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No. 1336711
Sarah Squirm is an industry plant stand up comedian and media personality currently set to premiere on the new season of SNL.
>Adult swim trustfund art school student who hides her nepotism >Comedy consists of tryhard prop comedy and “isn’t it gross a girl is doing this?” Edgy pickme humor >Older than she lets on>Non-binary >Friends with other LA cows like Surfbort and Arrow >Hangs out with leftcow podcasters and “meanstv” communist streaming service >Constantly being shilled by Tim Heidecker >Generally obnoxious and unlikable, very serious and humorless not on stage, rips off a lot of other visual artists and comics Ig: No. 1336876
>>1336856Wow. Terrible.
This is why men think women aren't funny, cause the only women comedians who get pushed into mainstream fame get there by sucking dick.
No. 1336892
>>1336882this. are we shaming women for attempting to get into a male dominated scene? if you want a thread on her, we need on on daniel tosh, we need one on louis c.k, etc etc etc.
there's actual cows on this site, this is just some chick with shit humor.
No. 1336971
>>1336926So are you going to elaborate? What nepotism? Because she's friends with other comedians? That's how networking works.
She won't make it long on SNL. The only ones that survive are normies that keep their heads down. She's too much of a narc. Plus the stupid "peepee poopoo cum and blood" comedy style isn't well liked by the geriatrics that still pay attention to SNL.
No. 1337591
>>1336979I was downplaying it a bit but it's actually pretty good visually.
This is definitely some vendetta shit because I can't find evidence for any of the claims in OP.
No. 1338092
>>1338087No. Lolcow is not a popular site. simplest answer is usually the right one, a farmer finds her annoying.
No. 1338136
>>1338092Oops but a real farmer would just put this ugly photo in Celebricows with actual milk.
And the site doesn't have to be big to push the narrative. If you can find this thread on Google that's all that matters, it's supporting evidence they can use to say she was bullied and targeted and is uwu so stunning and brave for talking about her period shits or whatever. You think celebs don't do this shit? Seeding stories like this is a full time job for a lot of people in entertainment.
Also kek I'm shocked we actually rangle 1,8mil hits a month. Never forget for every farmer there are hundreds or thousands of lurkers.