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No. 129787
25 year old grown woman making a fool of herself in Nipland.
Hayley Decked who now goes as "hayrii". She was a former camwhore on /b/ under the alias "Dwarftan"
She has had anime convention contests fixed in her favor so she could get free trips to Japan. Notorious in the Atlanta anime community for talking shit, rigging contests and acting mentally retarded.
Facebook fan page
I'll post in the thread her /b/ camwhoring shit, and more evidence of milk.
No. 130103
>>129791Does anyone know what this "Haneda International Music Festival" thing is.
Some chick I know went (along with this chick) but I have never heard of it anywhere else.
No. 130274 gurl
Idk what to think of her. But geez do people fund others that easily?!!
No. 130379
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>>129787you're going to open up a thread with her looking edited to hell? Geez anon
First of all she's been to Japan 4 times now.
First time I'm assuming is during school as a foreign exchange.
Second time, a convention paid for her to represent them in an Idol festival
Third time she won a cosplay contest that gives airplane tickets to Japan to the winner.
Fourth Time she went after begging people for money on Gofundme. (she has done this before a few years back because she wanted to see and AKB member's last concert, I am not sure if she went that time but if she did that makes this 5 times)
She is wellknown for talking shit about Aminyan, to the point where Aminyan has called her out, eventually she found out and made a giant post about how she doesn't do that anymore.
She's definitely 25 and has no problem spreading her own nudes around to guys, and of course the internet.
No. 130387
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Doesn't she look a bit too old to imitate a stereotypical cute Japanese girl…
No. 130765
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>>130424yeah she admitted to it, I mean she basically climbed her way into performing idol shit in Akiba because of connections Amina had made, road her coattails and then got mad when people were like "didn't you talk shit about her back in the day"
No. 131016
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why do all the old slutty chicks like cosplaying Nico
No. 131932
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Living proof that it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you're skinny and short you can become an aidoru in Japan.
No. 133195
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this was posted on cgl last year
No. 136887
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Her friend makes a cuter Nico
No. 137132
>>136887>>136911This person is fucking hilarious looking.
Holy shit haha
No. 137163
>>136911I need to see more pictures of this girl's fucking hilarious face. Who is she?
You have to feel some pity for her, though… That's just unfortunate. I don't even think surgery can fix it
No. 137309
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>>137185>>137163Honestly with a nosejob, she'd look 100x better. She just needs to stop making that god awful face because it exaggerates her features and she really does look like a demon mask.
No. 137310
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>>137309Samefag for pic sake, but her figure isn't bad either. Just a butterface.
No. 137363
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>>137353That's a tiny fridge. She's really petite, but in a cute feminine way, it's just a pity she has a face like..
No. 137408
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>>137404I don't know what you're talking about, Hayrii is clearly superior aidoru and eternally 8 yrs old. I've never seen a more special aidoru act since Ally and Sally.
No. 137482
>>137423I haven't seen Hayrii and Aminyan together for awhile. Meanwhile Peachy Parade has met up with her when they visited japan.
Regardless, Japanese people on 2chan honestly find all the girls naive and stupid.
No. 137777
>>137751 searched around and Only Idol they acknowledge is Aminyan. While Hayrii have Niconico fanclub Peachy Parade have neither.
But then again, Aminyan kept getting called nigger on that page too.
No. 137909
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>>137777>Hayrii have nice fan clubShe probably made it herself considering she gets a humble one retweet on Twitter every now and again on her derpy low test selfies
No. 137991
>>137942No keep that shit in the gaijin aidoru thread. I'm tired of random vendetta threads that randomly get created with no milk.
>Hayley vs PPHayley is notorious in the ATL con community for being an attention whore and super promiscuous. She used to bully AmiNyan when she was like 15 years ago. When Amina got to Japan Hayley randomly started telling everyone they were best friends and basically used knowing amina(who she never met) to accomplish Her weeb idoru dreams. I've seen ami write about this guy on her tumblr but I think it's has to deal with some 45 year old otaku guy. Ami called him out for his creepiness and sexual harassment while Hayley is basically dating this old guy. I'm not sure how PP is in the drama but I think Hayley tried to get them banned from performing in Japan.
No. 138192
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>>137991You're talking about this guy right? Apparently he's friends with Jrcach
No. 138329
>>138195Weeb standards = Japanese national
That's pretty much it. If they have visa potential then it's fair game.
No. 141168
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So who's going to get wrapped up in this mess?
No. 150878
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>>138192So what's with this guy's weird obsession with hanging out with every white wannabee aidoru, Is he supposed to be some kind of manager?
No. 152108
>>151749Doesn't Himezawa perform at Akiba16?
I am pretty certain that's the only place in Japan she has actually performed at other than conventions.
I am so tempted to look into performing there and see how easy it is. Sadly I am not in japan.
No. 154233
>>152108Busuzawa has also performed at SUB Tokyo which seems to be affiliated with her agency so whatever.
>>154205This girl should dye her hair a light colour to play up the gaijin aspect instead of trying to fit in. Everything about her appearance is like the opposite of an ideal Japanese idol.
No. 155733
>>154205Good lord that OUTFIT, did she make that herself? The colors choices are just wretched..
With a voice like that I think anyone could just about perform there, regardless of skill.
No. 162511
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>>136916fucking 5 star post, I can't resist replying.
No. 163026
>>154205 her singing is actually pretty good to me. She just sounds tired from dancing.
Tbh if she wasn't doing the kawaii akiba weeb shit then she'd probs do kind of well
No. 177003
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>>176269Omfg a snowflake sent her boyfriend here to defend her, I can'this is gold!!!
Also stop samefagging.
No. 177105
>>177003Wait, didn't you say she was dating old Japan man? So she sent some crust to admonish us or you made shit up and in your spergfit, just blurted shit out without even realizing you just discredited your own B.S. story?
>>176801>>176996Working on getting the screens but the mental case herself is here and is throwing up a snowstorm trying to find out who is leaking her shit so I am trying to screen cap before she deletes it.
No. 222749
>>177105And of course, no milk was ever provided.
Her new group is rather.. lacking in skills.
Apparently one of the peach girls showed up to their performance panel at Anime Weekend Atlanta, but I'm not sure about that.
No. 245457
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It was really bugging me who she reminded me of but now i remember
No. 373117
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It just hit me who she looks like!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 375503
>>138057Sage for oldness but idols are suppose to be innocent/pure. One reason why a lot if these weebs end up back home. Just slut around japan for nearly free.
>>137909hayley is probs almost 40 ish. You guys are so use to drunks you cant recognize regular aging.
>>130765Apology was going good until the last paragraph. I understand what she meant. But the person was right to warn amina. Hayley just wants to use everyone.
No. 409286
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this is too much of a coincidence. she's gotta be buying followers to boost her irrelevant page
No. 410138
>>409286That's so desperate it's almost sad.
If she's going to buy so many likes she should at least refrain from posting about it, it just makes it look more suspicious.
No. 479454
>>479438Under the makeup that makes her look like she has been punched in the face, she looks about 30. You can tell she is definitely not a young teenager.
The hair is just… Awful. That style only works with those with round baby-like features.
Also, her personality in this video looks so fake.
(sage for no real contribution)
No. 479494
>>479438After all that fuss about deleting her page, too. How sad.
Just show off your tits again if you want to be relevant Hayrii.
No. 1957118
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Goodnight sweet princess