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No. 126840
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No. 126853
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>>126841That guys disgusting hairy ape arm to the right of her
No. 126891
>>126878what anon? it's the opposite
would be unattractive if pasty
light eyes and pasty skin boring when it's with darker skin it's more starry eyed
No. 126897
>>126878i think her skin tone is really striking as far as color, making her somewhat attractive with the dark hair.
but the quality and health of her skin just looks poor. probably diet related. it'll catch up to her figure as well if she doesn't make changes now
No. 126902
>>126842What the hell is going on with her hairline?
>>126841She looks like she smells so bad because she is so greasy and her arms are covered in black hair. Also her ass looks like it goes straight down.
No. 126973
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If she's only 17 and this is the condition of her skin I feel so fucking bad for her.
No. 126979
>>126976She's not just Spanish but also half Indonesian. Just putting it out there.
And Bieber is just looking for any girl that looks ""exotic"".
No. 127092
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>>127088Uh yeah… totes hotter.
No. 127108
>>126774I don't understand the pettiness in this thread. Are you all 12-year-old Bieber fans or something? I don't see how this girl is ugly by any means. Sure, her skin is shitty and she piles on the makeup but she's attractive. Objectively, even. She's better looking than most people you'd see on the street.
Sometimes I think you guys forget what ugly truly is.
>inb4 "hi Cindy" No. 127305
It's just body hair.. on a male no less.
I mean shit, what are you, 12?
No. 127307
>>127301idk, like, I am 24 and even my skin is in better condition than this so I don't understand what she's done to it.
It could be that the heavy makeup is just accentuating it, but the wrinkles under her eyes and the (forgive me) nasolabial folds have got me kind of shocked. Usually at 16 your skin is as smooth as a baby's bare arse.
I'm kind of guessing she did her own hair and makeup too so maybe she didn't use a primer? It's not really mandatory for most but if you have lots of little pits, large pores and wrinkles it'll make a world of difference.
No. 127431
>>127277Damn, you're right, I'm Cindy and I'm so embarrassed.
Well done, Detective-chan. You got me!
No. 137767
>>127307I have laugh lines like hers, have had them since 14 maybe? I haven't seen any difference in them in 9 years.
Just genetics on that part probs.
The rest of her skin just looks like caked on makeup without using a wet beauty blender, any primer or finishing powder etc. The straight up concealer look, like most HS kids do.
Her nose is nice though, and if she knew how to actually apply makeup she'd look cute and maybe her age. The kids I went to HS with who looked 20+ figured it out eventually, she just needs a push to realize she's heavily aging herself.
No. 149249
>>127307spotted the spoony
no one carse spoony stop humblebragging
No. 149366
>>126840yo you guys are so FUCKING petty, she doesn't even have bad skin it just looks dry and clogged from not washing properly - which most people don't. Dare you all to post close up pictures with flash. Yeah, thought so.
She just needs a proper extraction facial and a good moisturizer. Shit is one appointment which sounds a lot better than a lifetime of therapy for being self hating cunts.
There's no milk here, she's a random, let her live she literally doesn't do anything relevant. fucking embarrassing.
No. 149620
>>149619Seems that you still haven't. Sage your useless warblings, samefag. You've single-handedly tanked your own thread so congrats. This belongs in manure.
Oh and btw, my first comment was
>>149421I came upon this thread yesterday thinking that there might be some good drama or a potential new lolcow, but all I got was a samefag throwing a tantrum.
No. 149626
>>149620Sure, everyone's a samefag here. Totally not the different anons stumbling upon this thread.
You suck at detecting samefags.
This IS a shit thread and there are a few samefags here(at least one of them is obviously underaged, and another one is trying way to hard to push that "she's totally 16 guys" thing), but those facts don't make you look more mature.
No. 576021
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Oh so ugly 🤔🤔
No. 957424
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Ik thread is dead but even w/ acne, she still slays 99% of u bitter ugly hoes in this thread.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 958077
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>>957930Imagine thinking someone with over a million followers and traveling the world would know about this bootleg 4chan thread.
(ban evasion) No. 1269524
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Just another example for having everything handed down to you because of looks. She's got about 6.6 million followers on IG now and traveled to several countries despite being awkward and having no charm and an annoying Kim K like voice (judging from the few videos I've seen of her). Yeah she draws/paints blah blah, but the things she makes is nothing mind blowing or unique considering her own fans make better portraits of her.
With that said, idk why's she got a thread on her but mods shut down other threads with actual milk.
No. 1269527
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She is so pretty though, it triggers me. No cap.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1269535
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I really don't understand how anyone could find her to be ugly.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1269552
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It's nuts how many albino monkey bitches are over here sperging at this Southern European beauty.. I'm sorry none of you were born with eyebrows.
No. 1269554
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These pig lookin ass skanks are out here hating on this Spanish queen for being tan.. like I'm sorry y'all are mad you get skin cancer just from being out in the sun for 2 minutes.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1269618
>>1269615Looks like someone googled themselves and got
triggered kek
No. 1650811
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hes nowhere near ugly. ofc she wont look the same in candid photos versus posed and im sure none of you do, either. shes not a "bug eyed camwhore" or a "ball of grease" people have issues with their skin and flash photography doesnt help the appearance of it. the picture circulating the internet of her before lip fillers is her as a literal teenager and i can promise you that when i was younger i looked entirely different from now, as most people. the most accurate representation of what she looks like in real life would be a video, and in the interviews of her she looks exactly the same. theres absolutely no point in posting anonomously simply to hate on someones appearance. if all you can say about her, negatively, is her appearance, or thats all you choose to mention, its obvious youre insecure about your own. idc if this thread is from 6 years ago or yesterday. its stupid and childish:)
No. 1969258
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>>1650811It's ok dude. 90% of the women on this website are ugly n miserable bxtches..
Cindy looked pretty even before fillers