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No. 1373871

ASMR couple with a rabbit hole of incest, child neglect accusations, and milky behaviour. Has a hate Reddit dedicated to calling them out. This is my first OP so I hope it's not too messy

Charles and Chrystal Cackler

>frequent meltdowns about hating their marriage on Twitter that get deleted minutes later

>woman had sexual relationship with cousin in her teen years
>when her dad found out he booby trapped the house with lasers
>lied about it being rape, her cousin had to show her father all the love letters and emails she sent him
>weird relationship with dad, developmentally delayed because of this relationship according to family that has come foward
>claimed that her grandparents were incest cousins. Family members are trying to say it's a lie, but given that Chrystal herself has previous incest relationships it's hard to tell
>The husband is speculated to also be a cousin but the evidence is murky
>accused of neglecting their son, talk of getting CPS involved
>racist towards her commenters whenever they point out that her cooking isn't ethnic
>refers to BLM as "drama"
>moments of homophobia
>frequently attacks other small ASMR channels
>also has gaming and singing channels

Can someone with Facebook and Instagram post their links in the thread?

(Deleted their old Twitter, presumably to hide incriminating tweets)
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/songbyrdASMR/
Twitter: @SongbyrdASMR
YT SongbyrdASMR: https://youtube.com/c/SongbyrdASMR
YT Songbyrd eating show: https://youtube.com/c/SongByrdsEatingShow
YT mr songbyrd: https://youtube.com/user/Escoger1
YT songbyrd sings: https://youtube.com/c/JourneyRock92
YT Songbyrd gaming: https://youtube.com/channel/UCFqhgafQzhFPE1U0GvAA40Q(shit thread )

No. 1373877

This stream gives a good run down of the incest drama. They also talk a lot about the neglect allegations and go over the drama with members of Chrystals family speaking about her child and her past

No. 1374110

>racist towards her commenters whenever they point out that her cooking isn't ethnic
>refers to BLM as "drama"
who cares

No. 1374314

>refers to BLM as "drama"
she's not wrong

No. 1374391

I feel like drama isn’t strong enough of a word to describe BLM. Plus it’s not really milk. This thread should probably have stayed on Reddit

No. 1374691

I feel like ignoring the incest drama currently unfolding, the constant public meltdowns, and the child neglect allegations, just because one one small note at the end about her saying BLM is drama is kind of glossing over a lot of potentially great milk for no reason

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