File: 1427818986751.jpg (24.54 KB, 400x261, tumblr_ndzqw6fu391t91hcco1_400…)

No. 142465
Instagram: photoshop denialist, delusional liar, scammer; photoshops picture of her dead mother, etc. This lolcow's cv is endless.
No. 142466
File: 1427819197212.png (235 KB, 501x442, wylona scam.png)

Promised to promote items from shops but never get around to actually doing it. Blocks and deletes shopowner when called out on instagram
No. 142467
File: 1427819265539.png (196.15 KB, 402x560, wylona scam 2.png)

She's not a scammer all her "electronics" were broken. Must be why she keeps on posting endless photoshopped selfies.
No. 142468
File: 1427819419632.jpg (43.89 KB, 883x497, scam 3.jpg)

spends all her money on shitty tattoos instead
No. 142469
File: 1427819643104.jpg (37.99 KB, 640x640, 2j491zd.jpg)

"lol u have not met me in person there are basically lies everywhere on the net"
The biggest one being your pictures, Wylo
No. 142470
File: 1427819675008.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.97 KB, 72x96, wylonamom.jpg)

Neva4get that she Photoshopped her dead mom.
No. 142471
File: 1427819993868.jpg (78.82 KB, 518x439, wylona drama.jpg)

pls give her all your money so she can fulfil her dreams of becoming a koreaboo
No. 142472
File: 1427820203856.jpg (70.42 KB, 500x378, tumblr_n8bzbwgaG81snt2pdo1_500…)

Also nvr4get getting a tattoo of her own face on her stomach
No. 142473
File: 1427820747343.jpg (96.99 KB, 878x960, tumblr_nbnm7xIe9b1tjfh12o1_128…)

>>142470 Nothing says honouring your recently deceased mother quite like photoshopping a picture of her corpse.
How her mother (left most) looked like before passing away.
No. 142474
File: 1427820943476.jpg (628.23 KB, 1536x2048, 1504442_254205604734134_180937…)

Higher res image of said photoshopped picture
No. 142480
File: 1427836286177.jpg (Spoiler Image,357.26 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mjhr45frPC1rqa91go1_128…)

Jfc that stomach and ass shop.
No. 142484
File: 1427839233012.jpg (122.28 KB, 1280x853, wylolna.jpg)

No. 142486
File: 1427839317606.jpg (44.44 KB, 598x960, 10696332_10205164271766842_861…)

>>142483Her aunt is the one with the short hair on the right.
No. 142488
>>142471"Bring me around"
Aka buy her food, accomodation, etc. Wylonis so disgusting. You don't go to another country if you can't even pay for your own food!
No. 142489
File: 1427842776167.jpg (19.89 KB, 800x450, 38316.jpg)

No. 142490
File: 1427842930331.jpg (25.44 KB, 960x640, 318565_527669394905_1919102276…)

No. 142491
File: 1427843174313.jpg (22.74 KB, 800x450, 38355.jpg)

No. 142493
>>142492I disagree. She just distorts her features with makeup and Photoshop so much she looks bad in comparison.
Like in the OP pic the "unshooped" image is actually pretty cute, but looks nothing like the shooped picture. It's pretty embarrassing.
No. 142496
>>142466I don't understand… how fucking lazy can you get? Free shit just for posting up a review? That's more than fair, holy shit. Lazy cow.
>>142480Her lips take up like 40% of her face hahahah. Doesn't even look good at this point, she looks like a monkey.
Without shoop I'd place her below average. With her hair down and good makeup, maybe average-slightly above average. Nothing special at all and I wouldn't give her a second glance on the street. Definitely not the goddess she pretends to be.
No. 142499
>>142496It looks like she photoshopped her lips to make them look huge.
>>142498I kind of don't get it either but tons of "kawaii" girls shoop the living shit out of themselves and nobody seems to find it strange.
No. 142500
File: 1427876878920.png (480.61 KB, 1079x720, wylolna.png)

Her Angelina Jolie shoop days were top lel
No. 142501
File: 1427876978070.png (424.06 KB, 857x916, yuki002.png)

>>142498Her friends are literally as stupid (if not even dumber) than she is. Especially yuki who comes in and white knights every comment calling wylona out on her shoops.
No. 142505
>>142503no. monkeys don't have big lips moron. the anon said:
>>Her lips take up like 40% of her face hahahah. Doesn't even look good at this point, she looks like a monkey.which makes no sense bc of the fact monkeys don't have big lips. i thnk we all agree she shoops her mouth fucking retarded but that's not what i was talking about. now fuck off stupid ass.
No. 142506
>>142505jesus christ stay on topic no one cares.
anyway, it's pretty sad that this girl shoops herself to the point where she looks like a completely different person, but honestly people online are always asskissers so this isn't new.
No. 142507
>>142505Autistic much?
P sure you've been shitting up other threads too by picking up on offhand comments and being super pedantic about them.
No. 142509
File: 1427887525311.jpg (165.48 KB, 800x533, female_snub_nosed_monkey.jpg)

>>142505Nigger, you don't know shit.
No. 142516
File: 1427896934158.jpg (255.48 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_my1lhnKfj11qkr4i0o8_128…)

Unshooped Wylona looks a bit like an ape
No. 142517
File: 1427897040873.png (583.38 KB, 478x720, 4r9w91.png)

No. 142518
File: 1427897142141.gif (2.88 MB, 640x480, r_7VY0.gif)

wriggle wriggle wriggle
No. 142519
File: 1427897597075.gif (1.17 MB, 854x1280, giphy.gif)

No. 142521
>>142516I really don't see it. She's pretty attractive, at least in that photo.
Whoever it is that's saying she looks like a monkey because of her lips and nose is probably either grasping so hard they're touching the stars, or a jelly horseface with thin lips lmao
No. 142522
>>142516The angle here isn't too bad considering.
>>142517Now this one makes her look like an ape.
Without the shooping I think she's pretty unremarkable.
No. 142523
File: 1427905194567.jpg (91.51 KB, 500x375, killitwithfire.jpg)

I'm scared….
No. 142524
File: 1427905208679.jpg (87.76 KB, 500x375, needeyebleach.jpg)

No. 142526
File: 1427905493014.jpg (442.47 KB, 500x750, v42v05.jpg)

No. 142527
File: 1427905653527.png (162.6 KB, 400x245, wylofacetat.png)

No. 142529
File: 1427906079673.gif (1.09 MB, 640x960, FamiliarUniqueAvians.gif)

No. 142531
>>142530>She looks like an average Chinese woman and saying that is implying they all look like apes.Well hey, if the shoe fits. Also the way she shoops herself isn't helping.
I also think if she didn't shoop herself so much people likely wouldn't be mocking her looks because she'd just be some average Asian girl, nothing really bad and nothing really good to bring a lot of attention.
No. 142532
File: 1427969469915.jpg (128.92 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

I saw her going by "Wylona Forest" on fb a few days ago.
Also isn't she with a new boyfriend again? First it was that girl and then that rich guy and now it's some dude with tons of tattoos… As long as he hasn't dropped her yet.
No. 142535
>>142532Her real name is Wylona Lim Pei Shi. The chinese character for Lim can be translated to Hayashi in Japanese, which in turn loosely means forest. She's out of her wapanese phase now and wants to be white probably.
Her current boyfriend Adam is an ex-con which has a child with a woman somewhere whom he never visits. Wylona has A+ tastes in men.
No. 142536
File: 1427972663638.jpg (160.92 KB, 800x567, bimaxilla6c1.jpg)

>>142530lol y u mad. I'm chinese and I find her protruding mouth really unattractive
No. 142537
File: 1427972898756.jpg (53.76 KB, 400x400, 1526512_738260892860106_180450…)

Funny how Yuri looks roughly the same while Wylona is basically unrecognizable after her shoops
No. 142541
File: 1428610419519.jpg (145.78 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Yup. She's Wylona Forest now on Facebook.
Where does she live? In China? I'm going to Beijing and Shanghai this summer, maybe I'll see her huehue.
No. 142545
>>142542unlit cigarette in her mouth
No. 142547
File: 1437051323898.jpg (Spoiler Image,478.24 KB, 936x1248,…)

No. 142555
File: 1445433013002.png (416.34 KB, 499x545, Screen Shot 2015-10-21 at 14.1…)

She updated her profile pictures only 4 hours ago with adam still in it? I wonder if they really broke up
No. 142556
>>142555Doubt it. Probably just trying to be all "BUT ADAM, I STILL LOVE YOU, PLS TAKE ME BACK". She did that for a while with Tomi too.
She even uploaded photos of Tomi and kept the old ones after she got together with Adam, lol
No. 142560
File: 1445476398575.jpg (31.75 KB, 500x408, whatisthisidonteven.jpg)

>>142557>>142557>>142557Because being ordinary looking is not good enough for an attention whore. They want adoration from the common people for being
beautiful angels who have fallen to earth but oh noes look at my tragic mental disorder i hate myself please buy my shit and feel sorry for me because i iz beautiful and its really tragic for a beautiful person to feel this way unlike you common plain janesthats why.
(However I am saying that in regards to general lolcows like pic related, in wylona's case she is very nice looking irl, but her shoops have now, to many people, made her look very ordinary. Moral of the story? Dont shoop yaself.)
No. 142562
File: 1448891238341.jpg (114.17 KB, 640x896, image.jpg)

Posting this here before she deletes it kek
No. 142564
File: 1452542392204.jpg (125.58 KB, 750x1128, image.jpg)

>>142563I have no words. Her whole life is a mess. Her friends and Adam are so trashy.
No. 142566
File: 1453390362970.gif (Spoiler Image,557.96 KB, 540x405, tumblr_nt1bsrgyeT1udu736o6_540…)

No. 142567
File: 1453391296330.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.5 KB, 130x102, xjRoU6qeoQQ.jpg)

I'm interested in her Sex video thou.
No. 142568
File: 1453391454168.png (Spoiler Image,139.02 KB, 400x313, tumblr_n8mwaxXlRF1t91hcco1_400…)

>>142567At least post the real picture you found scrubbing through the PULL threads. The shitty shoop to make his dick look longer is extra funny. Also, away you. Away.
No. 142572
File: 1453405873229.jpg (202.03 KB, 643x572, image.jpg)

>>142571Because Photoshop is reserved exclusively to Wylona's own artistic talentz, duh.
No. 142584
File: 1458260937655.jpg (125.72 KB, 456x809, no wylona just no.jpg)

I'm pretty ssure fabric doesnt act like that, also sure you ass is above your thigh not that far below it (i am trying to be nice and restrain myself here…)
No. 142585
File: 1458266900948.jpg (148.11 KB, 479x639, beebooty-photoshopsorcery.jpg)

>>142584I can't help but think of this
Lmao what was she thinking
No. 142591
>>142590>>142589Hey, Katerina.
Why the sudden chance of sides?
No. 142594
File: 1458902721991.png (11.32 KB, 390x470, 1424418055575.png)

>>142480What the fuck is going on here?!
No. 142595
File: 1458917278479.png (1.11 MB, 900x1600, 10fyjb5.png)

i'm surprised this hasn't been posted.
No. 142596
File: 1458917387170.jpeg (32.07 KB, 313x500, image.thumb.jpeg.65e3c9140128d…)

>>142595this is what she really looks like, and of course she had it deleted because it looks nothing like her edits.
pic related, photoshop atrocity, yet people think she actually looks like this.
No. 142610
>>142606you realised that this wouldn't have happened and literally no one would have cared about you if you hadn't drawn attention to yourself, dumb fag.
Stop being a wylonah wannabe it's cringe as fuck
No. 142611
File: 1459113101016.jpg (70.38 KB, 338x600, no wylona no.jpg)

Oh wylona, you cant really be that stupid to think this shoop is fooling anyone, given we've all seen your real face (which is perfectly fine btw)
No. 142615
File: 1459150048271.png (458.83 KB, 476x592, adam.png)

>>142614He's having them removed. Bet Wylo's happy for less photoshop work.
No. 142619
>>142618Tomi was dating "Grace". Tomi then cheated (?) or left Grace for Wylo. Wylo only likes Tomi because he was filthy rich, bought her food, clothes and a lot of stuff. Wylo and Tomi were engaged like.. 3 weeks after they started dating. I guess eventually, Tomi got real tired of her shit and didn't want to be used anymore, so he dumped her.
Wylo started dating tattooface VERY shortly after Tomi. And within weeks, they were also engaged.
I don't know much about Yuri. She's just an asslicker who lies with Wylo (claims she doesn't shop her photos). They're "dating", putting out kissing pictures to pretend they're pylo because they're just a bunch of attention whores. Every time someone calls Wylo out on her shit on Instagram, Wylo instantly tags Yuri with "lol", so that Yuri will white knight Wylo. That's probably the only reason Wylo is friends with her.
No. 142624
>>142623She is hanging out with Wylo?
Sooo do you have any news or milk for us?
No. 142625
>>142622 said, she's Singaporean. Her real name is Wylona Lim Pei Shi. Hayashi is the Japanese reading of "Lim", which she adopted during her weeb phase
No. 142628
File: 1462320904218.png (357.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-05-04-00-46-50…)

Lol how rude of them to assumed,when everything is on the internet.
No. 142629
File: 1462321000972.jpg (62.54 KB, 720x574, IMG_20160504_081545.jpg)

Her face looks like a horse's
No. 142630
>>142629Why in the world would you over-draw your lips when you already have huge lips? Is she trying to fill the space in between her top lip and her pug nose? I don't get it.
Also, did she get a blackout tattoo? Why?!
No. 142631
File: 1462324839558.png (514.57 KB, 671x539, 1212.png)

>>142629Already a huge improvement. Her ridiculous bottom lip makes it look like she has no chin. Her nose is still fked though.
No. 142633
File: 1462333926671.jpg (156.21 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

>>142619>I don't know much about Yuri. She's just an asslicker who lies with Wylo (claims she doesn't shop her photos). That's Yuki, not Yuri. Yuki whiteknights Wylo on Instagram all of the time, like shown here
>>142628 , and the two would post kissing selfies and say they are dating, even while they both had boyfriends. They just wanted/still want attention.
Yuri was the girl Wylo got mad at and dumped as a friend because she posted unshooped photos of her. Some people also were claiming that Wylo was jealous of Yuri, and tried to shoop herself to look like her. She goes by Yuri Fujimaki. You can find her social media and photos if you Google her name. That is the extent I know about her.
Pic related to what I said before. The original Tumblr page with the unshooped pics is now gone, but I found this archived page when trying to look for them. Some pics might have been posted already. No. 142634
File: 1462335561415.png (520.87 KB, 666x556, 1213.png)

>>142632It's really her lack of chin and pig nose. I just wanted to illustrate that she should stop over lining her lips at the very least.
No. 142639
File: 1462773896628.jpg (329.8 KB, 1920x1281, wanton-02.jpg)

>>142638Is she a hostess or something? It doesn't look like there's much room for staff.
No. 142642
File: 1462785672983.png (746.28 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-05-09-17-19-02…)

Lol yah
No. 142646
File: 1462801072338.png (190.1 KB, 281x500, image.thumb.png.6473d0d42ad61c…)

>>142643Wylo looks like she has no tattoos in this picture.
but then in his one the black out tattoo is present.
No. 142648
File: 1462802222865.jpg (53.96 KB, 720x449, sad on windowsill.jpg)

>>142643this person would be rather cute without the face tats
No. 142656
File: 1462830216865.jpeg (12.08 KB, 148x148, image.jpeg)

>>142651She has another blackout tattoo on the other arm down at the wrist.
No. 142662
>>142643It's funny she tried to cover her face up.
>>142642His ex is so much cuter than she is.
No. 142672
File: 1464233147934.png (592.51 KB, 926x479, 10593107_797384666949223_19352…)

No. 142673
File: 1464233156526.png (108.33 KB, 250x340, 10590602_797384383615918_18090…)

No. 142674
File: 1464233169447.png (453.72 KB, 800x534, 800px-BeforeandafterPS.png)

No. 142675
File: 1464233174758.jpg (22.1 KB, 480x360, 1604935_797386376949052_899948…)

No. 142676
File: 1464233182504.jpg (34.58 KB, 500x666, 10689529_878525822168440_15459…)

No. 142677
File: 1464233204797.png (259.45 KB, 360x480, 10917850_878524838835205_38208…)

No. 142678
File: 1464233217062.png (380.64 KB, 455x592, 10388641_878524968835192_30917…)

No. 142679
File: 1464233224932.jpg (36.37 KB, 500x375, 10922680_878525545501801_20946…)

No. 142680
File: 1464233295620.png (164.98 KB, 425x301, Wylona_Hayashi_Without_Editing…)

>>142679i think this one reeeeally show what her actual face and nose look like.
No. 142681
File: 1464233310839.png (221.89 KB, 729x443, Wylovid2.png)

No. 142686
File: 1464235745057.jpg (23.58 KB, 800x533, 800px-Wylona_Hayashi_Without_P…)

holy shit
No. 142691
File: 1464397788377.jpg (38.19 KB, 675x854, IMG_20160528_090902.jpg)

Seen this?
No. 142697
File: 1464744295472.jpg (41.04 KB, 449x600, 11204964_934618136559208_93338…)

more photos of her real face.. unrecognisable from the uzzlang kawaii shit she is pulling on IG right now…
No. 142698
File: 1464744316383.jpg (66.14 KB, 597x800, 11150612_934618116559210_28166…)

still shopped but it gives you an idea of her real face
No. 142699
File: 1464744384271.jpg (53.28 KB, 800x400, 800px-Wylona_Hayashi_Instagram…)

No. 142705
File: 1465732358263.jpg (119.08 KB, 720x1232, IMG_20160612_194318.jpg)

No. 142706
File: 1465937591445.jpeg (132.79 KB, 750x1181, image.jpeg)

So Adam cheated on Wylona lol
No. 142707
>>142706Lmao grow up Wylona
Whining and moaning about the girl your greasy ass boyfriend cheated on you with just makes you look bad. Why not bitch about him? Why not just leave? He works in food service lmao he's not some keeper or something
No. 142708
>>142706She looks like the female version of Adam, lol
And definitely not the only one he cheated on her with
No. 142710
File: 1465943928106.png (607.9 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-06-14-17-38-15…)

No. 142716
File: 1465999261490.png (239.73 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-06-15-08-59-27…)

He's back! Adam is such a scumbag too. We all saw this coming.
No. 142719
>>142716His followers is dropping, lol.
Why is Wylona still following him on Instagram?
No. 142720
File: 1466070642071.jpeg (140.56 KB, 750x1106, image.jpeg)

Seems like Wylo already found a new guy? At least he looks better than Adam
No. 142721
File: 1466070988709.jpeg (166.79 KB, 750x1109, image.jpeg)

And suddenly he is all about his daughter lol
No. 142724
File: 1466074388996.jpeg (29.08 KB, 351x500, image.thumb.jpeg.027268e7def9f…)

>>142720I feel like she's been cheating herself all along. She is pretty easy. Remember that picture with adams friends with her in her underwear? I find it funny adams keeping silent and not spilling the beans on her.
No. 142726
File: 1466260596483.png (383.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20160618-093522.png)

No. 142727
File: 1466262163758.png (502 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-06-18-11-01-12…)

What the actual fuck is wrong with these people
No. 142731
File: 1466331287638.jpeg (247.18 KB, 750x1103, image.jpeg)

Wtf she really is back together with this cheating piece of shit. I thought she was a little smarter.
He will cheat again in a few weeks.
Kim and Wylos "date" that Youn guy are both really pissed lol
No. 154889
File: 1468422581568.png (1.5 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-07-13-23-06-30…)

She's so fucking entitled and shitty.
No. 289796
>>289737Jail or rehab.
People are speculating but not sure, her boyfriend basically just announced that she'd be gone for a year off social media. But its " only her totally taking a break".
She's going to probably lose her shit when she comes back and finds out her bf/love of her life was sleeping around.
No. 1476934
File: 1647936547462.jpeg (279.11 KB, 1242x2049, C0B22C6E-622C-4DF6-B2DB-E57A71…)

Dude she’s almost 30
No. 1476935
File: 1647936596014.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1242x2182, C6519272-0217-417D-BFF7-223EFA…)

And she’s still editing
No. 1476936
File: 1647936626318.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x2168, AF186A7C-C9A4-4BB1-A37E-B16248…)

No. 1481772
>>1481763Go away
Remember to sage next time, and leave the name and email fields blank x
No. 1555625
File: 1654845380390.png (439.99 KB, 1514x803, Screenshot_20220610-001538~2.p…)

From her story… Old habits die hard
No. 1556535
>>1555625Anon please confirm to me that this guy is not Bananaman aka Adam because if they're still together I'll eat my shoe
If that's him I wonder how his daughter is going, I hope she's ok (forgot her mom/adam's ex name sorry)
I vaaaaaguely vaguely remember Winona saying something that the kid's mom was making the kid say that she was molested by adam in court? But don't take my word for it. It was something equally batshit insane, we know she fried her brain with drugs
No. 1574189
File: 1656379301841.png (772.82 KB, 896x899, xbcv.png)

>>1563396>>1561053Late but the vietnamese instagrammer who faked her death in 2017 was called Plaaastic/GG. There was a thread on her here on LC, but she had much longer one on PULL.
She faked her death but came back to instagram under new persona called Nitenite99 just hiding her face behind ugly gas mask and covering tattoos, but ppl figured out it's her anyway and lost their shit, pretty much everyone turned against her. She killed herself for real in December 2018. that was such a weird and mind-fucking drama, but i gotta admit i liked her stuff and felt sad about her passing.
Wylona wore lots of black and smoked too, so maybe that's why you mixed them up.
No. 1584515
File: 1657416696373.jpg (93.71 KB, 500x750, gg.jpg)

>>1584496she has her own thread here if you want to talk about her instead of Wylona thread, but anyway. I mean you can see her pics with a gasmask on her nitenite IG if you want comparison pics or read more on the whole thing, here's her thread:
>>>/snow/602401 & PULL which had more pics and was much more informative imo. i've been re-reading them just recently & the gask mask persona talk starts at like 55 or 56th page iirc.
No. 1695008
File: 1667703118355.jpeg (1.85 MB, 1242x2185, 48805D4B-681F-4D2E-BC93-184A75…)

>>1555625Nah that’s not bananaman, that dude end up with another kid who’s baby mama is currently mia. His daughter looks ok bigger now I think she’s like a teen? Idk she’s on ig too. And wywywhyyyy is going through a string of guys, idk she’s like a sugar baby maybe. She’s always see in a new picture in a hotel. She finally found a job calling, which is good that she’s now 30, but her editing is still atrocious. Well I guess a tale old as time.
(necro/ emoji) No. 1695009
File: 1667703146504.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1242x1528, D3C442A2-C972-48B1-BE59-228D88…)

No. 1695010
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No. 1697031
File: 1668091289746.png (Spoiler Image,5.02 MB, 1242x2688, 5EFA5BEE-FF87-4EBE-8BD2-C80D11…)

No. 1782576
>>1697134She also genuinely expects people to believe she looks 17 at that age. I never thought she'd still be around at this point in time, I was amazed when I saw her thread had been resurrected. ALL THIS TIME and she still hasn't gotten a real job or advanced beyond horrible shooping.
If anything, it's gotten worse as she's aged.
No. 1854524
File: 1687903783251.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_6034.png)

No. 1854525
File: 1687903828477.png (Spoiler Image,768.58 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_6035.png)

No. 1854527
File: 1687903880607.png (805.64 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_6038.png)

Her ig wywylona
No. 1854531
File: 1687904275789.png (828.55 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_6039.png)

And people who don’t know her she’s a pretty shiiiiiteeee human being from 2009-2017, she’s 32 this year, but still can’t grasp the reality of life but thinks she walks on water, even when she went to prison in 2017 she still can’t grow up, her boy toy recently was a kid, like a high school kid. If a men were to do that he’s be arrested, it’s not about photoshopping sometimes, it’s just that we’re trying to show you she’s fake inside out.(sage your autism)
No. 1854595
if you’re also in high school. wylona is
32 No. 1898021
>>142625 singaporean , probably of south chinese descent..
Most singaporeans are either malay, chinese or indian.
Does anyone know if she speaks chinese ?