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No. 1289055

Previous thread >>900676

Eve is a schizo from methland Ohio who dedicates her time to sperg about personal cows. She is known for threatening to sue ED and has a KF thread.

>Is now a part of the Bill Skarsgard fandom and found some new personal cows to screech about
>Got kicked out of the IT fandom for supporting pedoshit and lying. (sexualizing the kids and shipping them with the clown, claiming to be younger than she really is)
>Also got kicked out of the Hemlock Grove fandom for supporting incest and sperging. (wrote an explicit fanfic about a mother and her 18 year old son claiming that it's canon)
>After screaming about one of her personal cows, she attempted to join the gossipers of the Bill fandom who happened to dislike his girlfriend, Alida. She backfires as soon as someone discovers her and her thread, causing the next update.
>Faked her death a while ago, pretending to be a friend while being surprisingly informed of the saga. Eventually backtracked by saying the blog who claimed that Eve was dead was a hater who wanted her driven out.
>After she revived from the dead, she now mainly focuses on the gossipers of the Bill fandom.

Tumblr: https://therealtattlecrime.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoundsOfficial?s=20
Wordpress: https://tattlecrime.org/

No. 1289206

huh, that's funny. i could've sworn eve said, and i quote, "freddie never posted a pic of her ID for everyone to see." so then what's this?

No. 1289265

She didn’t some sperg hacked her private account and made it public. What part of they do you not get? Though I think it’s funny you believe outdated information still applies.

No. 1289266

No one is going to read that other thread ever other than you schizocows so good thing you started a new one kek

No. 1289272

Literally all of this information is incorrect and you’d think with how obsessed they are with Freddie they could read her blog and see what actually happened but facts hurt their snowflake feelings so they write fan fiction instead. They also blame anyone in the thread who defends Freddie of being Freddie even though they banned her. Yet somehow she’s the schizo cow and not them. Maybe I should go over how many blogs/people you claimed were Freddie then later had to eat shit and apologize because you were wrong. 98% of anything you say here isn’t accurate. You have doxed Freddie yet again on this thread and will probably claim you didn’t do that too. Seriously no one cares about an ID from ten years ago when her name, address, and location aren’t even the same. Fucking spergs.

No. 1289275

>is not part of the bill fandom
>never did pedo shit Jamie Purr started that rumor because she’s also a schizocow
> the entire hemlock grove fandom supports incest might wanna look at the Roman/Annie ship so that didn’t happen either
>didn’t fake her death this was taken out of context on purpose by these spergs who think they have a point
>wrote a few posts of the hypocrites in the Bill fandom and stopped.


The bill fandom spergs out over alida all the time and that’s fine I guess but Freddie points it out and yeah let’s dox her and tell her to die

Trust me the only people reading this convinced by any of it are the two people writing it pretending to be more people.

Tell me when she doesn’t post anything again for another few months how will you bait her because you crave her attention so much? This is all beautiful fiction about her but that’s all it is. Fiction

No. 1289289

>Tell me when she doesn’t post anything again for another few months how will you bait her because you crave her attention so much

We don't need to bait you if you keep coming back with your sperging. How'd you get them to put that "F" on your license anyway?

No. 1289290

Not Freddie you banned her. Poor Celine all you have left is tranny jokes and lies do take your meds and stalk that Katrina woman you are all faggy about no one cares about your necrocow tipping

No. 1289323

You would have said that first if that was what happened, not repeating “no one has her ID card”.

It was only posted because you had “yet to see proof of this ID picture being posted anywhere”. It is not doxxing as that information is public on sites like Ohio Residents Database.

Only you are obsessed with the tards in fandoms and on tumblr. Your behavior is so similar to these people, and your habit of making sockpuppet accounts, that it is easy to mistake them as you. The thread has gone quiet multiple times for you to revive it with your sperg fits.

You know how to use a VPN. If it obsesses and sperg spams like an Eve, insults and argues like an Eve, and badly lies like an Eve, then it is probably Eve. No one but you would have all of this information, no one but you acts this way on the thread, and only you care about what goes on in the tard nation of the Bill fandom.

No. 1289336

You prove that more than two-three people post here and I’ll prove who I am. As for the ID Freddie explained numerous times that her photo account had been hacked but since you never actually pay attention to what she says or writes I’m not surprised you either missed it or didn’t hear it at all.

No. 1289363

Thank you so much!
I was looking for that.
I think I first saw it on the encyclopedia dramatica but her page is down.
So I'm not completely crazy, she did put it online at some point!

No. 1289366

According to public records she still lives at the same address so it's not out dated.
She's been living there for years, she lives there rent free and since she doesn't work she can't afford to move out.

No. 1289378

Good thing you don’t know her real name or you’d know this isn’t true

No. 1289379

The photo was on a private account that got hacked and she lost access to she’s explained this tons of times

No. 1289380

No, it was not hacked. You posted a regular photo, people got her account from it and got the ID this way. Nobody cares enough to hack your account.

No. 1289382

It’s not my account and it did get hacked she explained this numerous times I know you hate the truth but that’s what happened Celine

No. 1289386

Sure Eve, if thinking you got hacked makes you feel important go ahead Eve.

No. 1289387

File: 1627908604918.jpeg (54.21 KB, 450x600, DE9EA5E0-C5A6-46FC-A35A-BFA732…)

Monica Morais one of the tranny’s that frequents this forum

No. 1289388

You all would most definitely hack her website if you actually knew how Monica Morais threatened to do this to her publicly sorry that facts don’t match your feelings Celine.

No. 1289390

File: 1627909012167.jpeg (334.19 KB, 828x615, E794E95D-1A2D-4E9B-8EA1-56D2E6…)

Krystal Mather is another sperg that used to post here she has 4 sperg kids and writes a schizo amount of David Bowie fan fiction she also catfishes young children online for nudes.

No. 1289425

No one cares, Eve. You did this in the previous thread during one of your meltdowns. If you think these nobodies are milky, make a thread for them.

No. 1289596

No one cares? You cared enough to make three different threads on Freddie. To stalk her for over a year. You care Celine. It shows.

No. 1289689

Not Celine. For someone who goes into depth with everyone she’s met, you don’t even get your people right.

No. 1289798

File: 1627953855217.jpeg (261.58 KB, 750x1154, 5E998E31-D639-42CD-A5F7-3D2B15…)

Not that milky, but I’m only posting it because of the irony of her saying that we’ll starve without her attention when she literally bumps this thread with her sperg fits.


No. 1289823

Prove you’re not Celine I’ll prove I’m not Freddie

No. 1289825

You all bump this thread with sperg fits. You’ve been reporting fictional information on Freddie for over a year don’t you have anything better to do? I’m seriously asking if she’s so lame and boring what does that mean you are? Honest question.

No. 1289826

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No. 1289828

>Freddie stops posting for a day
>Spergs literally make up something to get mad about

What happens when she stops posting for months again? You going to check on her every day to make sure she doesn’t do anything to trigger you? I think the fact that she barely posts anything anymore proves she’s changed and cares very little about your forum. The only people who give a shit at this point are Celine and whatever tard she pulled in with her from the Bill fandom.

You prove there’s more than three people here who care and I promise to never come back.

No. 1289842

Kek Celine is literally ESL
at least blame it on other tards and make it make sense

No. 1289870

Prove that more than three people come here and care and I’ll leave for good

No. 1290054

you promise to never come back? hah! yeah right. you just can’t resist coming here. if you quit interacting the thread would die. you insist it wouldn’t, but it would. people would get bored and move on with their lives. but instead, you come here screeching about how everyone is most definitely lying on this thread and they all make up fictional stories about you. when in reality, if you didn’t act like an absolute fucking moron, no one would even feel the need to talk about you, eve

No. 1290055

you can claim you aren’t eve until you’re blue in the face but it does absolutely nothing because everyone already has their minds made up. for someone who isn’t eve, you behave just like her and use the exact same terminology. i’ve also noticed that she’s active on tumblr (thanks to the “let people know you’re active” light) at the same exact time you start posting on here. when she goes offline, you go silent on here. that’s quite the coincidence if you ask me

No. 1290065

You don’t need to talk about her way more people than her act like morons especially the people she talks about but for some reason you defend them and attack her it makes no sense.

No. 1290207

yeah but this thread is about eve. not the other morons on the internet. if you want to talk about them then go make threads for them.

No. 1290229

So you agree the other people are just as bad as her but only want to talk about her when the other cows have way more milk. That would make you all mentally ill not whatever it is you think you are kek(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1290260

This is your thread, Eve. It's about you.

No. 1290480

I could have sworn it was about someone else considering almost all of it is made up

No. 1290497

Welcome back! We’ll still have the thread up.

No. 1290522

By we you mean you and your multiple personalities right cause no one gives a shit

No. 1290687

Nah. You insist that there is one person with multiple personalities, but not one person who comes back defending her.

No. 1290876

I just said prove there’s more then three people who give a shit and I’ll leave since you can’t do that I know I’m right

No. 1291068

As one anon once said,
>If it obsesses and sperg
>spams like an Eve
>insults and argues like an Eve
>and badly lies like an Eve
then it is probably Eve.

Also this is an anonymous board we’d get banned

No. 1291174

Not if you post rarely as you do trust me there’s no more than three people who care about this place and not everyone who defends eve is eve in fact I’ve seen people not defend her at all and just trash you spergs and you still call them eve pretty much if someone doesn’t agree with you 100% they have to be eve yet one of your complaints is she can’t take criticism well neither can can of you even when someone makes a good point explain that.

No. 1291181

Punctuation, you scrawny hag. Use it.

No. 1291215

No need to have a sperg fit just answer the question

No. 1291229

File: 1628132899335.jpg (61.31 KB, 640x480, do i fit in yet.jpg)

How's the meth in Cleveland?

No. 1291253

thought this was the mtf thread. jeez Louise

No. 1291316

Why do you use 10 year old pictures of her when she doesn’t look like that anymore? Are you afraid if you show the real her people will see she’s actually pretty good looking and laugh at you?

No. 1291317

Ha ha Freddie is a tranny on meth. Can’t you get some new material after like 6 years?

No. 1291318

File: 1628145657841.jpeg (52.83 KB, 451x604, 5F919099-77A4-44E8-9A60-1F853D…)

Freddie actually currently looks like this. Why do you choose to lie about her appearance?

No. 1291319

Also can you please answer why it’s okay that you can’t take criticism but when Freddie does it she’s a sperg?

No. 1291451

Looks the same to me.

No. 1291472

she looks the exact same as she always has, just lighter hair. no one is lying about her appearance if she still looks the same

No. 1291474

that second photo also has a filter, she still looks like the first one without it.

No. 1291483

hahaha this never gets old! She used the "smile" filter on faceapp and still looks like a crackhead tranny.

No. 1291488

Omg it is the smile filter!! I was like well she fixed her teeth I guess? Lol

No. 1291501

yes, I almost added that but thought it would be of poor taste. She did get her teeth fixed she even had a gofund me at the time and she obviously never got any money.

No. 1291526

Her teeth have been fixed for awhile that’s not a smile filter you tards

No. 1291527

Not a filter her teeth are fixed

No. 1291528

We never said it was a teeth filter dumbass, it's obviously a skin filter.

No. 1291529

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How blind are you spergs to not realize those are her actual teeth and not a filter. Seriously though? Can you answer the question? It’s not like you haven’t seen these pictures as you stole all of them to masturbate to.

No. 1291533

File: 1628179693613.jpeg (89.88 KB, 735x252, A8B06F55-36D1-4FBD-BFDF-53CD6D…)

No you said she used the smile filter on FaceApp you fuckwit sorry that you can’t read your own comments

No. 1291534

While you're ranting, can you maybe answer why this filtered photo looks like a hostage situation? You've invaded this man's space and he is disgusted by you. Look at his body language and facial expression.

No. 1291536

That’s not me that’s a photo you’ve stolen and posted everywhere

No. 1291537

Also if you go by body language and expression it looks fine you’re just seeing what you want to see. He’s hugging her not the other way around idiots

No. 1291538

But… you just posted it. Are you forgetting again, Eve?

No. 1291539

Not eve you banned her remember?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1291542

You're too old for these boring games. Let's boil it down: you are way too invested in the personal lives of celebrities. You think fandoms give you the social clout you've never gotten in daily life. You literally look like a rotting corpse and not even smile app can fix that.

No. 1291549

VPNs exist

No. 1291611

Why does your hairline start in the middle of your head? That’s a huge forehead. And the eyebrows like a compass pointing south:/(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1291625

Nobody is masturbating to that troon, jfc. Uncanny valley.

No. 1291640

She barely does anything milk worthy. Her last post about any celebs was months ago and her last posts about any people were days ago. You’ve been milking her so called ugly appearance for over a year. This thread is nothing but tinfoiling and necromancy.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1291693

i’m confused as to why you’re getting so angry about people speculating over whether her teeth are real or not. it’s just teeth lmao

No. 1291697

Eve doesn't want people to speculate about her teeth because she has denied being a meth addict.

No. 1291837

that's because she was never on meth you fag

No. 1292083

ayrt and lmao I've never posted on this thread except when I let anons know about this weirdo's fake obituary that one time

No. 1292098

right so it was bad hygiene that caused her teeth to look the way they did?right.

No. 1292373

It's called bad genetics and periodontal disease look it up sperg

No. 1292375

Then you need to get a fucking life you schizocow

No. 1292521

Sure jan

No. 1292549

keep seething lol

No. 1292585

Do you even know what periodontal disease is or do you just like ignoring faces when they don't match how you feel? You know like the snowflakes you surely complain about all the time.

No. 1293047

File: 1628334688520.jpeg (280.01 KB, 693x760, 184A4906-CC0B-428E-A503-F75736…)

She wrote this endearing message on a post about Bill Skarsgard’s girlfriend deleting her Instagram.
Speaking of deleting, she purged her Tumblr and Twitter.


Love you Eve xoxo ♥

No. 1293165

For someone who doesn't care she sure seems to be obsessed with us.

No. 1293376

The irony of this statement is lost on you. I can't wait for the next lie you make up about her or blog you accuse of being her when she doesn't give you the content you so dearly crave in your lives.

No. 1293465

she’ll continue to give us content because she’s desperate for the attention. it’ll never end because she won’t let it

No. 1293481

And when she doesn't you'll finally kill yourselves right?

No. 1293605

Just say you, Eve. You're very stupid but even you have to realize that there's no one on earth who would defend you on a dead imageboard.

No. 1293736

If you admit who you are I'll say who I am already made that deal bitch

No. 1293786

somehow i highly doubt that. only reason you’re saying this is because you know people aren’t going to reveal who they are on an anonymous forum, and therefore you won’t have to reveal yourself either

No. 1293792

You have wrongly guessed who "eve" is several times should I point out the blogs you said were her then later had to eat your words or not? You know not everyone who comes here is Eve you just hate that people do defend her because it doesn't fit your narrative of 100% fictional information about someone you're obsessed with

No. 1293866

File: 1628403267319.gif (301.78 KB, 45x45, 3C079A2A-5EA6-4AB5-A1A8-AD03C0…)

>You have wrongly guessed who "eve" is several times should I point out the blogs you said were her then later had to eat your words or not?
Sorry that they sound and act like Eve. I will admit that some of these blogs did turn out to not be Eve and have managed to grow and flourish into their own characters.

>You know not everyone who comes here is Eve you just hate that people do defend her because it doesn't fit your narrative of 100% fictional information about someone you're obsessed with

And I am sorry that the majority of this thread is us arguing with the “mysterious” Eve defender despite having some evidence that the events happened. As the site once said, “The lolcows posted here are, shockingly, not works of fiction or falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as false.”

No. 1293882

>3. Do not doxx any subjects.
>3.1 No street addresses, phone numbers, or places of employment, unless the subject has published that information publicly on their social media.
>3.2 Do not share names, pictures, or social media of people unrelated to the drama being discussed, for example family members, friends, or coworkers.

You've done this numerous times on here only to have the posts later removed. The post you have up now is doxxing as you got it from a hacked photobucket account not social media yet you will also claim you never doxed her or her family which you have several times.

>4. Do not harass or brigade against any subjects posted. (cowtipping)

You are masters of cowtipping, absolute masters of it. You baited eve and several other people to come here to look at this and begged eve to make a video on it because you are losers.

>5.1 Do not contact a subject's family

You've done this countless times even though her family could give no shits about you

>7.5 Tinfoiling with no basis to a claim

98% of this board is tinfoiling with no basis to a claim or proof that what you said even happened it's all broken links and irrelevant images

>6. Do not post about someone who doesn't have any drama simply because you personally dislike them. (vendetta posting)

Most importantly, this is all vendetta posting. You have broken most of the rules of this website with your posts alone and yet somehow think you are in the right when you've shown little to no proof of anything you've ever said other than ha ha Eve had bad teeth 5 years ago but got them fixed. Seriously? You wanna come at me with forum quotes when your entire board breaks most of the rules of the forum? Explain that.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1293916

>You've done this numerous times on here only to have the posts later removed. The post you have up now is doxxing as you got it from a hacked photobucket account not social media yet you will also claim you never doxed her or her family which you have several times.
Eve was stupid enough to upload that ID on her own and realized that she dun goofed. Please show evidence that we’ve doxxed her family.

>You are masters of cowtipping, absolute masters of it. You baited eve and several other people to come here to look at this and begged eve to make a video on it because you are losers.

She keeps coming back to this thread to defend herself under a VPN. There were only a few occurrences where we cowtipped her. The only ones I remembered were from that peculiar focus account and gossip blogs in the other thread.

>You've done this countless times even though her family could give no shits about you

[Citation needed]

>98% of this board is tinfoiling with no basis to a claim or proof that what you said even happened it's all broken links and irrelevant images

The links are broken because she deleted the posts as soon as they were uploaded here. There are screenshots and archived copies, ya know?

>Most importantly, this is all vendetta posting. You have broken most of the rules of this website with your posts alone and yet somehow think you are in the right when you've shown little to no proof of anything you've ever said other than ha ha Eve had bad teeth 5 years ago but got them fixed. Seriously? You wanna come at me with forum quotes when your entire board breaks most of the rules of the forum? Explain that.

Eve is a laughing stock. She has done many things that would be easy to make fun of. That’s the point of this board. You act like we are out to assassinate her or something, when we just want to make fun of her stupid decisions and behavior.

No. 1294126

And you're wrong almost everytime you assume someone is Celine.

No. 1294206

File: 1628436533702.png (27.85 KB, 770x119, Screenshot 2021-08-08 at 11.27…)

Here you mention all the names of her family which you know you are doing and you just pretend they are aliases that she uses, which you know they aren't, so there that's you guys covering your ass while you break the rules of doxxing her family using their names.

No. 1294207

No shit, I just do that because you say everyone is Eve so why not just choose one person who has been obsessed with Eve for over 10 years who is definitely on here all the time and use that name? Seems on par with your idiotic logic(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1296293

File: 1628540858149.png (28.84 KB, 462x432, lul.png)

Eve has "closed" her website again.

She wonders why people constantly make fun of her… Since it is known Eve frequents this website I will tell you why everyone ridicules you and maybe you can take the criticism if you want to see threads like this disappeaer…

Even if you write about fellow shitheads or people who do dumb or awful things, they way you come off in your writing and reporting is unhinged and has the opposite intended effect. Instead of potential readers siding with you, you scare them off with your language and your personal biases. It makes people not want to take your side because you just end up sounding like a screaming child thropwing a tantrum. instead of making people see yur side or want to have sympathy, it becomes a joke at your expense. If I was watching the news and a reporter told a story about a bad person the way you do, it would make me think the reporter is just a lunatic and therefore they become the joke. You, Eve, are always the joke because of how you are. And everyone knows you won't change because you are like 40 years old by now and obviously won't change how you inherantly are. You are a cow because you demonstrate repeated stupid behavior and howl on the internet about ridiculous things just like every other cow on this site. If you don't want to be a cow stop acting like one!

And I am not any of the people you have accused of running this thread. I stumbled across your thread months ago when it was bumped non-stop and decided to check it out because…well you are very strange looking and act so weird that it's entertaining. Like a freakshow at a circus or a car wreck. You just have to watch the cow go moo.

No. 1296585

What a sad life you must lead

No. 1296588

This response also proves it doesn't matter what she does, if she leaves or if she stays people have chosen to make fun of her because she's "funny looking" and they don't like the way she writes? Also, how is she "running away from criticism" at all? She left her website up…you can literally go there and comment on it or contact her right now so explain your logic again? Seriously, the only people who find entertainment this way are mentally ill sociopaths with so little power and attention in real life they have to invent problems that allow them to justify harassing innocent or harmless people.

Furthermore, to the person who said no one is trying to assassainate her, you readily admit in the first thread you want to make sure she can't get a job and you want to ruin her reputation, as well as a few comments about how she should kill herself or you can't wait until she finally does.

These boards are all about vindictive revenge because of some petty BS reason that doesn't even have proof behind it other than "Wah wah I don't like how she types or looks". You accuse her of being a loser but when it comes down to it your complaints are just as milk worthy as you claim she is, you're all a bunch of children. Narcissistic fucking incels and children.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1296590

One last thing she asked several times in the first thread how she could get you to stop talking about her and literally none of you gave her any clue or idea. If she wasn't able to take criticism she'd have taken down her whole website. Basically we are looking at a situation where even if she did exactly what you wanted her to do you'd still find a way to make fun of her.

How about this. Be very specific with a list, not vague, what you want her to do. She will do it. The end. Every time she asks you just tell her to cry harder or kill herself. Maybe if you actually TOLD her what she needs to stop doing she would do it but I think in the end you just want to harass her because you have nothing better to do.

If you tried talking to her like an actual adult instead of on an anonymous forum I guarantee she'd respond to it but you won't because you are children. Maybe, just maybe if one of you came forward and was as mature and perfect as you claimed to be and you ASKED her to stop doing XYZ and she would but since you never actually say what she's doing wrong how do you expect her to stop? Have a conversation instead of acting like 4 year olds having a tantrum…that might get you results.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1296672

File: 1628575124306.jpeg (366.47 KB, 595x801, A206FFE4-0639-4F8C-A885-067F24…)

>Furthermore, to the person who said no one is trying to assassainate her, you readily admit in the first thread you want to make sure she can't get a job and you want to ruin her reputation, as well as a few comments about how she should kill herself or you can't wait until she finally does.
That wasn’t me lol, and I’m the person who said we aren’t trying to assassinate her
If you looked up the keywords, “job”, “kill”, “wait”, and “reputation”, you would see that we did point out similar things about Eve not having a job, her killing herself (as a joke or exaggeration due to how dramatic she is), and her having a little to no reputation
However as far as I know, we did not wish that
We point out the things that she does and what happens and make our own comments in a comedic manner, like any other thread here

Didn’t you say something similar to this during one of your meltdowns in the previous thread??

No. 1296760

The person you replied to told you exacty what she should do if she want to stop people from hated but we all know like that person said she is incapable of changing.
it’s fun for us to watch though.

No. 1296793

lmao this retard typing in the third person, what the fuck. If you're gonna be this transparent, just start namefagging

No. 1296797

it seems Eve has several personnalities.(sage)

No. 1296878

nooo nonny you don’t understand!! we banned freddie from posting here so that she wont spread the truth about what really happened!1!1!1!

No. 1296885

I forget that she actually has people who love her enough to come here and defend her, people with really detailed knowledge of her whole online history.

No. 1296894

I'm sure you won't believe me, but this is my first post in a thread of yours, just to say this:

I never knew or cared who you were until you faked your death and started posting all over your last thread to defend yourself. Then I forgot you existed until just now, when you started doing it again. Serious question, what good do you think you're doing for yourself and who do you think you're fooling?

No. 1296955

She didn't fake her death, her site was hacked/s

No. 1296987

>Anon tells Eve why she's a laughing stock

>Anon: You demonstrate cow behavior because you are a middle aged woman screeching on the internet about fangirls

Eve: Have you tried asking Eve to stop doing XYZ? because she totally would stop if you asked nicely like a ~mature adult~

>Anon: You make yourself look like an idiot

Eve: posts n third person on her own thread because she's so sly and nobody will suspect if she writes in the third person.

I bet if anyone contacted Eve directly like she asked and specifically requested that she stop doing what she's doing, Eve would just write a rambling essay about how she MUST inform the WORLD of her STALKERS and HATERS and how the person contacting her is a COWARD= and MANIPULATOR and IDIOT. I dare someone to do what Eve said and ask her to stop just to see how she responds. Guaranteed she won't stop. It is her life's duty to warn the world about the evil fangirls who don't share her bizarre opinions and want nothing to do with her. That's also why whenever she "goes away" she leaves her site up because it is ~so very important that people know the truth about the mean and awful fangirls who hurt her feelings~

No. 1297000

she lives for the drama she causes it makes her feel important so yeah she's never gonna stop until maybe one day she meets one of the peopel she stalks in real life and they kick her ass.

No. 1297629

so you just plan to monitor every social media website ever for the rest of your lives to make sure she doesn't post anything you don't like and you want to claim she's the problem?(ban evasion)

No. 1297641

Who are you even responding to, Eve? Even with your learning difficulties I know you've been lurking long enough to absorb imageboard terms like "sperg" without knowing what they mean or when to use them, but sage this shit. No one's bumping your thread but you at this point.

No. 1297673

literally most of the milk is just infighting with her at this point

Anyways, Eve is lurking in the Tumblr Bill fandom back in the alias, the-lacerated-brain
She hasn’t really done anything except reblog pics and gifs since she probably knows that we’ll milk it
I remember an anon saying that she was following them on Instagram under the same name in the previous thread, has she done anything milky there?

No. 1297809

i’m the anon that mentioned it. she hasn’t done anything milky over there. she’s pretending to be your run of the mill fangirl. as soon as i mentioned something about her following me, she went on a huge unfollowing spree and unfollowed me as well as several other accounts, which i figured would happen, i said something on here specifically to see if she’d react and she did right away, by going on the unfollowing spree

No. 1297823

>i said something on here specifically to see if she’d react and she did right away, by going on the unfollowing spree
kek so that really proves that she does frequent the thread

No. 1297834

I given you advice on here before, others have too. You wanted specific list, you got it but you not going to like or do it

1. Stop posting on the thread. It bumps it if you do not sage post, and make you look more like a cow. You is pretending to be someone else, telling others to identify themself on anonymous forum, repeating yourself… It gone quiet for weeks, even a month, for you to bump it. Thread could have died, or rarely updated as you were not doing anything milky. What ever you were doing then, you were not drawing attention to yourself, that what you should be doing all time.

2. Learn to leave things. Your current issue is Bill fandom, they just being regular fan girls. If they graduate from being an average tumblr tard to a cow I sure someone will create thread about them. Do not get involved in, and do not start drama. Do not even acknowledge it, block and move on. Like someone else says, some of things you write about can have valid points but the way you write them, you clearly driven by personal feelings, and name calling really makes it look like tantrum. You do things you complain others doing, like Alida hate. You draw line where what you do is fine, and what they do is not, when neither is ok and you just as bad as eachother.

3. Work on your behavior and your retaliations. Learn to not retaliate. From perspective of outsider, and what people says about experience with you, it apparent you have unmanaged personality disorder. You obsess over movie/show/character/actor, you join fandom in everyway possible by creating fan account, write fanfiction, and roleplay. Then one of three things happen, someone disagree with you and you take it as personal attack or someone calls you out on your toxic behavior that you are unable to take responsibility for or recognize, or they leave you. You split on them, and as defense mechanism try destroy there lifes in whatever way you can (claim they scammers, liars, mentally ill, being manipulated by one of your haters, threaten to post there nudes, contact there family). You believe you is the victim and these people are doing bad because you obsessively look into things so deeply that you make connections that not there, then post about it thinking others will see things same way you do and when they do not, you never leave it rest because you think you right and you want everyone else think that too. I say again, you have come across messed up things (Jen, russian weirdoes) but a lot is you not being able deal with being disagreed with, called out, criticized, or being left. This happened time after time for over decade so you is either incredibly unlucky or you part of problem.

I do not agree with every thing that been said or done to you, but is ultimately your behavior and actions that start it, and then your reactions fuel it. You must change for it stop. You says you have new name and residence, change your behavior and then put this behind you. That how it stops. You can keep writing your fanfictions and whatever else you like do but if you not drawing attention to yourself, there will be no milk. No milk = nothing new to post. Others may be accused of being you but it is quickly realized they not, and then eventually people lose interest and the thread will die.

No. 1297975

Very kind words but we all know she will attack you in return, she is incapable of looking at her own flaws or even seeing them.
Nice try though.

No. 1298022

Sad that this advice will probably be wasted with infighting since it actually covered the flaws of Eve in a detailed yet respectful manner
She’ll probably cry victim and ask for even more, or just straight up say you’re sperging
I wish you the best of luck nonette

No. 1298026


She will never change because she does not see a problem with her behavior. Even if this thread turned into a support group for her she would still point her nicotine stained fingers and lose her mind like she always does. Placing bets now Eve replies to the list she requested negatively and doesnt take any of it as a means to improve herself or stop acting like a total cow. You can tell her this until your blue faced and she will still stick out her tongue and throw a tantrum like the 40 year old baby she is and always will be. Kek this bitch will be ranting on the internet about this shit on her death bed. She has holed up for weeks before but she always has to come back and thinks now finally everyone is ready to listen to her novels but just ends up reminding them of her dumbassery. This is why she is a cow. It is a nonstop cycle of Eve insanity.

No. 1298031

she has claimed victim before saying that we do to her what we accuse her of doing to us and others so it's like fair game in her sick mind.

No. 1298314

basically what her choices is now to leave the Bill fandom forever and not say anything even though she deserve to be able to write and have her stories with out you posting nudes and calling her tranny? Why if she does not do nothing but post stories and pics and leave people alone must you feel to torment and harass her day and night? Is she now not allowed in any fandom because you think she might say something you say is milky? Also, you call her tranny, troon, schizocow, and make fun of her body but she says bad names about people who do this and she is wrong but you are right? I know you say this is 'combative' but i am confused how you are okay to do this but she not?

No. 1298326

So predictible.(sage your shit)

No. 1298380

Hi Eve
So are you going to take the advice that the anon sent you? It’s in a specific list like you asked.

No. 1298392

Just answer what asked. Can she be in Bill Skarsgard fandom or not if she leaves people alone or are you going to harass her out of it just because "ha ha schizocow" even though she not doing anything to bother anyone.

No. 1298393

And just FYI I…Eve…have not been on this board at all for a few days I love how you think everyone is me like I have time for this

No. 1298420

We sent you advice. We will leave you alone and let you lurk the fandom in peace if you manage to prove that you are capable of being a sane person.

No. 1298435

Are you serious? Or any time I post a fic/story are you gonna pick at it like "ha ha what a loser writing about XYZ thing even though everyone else writes the same thing" or whatever? I have every right to be in the fandom and not bother anyone, you literally have no right to police me, but since you are going to do it anyway I shouldn't have to be terrified that any post I make is going to get me harassed when all I want to do is write my stories. Is that going to be FINE with you or are you going to deem all of them as "milky" and go off because I wrote fan fiction like anyone else in the fandom does? That's what I need to know. Also I sage my posts so I don't know why you're accusing me of bumping the thread so much any non-saged posts were definitely not me posting, sorry to inform you.

No. 1298440

Just like we predicted, you’re incapable of seeing how nuts you are.

No. 1298446

Question was answered before you asked it. If you read the advice you wanted you would have known that.

The internet is full of tards, many reside in the Bill fandom so it's unrealistic to think it will always be smooth sailing. If what is said about you doesn't line up with your current behavior, there will be people who won't care what your 'haters' say and will disregard it as old news. If you are 'harassed', the kind anon told you how to deal with it. Do not acknowledge it, block, and move on. Fanfic alone is not that laughable so even if some nutso Bill fan posts about it here, we aren't going to give a shit. When you kept to yourself before and the thread went quiet should show you that the thread will eventually die if the milk dries up.

No. 1298703

No it's more that you have a lot of odd double standards that even if I try to ask about to clarify you'll claim that I'm being "milky" when really I just want to understand what you mean. It's useless trying though because any time I do you just claim I'm insane when I just want answers. Why can't you have a normal conversation to help me understand if I don't understand something?

No. 1298741

we've given you very precise answers over and over which you chose to ignore while playing the victim.

No. 1298803


I'm not trying to ignore anything I'm trying to understand and clarify what some of these things mean because some of them don't make sense to me. When I ask genuine questions you say I'm playing victim when I'm just trying to understand your logic. Two different things. If I'm not allowed to clarify why I'm confused about without being made fun of, how will I ever be able to understand and why don't you just tell me instead of making fun of me?

No. 1298808

Stop playing dumb, everything was clear nothing ambiguous at all.

No. 1298980

everything was laid right out on the table. you’re just choosing to ignore it and pretend you don’t understand. there’s never any reasoning with you.

No. 1299064


>1. Stop posting on the thread. It bumps it if you do not sage post, and make you look more like a cow. You is pretending to be someone else, telling others to identify themself on anonymous forum, repeating yourself… It gone quiet for weeks, even a month, for you to bump it. Thread could have died, or rarely updated as you were not doing anything milky. What ever you were doing then, you were not drawing attention to yourself, that what you should be doing all time.

Any time I have posted here I have saged the post, because it's not hard to do. If someone has not saged the post that was not me.

>2. Do not get involved in, and do not start drama. Do not even acknowledge it, block and move on.

I have done this numerous times in fact I still do it. I get hate all the time every day either via my site or somewhere else that I block and move on. My issue isn't with those people my issue is with people who create multiple accounts to continue the harassment (Like Monica Morais did even though she denies it, well the Twitter report I got said she was banned for creating multiple accounts to harass people).

>some of things you write about can have valid points but the way you write them, you clearly driven by personal feelings, and name calling really makes it look like tantrum

Okay so name calling makes it look like a tantrum when I do it but when you sit around here calling me a troon, schizo, cow, and whatever that doesn't make it look like a tantrum? Also, can you explain to me how none of this forum is driven by personal feelings? As in, you people post private DMs that I sent to you during private fights (as if I wouldn't know who I sent those to and who's posting them) and then call me names. So it's completely fine and not immature when you do that but when I do it, I'm a cow?

> You draw line where what you do is fine, and what they do is not, when neither is ok and you just as bad as eachother.

Show me literally any post I ever made where I said what I do is okay. It doesn't exist.

>someone disagree with you and you take it as personal attack or someone calls you out on your toxic behavior that you are unable to take responsibility for or recognize, or they leave you.

This is choosing to see one side of the story not the entire story if I behaved this way to everyone who ever disagreed with me in a fandom you'd see a lot more articles/blogs/hate whatever. Usually the people I pick out are for a reason and usually that reason is listed and backed up with proof but apparently because I call them names it's immature and wrong but when you guys do it you're all saints I guess?

>but a lot is you not being able deal with being disagreed with, called out, criticized, or being left.

There is a huge difference between criticism and posting nudes of someone to discuss how their vagina looks fake because they are actually a tranny. If you think these two things are the same thing you're the ones who have the problem. I can take the stupid name calling, I don't really care if you hate me, I do have to draw the line at posting nudes of me, commenting on my body, telling everyone I'm a tranny, doxxing me more than once, doxing my family, and trying to make sure I can never get a job because…I said mean words on the internet. Criticism is something like:

>"Hey the language you use is a little harsh maybe if you toned it down a bit more people would listen"

it isnt:


I mean do you really not get the difference? If I couldn't take criticism I wouldn't be in the writing world because I get it all the time. The point of criticism is to specifically point out shit being done wrong not call me ugly/insane/whatever and then expect a positive response.

>You says you have new name and residence, change your behavior and then put this behind you. That how it stops.

No it doesn't because I've done very little in the past what? Week? Few days? Whatever? Eventually someone will find me in my new area (which BTW I've been in for nearly a year without you noticing so clearly I'm not as bad as you say) and dox me again. You people spend so much time looking for me online that you have countlessly accused blogs of being me that were not me with no proof. You run on paranoia and thinking you are heroes for telling people where I live or to kill myself or whatever.

The bottom line is this:

I can take criticism just fine if it fits the definition of criticism. I don't think I'm a "victim" of much other than literal revenge porn where a group of people sit around and discuss my vagina which you literally do on this forum and has nothing to do with criticism it's perverted, humiliating, disgusting, and it's personal. I have nudes of quite a few people and Exes that I would never post. Have I threated to? Yes, but that's because that person was blackmailing me first (even though they deny it).

My problem isn't these forums where you make up crazy lies about me, my problem isn't that you have weird opinions, my problem isn't that you hate me. My problem is that you have taken everything to a new level to justify your harassment. Like revenge porn.

Now, because you will all just say "I don't get it" and "I'm not listening" I'm going to summarize it for you so I can hopefully get answers to my questions.

>Why is it okay for you to use insulting horrible names for me when you post here but I can't use them about people I write about?

>Do you know that criticism is something tangible you can point out *EX: Use a calmer tone of voice and maybe people would take you seriously as opposed to "OH MY GOD WHAT A TRANNY COW LOL SHE NEEDS TO KILL HERSELF" like do you understand there's a huge difference?

>Why do you get to do to me, what you claim is terrible to do to other people?

>Where in any post or video did I ever say I was in the right? Or I was doing good? Or whatever?

>Even if I can agree that you make valid points like MY TONE could be NICER why don't YOU have to change YOUR tone and what makes this entire revenge vendetta forum any different from what I have done?

You always leave me confused because of your double standards. Yes I understand that I should ignore drama, check got it, yes I understand I should block, check got it, yes I understand that I shouldn't call people names, check got it, yes I understand that in your opinion my tone is harsh and I should stay calmer, got it, yes I understand that you believe that I have problems that I actually don't have and will keep believing them because reasons…got it. I understand everything you are saying but so much of it is a fucking opinion or just downright insulting. Do you realize that it's not criticism it's just an excuse to dox me and make assumptions about my life? Or what? That's what I'd like explained to me instead of hearing you vomit back that I think I'm a victim or a schizocow. Just answer the questions already it shouldn't be that hard if you are ultimately in the right and I'm the problem.(tl;dr)

No. 1299127

Stop bumping this shit thread, the cow is obviously thriving on the attention.

>do not get involved in drama
>Oh I totally do that!
>writes yet another fucking essay about it on a drama board

No. 1300522

Well congratulations, it looks like you scared her away!(sage)

No. 1383319

Eve is back and unhinged as ever.(necro)

No. 1383819

Well post the milk then, anon

No. 1406338

OMG YES! Post anon! I think she is back on tumblr stalking the Bill what's his name fandom.(necro)

No. 1408142

post the milk then

No. 1408687

yes her new blog is : thetruthabouttattle about the fannibals
she also posted about bill what's his face but I can't remember which tag it was under.

No. 1408703

none of that's new anon

No. 1465262

so is she dead?(necro)

No. 1465538

no, just boring

No. 1466134

I'm bored and just found this thread and I have to ask, Why do our resident schizo self posters are all the same?
Look at the Elayne and Eve parallel, they are ugly girls with manly features delusional about their appereance ( they both claim to be/ have been models kek), they are obsessed about being "smart" and they believe it too (hackerzz saga and well, all eve's post hisotry it seems).
Nonnies, why?

No. 1466527

Has she been up to anything? What are her twitter/tumblr these days?(sage your shit)

No. 1466921

why the fuck are you digging up old shit anon? don't necro a thread because you're bored fucking sperg

No. 1466922

Same as they've always been there's nothing new on them why are you so obsessed with this she probably offed herself like you wanted her to kek

No. 1494291

does anyone have those videos she uploaded to youtube about jennifer cornet? they were the best videos on the subject, and it's really a shame that she pulled them(necro)

No. 1494395

Only lasted 3 weeks this time, it's really a shame.

No. 1496010

Stop necroing this thread anon

No. 1496011

What only lasted three weeks? Someone not coming here to dig up a corpse?

No. 1501429


Some of the channel has been archived.

No. 1555133


Eve makes her return to reddit. The response is absolute crickets.

No. 1556706

File: 1654911195086.png (34.66 KB, 628x447, Screenshot 2022-06-10 9.32.46 …)

too bad so sad

No. 1557407

Damn, I missed it!

No. 1557497

No. 1895085

She's at it again, writing hate blogs about someone she RP'd with 20 years ago, leveling accusations that sound more like projections of her own guilt.(this is an imageboard)

No. 1895087

links/screenshots or btfo

No. 1895089

https://themaretruth.wordpress.com/(this is an imageboard. post caps)

No. 1895860

Get a fucking life

No. 1895862

Nothing there

No. 1895863

Do you have nothing better to do than dig up old milk for a cow who has clearly left the internet so you’d stop harassing her? You’re this obsessed even after an entire year? Examine your life bro

No. 1895864

How sad is your life that you still do this? Why do you do this? What if your purpose? You got nothing better going for you? Can’t get laid? Have a job? Leave the house? This is what gets you off?

No. 1895866

How is it that you don’t see you’re the losers? She left the internet completely like you wanted her to do and yet you still after an entire year feel the need to post fake links and lie?

No. 1895868

The only projection here is the people who can’t let this go even after they harassed someone off the internet which is what they claimed they wanted instead all they do is sit at home jacking off while searching for fake information and broken links what more is she supposed to do to get you to stop stalking her? Answer that.(sage your wk infighting)

No. 1895921


No. 1896113

You banned Eve because you don’t like the truth remember?(sage your shit)

No. 1896404

The real irony is that she was calling out a woman pretending to be trans to sell books. Something this entire forum calls out all the time. You chose to ignore that and shit on her for doing the same shit you do. Just admit that you irrationally hate her for no reason and you’re so obsessed you’ve blinded yourself to anything other than wanting to jerk off over her corpse after you finish harassing her to death since you got nothing going for you other than old milk and tranny obsession >>1895085(more newfaggotry)

No. 1896539

I love how when you don’t like the truth you just ban people instead of admitting you’re wrong(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1896540

Im not a part of this thread but you're getting banned because you keep bumping it with unsaged infighting, I'm hiding the thread because of it so a ban is warranted regardless of anyone feelings. please learn to sage.

No. 1896584

You're getting banned because you aren't saging your posts. This outs you as a new user. Just read the rules.

No. 1897039

I did Sage my posts and in your stupid van you wrote “unspecified reason” but here you claim it’s cause I didn’t save and I’m new but you know I saged because I did which means I’m right and you just don’t like the truth so you made up a reason for the ban.

No. 1897040

So if you’re going to ban someone at least tell the truth my posts are saged you just don’t like that someone tells the truth about all you fags(ban evading retard)

No. 1897753

Let me get this straight. You harassed someone and her friends and family so badly that she did what you wanted, deleted everything, and left the internet for years. In those years your lives were so pathetic and full of nothing you hunted her down every day, wrongly attributed several blogs to her that she has nothing to do with, and hunted down old blogs or broken links to post to still harass people who you think are her but aren’t. Are you going to just monitor her obsessively for the rest of your life even though she did exactly what you told her to do? Is that the plan? Because it seems like the real retards are you not the person who did exactly what you wanted. Aren’t you supposed to stop the cyberstalking harassment after that or are you not going to quit until she’s dead and you caused it?

No. 1898975

That’s what this thread is. There’s no purpose. Most of this information isn’t real, has no proof, or is taken extremely out of context. All of it is a personal vendetta against someone they are pretending is an lolcow because they don’t like that she’s right. Look at the people who have admitted to being on here. Some of them are crazy troons who are just pissed because she exposed them. It’s a vendetta by a handful of people and then a few losers who read it, took it at face value with no research, and joined in on the harassment. Anyone this dedicated to still stalking her down while she’s done exactly what they wanted is far more sick and perverted than they claim she is. And it’s just claims. They can’t back any of it with concrete evidence because they know they’re lying. >>1897753

No. 1901209

Why not post about those characters they are all still active including one of them being a 50 year old pretending to be the girlfriend of a celebrity she’s obsessed with she’s one of the blogs you wrongly accused yet you don’t make any threads on her or what about that tranny Monica Morais? How is that not one of your cows? You’ve chosen to continue to stalk someone who left for years and now what? Falsely accuse her of anything you don’t like for eternity? How little of a life do you have that you’re obsessed with someone who doesn’t even exist to you anymore? Move on with your lives

No. 1901213

Too old for these boring games aren’t you too old and too bored to keep stalking someone you think is so lame and boring and not finding anything about her other than blogs she isn’t running?

No. 2014895

New website. New YouTube channel. Same psycho bitch.

No. 2014999

> AI avatar
> AI voice in yt videos
> no new info
> omg they are stil harassing meee

Just WHY? she was left alone on lolcow, nonnas here igore her antics without proof I doubt that some random hannibal fans (is fandom even active?) stalk her.
Maybe this is the only time in her life when she got some fame and attention during linking hannibal to final fantasy house? and those people were quickly tired of her too.
Girl, if jen is still out there, she is not loosing sleep because of you. People other than you actually managed to create more coherent story with new facts quicker and better than you during all those years.
Just go live on some tumblr rp blog. I think she came back because she just wants attention and misses little slapfights on lolcow.

No. 2015625

You literally proved with this how hard you stalk her. Yet you’re claiming not to? Fucking troon.(sage your shit)

No. 2015627

You don’t stalk her though nope even though you literally check every day to see if she posted something new like the pathetic sperg you are. But yeah you don’t care and you left it alone huh?(sage your shit)

No. 2015629

Oh and you kept this thread going for literal years once she left accusing her of running 100 blogs she didn’t run but did you even read how many thousands of things are posted here in the time she wasn’t active are you fucking braindead?(sage your shit)

No. 2015630

It’s ironic how you claim she’s the loser with no life but you’re the ones obsessed with wanking over her. How about this….dont?(sage your shit)

No. 2015631

Cry harder(sage your shit)

No. 2015635


>Just WHY? she was left alone on lolcow

No she wasn't check the 100s of posts above you that you made when she wasn't active
>nonnas here igore her antics without proof
You invented proof when you didn't have it just to keep this shit going
>I doubt that some random hannibal fans (is fandom even active?) stalk her
She never said the Hannibal fandom stalks her you tard
> if jen is still out there, she is not loosing sleep because of you
This isn't about Jen or your dumb forum but your head is too far up your ass to understand that
>People other than you actually managed to create more coherent story with new facts quicker and better than you during all those years.
Who did this? People who censored, redacted, and twisted the information to fit their narrative? People who made up facts like this forum? Yeah sure…whatever
>I think she came back because she just wants attention and misses little slapfights on lolcow.
You're the one searching every single day for her to do literally anything you can make fun of. It sounds more like you're the desperate one here. So fucking triggered over something you claim to not care about and claim no one else cares about. What's up your ass?(sage your shit)

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