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No. 1232092
One of the fakest twitch streamers out there, known for being a nearly 30 year old man who acts like a innocent uwu anime boy (it's his only personality trait)
General Stuff:
>Cant handle any forms of criticism so has created a deranged fanbase of female simps who will attack you if you don't worship everything he does>Acts clueless and innocent despite being in his late 20's>Used an unbearable anime voice quite a few months ago but started talking more and more like a normal person in the past months>Purposely misreads / misinterprets comments from his chat so he sympathy bait>Acted upset for the rest of the stream after one of his friends told him not to reveal he was imposter before votes were casted>Never tells his chat off for attacking other streamers (including his friends)>Loves fishing for compliments and praise>Claims to have had no friends before streaming (many of his pre streaming friends have unfollowed him)>Claims to have an ex girlfriend from an online relationship that never really loved him>Has said rude things and brushed them off as him being "clueless">Acts as if he's poor despite being one of the top streamers and his parents clearly being wealthy>Strangely reluctant to give the artists of his emotes any creditAllegations:
His ex girlfriend came forward with some claims…
>Said that he's fake, toxic, selfish, manipulative and emotionally abusive>Were in a relationship for 3 years>Broke up in late 2018 (got back together after 2 months) because she found out he did stuff early on in the relationship and lied about it>Broke up for good after she found out he was lying to his fangirls about being single>Her friends would try and invite him to do stuff but he would ignore them and then complain he had no friends>Constantly talked bad about his friends (Lily and Aria have both been told about this)>Has 2 permabanned league accounts>Seemed weirdly obsessed with Lily (would keep up with what she was doing, when she was on vacation etc.)>Gave Lily a huge bouquet of flowers when they met (he has told her and his stream that he apparently thought that was what you gave friends) and didn't even give his girlfriend flowers until she requested specifically>Said his family is very richSomeone on twitter also claimed (with some degree of proof)…
>They were 18 and a mod in his discord, talked to him nearly everyday>He unmodded them and gaslighted them for defending one of their friends who was harassed by someone in the server>Victim blamed the girl who got harassed>One of their friends told them that he (Sykkuno) was being touchy with one of their friends who was 18 at the time (this happened in 2019)Social Media Links:
Youtube - - - - - No. 1232103
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No. 1232105
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No. 1232111
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No. 1232114
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No. 1232120
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No. 1232122
>>1232115 i saw that people wanted a separate thread for Sykkuno
also, a 27 year old being touchy with someone who just turned legal is weird (at least to me)
No. 1232123
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No. 1232128
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No. 1232132
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No. 1232136
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No. 1232143
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No. 1232144
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No. 1232145
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No. 1232148
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No. 1232150
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No. 1232153
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Tweet from the person who claims to be an old sykkuno mod
No. 1232155
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No. 1232170
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No. 1241582
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>>1232631ok femcel
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holy shit lmao
No. 1247956
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>>1242197This photo is even worse
No. 1255687
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Not really milk, but lilypichu (this is her alt account) exposed sykkuno for actually being 30 when everyone thought he just turned 29 last week.
No. 1255714
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I think some of us. Feel as if he's just a male lilypichu but he could be worse if there was more milk to the allegations, the way he plays the cute little femboy but without Photoshop or make up looking terrible or a catfish in real life.
It seems like he's using one of those face filters to hide the imperfections. It even looks like he's wearing a fake hair piece for his birthday celebration.
No. 1256134
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>>1256098Shes really stopped caring after Michael showed up. Hope he breaks up with her hag ass once he grows up
No. 1256204
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Crossposting from the CH thread. The way he quickly covers up his face as the camera pans to him
No. 1283781
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Sage for no milk but I'm dying at the fact that his linked business email is supposedly signed up for Pornhub. So innocent uwu.
No. 1312936
>>1312923how has anything
>>1312887 wrote lead you to
>an innocent cinnamon rollabsolute brain rot
No. 1317069
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I cant believe his fans think of him as cute and I’m not sure how they see him when he and toast are the ugliest peoples I’ve ever seen
No. 1323544
>>1322837Because he knows they're his meal ticket.
Here's Sykkuno pushing the BS, 'I've never had a real gf/it was only an online relationship' line. He mentions GTA RP so it's a recent clip. I get streamers wanting to keep their relationships private, but straight up lying is really weird. He also must know it encourages
toxic behavior from his fans and constant shipping whenever he interacts with any female streamers.
No. 1323564
>>13127481. Criticism: 'Scarra, a member of OTV, sat down Sykkuno and told him everything he disliked about him and said Sykkuno handled everything well. Toast even hated him but now calls him someone who understands him.'
I wouldn't rely on anything Scarra, Toast, or anyone from OTV or any other people he collabs with says. You think any of them are going to publically talk shit about him, especially now that he's as big as he is? He also has Lily's backing. That's also assuming they know about all the receipts. There's a clip of Toast praising Arcadum, and look what happened with that creep.
2. 'Telling off chat: I agree to some degree. He avoids drama. But many other streamers who aren't friends with him expressed he would apologize offstream. His mods are quick to deal with hate comments.'
Maybe he's improved, but I remember being in his chat a long time ago when somebody just made the comment about him streaming at a different time than normal. Sykkuno went off on the guy for a few minutes, going on about how he didn't like it 'that people think they know me' I also suggest you look up 'Sykkuno Roasts JadeyAnh' and tell me that's not some incel shit. I've also heard accusations of gaslighting from others. If he's cleaned up his chat and his behavior, great, but he did do that shit in the beginning.
3. 'Acting Poor: He never acted poor? Personally, what he sounds like was a college student. He said he isn't poor but also not rich and is stingy because he grew up poor/frugal. Clearly his parents are wealthy currently, but who is to say they once weren't?'
The water-bill, frozen burrito, and 'girls aren't into me' are now spun as memes, but they were straight up sympathy bait and a cash grab when he started out. Now he can't say with a straight face that he's poor or that girls aren't into him. Then, it was plausible. I forget the name of the town, but I'm pretty sure he grew up in a nice Bay Area suburb of SF. He also had a solid YT career before he started streaming, and had a Lexus for a while. Again, the whole 'poor' thing fits in with his 'girls aren't into me/my ex didn't really like me/it wasn't a real relationship', it's all designed to garner sympathy and donos/subs.
'Obviously I know jack shit about this dude, but just watching some of his streams can give you basic information. Basic research and watching a few streams gives you so much more than a biased hate page. NGL he's not my type of streamer, but I just hate false information.'
The false information is on his streams. There are receipts which contradict him. Again, don't go by what Toast, Scarra, Lily, or anybody who's his 'friend' says about him. Lily and Aria know he's talked shit about them and they still act like he's their friend. Streaming's a business; they're not going to expose him unless the stuff was serious enough. Remember, Arcadum was doing his creep shit for years before he got nuked. I bet the same was the case for Fed as well. His 'friends' are either unaware that Sykkuno's a shitbag or they don't care because views.
No. 1333849
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>>1333661His entire personality is fake and manufactured. You would have to be an idiot to believe otherwise.
No. 1346275 that streaming is difficult due to “unstable” income, he says on YT he is making 10x less than he used to during Among Us days.
Poor guy, he’s only the 28th highest earning streamer.
No. 1621081
>>1618105From what I see of sykkuno, it just feels like he is much more manipulative and cunning than he appears on stream (I watch OTV a lot). The guy is a multi-millionaire, 30+ year old, has a master's degree, and yet plays an image of a 16 year old uwu boy, talks about how girls don't like him (even when there's crowds of girls at every fan meet), and talks about his "water bill" (guy is a multi-millionaire), etc. It feels like the image is designed to appeal and get sympathy from certain fans, etc.
Maybe he hasn't done anything bad, but I definitely think there's more to this guy then just the "nice guy" image he puts on. Only time will tell.
No. 1621668
>>1618105Look, unless you believe the park-bench allegations, Sykkuno is just a manipulative liar and douche who threw his ex under the bus to farm pity/donos, fostered a
toxic chat early on through gaslighting and brigading, and who spread rumors/lies about his 'friends '. No receipts point to him being anything more than a tool.
No. 1919290
>Fr it just seems like scorned fans realizing simping for some retard isn’t going to lead to a relationshipIt's also people who just recently realised that sites like this exist and are grateful that they aren't alone in thinking he's fake. He IS fake. It's a relief.
He reminds me of another uwu nice guy streamer who was also openly a prick in the past. (Actually, a few of them. I'm making a list now. For personal use. Especially after the Bentellect thing.)
I guess it may not fit exactly, but it's useful. Some of us are bad at following our gut feeling, and these threads help a lot. And because uwu manipulators have a tight grip and the game do a lot of false flagging, there's nowhere to talk.
Just wanted you to know: it's useful.
(If I bumped the thread, sorry. I think I saged correctly)