpeg (62.42 KB, 720x480, image.jpeg)

"I've improved a lot, guys!"
No. 146765
>>146757>>146758Anon is on point. Ashley is beyond a liar. No woman who was sexually assaulted would cosplay a character who is basically a prop (like anon said) for male characters to sexually assault and fuck with.
Everything about her stories feel so damn fabricated.
No. 146768
>>146761>>146761I love how tumblerina liars who try to be special snowflakes with their abuse stories, always turn a simple question around to being OHMAIGOD U
Being called out on your bullshit? Dont worry, you can always just say you were abused and that being called out
triggers you into a anxiety fit. Now everyone will come and defend you even though you were called out on something legit. Works everytime.
No. 146772
File: 1459303473441.jpeg (52.95 KB, 750x349, image.jpeg)

Anyone going to DragonCon need a roommate? The way this girl whines about not being able to afford to move out and then spends all her money on shitty cosplay projects to go to cons is unreal.
No. 146773
File: 1459303712415.jpeg (139.14 KB, 749x903, image.jpeg)

I still have her on Facebook ever since she got noticed by cgl, so I'll dump some caps. She's also fucked over three other local cosplayers recently, but that will take some time to compile if anyone is interested. She's still my favorite cow too, and I feel like this cap just proves no one gives a fuck about her anymore since she ignores ALL advice to improve her situation or comes up with excuses.
No. 146774
File: 1459303769548.jpeg (169.52 KB, 750x999, image.jpeg)

No. 146775
File: 1459303850119.jpeg (150.56 KB, 715x1108, image.jpeg)

She's making mermaid tails now! Except not because she posts about working on them but never shows a final product.
No. 146776
File: 1459303930661.jpeg (190.8 KB, 750x1111, image.jpeg)

"Waaaa! My family is so abusive! Unless they're taking me out to dinner with them, then they're awesome!"
No. 146777
File: 1459303947529.jpeg (248.25 KB, 749x1107, image.jpeg)

No. 146778
File: 1459303965154.jpeg (206.07 KB, 750x1106, image.jpeg)

No. 146779
File: 1459303987085.jpeg (167.57 KB, 750x1114, image.jpeg)

No. 146781
File: 1459315458801.jpeg (63.96 KB, 750x447, image.jpeg)

Maybe she'll finally accept her cosplays ARE trash…
No. 146787
File: 1459410438631.png (18.25 KB, 524x252, cap3.png)

Long story short, after this in a now deleted status Ash publicly accused another cosplayer, someone she's done numerous collabs and a CMV with, of using her for her camera and refusing to give her credit for her pictures and cosplay she apparently "made" for the cosplayer. She tagged the cosplayer by name, so it wasn't a vague status either.
No. 146788
File: 1459410514760.png (26.57 KB, 519x336, cap4.png)

After she deleted the status, she posted this half-assed apology. By then, though, the cosplayer had already been dragged through the mud for "taking advantage" of someone.
No. 146789
File: 1459410806614.jpg (214.19 KB, 814x728, cap.jpg)

So this was Ash's Tumblr explanation about dropping out of a cosplay group she had signed up for, but the group confirmed things happened very differently. Dump commencing, as well as a few examples of Ash starting "projects" and never finishing them.
No. 146790
File: 1459410857083.png (49.38 KB, 507x755, cap1.png)

>>146789One of the group member's comments on the Tumblr post.
No. 146791
File: 1459410949982.png (108.12 KB, 500x1563, Cap2.png)

>>146790Sick of Ash's shit, one of the members posted this vague rant. Edited to include only the necessary Ash parts.
No. 146792
File: 1459410990772.jpg (79.88 KB, 509x533, 12571061_10153867174699826_674…)

>>146791Ash's mature response.
No. 146793
File: 1459411077368.jpg (111.36 KB, 277x788, 12583792_646313358845168_42344…)

>>146792She also sent friends after the group members, playing the victim.
No. 146794
File: 1459411197649.png (152.4 KB, 526x2084, cap5.png)

>>146793The group member made a final post regarding Ash and her friends' accusations. Edited to only include Ash parts.
No. 146795
File: 1459411363838.jpg (205.47 KB, 2048x1014, 12557871_646313352178502_11046…)

The rest of the caps will be conversations between Ash and a group member (who gave me these after we talked about Ash going too far with this shit), and a few of her usual bullshit sprinkled through.
No. 146796
File: 1459411497157.jpg (556.3 KB, 1848x1010, 12591948_646313285511842_52713…)

These next two, I'm not sure which order they were sent, so forgive any confusion.
No. 146798
File: 1459411556540.jpg (67.54 KB, 960x623, 12576245_646313328845171_11634…)

No. 146799
File: 1459411567247.jpg (67.9 KB, 960x613, 12583903_646313332178504_19699…)

No. 146800
File: 1459411583966.jpg (220.24 KB, 1956x996, 12596801_646313348845169_39384…)

No. 146801
File: 1459411609715.jpg (110.18 KB, 960x634, 12606752_646313335511837_18988…)

Oh the hypocrisy…And that's all I have.
No. 146808
File: 1459981650492.jpeg (80.02 KB, 480x720, image.jpeg)

The gaps in her teeth creep me out…But leave it to Ash to bitch about money problems while simultaneously buying shit she's going to ruin anyway!
No. 146809
File: 1459981731158.jpeg (51.85 KB, 720x480, image.jpeg)

A+ craftsmanship. Ash has totes improved, guys!
No. 146810
File: 1459981878098.jpeg (93.07 KB, 750x776, image.jpeg)

No. 146812
File: 1460084604742.jpeg (425.27 KB, 1365x2048, image.jpeg)

Apparently this is supposed to be Grell? Ash just needs to embrace her manface, she'll never be a pretty girl.
No. 146814
>>146813Curious to know what happened, too.
I thought she moved to Florida with friends and they got an apartment and she was going to be oh so better with her cosplays?
In the few years since CGL got her, she has not changed or gotten better in the least bit.
>>146812Please tell me she's at least going to style that wig… It's not even long enough for Grell nor has the proper bangs.
No. 146816
>>146812My lips hurt looking at hers in almost every photo…
>>146813I've been very curious about this as well, I actually thought she was still in FL until recently.
No. 146818
File: 1460092330861.png (381.47 KB, 855x590, waaah.png)

>>146817Lo and behold, exactly what I meant. Ash KNOWS she'd have to give up cosplay for a time to be able to move out, but doesn't want to. Flat out.
No. 146819
>>146818I can't help but wonder how much of this she's exaggerating. It sounds like the problem with Ashley is that she has no ambition. If she
really wanted to move out and make a better life for herself, she'd go on a cosplay hiatus, figure out her finances, save up and move out. She'll probably need a better job but that's where the figuring out her finances comes in.
But no, she sounds too god damn immature to do any of this. If she was actually up for contributing to household expenses and bills, she could get a roommate but from what we think may have went down with her sister? It doesn't sound like that's going to happen.
Come the fuck on, Ash. It'll take time but you can do it.
No. 146821
>>146820>>146819Doesnt all of her money still come from her parents atm anyway???
TBH from what we have seen of her parents they seem totally normal and the such. It's just another 'my life is so hard feel bad for me' shit.
No. 146823
>>146818What kind of job makes someone use a photo app to clock in/out?
Also, I pay like $45/month for my phone with no contract. She has a job and I doubt she pays rent and bills at the moment. if she has issues, she can always get a cheap phone plan. So many exist now with unlimited talk/data.
No. 146826
>>146824Add to what
>>146817 points out, she was probably pretty disgusting to live with, if her room/bathroom pics from before the move were any indication. I'm sure that fueled her going back to her parents, since they didn't seem to care much.
No. 146827
File: 1460162267596.jpeg (69.68 KB, 480x720, image.jpeg)

Apparently this is "finished." All those loose threads…Rest in peace, Utena
No. 146828
File: 1460162326808.jpeg (390.59 KB, 2048x1365, image.jpeg)

>>146827At least her bathroom looks less disgusting?
No. 146830
File: 1460165377218.png (90.93 KB, 250x196, asheer-k.png)

>>146808I just knew I'd seen this train wreck around somewhere before.
No. 146834
File: 1461049602234.jpeg (124.69 KB, 750x1086, image.jpeg)

Watch out, ladies
No. 146837
File: 1461656892559.jpeg (612.74 KB, 1280x1920, image.jpeg)

Jesus christ that eyeliner. And wtf is going on with her eyebrows?
No. 146838
File: 1461656945978.jpeg (40.86 KB, 750x367, image.jpeg)

I'd watch an episode with her on it just to watch her crash and burn horribly.
No. 146842
>>146838what's with all these ugly fat bitches who think they're like professional makeup artists
can they just like. religiously watch NikkieTutorials on YouTube and stop making fools of themselves
No. 146846
File: 1461821325840.jpeg (55.13 KB, 540x720, image.jpeg)

This cut does her face zero favors
No. 146847
File: 1461821355225.jpeg (148.22 KB, 960x1280, image.jpeg)

At least she's finally embracing her ogre face
No. 146849
File: 1461828212188.jpeg (196.49 KB, 1000x1500, image.jpeg)

What is a very good question.
No. 146851
File: 1461828936582.jpeg (117.06 KB, 960x1280, image.jpeg)

>>146850How dare you, she's totally improved!
No. 146853
>>146846Sorry but I like it.
Even if you guys think it looks bad, at least it's a display of personality beyond just "fat Hispanic cosplayer". It's not like her old hair actually looked particularly nice or anything.
No. 146854
>>146853>at least it's a display of personality Ah yeah, nothing screams personality like shaving off a portion of your hair some 8 years after it was the cool and rebellious thing to do. So edgy and brave tbh.
Imo her hair is probably one of her smallest problems, but holy shit am I ever tired of people who argue that dressing in any way that deviates from the norm is an expression of ~personality~. No it's fucking not. Buying a spiked choker does not make you a badass. Wearing a "geek" shirt does not make you a true and honest nerd. You know what actually makes you an interesting person? Experiencing life and having stories to tell, not the shitty poser crap you wear.
Polite sage for autism.
No. 146857
>>146854Say what you want Anon, changing your hair is an expression of your personality regardless of how popular it is among tweens, even if it's a shit personality.
Call me a cuck but I appreciate expression.
No. 146860
File: 1462031987247.jpg (93.06 KB, 545x703, sJiDJay.jpg)

>>146847Aw shit, looks like she's going to cosplay Uda the Beast.
No. 146861
File: 1462185363459.jpeg (86.63 KB, 561x720, image.jpeg)

She looks so damn haggard for a 21-year-old
No. 146866
>>146865At least 2 or 3 times it looks like? Likely because that's probably a second hand wedding dress from the 80s that sort of looks like the one from the movie.
I actually saw her in passing at Katsu a few years back dressed as something from Hetalia, but seeing her now… I just wanna do her make up.
No. 146867
>>146846There are so many different ways people can cut this hait to make it look good on any face shape … and it seems her sylist chose the most unflattering one … A face like hers needs shape to it. She should have kept some form of bangs with this. God I've never seen this hair cut excited so badly. Makes me miss my shaved head … but asymmetric bobs are better.
This girl needs an older sister to show her the ropes. just sayin.
No. 146873
File: 1463526818219.png (Spoiler Image,257.55 KB, 539x650, ash.png)

So she posted this
No. 146874
File: 1463527529145.png (120.49 KB, 225x288, 1462135368742.png)

>>146873Send this to her mother.
No. 146876
File: 1463602623168.gif (357.57 KB, 240x203, image.gif)

>>146873What is bugging me so much about this is that she tagged it as a male character but drew them like a girl? I know Ash has never been good at drawing, but what the actual fuck is going on with this thing's anatomy? Is what looks like a vagina supposed to be its asshole? What the fuck even is this?
No. 146878
File: 1466466299246.png (146.38 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

So does her mom care about her cosplay
No. 146879
File: 1466466334658.png (155.7 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Or nah?
No. 146881
>>146879You know things are going A.O.K.AY when you're getting emails from debt collectors tho.
I get it, dentists are expensive (i just got a surprise bill in the mail because my deductible hasn't kicked in yet, and it's a bit) but like… she can afford to cosplay and do weird gore makeup and shit like that. She should've been able to sort paying her dentist without a collections agency getting involved.
No. 146884
File: 1466498534148.jpeg (205.06 KB, 750x1108, image.jpeg)

No. 146885
File: 1466498561541.jpeg (337.88 KB, 1365x2048, image.jpeg)

>>146884A+ makeup, as usual
No. 146886
File: 1466498607263.jpeg (123.64 KB, 750x984, image.jpeg)

A wild logic appears!
No. 146887
File: 1466498655114.jpeg (148.51 KB, 750x1010, image.jpeg)

>>146886But Ash is ready and uses "emotional cunt" attack!
No. 146889
File: 1466498722716.jpeg (66.14 KB, 750x436, image.jpeg)

>>146888And wraps it up with a failed excuse/attempted guilt trip. I'm amazed she has any friends at this point.
No. 146890
how old is she btw?
No. 146891
>>146888The rest of us are just jelly that we can't afford to go to every con because we're plebs who have to pay bills and buy groceries and shit, and are saving towards grownup things like better apartments and cars and proper vacations.
i just can't with her.
No. 146892
>>146890Almost 22, and has been doing this shit since she was 15, I think? Perpetual child.
>>146891Honestly I only keep following her on Facebook because it makes me feel like my life is infinitely better by comparison. Petty, I know, but she's just my favorite train wreck that just keeps going.
No. 146893
File: 1466533713008.jpg (5.32 KB, 384x266, Usami-chibi.jpg)

Ex Friend with logic here, I have friends who are friends with her who sent me the post after she deleted me. Good to see that people can take criticism and real life advice. However It irritates me to no end that she uses her 'Disability' as an excuse when I have one (well doctors say I have one, isn't no self diagnoses shit) what will make me flip shit and break down shaking if someone just raises their voice at me. Only differences between her and I is I work through it and strive to achieve shit verses using it as an excuse to get poor hours and an excuse to live at home
She was bitching about Vaguebooking when I was upfront about what I was upset about. Via messaging where I called her out on her shit (and shit posting behind my back as well as deleting me off her FB) She went on to make accusations about Yayahan. to which I went the offensive explaining how marketing works and why she is so popular (Spoiler alert it aint just the titties).
Oh and apparently I am the anonymous person shit posting on her tumblr despite not actually using my tumblr in months. If the real one is out there, Send me a Friend request I think I might actually like you.
As per her Guilt Trip. It's not a guilt trip it's an excuse she is looking make look like Legit reasons. I just gave up because people with her mindset will always remain the same. She Feels entitled and like the world owes her shit. I am just waiting for when reality hits and she reality people were actually telling her the truth and she can't use her "Bitch" parents as an excuse.
However given the excuse I would send the message with the rude comments about her parents to her parents if I can find them :)
Also, Hello Ashley. :)
No. 146894
>>146893Can you provide any caps? Based on how she talked to the person in
>>146797I imagine she just plays "woe is me" on Facebook but is actually really bitchy one-on-one. She flat-out can't take any criticism, even when it's polite. Ash is forever a cow to me.
No. 146895
File: 1466535714357.jpg (218.85 KB, 1279x721, hannibal-bride-of-hannibal-sea…)

>>146894 The only caps I have is where she pretty much put her animals health below "her saving for a car and apartment", People suggestions for her to save money, Her talking about her future tattoo (Who mommy is probably going to pay for) and a Few odds and ends.
However I do have access to our entire Messages when the shit started with her and I found out she allowed her friends to spy on other friends via her Facebook and the short convos we had about money, A proper chest binder a friend sold and the fallout we had when I called her out on her spending money she doesn't have when she should be paying bills.
No. 146897
File: 1466537533750.jpg (66.51 KB, 540x960, WTF.jpg)

So let me tell you why I'm doing this. Because she pissed me off. And it is incredibly hard to piss me off. Okay less about me and more about her.
I added her because I thought she had changed and gotten better with the Drama shit. Looking around I quickly found I was wrong.
No. 146898
File: 1466537609098.jpg (44.35 KB, 540x960, Poor cat part two.jpg)

And also I have a love of animals. Cat gets sick? take that guy to the vet.
No. 146899
File: 1466537667467.jpg (79.53 KB, 540x960, Poor cat part three.jpg)

People give her legit advice about the cat situation. person talking is a Vet student and a really kind one.
No. 146900
File: 1466537726408.jpg (84.88 KB, 540x960, Poor cat.jpg)

Yes. She's Serious. Your animals depend on you to live. That means your animals should matter more than your hobbies and should have top priority.
No. 146901
File: 1466537816947.jpg (51.86 KB, 540x960, Hahahaha.jpg)

So the savings to move out are where? I think I died a bit inside when I saw this post.
No. 146903
File: 1466537910661.jpg (68.67 KB, 540x960, They be famous thats why.jpg)

A short intermission where she bitched about an national Icon who died. I'm pretty sure if her Idol died she would want to be there. and in this case many people wanted to pay their respects but couldn't.
No. 146904
File: 1466537923901.jpg (104.48 KB, 736x736, f694ad8f395e4d6d54ebbd65d3fb7e…)

>>146884Lord, this ugly cow is doing Dramatical murder cosplay?
Photo of the character she wants to cosplay btw
No. 146905
>>146884Never change Ash, never change.
You used to be my favourite lolcow
No. 146906
File: 1466537979990.jpg (60.64 KB, 540x960, one.jpg)

So when the fallout with Ashley came about I tried being the nice friend who tried helping her through it.
No. 146907
File: 1466538024624.jpg (60.18 KB, 540x960, two.jpg)

And it continues
No. 146908
>>146887>>146888What an obnoxious cunt.
>it's no ones business what I do with my money!
>posts about debt>cries about itI hate this fattie.
No. 146909
File: 1466538150061.jpg (57.16 KB, 540x960, Three.jpg)

No. 146911
File: 1466538189266.jpg (56.92 KB, 540x960, four.jpg)

Day my friendship ended a few years ago
No. 146912
File: 1466538239666.jpg (66.1 KB, 540x960, Five.jpg)

So debt and more debt verses savings? Not gunna get that car now.
No. 146914
File: 1466538393006.jpg (59.43 KB, 540x960, six.jpg)

So this is where she thinks I'm part of the tumblr alliance
No. 146915
File: 1466538559130.jpg (70.4 KB, 540x960, seven.jpg)

Kinda sad I dont. Whatever porn I have found there is beautiful
No. 146916
File: 1466538594550.jpg (68.43 KB, 540x960, Eight.jpg)

No. 146917
File: 1466538635605.jpg (62.27 KB, 540x960, nine.jpg)

I'm passionate about it too however It's called common sense
No. 146918
File: 1466538658272.jpg (68.99 KB, 540x960, ten.jpg)

No. 146919
File: 1466538697999.jpg (63.08 KB, 540x960, eleven.jpg)

High road being I call you out by name in a post to embarrass you orrrrrr?
No. 146920
File: 1466538734195.jpg (69.07 KB, 540x960, twleve.jpg)

No. 146921
File: 1466538812594.jpg (76.37 KB, 540x960, thirteen.jpg)

Woe is me….
No. 146922
File: 1466538837231.jpg (77.49 KB, 540x960, Fouteen.jpg)

No. 146923
File: 1466538865132.jpg (64.28 KB, 540x960, Fifteen.jpg)

No. 146924
File: 1466538889443.jpg (67.63 KB, 540x960, Sixteen.jpg)

No. 146925
File: 1466538918011.jpg (68.79 KB, 540x960, seventeen.jpg)

No. 146926
File: 1466538962814.jpg (67.15 KB, 540x960, Eighteen.jpg)

I know those number intimately.
No. 146927
File: 1466539003510.jpg (68.87 KB, 540x960, Nineteen.jpg)

Even the sales they give deals on. I Make costumes for people I have to know this.
No. 146928
File: 1466539032861.jpg (58.78 KB, 540x960, Twenty.jpg)

And Suddenly Subject change
No. 146929
File: 1466539052527.jpg (72.83 KB, 540x960, Twenty one.jpg)

No. 146930
File: 1466539103980.jpg (67.05 KB, 540x960, Twenty Two.jpg)

Funny, mine is usually in high demand.
No. 146931
File: 1466539143915.jpg (64.65 KB, 540x960, Twenty three.jpg)

Because being photographed everywhere you go gets annoying after a while
No. 146932
File: 1466539248289.jpg (70.48 KB, 540x960, twenty four.jpg)

No. 146933
File: 1466539285477.jpg (62.97 KB, 540x960, twenty five.jpg)

No. 146934
File: 1466539313300.jpg (68.75 KB, 540x960, twenty six.jpg)

And this is where it ends
No. 146935
File: 1466539431678.jpg (73.13 KB, 540x960, saving.jpg)

And finally this one, She just bitched another friend out because she was trying to find a way to save money and anyone who even THOUGHT about telling her to slow down on cons and costumes (aka Logic) She tore into them and deleted the thread. I Happened to catch it before she deleted it because I just got off work and looked at my phone
No. 146937
File: 1466539739980.jpg (59.4 KB, 833x960, 1437659544197.jpg)

Also If she Chooses to make a scene about this, I can just forward all saved images of her calling her parents a bitch, Being happy about her brother cancer dianoses and the accusation of her dad beating her to her parents. Just remember sweet heart I am friends with people who aren't on our list but still talk to me via phone or messaging.
>>146936No she removed me after the vague statue I talked to her after. Where the image is tagged one is right after she defriended me for pointing out that she should have not bought the fabric and paid the dumb bill off.
No. 146939
File: 1466540214534.jpg (94.77 KB, 800x640, tumblr_nuqyt0svN71s3ewmvo1_128…)

>>146938She has an entire excipedia Dramatica page dedicated to her. Even to the point she claimed to had cut her wrist half way through and about two weeks later taking a picture of her nails and a perfectly clean wrist. My entire family has been involved in the medical field, That shit doesn't heal that fast
No. 146943
File: 1466565274669.gif (1.4 MB, 333x200, GM_20150201_182620_zps3nrdb2sx…)

>>146942I hate when fat chicks attempt sexy cosplay.
No. 146944
>>146942I really regret clicking that link
And here I thought Lamento was safe from this shit because of its age
No. 146947
File: 1466575821106.jpeg (321.7 KB, 1365x2048, image.jpeg)

>>146946At least she didn't stick with this
No. 146948
File: 1466582154961.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.27 KB, 540x960, RQRTTT4.jpg)

>>146947whatever that is on her chest reminded me of pic related
No. 146950
>>146935In most of these ash was more tolerable than you.
You really can't tell people how to spend their money, even if they are an idiot. And you're clearly deliberately antagonistic. You are quick to bring up your mental issues when they're irrelevant and youre just all round bitter sounding.
Ash might be a dick but you too are also a dick.
Also vagueblogging is bad don't do that, you sound horrible and are no better than her.
No. 146951
>>146950Did we read the same text? I thought OP had good points and only brought their mental issues because Ash is always using them as an excuse. Again, to make a point.
And wow, vagueblogging is so hurtful and bad, right. Not sure what your issue was here. Also, sage your posts if you're OT. And no, I'm not OP.
No. 146953
File: 1466618987466.jpg (45.2 KB, 640x431, 28ck9051.jpg)

>>146950I'm a dick because before I sent that She was using her mental disorder as an excuse as to why she can't do anything? A mental disorder is a mental disorder, My family has them Ranging from severe Autism to Schizophrenia, yet they STILL are able to work through them (Getting their education and a really good job to support themselves), take criticism and then actually do something to make their life better not wallow "woe is me" I told her I had them because It was relavant because I have Two doctors who think I am bad enough I shouldn't be working. However I am taking the grown up way and doing things myself, I work and fund my own conventions/trips while taking care of my bills without calling my parents names when they don't help me.
I am assuming this is ashley and I would like to say, I will be thrilled to see what happens when your parents stop helping you with cons and everything else. Being by yourself you have to do shit you don't like and drop things you don't like.
I am not bitter, I am disgusted. I am disgusted that her parents try to help her and she puts them down. I am Disgusted that she puts her friends down when they attempt to give her advice when she is crying about being in a tough spot. She wants to be miserable? Stop putting her problems out there, then ripping into people who point out she needs to do more than cry about it. She Needs to stop going to conventions and save up like she has bitched about for the longest time. then MAYBE just Maybe she might get somewhere and like her life better than being depressed as shit all the time.
No. 146954
File: 1466620010137.jpg (20.49 KB, 500x610, FB_IMG_1464866516625.jpg)

>>146950Do not see it. They are showing how they relate and if I wanted someone to give me advice I would want it from someone who is in the same boat as me.
Obviously op can speak on the subject and like anyone else on asheerbee is tired of watching her bitch about not going anywhere in life, yet making excuses as why she cannot do anything about it.
Like the other day she made mentions of her parents making fun of her cosplay for the 100th time and people made recommendations she should try to go to school for makeup and design. Yet again she made excuses why she could not citing something about her dad being why she can't get a loan. She made no effort to check out community college to see if she can even get a loan, only going off assumptions.
People like op are tired of her shit and sometimes you have to give a person tough love for them to learn. Otherwise you are an enabler.
No. 146955
File: 1466621329526.gif (1.04 MB, 550x330, CaogEdw.gif)

I think the best part of this whole thing is she has that 300+ dental bill but was still able to purchase a PS4 and Until Dawn video game after the fact.
# priorities
But seriously that logic friend has a reason to bitch. They are tired of Ashley cries, I personally cannot withstand people who scream how life is unfair then try the pity me routine when people give her solutions.
Her cat was a great example. Someone made mentions the cat needed medical attention which she blew off and proceeded to buy frivolous shit. Between the PS4, game, new sorry excuse for cosplays she keeps turning out and Sailor Moon wand, Ashley could have easily paid her dental bill and gotten her cat looked at. Haven't seen pictures of the cat since it was mentioned.
No. 146956
>>146678Way more tolerable than you lol. Seriously?
If someone bitches, moans and complains. Then their families or friends have a right to step in and give advice. In this case, Ash spending her money. That all Ash seems to complain about. No money for this or that. I'd get annoyed to having a friend like that.
Anon brought up great points. If Ash can't pay for a vet visit, she has no right to keep an animal. Ash brings this upon herself.
Also, NO mental issues are irrelevant. You're a dick for saying someone's mental condition is irrelevant. Stfu and sit down.
You're defiantly Ash or a friend. Bashing another for a mental illness, yet don't point out how Ash ALWAYS uses her as a shield or, pity me! Act.
No. 146959
File: 1466626893391.gif (748.44 KB, 220x183, nope.gif)

>>146952Looks like it. Most cosplayers who open shirt bind are actually thin enough to do so. When you're fat or obese, your tits are going to be cow udders and you can't physically tape them apart. She's really disgusting…And she is definitely in denial with how fat she is if she is cosplaying muscular bishonen characters from a BL game.
>>146944I havent seen too many fatties cosplaying from Lamento. It's my favorite from the Nitro company, but fuck me.. Ever since Dramatical murder got popular, I guess it also affected Lamento?? I hate obese cosplayers who want to dress naked. No one wants to see that!
No. 146960
File: 1466627355749.png (193.88 KB, 1280x1280, e9f22835-4bac-415c-b366-c0c40e…)

>>146959This is the reason why I never do open shirt male cosplays. I am disgusted with my flab and know better to cosplay gay male (or any) characters with my stomach exposed.
No. 147164
File: 1466654469447.jpg (16.54 KB, 500x277, FB_IMG_1464668464304.jpg)

So I do have more screenshots when she mentioned she hoped her dad wouldn't make it through his surgery. Who wants that!
No. 147525
File: 1466736822559.png (175.61 KB, 1058x1487, One.png)

So it got weird at first…
No. 147526
File: 1466736935915.png (257.79 KB, 1069x1455, Two.png)

And then I remembered she needs money to fund her hobby. Sad she thinks money is more important than a human life.
No. 147537
File: 1466738263274.png (20.33 KB, 838x200, Wat.png)

Wasn't she trans earlier this year? Sorry honey, I slept with my fair share of women and with your known hygiene habits, I doubt anyone will want to get down on you pussy level.
No. 149410
File: 1467258121940.jpeg (63.66 KB, 1436x769, received_1162944170434558.jpeg)

And suddenly a wild con appears.
No. 151944
File: 1467845921722.jpeg (124.7 KB, 750x739, image.jpeg)

Oh this should be good.
No. 151961
>>151944wtf does she think she can do even with a legal team?
No one's openly done anything to her and boohoo words were said on the internet.
If she hopes to get some kind of huge reward for being slandered, about 80% of it will go to her legal team… I don't understand this girl's logic at all and she hasn't changed since the days Voldie started shit talking and baiting her.
No. 151976
File: 1467858207727.jpeg (269.24 KB, 750x1196, image.jpeg)

Internet lawyer! kek Big fucking surprise, Ash, you can't do shit about mean gossip said on the Internet five years ago. And if she DID try to drag OC into it, there's caps here that blatantly incriminate Ash in harassing OC as well. Ah, I love her degree of stupid.
No. 151977
>>151976>>151976What state is she even in at this point? The statute probably ran on whatever the fuck she's trying to accuse other people of if it's been 5+ years.
I hope the attorney charged her a consultation fee for something she could have easily googled.
Who the fuck writes $3,500 out as "35 hundred"? Staph.
No. 152071
>>151976WOW Who would have thought you'd have to PAY someone to do this shit for you, Ash.
This just in, water is wet.
Did she think she could pay them off with cheap ass cosplay and poop props? How does this girl's mind work especially for things that happened in 2011/12.
No. 152293
File: 1467940017806.jpeg (127.12 KB, 750x595, image.jpeg)

Checked her ED, nothing's changed. Good luck wasting your time, Ash!
No. 152306
>>152293'Donate to me to help stop bad things being said about me on the internet'.
The most blatant scam ever. She won't put a single penny towards that shit. Ugh, she really has not changed at all has she?
No. 152484
File: 1468003167651.jpg (40.11 KB, 600x800, tumblr_nv18cnHEXl1qz66gdo1_128…)

>>152293They didn't delete much. I still have the screen shots on my computer and all the conversations via FB.
She truely isn't that smart. Everyone trash talks each other,It's part of life. She isn't some special fairy who deserves an exception.
Ashley, your logic friend here, since you follow this page, Please learn to take Criticism. It's part of life, sometimes you have to move on, other wise you will fuel the fire and create more of a backlash. If you can't take Criticism, you might as well stop cosplaying and hide in a hole because that shit is everywhere. It's called life and you are just going to have to get used to it. Everyone has something bad to say about everyone else, again it's life. Stop bitching, Make changes to your life so it gets better and move on. No one is going to hold your hand through your 30s-40s-50s and up.
Cosplay is important however, It isn't supposed to be your entire life. If you strive to do something, you must take care of your needs first. If you take care of yourself then you will be able to continue your hobby.
No. 153170
File: 1468114517599.png (169.95 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_nbz9nq3zNe1qgp29…)

>>151944I guess she forgets that IP addresses change, Residents move and people change computers. Unless someone lives in the same place (not likely), Has the same Internet and the same computer (again not likely) Then her case is a lost cause.
No. 154064
File: 1468283205597.png (532.62 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-11-20-25-29…)

When did she become mama ash?
No. 154139
File: 1468302333424.jpeg (73.78 KB, 750x445, image.jpeg)

>>154064And she deleted that and posted it again without the "mama Ash" shit. Hi Ashley! We know you're lurking! And it's actually several of us who know you personally "talking shit" here, not just one person. And yes, we talk about you with each other too. Kind of like how you did to Lexi, Ollie, Kira, the list goes on and we all know, and the local convention groups know too. You like to act like you're above the "people on 4chan" but you're just as bad as us and you know it because you're so pathetically insecure. But hey, at least you're "cosplay famous" now! Know why? Because every time there's a cringe thread or bad makeup thread on /cgl/, you always get posted, even your recent stuff. And you will never figure out who all of us are.
No. 154150
File: 1468303075831.jpeg (252.61 KB, 749x1137, image.jpeg)

And on today's episode of "Shit That Never Happened!"
No. 154161
File: 1468305400515.jpeg (206.83 KB, 750x1000, image.jpeg)

Keep painting yourself as a martyr, Ashley, we all know the truth that you're just as toxic as the rest of us. You're a bloated hypocrite and the whole community knows it. And why has no one confronted you? Because everyone thinks you're crazy, especially given how you've threatened people with your "dragons" you try to convince people are real. You're either delusional or just desperately want to be seen as different and special.
No. 154163
File: 1468305645239.jpeg (70.83 KB, 749x368, image.jpeg)

Awfully convenient your friend knows what's posted here. Three guesses on if they're participating here and just enjoy watching you get upset while pretending to care, because no one has ever done that in the history of lolcows. Hint: even your friends laugh at you, Ash.
No. 154243
>>154163Amazing she purged friends who likely have nothing to do with us. Poor guys. Judging them without probable cause.
But seriously we still can see everything.
No. 154245
>>154161What legal action can she take? It isn't cyber bullying and everything she post is public record. Unless she can prove we are threatening her life there isn't much she can do about people talking about her.
I just love that she thinks she is exempt from people talking about her. People talk about everyone.
No. 154696
File: 1468382997963.jpeg (90.17 KB, 750x681, image.jpeg)

So she says, buuuuuuuut…
No. 154698
File: 1468383058939.jpeg (132.25 KB, 750x962, image.jpeg)

"I'm only giving my new account to people who ask!"
"jk I'm not getting enough attention, so here it is!"
No. 154700
File: 1468383088964.jpeg (212.78 KB, 750x1095, image.jpeg)

>>154698And the whole post in case someone wants to read it
No. 155330
File: 1468455382372.jpeg (33.14 KB, 640x480, zB4CJXcl.jpeg)

>>154700I'm taking everything she says with a grain of salt. Something tells me she is going to try the mole with the new account. Either way she isn't going to change. She talks about change all the time and yet to make progress.
No. 155537
File: 1468478646215.jpg (16.81 KB, 325x251, mysides.jpg)

>>151976>The internet detective
>whaaa stop saying mean things about me on the internetAnd this is why tumblrinas can't function in modern day society.
No. 156260
File: 1468729832147.png (405.85 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-17-00-27-15…)

She is still using the account.
No. 156330
File: 1468754013890.png (430.66 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-17-07-02-15…)

So I have been here from the beginning? Girl please I have never been able to access your shit for years because (1) you have your shit to private and (2) I was trying to rekindle a friendship. You just pissed me off enough to share public information with people. Guess what, it isn't illegal because again IT'S PUBLIC INFORMATION. There was a ln article years ago I could link you to which explains that I could have access to all your messages if I wanted to. Which is tempting so I can send the stuff to your parents and friends so they know you trash talk them. That is if I really was a bitch,but I'm not. :|
Also let me remind you everything you do is open to the public. I posted something a month ago (hello, the logic friend post) and watched the thread.
Ashley is watching the thread yo and I had 5 minutes to explain myself despite not doing shit and being asleep because of work. Thanks guys for making me a suspect.
No. 156386
>>154161She most definitely lurk .. She posted here when all that shit with OC went down.
there's no way she wouldn't lurk.
No. 156391
File: 1468773102805.png (840.58 KB, 1280x1052, dceee0a1-c11c-40af-bacd-aaf058…)

Hey ashley since you blocked me without reason, If it is known to me are posting I did post that, I will consider suing you for slander. You have no "Proof" I posted that Outside of a 'like' post. Just because I liked something doesn't mean I posted that cap. And saying I did such means You are attempting to damage my character which is slander and highly illegal. And I will use legal action to defend myself.
No. 156393
File: 1468773282332.png (247.31 KB, 1080x1920, Slander.png)

And Just in case you Don't know what Slander means, Here is the definition.
No. 156398
File: 1468774063522.gif (41.83 KB, 300x200, received_1406121592737166.gif)

Hello! I talked to logic friend a while ago, not really friends with them but they are pissed right now!
I think logic friend should get an apology from Asherbee. But Asherbee would likely stay adamant that logic friend is responsible when logic friend isnt. I wanna see Asherbee get sued for slander! It might teach her that she should be very careful who she falsely blames because it will piss them off.
No. 156457
>>156330Yet again she missed. And this time she royally pissed someone off. Hahahaha!!!
Though I am not sure how she keeps missing me.
No. 156464
File: 1468788764048.png (123.47 KB, 668x539, 20160717_164946.png)

> anon liked the post
> person who posted what ashley accused her of didn't like the post, but was sad.
Poor girl. As usual ash can't even do research right.
No. 156553
File: 1468791669789.jpg (10.33 KB, 260x275, mj-is-here.jpg)

>>156391Sounds like an idea, anon was nice enough to point out that the person in the snap shot only liked the post (
>>156464 ), and that you did not like the post but left the sad face instead. So her coming at you accusing you of something you did not do, is an attempt to smear your character, and the fact that she posted the image on Facebook, it can be pursued.
If Ashley is smart, she would apologize to you. Do not hold your breath because while she is watching, she will probably think she is right despite another anon coming forward and the evidence showing other wise.
I just saw your post from the anon who admitted to posting it here, you are at least open that you posted the information and that you were showing proof of your side to back what you said. Just enjoy it, she is jealous that you are doing something with your life and she is sitting in her shambles trying to find to put the pieces together deleting random people in attempts to justify her misery.
No. 161409
File: 1469757004727.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.1 KB, 500x375, myeyessuck.jpg)

A while back I recalled her asking about schools in her area, after talking about how she had to go to one kind of school and a few people offering to help, she made mentions she couldn't get financial aid because of her dad owing taxes.
>Made mentions in her tumblr about her parents claiming her to get $7000
>Made mentions of wanting to go to a school in New York City or California.
With all the money she spends, she will likely never go. She will also need to build a portfolio which outlines her work. Work that would never be accepted in their school.
No. 161438
File: 1469765457161.jpeg (89.33 KB, 750x676, image.jpeg)

>>161409She can't commit to shit anyway, she'd be thrown out of the school and bury herself in debt before she could finish a semester.
No. 161446
File: 1469768917988.jpg (35.57 KB, 960x540, 10653479_1249999408350343_4676…)

>>161438She could always work while in school. Though, I see that turning out spectacular and the meltdown to follow.
No. 166049
File: 1471312632122.png (9.68 KB, 598x268, lulz.png)

DC is very expensive. My friend just had 3 drop and with the 5 in the room they were paying over 300 each. Wonder how this is going to bold.
No. 166963
>>166190 Which would be even more hilarious as
She doesn't even have a car…
No. 169394
File: 1472438931595.jpeg (161.52 KB, 749x910, image.jpeg)

And here we go again. Another "idea" of trying to sell her shitty crafts. Still no sign of those mermaid tails she wasted at least $300 on, so I'm sure this will end up the same.
No. 169438
>>169394Nearly any crafter in any Artist Alley have had a variation of horns with flower crowns. She's jumping about 3 years late on this bandwagon and acting like it's some brilliant idea of hers.
It will just be turds with flowers.
No. 170005
File: 1472614733554.jpg (34.57 KB, 439x960, rock.jpg)

>>169394I've got to see her bitch ass at AnimeUsa? Pleaseeeee let me run into her because I want to tell her how entitled she really is.
No. 170687
File: 1472779854719.jpg (70.8 KB, 975x1463,…)

Wonder how DC is going for her.
No. 172109
File: 1473303200417.jpeg (80.58 KB, 750x575, image.jpeg)

Less than a week after her "new idea" to sell headbands and other shit that's losing popularity, she's on to a new "project!" I'm sure her doll repaints will look totally awesome and sell really well in the overly saturated market of doll repainters.
No. 172219
File: 1473347222212.jpg (64.59 KB, 400x533, tumblr_mqrxjlTfL21s1n4mqo1_400…)

>>172109Oh, dis gon be gud.
No. 173693
File: 1473795635804.jpg (204.59 KB, 1195x1950, FB_IMG_1473795437613.jpg)

JFC Her aoba though! That is not how you're supposed to put on his belt like what even is she doing?? Look, can you not?
No. 173869
>>173693I would work out every day for a month and eat nothing but veggies/fruits if I had that gut. She's disgusting.
How is she not embarrassed?
No. 173892
>>172286While everyone likes to say they are some form of mental snowflake I would not be surprised is Ashley is the real deal.
>>173693She needs shape wear. The way she's standing makes her look like a dwarf. From the thumbnail I thought the boots were good. But it looks like she sloppily painted some clogs.Her coordination with paint and makeup has always been hilariously bad. Does she have motor skill problems or is she just too lazy to do things right?
No. 173899
File: 1473874490063.jpg (51.01 KB, 417x469, notboots.jpg)

>>173892I also thought the boots were actually boots until I enlarged the pic. They look like loafers with a very bad paint job, black socks and then some kind of fabric covering her calves that's falling apart.
No. 173992
File: 1473889619137.jpg (164.5 KB, 1429x518, Screenshot_20160914-173639.jpg)

Like you need to start thinking before you plan for other cons. Does she really think she's willing to she can ride with someone without paying any money? I mean if she wants to go then take the fucking amtrek or the greyhound. You might be paying as much as gas for someone you might be riding with.
No. 174096
File: 1473907082405.jpeg (100.54 KB, 750x558, image.jpeg)

I honestly think she craves the negative attention at the point. In the thread she told someone they were Tumblr messages, and when someone pointed out Ashley had disabled anonymous messages on Tumblr, she claimed people were making bot accounts to send the messages…to harass her…about something at least 2 or 3 years old…Sure, Ashley.
No. 174103
File: 1473907756226.jpeg (36.19 KB, 313x470, image.jpeg)

>>174100Being even a casual acquaintance can be exhausting when she publicly posts asking for advice, and then chooses to completely disregard it when you don't give her the answer she wants.
>>174099They're a headpiece jewelry in Indian culture, usually used for weddings and other major celebrations.
No. 174106
>>174105Sound advice, every time. "Hey, if trying to go to so many conventions stresses you financially, weigh which ones are more important to you and plan accordingly." "If you can't afford medical treatment for your pet, why not take the money you were going to use to start a new cosplay and use that instead?"
I could go on.
No. 174111
>>174105Can confirm that
>>174106 is completely spot on. She'll whine about something but the moment you offer advice she immediately flips out and comes up with excuses as to why she can't then if you keep trying to work with her she'll rage delete or block you depending on the website.
No. 174148
File: 1473920210917.jpeg (134.57 KB, 750x877, image.jpeg)

>>174147Ask and you shall receive.
No. 174255
File: 1473972165593.png (24.23 KB, 1029x52, brokeassbitch.PNG)

>>174148>I don't really want to pay that much for a greyhound busI don't know where the hell in VA she is so I used Richmond. Yes, I mad.
No. 174848
File: 1474176778633.jpg (883.93 KB, 1437x2452, Screenshot_20160918-012745.jpg)

How is she STILL trying to hit up AWA AND AUSA?! She's fucking nuts. She doesn't even have the funds! Like how the fuck on her minimum wage budget? If I see her at AWA or AUSA, I'm gonna fucking judge her hard.
I'm still gonna keep calling her Asherbee cause that fucking name she's using is slandering poor Axel's(KH) name. JFC and stop getting into Nitro Citro stuff. You're ruining it for everyone. Like stop!
No. 174951
>>174904If Erin is the one who gave her the DA membership, she's actually the sister Ashley really likes but is also extremely jealous of. Erin dyed her hair red? Ashley did too immediately after. Erin cosplayed Black Widow? "OMG WIDOW AMD HAWKEYE ARE MY OTP!" She blatantly jumps on anything someone she both admires and envies gets positive attention for. The parallels between shit she's done this year alone mirroring another person she used to be friends with is insane.
Now yeah, almost nothing in the cosplay community is original, but Ashley ALWAYS suddenly jumps on and becomes obsessed with something that got someone she knows positive attention and feedback. Her constantly tossed aside projects are evidence of it too.
No. 175266
File: 1474338203206.jpeg (248.84 KB, 750x1135, image.jpeg)

Wtf is with her and meek, girly boys? Without the caption, I would've assumed this was human MLP fan art.
No. 176738
File: 1474779531594.png (170.19 KB, 750x726, IMG_2846.PNG)

No. 176739
File: 1474779568220.png (57.77 KB, 688x373, IMG_2845.PNG)

Nobody needs to know these things…
No. 176751
File: 1474786185663.jpeg (12.57 KB, 208x172, image.jpeg)

>>176739Is…Is she implying she used nair on her pubes? Fuck, Ashley, why do you publicly share this shit?!
No. 176823
File: 1474814951915.jpg (90.24 KB, 1280x960,…)

>>176739I just got uncomfortable reading that post
No. 176884
File: 1474832342664.jpg (83.77 KB, 605x830, 6b9c7dd3fd6cd0ef8926c26e59d8b2…)

>>175266Sorry for the double post but this looks like she just ripped off that one femboy from Teahouse and made his hair longer.
No. 176949
File: 1474846628527.png (117.68 KB, 747x975, IMG_2850.PNG)

No. 177351
File: 1474964669464.png (39.72 KB, 747x260, IMG_2864.PNG)

Apparently She is still going.
No. 177536
>>177381So she's confirmed for taking the Greyhound? Shit, if I were going this year I'd have to share a bus with her since there's only one to Atlanta and we're a state away.
Suddenly glad I don't have her fountain of mystery money flowing that enables her to go to all these cons.
No. 177554
File: 1475031412499.jpg (163.34 KB, 1438x840, Screenshot_20160927-225210.jpg)

Her line-up is disgusting. Ain't nobody wanna see her nasty ass Aoba and Konoe, hell I cosplayed from Diabolik Lovers, I ain't sucking her nasty blood for photos. And JFC Grell really?? Omg why?! She's gonna ruin that one. Fuck me, I better not run into her AWA.
No. 177574
>>177554I dont understand why people bring any more than 4 serious cosplays to a con. I can understand if some of them are casual and some are like a PAIN to wear but if they're all like in that middle ground what's the point? It's gonna take you like an hour to change costumes and AWA isnt even a super late night con so it's such a waste of time. What happened to just enjoying costumes???
Like imho it's best to take 3-4 'legit' costumes to a con. You can carry more if they're super casual (something like Pretime-skip Nami from one piece or even casual Usagi stuff) but it just feels like a HUGE hassle to me
Then again this is Asherbee we're talking about so it's not like she has any groups or anyone to hangout with so I guess it doesnt matter.
No. 177893
File: 1475146341424.jpg (1.05 MB, 1394x1645, Screenshot_20160929-064945.jpg)

God damn it! What makes her to believe this looks good on her. Like stop, it's gross.
No. 177894
File: 1475146403388.jpg (992.77 KB, 1413x1623, Screenshot_20160929-065018.jpg)

Another shot of her gross new haircut.
No. 177917
File: 1475157705661.jpg (1.38 MB, 1436x1844, 20160929_100013.jpg)

Wait wait, so now she decided to fly to get to AWA?? Where the fuck is she getting that kind of money??
No. 177926
File: 1475163379902.jpg (23.81 KB, 438x308, why.jpg)

>>177893Holy shit, why not just shave it all off at this point?
No. 177957
>>177894 I have to say, she makes the best fakeboi yet. She looks EXACTLY like the nerdy boys in my high school, it's uncanny.
Imagine her slurping a Monster and listening to KMFDM.
No. 178043
File: 1475197194201.jpg (128.71 KB, 1152x2048, FB_IMG_1475197148407.jpg)

JFC That face
No. 178227
File: 1475252140244.jpg (92.24 KB, 1152x2048, FB_IMG_1475251748535.jpg)

Who's that cause that is not Grell.
No. 178402
File: 1475304187571.jpg (116.86 KB, 1152x2048, FB_IMG_1475304048767.jpg)

Her costume is good but my god, that make-up hurts. Wtf even is she doing to her eyebrows??
No. 178413
File: 1475306428371.jpg (61.61 KB, 405x720, IMG_2891.JPG)

No. 178479
File: 1475338688092.jpg (71.25 KB, 1152x2048, FB_IMG_1475338593707.jpg)

I'm pretty sure she didn't do this kind of make-up herself. It seems waaaay out of her make-up techniques. I'm just gonna assume one of her roommates did it.
No. 178626
File: 1475385055416.jpg (89.95 KB, 1152x2048, FB_IMG_1475384908406.jpg)

Somebody fucking stop her like ew, no one needs to see more of her DMMD cosplays. Sly Blue seriously?! How about FUCK NO!
No. 178756
File: 1475434354173.jpg (44.99 KB, 1137x640, FB_IMG_1475430481378.jpg)

Jesus that wig! Those poor vampires.
No. 178803
File: 1475447435042.png (63.55 KB, 750x376, IMG_2893.PNG)

The fact she didn't know to either move her stuff to a more secure bag or lock up her case is astounding. Maybe she'll realize exactly how much this trip has cost her… but then I remembered who we were talking about here. Mommy and daddy will probably just buy her all new stuff if her box can't be recovered…
No. 178844
File: 1475462879015.jpg (177.14 KB, 1440x489, Screenshot_20161002-224420.jpg)

WTF?! She JUST got back from 2 cons 2 weeks apart and now she's planning on going to another one 2 weeks from now?? GOD DAMN!
No. 178854
File: 1475465337447.jpg (275.07 KB, 1440x610, Screenshot_20161002-232446.jpg)

Serves her right for spending so much money on a con she could've gone to some other year and should've used that money to save for a car, or her teeth, or her hip issues but as usual cons>adulting according to her.
No. 178929
File: 1475509256935.jpg (165.34 KB, 1377x471, Screenshot_20161003-113654.jpg)

>>178922Apparently she's still going?? She better stay the fuck away from me.
No. 178961
File: 1475518372850.png (119.01 KB, 750x569, IMG_2902.PNG)

That's what we've been telling you, stupid dumbass.
No. 178999
>>178995This was back when she was big on /cgl/ but she wanted to go to Animazement one year and someone on /cgl/ said if they saw her they'd be tempted to push her into the fountain up front.
Despite her claiming that "I don't go on 4chan because it gives me computer viruses!!!" she made a big fuss on the AZ FB group about how threatened she felt and how she had wanted to go and now she'd changed her mind. Some of the AZ people knew about her drama and pretty much just told her to not come because no one would miss her.
I'd check the archive for caps but I think it's been too long for anything to still be there.
No. 179267
File: 1475632345234.jpg (281.91 KB, 1420x592, 20161004_214849.jpg)

Oh God why? No one wants to see her as Aoba. JFC why?! GTF AWAY FROM NITRO+CHIRAL CHARACTERS! She better not cosplay from other NC games like Sweet Pool and Togainu no Chi. I doubt she would handle the graphic materials but God, will she just stop and leave the gay boys alone and stop making them look feminine??
No. 179347
>>179344The better question is who would WANT her old used eyeshadows?
Also this has been bugging me but what kind of makeup case does she have that she can fit wigs plus props and "other items"?
No. 179351
File: 1475667779455.jpg (495.23 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_2907.JPG)

>>179347It had two parts. This is the top one.
No. 179367
File: 1475675224951.jpg (351.27 KB, 1426x720, Screenshot_20161005-094453.jpg)

Guys, keep a watch out for a GoFund me account.
No. 180150
File: 1475733358985.png (121.01 KB, 750x623, IMG_2909.PNG)

Now pick whichever character is most girly boy or abused and that's who she's going to cosplay…
No. 180205
File: 1475754952259.gif (515.46 KB, 268x268, tumblr_odcrh1DxqL1v24kzto4_400…)

>>180150God help us all. She'll probably dump mad cash on ice skates too to be THE BEST then get upset when con staff won't let her bring them in as a prop.
No. 180264
File: 1475777404580.jpg (207.61 KB, 1437x538, Screenshot_20161006-140809.jpg)

GDI ASHLEY! No ones gonna wanna see your skanky ass DMMD. She's honestly gonna fuck it up and bring in a bunch of underage kids.
No. 180733
File: 1475879621087.png (973.62 KB, 800x974, wigs.png)

>>180732shes selling old wigs to get her lost wigs back
No. 181092
File: 1475978267770.png (87.98 KB, 540x667, Screenshot_2016-10-08-21-54-55…)

No. 181204
File: 1476024900242.png (415.45 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-10-09-10-50-33…)

Hurricane Matthew may have cut my power but my salt lives on. It's potentially going to hit her but even if it doesn't be prepared for whining on every platform she has.
No. 181218
File: 1476028274931.jpg (22.9 KB, 214x317, IMG_0972.JPG)

All I can think of with her new hair is Divine. And then I feel sorry for insulting Divine
No. 181313
File: 1476046680817.jpg (179.66 KB, 553x720, IMG_2920.JPG)

No. 181331
>>181313There's just so much wrong with this. The pink-haired balloon head, "brutal Koo" (what?), the…are those arms on Pinkie?…THAT FUCKING WONKY EYE on Blondie…
Please tell me this is something she did in middle school.
No. 181350
File: 1476054776213.jpg (879.49 KB, 1575x2048, IMG_2921.JPG)

>>181317So… you fixed it but left the "c" capitalized? Not sure which is worse…it's obvious this chick didn't finish high school.
No. 181481
File: 1476103047697.png (214.55 KB, 360x360, image.png)

>>181470"Are there any other Kingdoms I should know about?!"
No. 181643
File: 1476142742947.png (143.51 KB, 1440x724, 20161010_193722.png)

Apparently she's trying to make bunny suits herself at Katsu next year. Ain't nobody wants to see all that blubber.
No. 181644
File: 1476143124287.jpg (283.14 KB, 1392x1515, Screenshot_20161010-194121.jpg)

>>181643You're not lying there. She is honestly ruining the DL and the DMMD cosplay community. Why does she have to copy what everybody else does? Like I saw someone wanted to do the same thing and then she goes off and decides to cosplay bunny suits herself at the same con the other person is. She's crazy if she thinks she'll get a bf/gf/trans partner by doing this cause that's clearly her intention.
No. 181689
File: 1476150372231.jpeg (46.39 KB, 480x360, image.jpeg)

>>181685anyone who wears fishnets I see this
No. 181775
File: 1476173297177.png (45.72 KB, 731x314, IMG_2935.PNG)

I think someone lost a bet
No. 181777
File: 1476173598992.png (187.16 KB, 750x988, IMG_2936.PNG)

No. 181902
File: 1476203413983.png (402.42 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161011-080904.png)

Did anyone catch the post she deleted?
No. 181980
File: 1476216898355.png (32.92 KB, 734x308, IMG_2937.PNG)

Insert "someone should come hang out! Come get me!" Pitty party.
No. 182324
File: 1476253436479.png (28.08 KB, 692x162, IMG_2938.PNG)

Get the fuck out. Don't you touch the vollydorks…
No. 182329
>>182324And hunter x hunter… no. Keep your yaoi fangirl bullshit away from Gon and Killua's 12yr old selves. Creep.
I bet she's going to be into Hisoka x Gon too.
No. 182338
>>182331no not overwatch!!
And why is widowmaker "daddy" ?
No. 182421
File: 1476280491887.png (911.04 KB, 1440x2259, 20161012_095150.png)

Idk why she thinks this sports anime is different from all the rest. If she thinks she's gonna make a cute Yuri, she's crazy. And btw she calls it Yaoi on Ice. IT'S NOT YAOI ON ICE, ITS YURI! Get it right, bitch!
No. 182426
File: 1476282193698.png (132.15 KB, 750x631, IMG_2939.PNG)

No. 182428
>>182426Gender fluidity pisses me off. Most of the time it's just girls who some days feel like they want to jeans and other days want to wear dresses. That's life, that's not special of unque in anyway and its
problematic in of itself.
Ash is retarded and try hard as fuck.
No. 182470
File: 1476313846428.png (123.57 KB, 750x824, IMG_3886.PNG)

"Rofl here's a funny story about me and my dad!"
"Jk fuck that sperm doner."
Even her parents are only convenient props when she wants them.
No. 182495
File: 1476320684847.jpg (391.68 KB, 1434x877, Screenshot_20161012-210017.jpg)

Hahahaha is she serious right now? Does she know how badly she treats her wigs? Arda is a top rate wig company. There's no way she'll get accepted.
No. 182562
File: 1476332040801.jpg (573.4 KB, 1404x1247, Screenshot_20161013-001120.jpg)

I was thinking about attending this con and then I saw this. Turns out she might have a table at Ichi?? Just another con she pulled out of her ass to attend when she said she wasn't gonna do that anymore.
No. 182717
File: 1476384458221.jpg (945.84 KB, 1468x2048, IMG_3887.JPG)

>When you draw your fav little Dark Woods princess in something resembling Kimono Street Style/Japanese Street Style. And she comes out adorable af.
For someone who claims to ~love fashion~ and Japan so much, it's pretty sad she gets the most basic shit wrong.
No. 182718
File: 1476384548598.png (156.51 KB, 750x948, IMG_3888.PNG)

>>182717And god forbid anyone even politely point out her mistakes. But no, Ash, you've totally changed and can handle constructive criticism.
No. 182739
File: 1476391677964.png (80.53 KB, 750x672, IMG_2940.PNG)

No. 182741
File: 1476393119219.png (66.13 KB, 750x368, IMG_2941.PNG)

Take your scrap fabric and your ideas, put them in a barrel and burn them.
No. 182794
File: 1476412306406.png (41.3 KB, 750x221, IMG_2942.PNG)

No. 182801
>>182794ah yes because lipstick doesnt stick to straws. What a genius of our time.
Its sad that she's been into 'makeup' for all these years now and she still doesnt know basic stuff like this.
No. 183154
File: 1476495667870.png (102.18 KB, 750x584, IMG_2946.PNG)

No. 183315
>>182495I got that e-mail too. It was a mass e-mail sent to people that get their newsletter. It's nothing special.
>>182571Honestly? She probably never pays bills. Don't her parents usually foot her bills when she does colossal fuckups like when people drop out of her room?
No. 183414
File: 1476590372865.jpg (90.5 KB, 505x714, vampire_kisses01.jpg)

>>183412Ah, it's Tokyopop.
No. 183416
File: 1476590477198.png (70.79 KB, 988x282, Screen Shot 2016-10-15 at 10.3…)

>>183395someones been reading fifty shades
No. 183419
>>183395>designs for my comic>should consider a career not in comicsIs she that dense she didn't realize she'd just been insulted? Clearly we all needed to try this approach from the start.
Instead of telling her that her dozens of useless craft ideas are going to go no where, we could have said if she'd get a 2-4 year degree she could pursue a job in marketing pitching product ideas.
No. 183451
>>183395>>183419Hah, yeah. The 'that's really nice' head-patting was probably because it's not in a pro manga-ka's best interests to be a dick to weird weeaboos who shove animu drawings in their faces.
The whole thing says to me that the manga-ka thought Ash's grasp on figure drawing was static, basic and lacking
any dynamic elements to indicate she'd be able to handle sequential art. Which is entirely true, and I hope a little constructive criticism makes a positive impact for once when Ash inevitably spends a few weeks churning out fashion designs because ~a REAL MANGA-KA told her she's amazing at them~.
Sage for art sperging.
No. 183659
File: 1476637199039.jpg (252.72 KB, 1440x615, Screenshot_20161016-125849.jpg)

So now she's into this. Guys watch out.
No. 183689
>>183659My rage cannot be contained.
>Yoosung is so precious like a little brotherShit tasted confirmed. Yoosung is a whiny little bitch so no wonder she likes him. She does realize this is a dating game, right?
No. 184043
File: 1476675820230.png (113.75 KB, 723x669, IMG_2947.PNG)

No. 184087
File: 1476687019551.jpg (53.91 KB, 405x720, IMG_2948.JPG)

No. 184121
File: 1476695596242.png (117.27 KB, 750x920, IMG_2951.PNG)

No. 184258
>>184121everyone: well, it's not the worst thing she's made
ash: say no more, i got you fam
No. 184554
File: 1476738759137.png (130.64 KB, 750x964, IMG_2952.PNG)

No. 184803
File: 1476760236486.png (62.06 KB, 747x444, IMG_2294.PNG)

>>184554What's with that language
No. 184821
File: 1476765888281.png (124.01 KB, 990x482, Screen Shot 2016-10-17 at 11.4…)

>>184816Yes. that show that NO ONE knows about
No. 184923
File: 1476783856406.jpg (40.27 KB, 547x393, IMG_0267.JPG)

>>184821I love this so much. The only reason she feels unwelcome is because she's got a bad reputation and the community is done with her shit. Oooo I could tell stories I swear. So she gets dirty looks and no one wants to be around her because of the drama she starts and how she sucks everyone she knows into it. No one caters to her entitled special snow flake ass anymore, So she's forced to make a cosplay team. That's just sad. With this no drama rule she is likely to be kicked out of her own team. BTW this team is such a copy move, as usual, she can't do anything original.
No. 184929
>>184923She's already edging her way into NC so I wouldn't be surprised if that's where she goes next when absolutely no one in VA wants her. She's been sucking up to a FB mutual of mine that I had no idea was friends with her so who knows how long it'll be until she's popping up at every NC con since she's already making plans for Ichi.
Also does anyone else just get the urge to just outdo her in everything like some bizarre motivational tool? Like her shitty cosplays have made me just want to rage cosplay the same characters and have them actually look good to give them some sort of decency after what she does to them.
No. 185175
File: 1476825001313.jpg (251.06 KB, 1408x582, Screenshot_20161018-165633.jpg)

Guys guys!! She's planning on hitting Nekocon after she said she wasn't. Good grief. XD(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 185176
File: 1476825068024.jpg (378.77 KB, 1429x987, Screenshot_20161018-165655.jpg)

>>185175She's going just to buy ALL those wigs she lost. Wooooooooow
No. 185180
File: 1476825676643.jpg (61.8 KB, 405x720, IMG_2957.JPG)

No. 185197
File: 1476828479157.png (125.02 KB, 750x1078, IMG_2956.PNG)

>>185180She has to have used a sticker, there's no way she painted that eye ball iris…
No. 185206
File: 1476829624328.png (91.07 KB, 730x484, IMG_2961.PNG)

No. 185214
File: 1476830636986.png (43.17 KB, 737x265, IMG_2962.PNG)

No. 185230
File: 1476832904999.jpg (509.06 KB, 1434x960, Screenshot_20161018-192013.jpg)

For anyone that's going to Nekocon, watch out for these cosplays. Dear God, she's bringing her disgusting bad ending Aoba. Does she even have an Aoba wig for that?
No. 185232
File: 1476833449083.png (120.91 KB, 750x820, IMG_2963.PNG)

No. 185242
File: 1476834905165.jpg (416.23 KB, 1376x1100, Screenshot_20161018-195141.jpg)

I fucking knew she'd be going to Neko if AUSA didn't work out for her. I called it! Ichi probably didn't either cause I didn't hear anything about her having a table there. I still think she's pretty crazy to think she can get 6-7 people in her room, let alone the embassy and so close to the con too. JFC
No. 185251
>>178961But then suddenly
>>185242It's only been 15 days.
No. 185285
File: 1476839522537.png (105.84 KB, 750x809, IMG_2965.PNG)

Even if I was rooming with someone for a con, or multiple people which I have done… never have I stayed at a place so expensive. Cons are tight for me but… if you need 5 people to lower the price to 164 per person, Thursday to Sunday (3 days since I'm assuming you're leaving Sunday) that would make the cost roughly a little over 820 if I did the math right for the weekend. That's seems rediculously high to me…
No. 185384
>>185285Also why the fuck would u bother going Thursday when you haven't prereged? Save money and go down Friday morning instead of
Fronting the hotel for an extra night?
No. 185389
File: 1476851811314.png (248.03 KB, 990x864, Screen Shot 2016-10-18 at 11.3…)

>>185384shes coming to canada
No. 185390
>>185389And then she's going to bitch about not being able to
Afford to get up there and oh whoe is me, gofundme to Canada fam!
No. 185395
File: 1476853206264.jpg (28.89 KB, 183x275, IMG_2966.JPG)

No. 185418
>>185389Good luck finding a damn job. Even if she somehow did move, she'd be hurting to come back to US cons since the CAD is weak to the dollar right now. So that sudden $800 USD hotel just became $1000 CAD or so.
>>185376What do her parents even do? I lurk a lot so possibly missed this info. They've got to be loaded or something if they keep bailing her ass.
No. 185439
File: 1476862598354.png (95.56 KB, 750x930, IMG_2967.PNG)

I got her mother, or her occupation based on what she posted on Facebook.
No. 185457
File: 1476869049204.jpg (215.25 KB, 957x646, eyeballpingpongpkgblgpic.jpg)

Don't worry, she didn't actually draw the eyeball on that ping pong ball at all. They could prepainted but you know she didn't want to mention that part.
No. 185458
>>185457*they come prepainted
Sorry for the doublepost but I can't type so early in the morning.
No. 185737
>>185729Yeah, I believe she's the kind of asshole who would do this, she's probably cost that poor woman her job and a poor reference when I'm willing to bet she didn't have a bad attitude at all, she probably just didn't lick Ash's boots the way she thinks she deserves.
I've known people like her, don't want to go through the proper channels so they throw a bitch fit and go to the news so they can have some power over who ever it is they're trying to screw over because the airline won't want bad press coverage just for one crazy bitch.
No. 185738
>>185709Great! Now I feel sorry for that woman. Ashley was the one that started the bitch fit which probably got the check in lady all hyped up. Now thanks to ashley's fucked up antics, that woman is no longer gonna have a job in that company. Sure, blame your illness's on other people cause that sure solves everything.
NOT ONLY THAT, she'll have a shit ton of money by Nekocon and she's gonna feel so damn proud of it. GTFO U CRAZY ASS BITCH! I'm honestly feeling bad about that check in lady.
No. 185743
>>185741Oh that just makes everything a WHOLE LOT better for her, doesn't it?? >:(
I hope Ashley is happy cause sooner or later, karma is gonna happen and it's gonna bit her fat ugly ass. SO MUCH KARMA!
Christmas also means that Ashley is gonna bitch and complain about her parents, religion, and what things she cannot get, and then it goes to loving her parents. Til she makes another 180.
No. 185754
No. 185897
>>185746I worked in news before so I bet you the ONLY reason Ash got on the news so quick was because she said 'I cosplay' and that's very unusual for the average viewer. That would pull in ratings so they probably jumped on it quick. Had she just lost a normal bag I doubt they would have bothered since it's such a common problem.
Also seeing her suitcase in full view was dumb as fuck. I would NEVER take a detachable case like that on a plane, especially when TSA handles even basic luggage so harshly.
No. 185929
>>185897Yep, this. Unless there was a way to fully lock it on, that was stupidity on her part. That just seems like it would be a pain to carry around and another case would be a lot easier and wouldn't have a chance of falling apart on the way.
Also showing the makeup in the case… nothing was high end, it was all drugstore stuff. I doubt she had a separate section for high end stuff, and how many wigs could she stuff in the bottom of that? Maybe 6 if they were in bags? I highly doubt there was actually $900 in there.
No. 185962
File: 1476967351712.jpg (428.88 KB, 1439x1275, Screenshot_20161020-084111.jpg)

Someone get this trash away from Yuri on Ice.
No. 185963
File: 1476967498073.jpg (242.02 KB, 1439x701, Screenshot_20161020-084348.jpg)

How does that make you Yuri?? I'm pretty sure A LOT of people feel this way someone like that gets so close. Damn weeaboos
No. 186465
File: 1477049084743.png (327.82 KB, 640x960, IMG_2452.PNG)

>>185929Definitely a lot of doubt when Ashley's $500 estimate went to around $1000 after these comments.
No. 186495
>>186375Is she really scared of men? I never would have guessed with how hard she's trying to be one and how obsessed she is with malexmale sex and even rape.
Give it a year or two and she'll be a full fakeboi. She's already headed that way with her hair cut.
No. 186652
File: 1477103829576.png (125.88 KB, 750x841, IMG_2975.PNG)

So…. with 5+ it was close to 164, but with a couple people now it's only 120? Getting your refund check and not having to take some off the top are we?
No. 186668
File: 1477105992349.png (151.66 KB, 717x738, IMG_2976.PNG)

No. 186686
File: 1477109028931.png (91.64 KB, 750x738, IMG_2985.PNG)

No. 186687
File: 1477109253366.png (114.71 KB, 750x941, IMG_2986.PNG)

No. 186805
File: 1477161853352.png (109.12 KB, 1010x330, Screen Shot 2016-10-22 at 1.43…)

>>186743and shes doing attack on titan
No. 187042
File: 1477218076350.png (33.94 KB, 750x276, IMG_2988.PNG)

Funny how those last minute con problems work…
No. 187420
File: 1477295993053.png (242.76 KB, 750x1077, IMG_2993.PNG)

No. 187438
>>187420What I'm getting from this is that it's a story about the tragic last moments of a microcephalic crossdresser with mpreg stretchmarks and his lover, the Elvenking’s retarded goth brother, after Thranduil set Mirkwood on fire to cleanse it of this unholy fuckery.
Well, it’s certainly creative.
No. 187471
>>187420It's sad when even a shitty Amazon were-dolphin homolove book cover is less disturbing than this.
Is this even the same character as the other drawing she posted because aside from the same colors it looks nothing alike unless
>>181350 is after an allergic reaction.
No. 187932
File: 1477363439200.png (346.6 KB, 710x744, Screen Shot 2016-10-24 at 2.06…)

No. 187996
File: 1477373681325.png (109.77 KB, 750x992, IMG_2994.PNG)

No. 187998
File: 1477373841505.png (54.9 KB, 750x411, IMG_2995.PNG)

Bitch, no one wants to flirt with your gross ass… and why is you actually being gross any motivation for anyone to get at
No. 188035
File: 1477380050015.png (109.92 KB, 745x1001, IMG_2997.PNG)

On her room/con post on the ichi page
No. 188093
>>188035Good motivation to make people NOT room with her on a simple question she could have easily answered.
>>187929>>187932Bless this person for getting on her damn ass. 30 days is pretty standard. Getting anything back from a company usually has to go through departments and get approved before a check can be mailed out. They'll probably use the slowest speed too to save a bit of money since it's not a high priority. This just screams 'I'm entitled and don't know what I'm talking about nor do I care but agree with me, dammit'
No. 188580
File: 1477447778314.png (138.56 KB, 745x922, IMG_2999.PNG)

No. 188645
File: 1477459107220.png (48.04 KB, 738x318, IMG_3001.PNG)

No. 188699
File: 1477475323648.png (138.6 KB, 749x1063, IMG_3002.PNG)

No. 188729
File: 1477490479230.jpg (88.73 KB, 454x944, image.jpg)

>>188699>>188724here's what the character she's cosplaying actually looks like
No. 188753
File: 1477497734557.png (91.9 KB, 595x786, IMG_4783.PNG)

This is worse than her fucking draculaura cosplay or her milku kimono thing that fell apart mid con
Hey ash
I can hand sew better than this shit. And she thinks she can do commissions for mermaid tails holy hell just shoot me.
No. 188869
File: 1477520329582.png (203.46 KB, 750x995, IMG_3007.PNG)

Because all her jewelry was "either really expensive or had great sentimental value"…oh hey! I can replace everything from walmart…smh
No. 188951
File: 1477534930416.jpg (51.71 KB, 540x960, 14883636_1593749087317456_2022…)

>>188950She looks pretty cute here!
No. 188987
File: 1477540389062.jpg (174.15 KB, 1385x550, Screenshot_20161026-235156.jpg)

No. 189132
File: 1477569819493.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3008.PNG)

Learn how to use your sewing machine properly … or save us the trouble and burn it with fire…
No. 189314
File: 1477599345325.jpg (204.36 KB, 1337x489, Screenshot_20161027-161232.jpg)

Her Nekocon schedule guys. Good thing I'm not cosplaying from any of these cause I don't want her anywhere near me, especially bunny suit Aoba.
No. 189403
File: 1477609959232.jpg (890.31 KB, 1482x1097, Screenshot_20161027-190115.jpg)

Be prepared for the spam guys. This is on her DeviantArt and so many answers to questions. Some of this sgit had me cringing.
No. 189405
File: 1477609996984.jpg (1.01 MB, 1441x1072, Screenshot_20161027-190212.jpg)

No. 189602
File: 1477634860710.png (740.9 KB, 1024x1488, kaysha_by_axelash-daj1kgj.png)

>>189599Different anon, this isn't cute, those boobs…
No. 189617
>>189602Those…horrible pink copy-paste roses clash with the red so bad. All those messy lines everywhere, no real cleanup job.
And she thinks she can sell her shit in artist alley?
No. 189671
>>189579What is the sudden gust of "oh this is cute, oh she doesn't look to bad" like for real ash stop self posting. No one things your bull shit is diamond studded.
>>189405There's no way that actually happened otherwise her facebook would be blown up just like with the delta thing. DA is her way of starting drama without anon logic punishment. She could say anything on her cosplay page and her DA and no one would care cuz no one pays attention.
>>189602That's horrendous. Along with sewing classes, not being a shitty person classes, she needs drawing lessons.
No. 190125
File: 1477717055451.png (131.32 KB, 750x1074, IMG_3016.PNG)

No. 190133
File: 1477718936680.jpg (256.47 KB, 1437x608, Screenshot_20161029-012644.jpg)

I'm sorry but is she serious right now?? She REALLY wants that Aoba wig and all that cheap make-up shit she has which can easily be bought at Walmart or the dollar store.
No. 190141
File: 1477720279434.png (1.01 MB, 1072x1454, whereisyourhair.png)

>>190136Okay, I need to know the desperate guy who would date her.
I also had to check her IG, and this has the be one of the most unflattering photos ever.
No. 190304
File: 1477764162809.jpg (145.62 KB, 1331x482, Screenshot_20161029-140139.jpg)

That's foul bait right there.
No. 190476
File: 1477798776377.png (54.75 KB, 738x341, IMG_3020.PNG)

No. 190623
>>190476Her Sarah is like a thrown together moge life of fabric and pubic hair.
I remember hearing something about her only making it to show up this Sarah cosplayer who she hated and tried to like seduce that Sarah's Jareth.
No. 190765
File: 1477873505821.png (102.48 KB, 427x362, Screen Shot_13654.png)

Her deviantart is a goldmine.
No. 190834
File: 1477892180017.png (144.36 KB, 734x934, IMG_3021.PNG)

No. 190836
File: 1477892600313.png (133.89 KB, 784x1020, page_4_by_axelash-dajck1y.png)

i know it's nothing new or that hasn't been said before, but jesus christ that anatomy is just absurd. how does she think she's capable of drawing a whole graphic novel when she can't even draw a straight on female figure?? look in a damn mirror if you cba to use a reference or learn how to draw correctly
No. 190839
File: 1477892887047.jpg (110.38 KB, 436x678, 11157852545.jpg)

>>190836(samefag for redline) i can't fathom that she even attempted to draw any kind of basic skeleton or figure under this
No. 190855
File: 1477895540790.png (140.17 KB, 750x634, IMG_3022.PNG)

No. 190865
File: 1477897325118.png (139.65 KB, 750x692, IMG_3023.PNG)

Oh I see you are also doing an aoba cosplay, let me try and worm my way in too… but doesn't take the polite no as an answer.
No. 190871
>>190867Could this picture of Yuri be any accurate to that monstrosity above? ROFL I feel so sorry for Yuri at this point.
>>190865Thaaaat's ashley for you. Always trying to butt in and then brings in unnecessary drama. This is honestly one of the reasons why I never ever had her anywhere near me cause all I get is bs from her mouth.
No. 191312
File: 1477981346866.png (136.8 KB, 750x903, IMG_3024.PNG)

No. 191317
File: 1477981795792.png (45.08 KB, 737x372, IMG_3025.PNG)

No. 191377
File: 1477991433077.png (108.98 KB, 750x1136, IMG_3026.PNG)

No. 191646
>>191377UGH this gives me the biggest case of second hand embarassment. I remember when the 'crossdressing shota who is totally tough n angry uguu' was the big trend on DA
back in like 2002
the fact that she can look at that OC and still totally be about it makes me cringe so hard cause it's outdated as fuck
No. 191950
File: 1478067428492.png (69.04 KB, 750x434, IMG_3028.PNG)

Smart thing would be to learn how to properly secure your cases so you don't loose them during air travel or get a travel case instead to transport things…
No. 192013
File: 1478092818645.png (185.19 KB, 540x844, Screenshot_2016-11-02-09-16-51…)

Her whining about being sent NSFW fanart by underaged DMM fans when she's being making her own since she was underaged herself.
No. 192439
File: 1478121451981.jpg (267.95 KB, 1301x674, Screenshot_20161102-171632.jpg)

For those of you who are going to Neko, watch out for these.
No. 192814
File: 1478141632529.jpg (827.91 KB, 1391x1778, Screenshot_20161102-225225.jpg)

NOPE NOPE NOPE NOOOOOOPE! What Viktor cosplayer would ever hug her?!
No. 192933
File: 1478158800016.png (106.43 KB, 747x710, IMG_3032.PNG)

Bitch you aren't…
No. 192983
>>192933Katsu is next February isn't it? She'll have forgotten entirely a month from now.
And damn that promo picture looks awful. That's some bad CGI on Beast.
No. 193118
>>193100Maybe. I have a feeling the whole thing is just an excuse for her to be handsy and innappropriate with people under the guise of lolrandomXD yaoi life.
I'm not sure how much 'being the yaois irl lolXD' would get her excused from being creepy but it would probably get her less shit than just being that gross whale who gropes and tries to kiss people at the formal.
No. 193136
File: 1478202290198.png (107.24 KB, 750x922, IMG_3033.PNG)

No. 193148
>>193118 You know, you might be unto something here. I wouldn't be surprised if she'd be a a sexual predator. She does touch people all the time uninvited.
>>193136 NOOOOOPE.jpg
No. 193160
File: 1478205725435.jpg (136.55 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_5491.JPG)

>>193148No she's totally a sexual predator. I mean with those looks and personality shed have to revert to forcing people into things.
No. 193274
File: 1478217583451.png (882.27 KB, 788x1102, Screen Shot 2016-11-03 at 6.54…)

No. 193490
File: 1478266342570.png (204.97 KB, 1152x2048, huh.png)

gotta give a girl props for trying but are those spray painted christmas ornaments?
No. 193504
File: 1478269159673.gif (934.26 KB, 338x338, tumblr_ofzyn4YEPN1vixpwlo1_400…)

>>193490>>193501I mean does it count as effort when the only thing correct is the color and general area?
No. 193545
File: 1478277750096.jpg (2.15 MB, 4160x2340, 20161104_115213.jpg)

Spotted cow
I miss her in her Yuri outfit
No. 193590
>>193510>>193490Wtf? To be accurate all she needed to do was get thick card board and either paint it or cover it with shiny foil/Xmas paper if she was doing things cheap/quick. Hell, even just cutting shiny card stock in the right shapes would have been more accurate.
>>193295She is beyond disgusting. I feel sorry for those people, children, and animals. Has she ever been told to fuck off by a parent or pet owner before?
No. 193600
>>193590Any of the times that I've been with her, no. The people just usually give an awkward smile as she goes, "Awww!" as loud as she can. I've seen one woman who looked incredibly uncomfortable when she touched her baby while the mother and her family were out eating. She looked like she wanted to get up and stop her but she didn't because we moved Ash away. It isn't the first time and I know it won't be the last.
As for pets, the owners can usually just walk past her and be fine. But she never asks, just goes, "Awww!" runs toward the animal and pets them without asking. It's uncomfortable for us around her too. It feels like we're baby sitting a child who doesn't understand personal space yet.
No. 193604
File: 1478288276912.png (1018.71 KB, 1280x714, rampaging_kaonashi.png)

>>193590It feels like this when she runs after pets & babies.
No. 193638
>>193600Has she ever done that with a service animal…? The idea that she would go up to a working dog just to pet it really riles me up.
>>193490It's like one of those cosplays on a budget. You'd think she would have laid down the money for a front lace wig at least since she got that ~SICK DELTA CHECK~ she whined about for a month
No. 193677
>>193638Not anytime I've been with her.
Off topic, but still about Ash.
Back in the day when I did hang out with her, there was this time her room was so filthy, she was sleeping in the living room.
You couldn't walk in her room, the floor was covered in mess. And she had so much stuff piled on top of her bed.
There was old bloody underwear on her floor, ruined clothing, sharp objects. The last time I was there, it was better, but god help her if that happens again.
She also likes to steal friend's suicide attempt stories and say she did it.
It's likely any story she tells is actually someone else's experience.
No. 193813
File: 1478313638281.png (81.47 KB, 750x756, IMG_3045.PNG)

-gets drunk, then wants to wander around in bad ending cosplay and will probably act suggestively-
Calling her going off like "oh god guys! Like -insert almost raped story here-"
No. 193814
>>179351Ugh, I work with airlines and idiots like her drive me crazy. They bring these extremely frou frou suitcases full of valuables, or in her case just shit she thinks is valuable, and check those bags in without consideration that TSA agents literally have any right to tear it open and confiscate anything they please. This is literally in every ticket contract, airlines shouldn't be responsible for this shit.
Then they get all bent when their luggages get scuffed and dented not realizing that the ground crew don't have time to place her specific luggage on a fluffed pillow as they load it onto the vehicles and ready the plane with 300 more bags before pushoff. During the flight, the luggages shift around and knock into each other so all the fragile tape in the world doesn't save it.
She put a DETACHABLE case in the belly of an aircraft!
>>181092Lol, she's not getting $1k back for cheap wigs and some used makeup. At best the airline will pay depreciated value, they never reimburse for full amount.
>>185232Yeah, she doesn't understand that it takes a certain amount of days for a bag to be officially declared lost. She has to fill out another form when it is declared lost and then claim the damages and value of the items.
There's no such thing as "top priority list" like she mentions
>>185709, it's just something baggage agents tell problem customers who threaten to go to Twitter to get them to shut up. The processing times wind up being the same had they just submitted the claim to begin with. Probably wasted more time trying to get on the news.
She's fucking stupid.
>>186465>find each item at its most expensiveThen we get thieves like these who are talking out their ass.
>>187929>30 days processingStandard. Very hilarious how she acts like this is some unusual thing and Delta is out to ~kick the autistic~
>>190125Suspicious that she didn't take a picture of that $1k checkarooni she was supposed to get. Kek. Oh well, $200 would have sufficed to cover whatever shit she needed anyway and she knows it.
>>191950>tempting fate by checking a makeup case again>muh warrantySorry to have gotten all quote happy but holy shit what a dumb bitch. I wish people like her would drive or take a train so she wouldn't burden working people with her stupidity.
No. 193836
File: 1478319453481.png (54.81 KB, 996x216, Screen Shot 2016-11-04 at 11.1…)

and she doesnt have a ride home
No. 193837
>>193813"Almost raped! Almost assaulted! Almost kidnapped!"
The sad thing is, she steals every trauma story from someone else she knows.
No. 193847
File: 1478320809883.png (179.98 KB, 750x1169, IMG_3046.PNG)

Sees cosplayer who politely rejected her want to join their group and then comments on needing to find her… hope she didn't… no need to spread that filth around…
No. 194344
>>193961She'll probably never say how much unless she can either brag or milk asspats from it. It doesn't matter the amount though. She'll blow through it with useless shit then turn around and whine how she can't afford X.
Since we didn't hear about it right away it was probably just enough or a little above the amount she needed for the new shiny things she wanted that instant.
No. 194459
File: 1478442718051.jpg (209.43 KB, 1345x532, Screenshot_20161106-092953.jpg)

Why is she trying to one up people when it comes to DMMD? I highly whoever that person is thinking of doing Tae probably said that just to make her feel better.
No. 194959
File: 1478533172101.png (386.66 KB, 716x466, nekocon.png)

No. 194985
>>194959Okay, I have to say this, because if I don't I'll probably explode.
Ash, NO ONE, except YOU, is responsible for your actions and your feelings! No one can MAKE you feel any way! Take some fucking DBT classes and learn to take responsibility for yourself for fucks sake.
No one else can make you get drunk and cry. You did it to yourself. And you're mentally ill, you shouldn't even be fucking drinking in the first place.
God. I remember the first time she went to Tucker's and she started taking like 1mg of an anti-depressant and fucking bragged about it. Now she isn't taking anything and she's getting worse.
No. 195011
File: 1478542070439.png (12.34 KB, 459x124, suchpurge.PNG)

>>194812Better question is who didn't survive the "purge".
No. 195013
>>194959She needs to stay the fuck away from my California cons.
>>194981At least 1200 bucks for an LA con.1500 if you want to be comfortable and eat well. I've gone for years and have to fly out. Every little thing adds up and if you are reckless with money as she is, then you will blow through it quickly
>>194985You can drink if you are mentally ill but when it comes to that aspect and you are on medication, you need to be very open and honest with your doctor about how much you drink when you are on medication since some Mental Disorders are more prone to alcoholism than others. However Drinking without medication and with depression can lead to alcoholism as well since people tend to drink when they are depressed and it can lead to being a crutch. I have that issue with my partner.
No. 195045
File: 1478547470309.png (302.01 KB, 1888x1144, Screen Shot 2016-11-07 at 1.36…)

No. 195062
>>195022One of Ash's biggest problem is she lacks the skill of forethought. When she has an idea, she plans it out with very little detail. Problem is, it never goes that way because her thinking is very distorted. So when it doesn't go how she plans, she doesn't know what to do and lashes out, blames everyone or anyone for personally attacking her, because she does believe it happens to spite her.
This is coming from someone close to her. She takes everything personal and believes everyone is out to get her.
She believes there is a Russian dragon in her head named Zavik. She believes she is a "system," and has multiple souls inside of her. She claims her doctor knows and says she's perfectly fine. But that sounds like symptoms of schizophrenia and if she did tell, she would be on anti-psychotic medication. No psychiatric is going to say, "Oh, yeah. That's normal to hear and see things that no one else does." She is either faking it for attention, which is why she doesn't tell, or she doesn't want the delusions to go away.
She believes she is a witch. Her mother fuels this idea by saying there have been witches in the family before.
So when I say Ash is sick, she is sick. She needs to get into Dialect Behavioral Therapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She is still in Chesterfield, fucking go to Chesterfield Mental Health.
No. 195082
>>195045I'm sorry it takes more than one drink to get tipsy. the drinks the host club serves is not served that heavy handed, on the small side and normally it's 2+ (and they have to be heavy) that will start getting people tipsy. On top of that, she knows depression will lead to bad behaviors. since she can comprehend that, she is aware of what she is doing.
>>195062Schizophrenics tend to be detailed oriented. I could believe her being a Paranoid Schizophrenic (most commonly diagnosed one). She obviously loves the attention crying about her disorders give her. So it would be difficult for me to believe that she doesn't tell it all. Otherwise she would be seeking help and actively being medicated. DBT only helps if she is willing to work with the group and therapist once a week. (I have the information booklet sitting next to me which talks about it)
No. 195199
File: 1478565056133.png (129.9 KB, 741x616, IMG_3065.PNG)

The roads just got a whole lot more dangerous
No. 195269
File: 1478569532193.png (519.24 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-11-07-20-38-58…)

She posted a story on Instagram so I got some good caps before it vanishes.
No. 195307
File: 1478571998652.png (137.88 KB, 252x252, aoba.png)

I don't even understand HOW she got smeared red eyeshadow from looking at Aobas face. FUCKING HOW.
>>195270>>195269 No. 195738
File: 1478642236756.jpg (1.27 MB, 1422x1940, Screenshot_20161108-165524.jpg)

STOP. MAKING. AOBA. SO. FEMININE. HES. A. GUY. Guys don't wear kimonos.
No. 195742
>>195738They actually do.
However, that's not a proper kimono. Where are the layers below? And why is she dead? Don't even want to see the rest of it, this looks just so shoddy.
No. 195891
File: 1478655033105.png (202.24 KB, 500x530, tumblr_inline_n7alzegSf81qec7j…)

>>195809He's a character from a game called DRAMAtical Murder.
>>195738 And Kojaku literally wears a kimono, it wouldn't be too weird if Aoba wore one either. He's also a pretty feminine character, so I don't know what you're talking about.
No. 195905
>>195895bru, a Yukata is just a lighter kimono for warmer seasons.
sage for OT
No. 196083
File: 1478716787457.png (49.68 KB, 732x273, IMG_3083.PNG)

No. 196353
File: 1478782458695.png (364.06 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-11-10-07-52-49…)

No. 196359
File: 1478783212786.png (526.96 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-11-10-08-05-03…)

The filth on the floor has probably been there since the poop broach days.
No. 196408
File: 1478796792117.png (496.68 KB, 724x722, art.png)

shes taking art commissions guys. probably because she spent all her delta money on a new makeup case adn airbrush
No. 196411
File: 1478797133095.png (1.62 MB, 990x1032, wig.png)

i mean at least she has confidence? thats a good thing to have i guess
No. 196414
File: 1478797571350.png (1.71 MB, 986x1030, lipstick.png)

No. 196451
File: 1478806550256.png (969.76 KB, 960x642, Boot.png)

>>196083I get you are a special snow flake but Trump won. I am not here to bash anyone for their choice however, Most who did vote trump probably voted on the issues (I know I voted on issues not the person) the others voted other because they weren't brained washed idiots who fail to do their research and fell for the scare tactics. (I'm not knocking any Hillary supporters my closest friends are Hillary supporters however they did their research on her before voting. This is aimed towards people like her who only vote off the little information people feed them) A small portion of Trump suppers are making asses of themselves that make me want to string em up.
Telling your mom that her god is a lie is a piss poor reaction to getting bad news. Grow up. If you want change you have to earn it. You cannot sit idly by while sucking the tit of your family while simultaneously insulting them. For all they have done you are extremely lucky they do not drop your ass on the street and abandoned you. You want to change the world? Stop sitting on your ass, stop babbling that you have a slight disability, get a real job, Research future candidates information verses tidbits that are fed to you so you are full knowledgeable on what the fuck is going on around you and do something more with your life than cry about how unfair it is.
Life is unfair get used to it. You aren't special because you have a mental disability. There are millions of people with conditions worse than you can imagine, that happily work hard and earn their keep. You seem to be one of the few who have it easy and still manage to bitch and whine about it.
No. 196465
File: 1478808192934.jpg (446.63 KB, 800x500, 4ac6b87604f402d1ee1d167b9afc28…)

>>196411>>196414I had to google who this was and have I even gotten the right person? They look nothing alike aside from red hair.
No. 196472
>>196411Aw man I thought the wig was /okay/ because I just assumed it was one of her 'original' ideas (as a thumbnail on mobile, it looks greats just don't enlarge it and you won't see the obvious fuck ups).
But if it's supposed to be this character
>>196465Then what the hell are feathers doing in the hair? Where's the bang, why is there a poNY TAIL. I GOT QUESTIONS.
sage because I legit have no idea if the wig is for the character in a different outfit or not.
No. 196481
>>196465>>196472I don't understand, none of the facepaint matches any characters even if she got colours wrong.
I am so lost, is it mpreg child of two on the left?
No. 196537
File: 1478818962486.jpg (43.6 KB, 300x300, Fuamベニ_通常_normal.jpg)

its supposed to be a human version of this thing. i dont think theres an official design but since aoba's dog in the game/anime has a "human" form i guess there doing it for all the allmates
No. 196559
>>196537Imagine Ash trying to clomp around on wooden geta..
Ah, what am I saying? She'll find a way to bring boots or sneakers into it.
No. 196571
File: 1478824323001.png (36.98 KB, 750x268, IMG_3085.PNG)

No. 196591
File: 1478825576745.jpg (1.15 MB, 2560x2560, PhotoGrid_1478825454693.jpg)

I found this little gem on her tumblr. From someone who says they don't go on tumblr anymore, I'm pretty sure she still does for her "I want that but I don't want that cause they're gonna rape me" attitude. Clearly her statement is a lie.
No. 196651
>>196591>if I ever date someone.HAHAHA OH PLEADE STOP!
Oh, Ash… You really don't expect us to believe that do you?
>>196624And yes. Here's the thing about Ash. She thinks relationships are like what they are in her anime or yaoi. Where one person is oblivious of the others affection, or that if they're mean to you it really means they love you.
She just needs to get over herself and admit she's into bsdm and wants to be dominated. But she's too fucking stupid to realise it doesn't happen that way in real life. Bdsm is consensual. No one who (really) practices it would do it on without the submissive's consent. It's fucking role play of power and control.
But she thinks it's real life. No. That would be sexual assault, the thing you claim you don't want to happen to you, but you clearly have a fetish for it.
No. 196708
>>196702I legit just tried to read some of her shitty "stories?????" I don't know what they would actually be. Shut I guess? Fuck if I know, point is…
They openly have a theme of small innocent boy and rough and tough man and this "pet" and "master" thing. Like bitch, you're literally writing about it. Stahp fucking lyin.
You have rape fantasies. You don't /have/ to admit it, but your "writing" does it for you.
And then at the same time of her crying, ah no pl-please…! She's also rubbing it in our faces??? Please for the love of all is holy. Stop.
I remember being at her house once and her document and picture files opened, and it just literally full of yaoi hentai. I wish I was kidding. Like, make a private file for that shit I don't want to see it.
No. 196710
File: 1478841155043.png (192.99 KB, 750x1019, IMG_2632.PNG)

>>196708dont bring it on a plane
No. 196711
>>196708Sorry to double post, I meant Smut. Not shut.
I just wish I could grab her by the face, get close enough to make her nervous and think she might finally get what she wants, and then whisper, "Life isn't a yaoi anime."
No. 196725
>>196710This looks like a shany case maybe. I own one, different design but looks like same quality.
either way these things are NOT designed to be luggage and be banged around at an airport.
The shiny outside is just painted sheet aluminum, the inside is made of plastic and foam lining with layers of hard cardboard. The locks are fine but not that strong and the case's frame will bend over time so the prices won't nest perfectly and lock looser.
On ebay most were around $200-$300, if you look hard enough you can find deals. I got mine for much much less (the tag attached said $400) off ebay b/c it was damaged, looked like it was dropped and the outside wall had a long crack/tear, only bought it b/c I knew I could fix it.
Dropping these things wI'll damage them. Durable enough for its intended use but it is NOT luggage.
No. 196738
>>196725I don't know how on earth she thought that this was going to work as luggage. It's clearly not meant for that. MAYBE if you removed the big bottom and carried it on, but even if it didn't break off and get lost, all your stuff would be banging around in it.
I could see it being useful if you only go to local cons and are driving there, but never for a plane!
No. 196747
>>196710>>196725Please bring it on a plane.
I can already see TSA going 'oh no' then throwing it like normal into their luggage bins and it just falls apart on impact.
No. 196780
>>196738>>179351KEKK I just realized she her previous case that got fucked at the airport was the EXACT SAME KIND and she bought another one!!
Okay sorry im late to the party and if this was said before but here's what I theorizs happened with the old one:
the 2 pieces which were only held together (no interlocking just held together) with just 2 goddamn side buckles and nothing else just fell apart on their own somewhere and got separated in the luggage tranfer process b/c it was not built for such rough handling.
Top half of case has all the tags and stickers and no physical indication that its missing anything, so employee shuffles it through with the rest of the bags
Another employee finds bottom half with no tags and has no idea where the fuck it came from or what so it's turned in to lost items.
But if your first case didn't make it thru air travel wHy wOuld you bUy it agaIn??
No. 196885
>>196819But she bought one with a ~warranty~ this time. Clearly the warranty will cover damage done by an outside party and not if the case breaks on its own, right?
She needs to learn what travel insurance is if she wants to take that bigger on a plane.
No. 197067
File: 1478924626722.jpg (166.76 KB, 864x1296, FB_IMG_1478924402970.jpg)

MMMMMM!! LEMME OUT SO I CAN EAT THE OTHER DRAMATICAL MURDER COSPLAYERS! Did you guys know she changed her page name to "AxelAsh Cosplay"? God her Aoba is awful and what is lighting and good photos. Some of them are blurry af! Why would you post them on your page??
No. 197075
File: 1478925449121.png (526.23 KB, 540x920, Screenshot_2016-11-11-23-35-44…)

The amount of caked on makeup in these photos..
No. 197086
File: 1478926539543.png (157.1 KB, 333x594, Stノイズ_通常_normal.png)

>>197075why is she trying to ruin my husbando?? she doesnt even have the piercings. ugh i've noticed that she only cosplays characters she wants to fuck or characters she wishes she can be in similar predicaments i.e. heroines in reverse harems
No. 197093
File: 1478927353855.jpg (13.92 KB, 86x130, IMG_3109.JPG)

No. 197096
File: 1478927607852.jpg (80.34 KB, 480x720, IMG_3110.JPG)

>>197093Sorry, didn't load before I saved it so that ones blurry
No. 197132
File: 1478937027771.jpg (79.14 KB, 480x720, IMG_3111.JPG)

Stuff nightmares are made of…
No. 197174
>>197096years, shes been doing makeup for YEARS. how has she not improved.
this is hot, moist,fucking garbage and she should be ashamed.
No. 197266
>>197228I think it was a beginner photography class. I kind of got the impression it was the beginners non-art major class where she basically got gold stars for doing the assignment. She was into doing SFX photography for a bit.
She wouldn't last in a makeup class. The first time she would get conceit she'd throw a temper tantrum and probably claim her teacher is ableist.
No. 197268
>>197098No. Nonono the black eye does not look good. The blood is too red and not deep enough.
>>197096Whhhy does she put so much fucking eyeliner on guy characters!? Why?
>>197132It looks like she ate her own period blood and I'm fucking disgusted.
No. 197992
File: 1479099409274.png (139.95 KB, 750x907, IMG_3128.PNG)

No. 198000
File: 1479100766910.jpg (883.93 KB, 1259x2031, Screenshot_20161114-001623.jpg)

>>197992No, no you're not. Just fucking stop cosplaying Aoba and turning him into your little sexual fantasy of every little make-up costest you do. It's disgusting and gross.
No. 198015
File: 1479103208729.jpg (204.73 KB, 864x1296, IMG_3133.JPG)

No. 198044
>>198015Haha no. It's like she thinks she can take a character and shit out any idea she wants and it be 100% the best thing ever.
>>198019Is ash self posting again? You cheeky devil.
No. 198106
File: 1479133616294.jpg (940.03 KB, 1367x2040, Screenshot_20161114-092126.jpg)

Da fuck happened to her eyebrows?! How uneven and shitty, thick they look!
No. 198356
>>198314Maybe that's what she's aiming to be. Like those other transmen.
>>198135Sad honest truth, yes. She probably does so she can draw on her eyebrows for characters but please, at least try and make your eyebrows even for reality. People are gonna question why her eyebrows are like that.
No. 198561
File: 1479180541179.png (286.03 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-11-14-22-25-26…)

I couldn't bear to click the audio button to know why she was making an entire stick of butter mac&cheese so late at night.
No. 198562
File: 1479180681641.png (383.16 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-11-14-22-25-46…)

>>198561And I'm wondering if she even knows how to cook because there's no noodles, no water, just pure butter. You're not even supposed to cook the butter down, are you?
No. 198567
>>198499>>198505Come on guys!
>>190836 This is totally her! Uh, him!
Just look at her-his hell spawn comic! Read her/his smut! Totes innocent uke boy!
He just wants to be fucked in the ass, be a pet/slave to a demon, and be lusted after by everyone ever. And his beauty can't even be outmatched by godly women! Like, come on you guys!
No. 198569
>>198562She can't even follow the directions on the box. For non-kraft dinner having countries the usual directions are:
>boil water (8 Cups)>put noodles in boiling water, boil and stir for 7 1/2 minutes>drain>add butter (4 TBSP)>stir until butter is melted>add cheese sauce powder packet and milk and stir until combinedMaybe she's found some life hack to combine butter, milk, and cheese powder packet to make a sauce to pour onto the cooked macoroni, but I'm pretty sure she's just exceptional and doesn't know how to read the directions.
No. 198572
>>198569tbf when i make this shit, i put the milk and butter in the pan while the noodles drain and let that melt for a second before putting the noodles/ cheese in.
Its Kraft mac and cheese, its not some gourmet meal where everything needs to be made in one specific order
No. 199033
>>199025Probably, she's one of those people who think feeding bread to water fowl is okay. Which it fucking isnt.
All of her cats come to an untimely demise because she cant afford to care for them because "muh cosplay!!"
No. 199150
>>199130She is absolutely an unfit animal care taker.
She honestly care about cosplay more than anything and she isn't even good at it.
No. 199158
File: 1479258331297.jpg (105.4 KB, 672x1188, aoba_and_mink_from_dramatical_…)

I bet that poor Mink is screaming, god, she smells much worse than death. I mean, just look at his face. ROFL
No. 199213
File: 1479267832096.png (28.51 KB, 1198x134, hot boy.png)

No. 199257
File: 1479273694055.jpg (191.67 KB, 1377x742, Screenshot_20161116-001733.jpg)

And here she is still trying to form that gay boy dream team she wants to fuck. Seriously, for anyone who is still into DMMD and is going to Katsu, be prepared to see this atrocity of a group. I feel bad for that Ren and twins too cause they're only gonna be sucked into her drama sooner or later.
No. 199413
File: 1479301402121.png (210.75 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-11-16-08-01-20…)

I really want her to get better but she makes it so hard to have faith.
No. 199425
File: 1479304937678.jpg (67.19 KB, 800x500, 46679889.cached.jpg)

>>199413im getting Divine vibes with that haircut she gave herself
No. 199439
>>199413Her fucking eye brows?!
What the fuck? Why is one of them missing the other half?! In what universe is uneven eye brows a thing?!
No. 199443
>>199257She'll only turn on them if they don't do exactly as Ash says. The moment you decide, well maybe this isn't a good idea, she freaks the fuck out.
>>199241I'm super sorry to be the one who has to tell you this, but Ash has been 'trans' for years now and hasn't came out. It started out as her copying a friend who used to be called Renee. Ren came out as trans, and suddenly Ash had to jump on the train. And this was years ago. She steals everyones life stories and claims them as her own.
No. 199448
>>199443I still feel very sorry for them cause the only people who would stick with her are the people who don't know her that well. She may be sweet and kind in the beginning, but later you'll start to see her true colors form.
And that trans part?? OH GOD! IM FUCKING DYING! And this is why people don't believe trans people are trans completely cause of this shit. Someone needs to say something to her. She's a tomboy, NOT trans. She needs to stop living in her own animu fantasy world and start thinking about her future(whatever that is, oh that's right, cosuplai!!!)
No. 199456
>>199448She legit had a friend, who I believe was named Maggie. Maggie committed suicide and Ash had to make it about her. She said that Maggie wrote a suicide note, saying that she loved Ashley all along and blah blah blah.
Who else but Ash has a friend commit suicide and decide to make it about herself.
No. 199462
File: 1479312891656.png (153.03 KB, 988x684, Screen Shot 2016-11-16 at 10.0…)

No. 199474
>>199462Well I can't wait to see that hot mess. Probably ash stealing a design and fucking it up.
>>199443Ash is as trans as a dog is a cat. She's ugly all the way around reguardless of gender but she's making actual trans people look bad.
>>199456Oh Maggie continues to be excuses for things. Refer to:
>>146796Can we also remember the time she went off at someone in DA messages cuz they saw through her BS.
No. 199588
File: 1479324577630.png (877.69 KB, 984x802, Screen Shot 2016-11-16 at 1.29…)

No. 199789
>>199334I haven't heard that name in forever. I still think it was a troll but they fucked off after /cgl/ anons tracked their location down.
>>199462This right after she dreamed she gave birth and didn't want to give up the baby?
No. 199806
File: 1479335862176.png (142.59 KB, 728x951, IMG_3142.PNG)

No. 199847
>>199806The eyebrows are so bad and I'm sad. Also, did she forget to hyper blur the third picture?
What's the point of the hyper blur anyways? The one thing Ash has going for her is decent skin.
No. 199852
File: 1479338258600.png (103.15 KB, 745x1092, IMG_3144.PNG)

No. 199857
File: 1479338381653.png (149.1 KB, 750x978, IMG_3143.PNG)

No. 199955
File: 1479345050393.png (112.29 KB, 750x903, IMG_3147.PNG)

No. 199960
File: 1479345262244.png (109.31 KB, 750x915, IMG_3148.PNG)

No. 199961
>>199806The way she does her eyebrows
triggers me so much
No. 199962
>>199955is she balding?? what's the deal with the front of her hair.
>>199960also when did she get that bad looking ear surgery?
No. 199968
>>199964then they could be far worse
, not the worst prosthetic i've ever seen
No. 200037
>>200033I shave/wax my hairline… but the sideburns. But I work as a birthday party princess and I have dark hair and since I'm playing Elsa all the time, it's easier to just remove it than to worry about something shifting and it showing. I don't know why someone would shave the top of their hairline like that, even for wigs, since you can always pull them forward.
Sage for irrelevant
No. 200069
File: 1479360759223.png (35 KB, 738x235, IMG_3150.PNG)

No. 200126
>>200033I think
>>200010 meant the grainy crusty looking scalp behind the wigline, not in front of it? At least that's how I saw it too.
No. 200215
File: 1479383023060.png (115.95 KB, 934x694, 1479345050393.png)

>>200033Basically what
>>200126 said. This part right here but it's hard to tell without a bigger picture and getting rid of the blur tool. You can kinda see what I'm talking about in the second picture.
No. 200371
>>200215I think she has hair fuzz. Put makeup on hair fuzz. Looks disgusting.
>>199962Lmao anon you know she don't got money for that. Cosplay is more important
No. 200381
>>199852Wait… I thought she bought that from Firefly Path. Now she's trying to rip them off?
Oh boy. At least it isn't the worst thing she hasn't done.
No. 200440
File: 1479403124785.jpg (25.93 KB, 640x640, 11049580_1719876924897858_6288…)

>>199857I can't believe she went outside looking like that…
No. 200471
File: 1479407177455.png (844.12 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2782.PNG)

>>200381I was gonna suggest report her design to Firefly but then I found a similar headpiece on someone else's Etsy. Either way, defiantly not original I guess.
No. 200567
File: 1479416931361.png (115.2 KB, 478x738, whore.png)

No. 200715
File: 1479446788474.jpg (51.27 KB, 478x738, whatisanatomy.jpg)

>>200567>>200596i tried to figure out where the hidden lines might be? i dont think she even uses basic stick figure/circle sketches, she just sticks limbs wherever
No. 200878
File: 1479484012244.jpg (36.87 KB, 552x775, FB_IMG_1479483793316.jpg)

The amazing anatomy that got her praise from a mangaka.
No. 201044
>>200878that gradient looks like it was made in microsoft word
No. 201131
>>200878I'm assuming that's a Hakama he's wearing.
Why does it have a crotch area? I feel like she's never seen how a real one actually drapes before.
No. 201601
File: 1479621513278.png (29.21 KB, 750x677, IMG_3172.PNG)

No. 201802
File: 1479667315002.png (32.5 KB, 540x255, Screenshot_2016-11-19-13-40-23…)

The truth behind all her choices is revealed.
No. 201928
File: 1479690069905.jpg (17.08 KB, 269x351, 15036214_191823534608178_11197…)

>>201802With the way this cringe-tier Tony Stark cosplayer flirts with her, you'd think she'd get her yaoi fantasies pretty easily. Wasn't this person her first kiss as well?
No. 201958
>>201932Yeah, you got me there. That's pretty strange.
But let's be honest, most of Ash's friends are potty friends or people who've never met her in person.
No. 201991
>>201981Oh, well shit. I guess that's what I get for only knowing them through mutual friends.
>>201967Now that for sure would be a pity kiss, like Shane kissing Onision.
No. 202003
File: 1479701742087.png (163.21 KB, 750x1145, IMG_3175.PNG)

No. 202204
>>202003There's no way this is true unless everything she tells her 'therapist' is what she truly believes which means she's way more delusional than we all thought.
All she does is take and take from people, sometimes without ever paying them back, and turn on you the moment you don't agree with her. Not to mention when she faked a self-harm/suicide attempt years ago just to get herself out of trouble.
No. 202228
>>202003Let me tell you where she's right and where she's wrong.
People with bleeding hearts are extremely empathetic. Other people's pain become theirs. Ash is not empathetic.
Yes, people with bleeding hearts are super trusting, but especially with people they shouldn't be. They also have a hard time holding a grudge. Ash doesn't know how to let go. She, and I quote, "Gets even." Oh so sensitive and understanding wow
She absolutely is not a bleeding heart type. She's a, I use you until I don't need you anymore, type.
No. 202236
File: 1479747376164.jpg (40.2 KB, 600x759, 1476491874378.jpg)

>>202003damn if she really goes to therapist they're doing a shit job. just like at her behavior on social media you can see shes a selfish spoiled brat. maybe she doesnt even have a therapist and she stole this quote from a movie or something?
No. 202425
>>202236I do believe she has a therapist and psychologist, however, of all the times she's asked me for rides, it has NEVER been for a doctor's appointment. She's mentioned a doctor to me, but never by name.
I know when she went to Tucker's her doctor was Dr. Buxton (Buxston?) But he doesn't take patients outside of the hospital. They will refer you to doctors who take your insurance.
I don't know anything about Ash's insurance, but I do highly doubt if she is seeing a doctor that she tells them any truth because with her believing to be a "system," they would have her on anti psychotics by now.
No. 202489
>>146678Alright, I just read this read. I'm kind of surprised by all the people asking where she gets her money.
Credit cards, my friends. And if you think she can't get one because she has a shit job, you are very wrong. I got credit cards when I had no job and zero credit history beyond a bank account - and even more than that, they kept upping my credit limit as long as I made on time minimum payments.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if a lot of this shit is getting slapped on credit cards. The limits can go up pretty high, and they'll continue to increase them as long as you aren't late on a payment.
In addition to that, as everyone else has said, her parents most likely bail her out. Shit is sad.
No. 202524
File: 1479789437280.png (30.11 KB, 750x252, IMG_3177.PNG)

No. 202588
>>202546Having credit cards is nowhere near a life skill - in fact, they're pretty much a huge detriment that will only majorly fuck you over if you don't handle them responsibly. Since the minimum payments are super low as long as you pay them (like, $30-$50 a month even for huge balances) and you can easily acquire them online without even providing information like a check stub (it's minimum effort, in other words) it seemed like something right up her alley.
I feel bad for her mom, although this will never get better as long as Ash is coddled like that.
No. 202607
>>202471And here I thought nothing could sound more crazy than multiple personalities and yet here we are..
>>202524*cat in heat
No. 202628
File: 1479830951195.png (29.87 KB, 498x494, Capture.PNG)

>>202489Just saw this post of hers so here's proof she doesn't have any credit cards but that she likely inherited her money responsibilities from her mother.
No. 202639
>>202607Yeah like multiple personality disorder or borderline personality disorder, those are true blue mental disorders.
But she doesn't have those either. I personally believe she's making up that she's a system bc it's cool and edgy and I read about it on tumblr, it must be true.
Like sometimes on tumblr I've ran into people who believe that an anime character's soul is in them, aka kin. And if you try to tell them that isn't possible because someone made up this character, they have a voice actor and someone writing their lines, they scream disphoria.
If you try to tell Ash that the "souls" in her aren't real, she literally cries.
I mean, maybe she's just afraid to be alone so she makes up imaginary friends, but they're still imaginary. Because she doesn't focus on the people that are here now in her life, she's going to end up alone with the little friends in her head.
No. 202654
>>202649Her parents have allowed the dependency and perpetuate it. Her parents are at just as much fault as she is. They didn't let her become an adult. She's a childish adult, which is definitely partly her own fault, but the parents are heavily to blame.
>>202653Her dad had a gambling problem. That's why they're in debt.
No. 202657
>>202655She did get away from them for a little while when she moved to Florida, but she said the person she stayed with was abusive. I didn't question her.
When she says her dad is abusive, I can honestly say she isn't lying. He's berated her in front of me and other people who are over. She'll cry and apologize for his behavior.
But I don't think she can survive without them.
No. 202772
>>202639What happened to her "twin brother"'s soul? Wasn't that a thing a while ago?
>>202588With the life skills comment, I meant more she's not even aware enough to think of paying bills. I can just imagine her calling the collection agency a bully "stepping on the little guy" when her unpaid bills piled up.
Maybe life skills wasn't the best term for that, but it's true in every other aspect of her life.
No. 203201
File: 1479944851179.jpg (54.9 KB, 540x960, tumblr_ogpt72bwtG1rwdig0o1_128…)

>Aoba is becoming my new Katniss. He is becoming my staple character mainly because I feel so good as him, even if I am by myself.
No! No! Do you see your makeup!? That doesn't look good, on anyone! Stop making male characters into drag queens!
No. 203541
>>203455I wanted to hit a wall reading this.
>>203478She has good facial structure, her lips aren't hideous (they do need some exfoliation though), she has nice eyes, and decent skin. HOWEVER, she needs to wax the 'stache and pluck the random chin hairs, fix the teeth, fix the fucking eye brows, for the love of God leave her hair alone, exercise for real, fix the attitude, and maybe, just maybe, some speech therapy to get rid of the god awful lisp.
No. 203736
File: 1480055954290.png (158.15 KB, 750x922, IMG_3182.PNG)

No. 203741
File: 1480057212447.jpg (350.47 KB, 1000x1200, Luvmonkeys_bingo.jpg)

Just went and re-read her ED page… this bingo is still completely relevant.
No. 203819
>>203741That's sad when something that old still applies.
>>203736That hairstyle is doing her no favors because it looks like she's balding.
No. 203898
>>203822RIP anon.
It could be worse though, you could've been cosplaying Aoba's love interests and been crept on by Asher herself.
No. 203968
File: 1480116212918.png (33.76 KB, 540x240, Screenshot_2016-11-25-18-19-37…)

Such a shining example of the holiday spirit.
No. 204030
>>203986She's so mentally ill. I knew she was a god damn liar. Saying her therapist already knew about the magic dragon in her brain and souls being stolen from her.
This person is just so mentally ill. She needs serious, intensive, in-patient therapy.
She will lie for as long as she can. And if she is seeing what she's seeing, and feeling what she says she's feeling, she would be on anti-psychotics. Because what she has described is without a doubt psychotic behaviour.
No. 204052
>>203986Welp, looks like she deleted the journal entry that took her 3-4 hours to do. What a waste of time.
In other news, she needs to concentrate on getting better. Not trying to buy more cosplay shit cause it's only making her worse every year.
No. 204076
File: 1480138533789.png (123.17 KB, 750x553, IMG_3185.PNG)

>>204052Damn! I was going to copy it once I got home and not on mobile and now it's gone :(
Here's some "guys I have a bike so come photo shoot with me" cries to help with the pain of missed journal post.
No. 204098
>>204052>>204071>>204076I managed to just hit my back button and got the journal entry page still there so I screencapped everything.
Give me a few minutes and I'll post them.
No. 204100
File: 1480144538588.png (1.62 MB, 456x2240, screencap1.png)

I hope this is everything. I couldn't even finish reading it because it is just so insane.
No. 204122
File: 1480149272534.png (792.9 KB, 456x1060, screencap6.png)

last one. Glad I was able to save them!
No. 204127
File: 1480151298419.png (110.36 KB, 750x769, IMG_3186.PNG)

No. 204140
File: 1480157144739.jpg (155.89 KB, 946x946, IMG_3551.JPG)

>>203743Not using references 101
No. 204158
>>204100>>204101>>204108>>204112>>204120>>204122My god… how do any of her actual friends and family just let her walk around like this without tossing her into a psych ward?
I mean even when she threatened suicide and gulls called the police on her, she still didn't go and even taunted them to make sure they sent her to the GOOD hospital she liked. I mean, she went silent for a few days but I don't think it was confirmed that she was ever hospitalized, just laid low because of her family finding out about everything.
She definitely needs some medical help. With all the crazies posted here I'd wonder if she was making it all up for attention but if she were she'd be plastering it everywhere for asspats like the others while I never see any of this on FB being posted. Oddest thing I've seen so far is her talking about how she came up with her new fashion line in a dream, not this crazy shit.
Can anyone actually close to her confirm if she's even seeing a therapist or on medication because back in the day she talked about what meds she was supposedly on but now I don't hear any mention of them.
No. 204160
>>204158I can confirm she did go to the hospital. However, I know nothing of a psychiatrist or therapist.
If what she says is true, she would absolutely be on meds.
But I think she's lying. People with delusions or who see and hear things do not describe it in great detail.
No. 204179
>>204160>>204163Oh I definitely am not saying she's telling the truth since I doubt her therapist is a magical Seer and Ash and her friends are dragons but I was so concerned because just having the mindset to spend hours typing this all up with so many details at her age.. that suggests she's definitely got something wrong in her head. It's like those crazy kids who formed a 'werewolf pack' at their school. It was a game at first and then it escalated into them actively believing it.
With how Asher behaves regularly with self-inserting herself into all her yaoi OC stuff, she would be the type to start believing her own crazy ramblings eventually. Basically like PT believing she was haffu and then turning into a male because of her own desires.