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No. 1418152

So basically, this is personal Drama between me and a fued that's been going on since 2017 but this drama is to show what a cluster f–k this fandom was


> Artist

> Got popular off a chibi art style
> Very rude to people
> Blames other for her own actions and never adds up.
> Stalker (Personally my stalker)
> Sends her friends to stalk and harass people who basically see through her lies.
> Commited Self Deletion for no reason other than the excuse that her friends left due to my alter faking cancer (I have DID).
> Real reason is the image above.
> Deleted her accounts when I try to go get screenshots of lies.
> Inserts herself into drama that she is not involved in.
> Whiteknights obvious abusers and p3d0s/supports abusive relationships
> Turns my friends against me, then dumps them when no longer useful.
> Does the same to her friends.
> Uses her attempted self deletion as an excuse to garner sympathy and tries to justify her harassment and stalking for years.


> Drew Mega Man Protoman CP (basically Blues is supposed to be a teenager).

> Deletes and claims she deleted it even though you can't delete nothing from the internet.
> Ships pedophilic ships like (Mega Man x Fuse Man or Mega Man x Cut Man)
> Falsely accuse someone of gr00ming and when found out she actually agreed to them, she later tries to manipulate her way out of it.
> Has a shitty self insert mary sue named Star.
> Claims Star is her without clarifying before allegations of grooming happened. (Since she has a bajillion OCs named Star).
> Believes 16 and 15 to be almost an adult
> Bullied someone to near suicide
> Lied about her ex grooming her when he was around her age and got mad when I talked to him.


> A NSR weirdo

> Possibly lied about her age
> Hacked my server and blamed her "brother"
> Stalks her groomers and tries to actively ruin their lives and sends KIDS to harass them. (When she was groomed by them)
> Sends her friends to fight her own battles.
> Calls people who gives her genuine advice/critism "haters/snowflakes" her vocabulary is literally "Snowflakes" and "OwO"
> Her triggers are inconsistent and are almost EVERYTHING.
> Picks a fight with people for no reason unprovoked.
> About the age, asked for proof and told her to Blurr stuff that seemed revealing, trauma dumps and tells her own friends to help her.
> When she is on the verge of losing a argument she tries and guilt trip people "I was abused" is an example.
> Uses her trauma as an excuse for her Behavior.


> Abuser

> Manipulator
> Threatens people for games they have that he wants
> Threatens self deletion
> Is a kinnie of Fuse Man and ex girlfriend Star is a kinnie of Mega Man so they try and push their ship together as they identify as those characters. Both accuse people or Anyone who doesn't feel comfortable with that ship of not "Allowing their love" when it's borderline P3d0philla even going as far as aging down Fuse Man around the age of Mega Man whose 13 in thers terms despite both condemning an artist for aging up underage characters for NSFW.
> Starts drama
> Vocabulary is "Okay Groomer"
> Acts like he's 10.
> Has Star apologize for his dumb Behavior and has her insist people he's "changed"
> Uses his partners to whiteknight for him
> Constantly is the definition of this board right here.

I don't have most of there Social Media as I do not want anything to do with them.

Stuff I left out was basically PinkoMinko had her friends send gore, NSFL, revenge p0rn of me and tries to silence me.

I left the Mega Man community due to this drama and I felt the need to discuss very problematic people in the Mega Man community. If you have stories come and tell!

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