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No. 1228607

Uzileks, IG store bought cosplayer: is getting cancelled over Asian fishing, racism for saying the N-word online (no proof yet), allowing her boyfriend at the time to bully someone on her server for being Asian & lying about her extreme editing of her photos until proof came out which caused her to start admitting it.


Compiled evidence:

https://instagram.com/asianfish0es?igshid=l4ao860p7spr(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1228621

Where is the milk vendetta-chan?

No. 1228630

>(no proof yet)

No. 1228635

just checked her tiktok lol
doesnt she admit to changing her face with tape here? https://tinyurl.com/cbjx4ned

omegalul at the attempt at the uwu im baby voice at the start

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