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No. 1310550

Tater Tatiana is a YouTube content creator known entirely for her argument with another cow (Lillee Jean). Tatiana is in her early 20s and posts extremely cringey YouTube content, which 50% of is related to Lillee Jean. Despite Lillee being fat and lacking talent, Tatiana has decided to dedicate her entire channel to A-logging about Lillee, and more recently, Onision along with other cows. Tatiana’s main personality traits consist of
- Talking about either Onision or Lillee Jean
- Consistently racebaiting to win arguments
- Virtue signalling
Tatiana is the picture book pronouns/petitions in bio snowflake stereotype who probably wouldn’t even have an audience if it wasn’t for her dedication to A-logging about cows and being a general libtard pick-me.
>Recent Milk : Tatiana publicly told everyone that she would be lolsuiting Lillee Jean for whatever autistic thing Lillee did this time, and proceeded to set up a Go Fund Me for a lawyer. A lot of evidence suggests that none of this money actually went towards a lawyer otherwise Tatiana would be sperging out about her case all over YouTube as she just can’t help herself!
Twitter - @tativoorhees
YouTube - Tater Tatiana

No. 1310624

her face is vaguely familiar and then I remember her review of Lele Pon's book. A pretty good video. It's always odd to find out that occasional youtuber you didn't mind is a weirdo of their own

No. 1310826

You should go through her seethy videos. It’s pretty funny how outraged cows make her

No. 1327694

She is actually alright, a normal youtuber girl like any other. This thread is a hard reach to make somebody into a cow… Not enough cringey people to occupy your mind so you will take any boring girl next door or what?

No. 1327704

You bumped a dead thread with only two posts to say you don’t think it should exist? Congrats on reaching peak autism

No. 1327717

just wanted to say whats on my mind, thats this bullshit site is for retard. I dont really give a crap if it got bumped or whatever, at least more people will see how desperate somebody was to come up with it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1327745

No. 1327763

>this bullshit site is for retard

No. 1431610

Has Tatiana ever gave an update on what happened with all of the $ people sent her?(necro)

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