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No. 143722
>>143721LIIESSSSSThat woman would be one massive, colossal lolcow if it weren't for the language barrier that makes it too hard for most people to really enjoy it.
^she had fucking surgery and is fishing for attention with a fake attack story
No. 143724 lying schizophrenic white supremacist old bitch with textbook definition Narcissistic Personality Disorder
she lies about literally everything. Her age, her horoscope, her birthday, her height, her diet.. fucking everything. One should assume that anything she says is a lie, unless proven otherwise.
No. 143725
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>>143722idk man
Valeria is a dickhead and a colossal liar but that doesn't look like any surgery I've ever seen, that legit looks like a fat, split lip from having been punched, unless she got punched-in-the-face surgery.
I think she's telling the truth.
No. 143726
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Yeah she's definitely been punched.
No. 143727
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If someone were beaten and strangled "nearly killed", don't you think there would be bruises and wounds?
2 days later and she's perfectly back to normal.
No. 143732
Guys. Plz. There's only 1/3400000 of the drama available to read in English. Whatever you've read, or you think you know about her, trust me it's
a lot worse.
< She recently had a skype interview with a journalist where she claimed that the "haters" aka the Insekts are saying that she is 10 years older than she is. In reality, she is indeed 29. She previously claimed to be 21 in 2012, but now is apparently claiming to be 19 years old. If you want proof that she's 29, just ask, there's an overwhelming amount of evidence, including official documents.
< She regularly does "shock" effects to land herself in the media again. If they don't work, she deletes them. The most recent one (that I know of) was when she traveled to China and started humiliating herself on TV.
< She makes up extremely childish lies, like her imaginary friend "Medusa" who regularly takes over her body and talks to people online, threatning Valeria's haters for her —-< Another recent episode, she manipulated her friend Olga into draining some man's money (while cheating on him), and then dump him and ruin his reputation online by saying he threatened her life. — go here and scroll to the bottom, the conversation is in english could go on and on and on and on. But I hope you get the idea that she's a massive attention whore, and that her attack story is already having gaping holes in them. She keeps trying to make videos and comments about how the universe is healing her (an excuse for why she has no reminiscence of any attack after only 2 days), and what a fast recovery she's making, and how doesn't want to go into details DESPITE milking the pity for all its got.
No. 143734
>>143732Well, we still have as translator for the biggest part of her drama.
No. 143735
>>143732Guess I still don't really care. Her dedication to keeping up a certain charade is amusing, but I find that there are others more deserving of hate. This is a girl with like zero power, by the time she dies you can all tell your kids and grand kids how much you knew, etc. And, then the world will just go on, not really caring.
She hates pregnant women? Okay. Black people or Arabs? Alright. Über satanist witch lyke amg? Righto. Its a girl in Russia who affects literally nothing barring the lives of those who wish to remain in contact with her or keeping tabs on. Sorry, maybe I've just dealt with worse and this doesn't phase me. I don't care if she lies about her height or horoscope. I don't know anyone who would get so pissed off about the latter being lied about, actually.
Entire thing is boring, really.
No. 143737
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>>143735Good for you, you can go be apathetic somewhere else if you're not interested in the discussion.
No. 143738
>>143728Her racist shit goes well beyond just preferring certain types of appearance. She's a bitch, deal with it. I don't know how anyone can be a fan of her anyway, so she spouts some mystical bullshit sometimes, spouts racist bullshit sometimes and lies about her lifestyle, what's to defend?
I think she's lying but who knows. I do find it strange that she seems to have no bruising/scratches because that's one of those things that shows up first and takes a while to heal. Maybe her attackers were really nice and didn't hit or attack her hard enough to leave any marks?
No. 143740's getting phone calls and e-mails from different countries asking about the attack. She regrets ever telling anyone because now "other people" have exaggerated the story. She says she was only bandaged after leaving the hospital. Says that she was not actually beaten, but that she was hit several times in the back (??).
A few days ago she said that she was beaten and strangled and nearly killed. Now she changed the story. More proof it's all a lie.
No. 143746
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Her new (shoop) style.
No. 143748
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No. 143751
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Leaked passport, too bad people in China know her. She claims to be born 1991 for two years now.
No. 143752
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>>143751The one of her husband too.
No. 143754
>>143751Ugh, she's the same age as me. That's disturbing.
>>143752He was born in 77? He looks so much older. And he looks like some guy you'd catch masturbating in public.
No. 143762
>>143746It's not shoop, it's being thin and surgery.
She has fake tits and literally had some ribs removed. She doesn't even eat much solid food.
No. 143763
>>143756Wtf did i just watch
And too bad i don't speak Spanish
No. 143766
>>143762Look at the length of her legs in the middle picture compared to the other pictures.
Those images aren't just shoop'd, they're shittily shoop'd. Get your eyes checked.
No. 143771
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Wat, she released a book about herself?
No. 143777
>>143776Judging by the comments on the video everything is like:
"Platic Amatue - she is just a incredibly stupid creature who deliberately make herself an inanimate object. She is dead inside and respectively - outside. She doesn't notice that she has no emotions. I wonder how her husband can sleep? It's like being with a blowup doll."
No. 143780
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damn this thread hasn't been updated in a while, but I wanted to rant about this somewhere. I went on Valeria's instagram and saw that she posted this pic, and I am LIVID. I used to be friends with the girl who painted this, she made it for a game company a few years ago, and Valeria photoshopped her creepy mug onto it and thinned out the waist and made the breasts into fucking BALLOONS. I cannot believe how ridiculous this bitch is
No. 143785
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another one.
I just noticed she removed the watermark with the artist's name
No. 143789
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She fucked up this elbow badly while shopping
No. 143791
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I used to think it was her fans the ones who were doing this to artworks and sending them to her (b/c she's been doing this for years) but the fact that they're shooped at the waist and boobs made me realize it's her who's doing it. that is so fucking sad, she literally searches for artwork of beautiful females so she can replace them with her own face. and knowing her fucked up level of narcissism I bet 100% she would probably say she improved them if confronted about it.
No. 143792
In one of Valeria's latest VK posts, she said she went to the theaters to see Alice through the looking glass, but was very disappointed that Alice looked so old. When she read the book she imagined Alice as a beautiful young girl, but they made her look like a
plain-looking WOMAN. She said she was disappointed and thought the director was trying to be cruel, that they should get rid of the actress and find a younger one.
the actress is 26, Val turns 31 in August. No. 143793
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>>143792I am so annoyed by this, Mia is incredibly beautiful it seems that Valeria considers plastic blow up dolls to be young beauty when in reality it looks like a bad surgery drag queen.
No. 143794
>>143788Isn't that a 'fan' account who shooped artwork with her face? It says they live in Mexico in the bio.
I thought her account was 'valerialukyanova'? I might be wrong though
No. 143796
>>143795for someone who was all white alien space pride that's very amusing haha
unless she moved to the rich foreigners-only zones of whatever state she's living in
No. 143799
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>>143796yeah, she only likes them because she's legit convinced she's the reincarnation of a blond male Aztec God and Mexico is her homeland. but really I just think she fell in love with the beaches and how much the locals kiss her ass.
pic related, she dressed up and photoshopped herself into what she looked like in her past life.
No. 143802
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>>143799Quetzalcóatl feathers are of quetzal bird's, not eagle hahahahaha
Damn Lera, do a little research before cosplaying
No. 143803
>>143799I'm fucking dying. This woman has reached new levels of batshit.
And this racist shit moved to
No. 143804
>>143803in good ol' times of her satanic era she used to call those who haven't got blue eyes and blonde hair "brown-eyed monsters". Note that even as Aztec deity she refuses to have brown eyes and dark hair because she only considers "nordic" people like she is beautiful. Ironically her natural eye color is green and her natural hair color is light brown.
Also, how DARE you to call this 16-old angelic girl a WOMAN?? You are a woman! A jealous old ugly woman! That's why go to the internet to insult young and pretty girls to feel better about yourself! Shame on you! Go work on yourself instead of bringing pretty and successful people down! #leralogic
>>143801she insists her spirit is so "male" because she wasn't Quetzalcoatl, she IS Quetzalcoatl born in a ~~woman~~'s body, and she hates being a ~~woman~~ so bad and whines about it in her posts pretty often and yet when it comes to actually be like a man - be responsible, grown up, respectful, not act like a childish spoiled cunt or have a job, she suddenly becomes ok with that. Like, well of course I'm a super manly man inside, but since I was born in this body, I'll have to work with what I have and keep leeching off my sugar daddy and be a total disrespectful spoiled cunt on the internet and lie left and right cause I can't do anything about it - I was born a girl, tee hee~ #leralogic
No. 143806
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The second-hand embarrassment is really strong in this one.
Russian TV humiliated her in way worse way than girls on the internet ever did. No. 143808
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>>143804>her natural hair color is light brown.actually I think this is another one of her lies, her natural hair is most likely dark brown like her brother's. during her Dakota dolly phase when she dyed her hair light brown and told people it was her natural color, she grew dark roots like you could see here. It may have been light brown in her toddler pictures but toddler hair always tends to darken with almost everyone.
No. 143809
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her brother right here for reference
No. 143811
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>>143809since you mentioned him, here's a video of him masturbating that has exploded Valeria's VK and (the truth website about Val). should be noted that this video didn't get leaked, he posted it himself on his VK. Also, you can see pics of his sister Valeria all over his room. Beyond disturbing.
Basically all Valeria's family members (except of her granpa as some insighters state) are fucked up to various extent and this vid shows it very well.
The more you dig, the more crazy shit you discover.
No. 143812
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>>143811he's so fucking gross and unattractive, and creepo weirdo to boot.
I saw that he has a new girlfriend that suspiciously looks like a Valeria clone. I wonder if she's only with him because she has a lady boner for Val. I'd be surprised if that wasn't the reason
No. 143815
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some Mexican comments translated
No. 143819
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>>143815>Valeria is Ukrainian>Doesn't speak a single word in Ukrainian
>Thinks Valeria is dumb and superficial, then becomes convinced she's got some supernatural powers probs after reading bullshit like "I stopped the storm with the power of my pure Intention but there is no documented proof of it so you just gotta believe me tee hee~"
>All Ukrainians are blue-eyed platinum blondes like her, even men>Natural eye color is green, natural hair color is brownI don't even… Wut