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No. 136325

She'll shrivel up and die without your attention!

Youtube: www.youtube.com/ChannonRose

No. 136326

In her 'drunk prom queen' vid, she claims to have gone to school with Khloe Kardashian and Nicole Ricci but of all people SHE, with her unfortunate, horse like face and mismatched foundation, 'won' prom queen.

Yeah, ok Channon.

No. 136327

Shit thread OP, but god I hate those stupid clickbait titles more than anything on youtube. The only way it could be worse was if she put softcore porn pics in almost every thumbnail like tons of other youtubers.

No. 136343

Just seeing her face makes me angry.
God, i hate girls like that.

No. 136355

I see more and more channels like these popping up
>Balmain shop lady called me FAT
>omg racist MAC lady
>i nearly died because of (YouTuber)

No. 136356

She doesn't have any milk besides the wedding drama that happened a few months ago. She's annoying and an attention whore but that doesn't mean she's a snowflake.

No. 136357

>Balmain shop lady called me FAT
I know the second one is this asian gril who had a terrible acne, but is this one real? Like, this happened?

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