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No. 1228101
>>1228071I'm not going to do a comprehensive write-up to make up for a shit OP, but Trisha is unstable as hell (despite keeping it together for a few months), they have had multiple huge fights on camera on their podcast that ended in her storming out. (The whole podcast is entertaining, but those two episodes are a good place to start for understanding the milk.) She's now engaged to Ethan's brother-in-law so they are very much a part of each other's lives.
There was a ton of drama around Moses and Trisha in the beginning of their relationship, she got physically violent with him in at least one instance (said later they were both pushing each other, but he had some pretty dark bruises). Moses was telling Trisha shady things about his family that Trisha would bring up to Hila (Ethan's wife, Moses's sister) and it would cause drama in their family. Trisha called Hila a cunt at one point. Moses was supposedly messaging other girls on Instagram, so Trisha had all of his passwords and was snooping every day. Just a ton of shit there.
But that's all water under the bridge now, apparently. The last few months have been relatively stable between everyone. Trisha will NOT stop saying stereotypically antisemitic stuff about Israeli/Jewish people, even when Ethan tells her how offensive she sounds. He picks on her weight a lot which is a known sore subject, and now he's starting to lose weight, and Trisha feels everything is a competition and is a very sore loser (watch their first trivia episode, still topkek at "we don't need gravity, we were fine before it was invented, who invented gravity")
Just knowing Trisha's capacity for dramatic meltdowns and Ethan's tendency to say insensitive shit, the whole show feels like a pressure cooker waiting to explode. The audience can feel it, just read the comments, and Trisha can feel it too. She always talks about wondering what "their downfall" will be.
TL;DR my shitty off-the-cuff summary: there's not very much fresh milk being made, but there was a TON last fall, and knowing these two personalities, I'm betting on one of three things: Trisha and Moses's relationship implodes, Trisha loses her shit at Ethan out of insecurity, or Ethan gets sick of Trisha's Jewish LARPing. Then there will be plenty more milk to come.
No. 1228193
>ive been wondering for a long time why no thread on this bunchif you provide some milk on this dumbasses instead of complaining about the mods then the thread would get somewhere. but no lets throw a tantrum instead.
if you know theyre worthy of a thread… share why, OP didnt and neither did you, thats why the thread is shit and its not the mods fault. OP just put links and nothing else and you arent contributing either to why they are cows, so… COPE
No. 1228450
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Does anyone else find Zach extremely creepy? He literally makes my skin crawl
No. 1228454
>>1228450His “joker brain” thing is kinda fun tho ngl. I get what you mean tho
On another note, the podcast is so much better when Ethan doesn’t go on his politics rants. Latest episode of frenemies was really good. The interaction Ethan had with Trisha’s family might also be good for him so he stops with his weird coomer commentary about Trisha’s onlyfans and porn. He really got to stop being so fixated about it.
No. 1228457
>>1228446here is the first one. the other one is episode 13, if you search "frenemies fight" on YouTube it'll show up in the first few videos. (delete/repost because I forgot to attach sorry)
>>1228451Zach, Dan, and AB are h3 employees who run tech stuff for the podcast like sound and hosting trivia and stuff. I don't know what their exact job titles are but they're usually on zoom call during h3 podcast. Moses and Dan sit behind the camera on frenemies. Trisha got super angry at AB for calling a sexual assault
victim a liar so he does not appear on frenemies anymore.
>>1228450he seems way less creepy than AB and Dan to me, but I also only learned of his existence like last week
No. 1228473
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>>1228463Redditors think that the Zach vs AB chair shit is a skit kek, as if Zach wasn't a creepy neurotic coomer to begin with
"Haha joke on y-you I was only pretending to be retarded"
No. 1228490
>>1228044hela looking exceptionally horsey, ethan with the drugged glazed eyes and surprisingly, trisha looks the least unhinged. probably because she's the only one not faking a smile.
also the teddy fresh wear looks quirky as fuck.
No. 1228492
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>>1228463Yeah he also strikes me as extremely misogynistic. His girlfriend is a porn star (picrel) and he brags about it, fuck knows what she sees in him
No. 1228494
>>1228492She's a porn star, she won't get a guy who isn't a creepy coomer cause a normal man isn't ok with his girlfriend whoring herself out for money. She made her bed, idk why you feel sorry for her.
Same with Belle Delphine, the only price you pay for the easy money that comes with selling butthole pictures for millions of dollars is that you have to deal with bottom of the barrel men being disgusting to you, but they chose that life.
Either way all the backseat guys are incredibly cringe and keep playing stupid soundclips during the podcast that NOBODY ASKED FOR and are disruptive as fuck. Idk why they are even allowed to talk. Fuck all of them.
No. 1228498
>>1228454ethan is likely a coomer, he barely hides it. i remember back in 2016ish how there was a “reading your comments” video where a fan asked them if they engaged in anal and i was in HS and thought it was out of the blue and creepy to ask. also his obsession with belle delphine is so gross and cringe. hila bleaching her hair then coloring it that pink gave me weird vibes, and the videos where she was wearing those cheap black cat ears put a weird ass taste in my mouth. i havent even watched them regularly since 2017 and used to love them, i hate them now but i like trisha because she gets under their skin.
i wouldnt be surprised if ethan and most if not all the guys working for him and creepy coomer men. i mean 90% of men seem to be total coomers even if they hide it well. ethan is the kind of guy who makes his wife feel kinda bad that he jerks off to porn and loves pornstars, doesn’t like it but she like a lot of women have been memed into thinking its normal or okay or
abusive of a woman to forbid it.
No. 1228502
>>1228499lmao i remember that. didnt he throw a fucking fit?
my favorite episode was when ethan got so fucking butthurt over trisha winning that trivia game. i like her because she gets at his ego really good. he is a grown man, yet such a sore loser in that episode.
No. 1228505
>>1228502Ethan also bragged about his English degree while he can't even read correctly. That's funny as fuck tho
>he is in prison for jail>xxxTenacious>Ghost of SushimiI also hate how much of a boomer he is and doesn't understand anything but tries so hard and jumps in trend bandwagons like with the fucking NFTs. I guess I'm the only person who likes Dan, thank god he's here to correct Ethan about everything
No. 1228513
>>1228494based. i dont even blame men for not wanting to date pornstars, I wouldn't want to either.
>>1228498the belle delphine stuff is why I'm convinced he's a coomer. there's one video where hila is literally begging him to stop playing one of belle's videos and he just wont stop. it's so fucking embarrassing. Especially because he's like double Belle's age.
>>1228508that's their fashion brands entire aesthetic lol
No. 1228514
>>1228502Yes he did, he throws pissy fit at everything though, so it's hard to keep track.
See how he reacts at 0:30 when he is cut off? It's so fucking annoying, he always does this pretentious eyebrow raising when he feels offended. He responds super aggressively to anything that doesn't go his way too. AB is chill and has more followers than him on every platforms despite being quite a new addition to the team.
People have been speculating that Zach lashing out on AB for stupid stuffs probably come from a place of jealousy and seeing how childish Zach is, I wouldn't be surprised if it's true
No. 1228576
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>>1228572he also moderates the h3h3 subreddit and deletes posts that are criticizing him. one of the posts was about a now deleted video he posted on his channel of him drunk driving and acting like a dickhead to people
No. 1228579
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>>1228576the video was deleted but there are some descriptions
No. 1228595
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>>1228581Ian is still there, he was in the last podcast. Personally I find him to be the most likeable of the tech crew. Dan is an insufferable yes man to Ethan
No. 1228609
>>1228513>where hila is literally begging him to stop playing one of belle's videos and he just wont stoplink to vid/episode?
gross and shitty. he is such an insufferable cunt, imagine being hila and dating a fat pompous idiot, trying for YEARS to have children, only for him to turn around once you had said child and obsess over a 20 year old. anyone with morals would know how fucking cruel it is to do that to the woman you married and dealt with the pain of birthing your child. i dont like hila either but i do feel like, ouch, for her over that occuring.
ethan never seemed creepy to me until she got pregnant, then suddenly he was like, "omg her tits are HUGE" and it put me off so fucking much, like that was an instant red flag for me.
No. 1228620
Tired of seeing people defending Hila as if she was a mentally disabled child, she's a grown ass woman
No. 1228624
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Teddy Fresh is ugly as shit and apparently has huge quality control issues. 60$ for a hoodie and people complain.
Ethan is so cringey when he talks about Hila being an amazing fashion designer… there is a reason why they had to use their youtube $$$ to create this fashion line, NO ONE would fund this if it wasn't youtuber merch lol
source: No. 1228634
>>1228555>>1228569I also am majorly creeped out by AB, I don't remember him blatantly trying to discredit any girls speaking out about David, but when Seth came forward with his story (being tricked into kissing Trisha's then-boyfriend without consent from Seth OR Trisha) that had multiple pieces of video evidence of it happening TWICE and him clearly not giving prior consent, AB just straight up called him a liar and said it wasn't true. Despite most of it being on camera. Like he had no explanation or reason for why he thought that, he just said "he's a liar" and laughed about it. Then later gave an apology with the shakiest anxiety voice because he knew he was so fucked.
He does seem like he's hiding some shitty views on women, and whether men can be sexually assaulted, and just yeah seems like a frat guy who would cover for his rapist buddies
>>1228583 in college
No. 1228655
>>1228624I'm not a fan of Ethan but I don't get why ppl say that Teddy Fresh is ugly. I feel like a lot of complaints have been from scrotes who wear cargo shorts every day.
Hasn't vibrant color blocked been in? Or is it out already? Personally I love stuff like bright/pastel colors so I always thought it looked fine. However yikes on that quality control. How hard could it be to properly make something as simple as this? Just shows that Ethan is really looking for that $$$
No. 1228658
>>1228622So what do you think keeps Moses from leaving Trish? And how long do you think its gonna last?
I think she's going hold on releasing the true trish until after the big wedding. After putting up with some of the shit with Jason, she can obviously deal with a lot. So even if there are issues with Moses, I think she cares more about having a youtube vid/tik toks of her getting married as some sort of revenge on her exes and people who said she could never keep a man.
I just cannot see them lasting longer than a couple years though before she manages to find something wrong with them.
No. 1228673
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>>1228655The color-block hoodies are cute, but the rest.. I mean… this shit looks like a chris-chan drawing.
No. 1228701
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I haven’t caught up to their podcast, have they ever addressed hila’s time in the Israeli army or which side they are on?
No. 1228726
>>1228704They lived in Israel, they vlogged in Israel, their families are in Israel, is it not a
valid question to want to know where they stand in the current conflict?
No. 1228729
So glad to see a Frenemies thread. It's nice that I can finally discuss the fucking madness. Everyone involved is a shit show lmaoo
>>1228704It was mandatory service but the Israeli military have a penchant for unusual cruelties. It would be interesting if anyone ever came foward about what Hila has participated in.
No. 1228734
>>1228726Israel's side, probably? I mean they are jews.
>>1228701Dude, even countries like Germany used to have mandatory military service until like 2011. It's not a big deal to anyone except woke twitter-fags.
>>1228729>OMG I can't wait until it is revealed Hila Klein has murdered a bunch of babiesCalm down, twitter-fag.
No. 1228737
>>1228595I remember there was an episode where Ethan snaps at Ian because he kept correcting him. Ethan scolds him live in the podcast. He tells Ian that he should be kissing his ass for giving him a job and that Ian would be fucking nothing without him.
>>1228622Agree. I just wish the OP had a summary because most of us stopped paying attention to H3 a while ago.
No. 1228739
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>>1228670I find their relationship fascinating because well…Moses never looks that into Trisha when he’s around her??? Also there’s something about the “quiet, nice guy” persona he has that makes me suspicious he’s using Trisha
No. 1228752
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>>1228742No, there are definitely people on this site who think she is a bad person for holding a gun in pictures.
No. 1228756
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>>1228655I rather wear cargo pants than pay $200+ for this abomination.
Also, Teddy Fresh is made in China…
No. 1228761
>>1228757lol, based
of course these woke jews would use someone like that to promote their brand.
(>>>/pol/) No. 1228805
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Too lazy to read the thread but, wanted to bitch about their shitty fucking "fan" animations being recommended to me constantly. They all looks like shit by souless animators and 100% bet they paid random ones who aren't even fans in hopes it'll get frenemies more views.
No. 1228863
>>1228742Tbh I doubt Hila and Moses are all that zionist themselves. They both moved here and out of israel for a reason. Most American jews are disapproving of israel's actions rn.
I would love to hear their take on it but if they're smart they won't publicly talk about it
No. 1228874
>>1228742if i've ever gotten a zionist vibe from them, it's probably because they were playing it up for a joke.
I can't imagine seriously thinking of those two as zionists..
No. 1228878
>>1228863They don't seem like zionists but they seem naive and biased in
>>1228749 The way they say the two different sides are "orthodox jews and terrorists" in the first few minutes is already weird when it's the Israeli army involved not just random orthodox jews and on the other side a lot of the deaths have been palestinian children and civilians not just extremist terrorists.
I don't blame Hila because she was brought up with Israeli media so it's probably hard to shake that naivety but Ethan just strikes me as someone who makes up his mind and then will never change it but he'll do his best to pretend he's the most educated on the subject.
No. 1228917
>>1228764I don't think she cares/knows enough to tweet about it, she usually only tweets about herself and people she hates. And if she speaks about it on the podcast it's gonna get cut out most likely. Ethan may have already explained how aggressively controversial this subject is to warn her to keep her mouth shut
>>1228817it was a collector's item, so it was probably pretty expensive, and he could have brought more stuff to her party. I don't think she expects over the top extravagance, because that was a personally thoughtful and very rare item. She said she tried so hard to find it but they sold out so quickly.
No. 1228946
>>1228930why are you wking so hard
If it's not that deep why do they constantly try and take down these pictures on the h3h3 reddit. Why aren't they bragging about it like they used to. Ethan used to be "haha look at my badass wife in the military. Haters better not post"
No. 1228965
>>1228450I've hated Zach ever since his virginity story. A girl got a crush on him during a cruise so he took advantage if her crush to fuck her then ignored/avoided her for the rest of the trip.
He was a cock head teen, grew into a cock head man child "adult", and I hope the devil uses his spine as a ladder into hell
No. 1229142
>>1228896Cause she had a fun time doing basic training with her friends. They also encourage young women to upload pictures of themselves because they use that to entice men to join.
Go back to twitter.
No. 1229245
>>1229240yup he has tourette's syndrome
>>1228805THIS. some are alright with the way they exagerate little movements etc but 99.99% of them that come up on my homepage are scuffed, traced 2010 flash era garbage lmao. also the tik tok account that got popular where they put frenemies clips over ACNH gameplay, the bar is on the floor for views these days
No. 1229315
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>>1229268Does anyone have the caps of Moses saying this? When this first came out I couldn't find him saying her pussy was stank anywhere and I'm dying to see what he said. I was only able to find the screenshot where he sends a someone a picture of his bruise and says she's calling him or something.
No. 1229319
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>>1229315Ok I'm dumb, I guess it comes up on google images like 4th photo.
No. 1229326
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>>1229323pt. 3.
Holy Shit. Saged for old milk, but wow. It's so weird seeing this side of Moses when he's toted as being the "perfect boyfriend" on the podcast and trisha's vlogs. Embarrassing.
No. 1229365
>>1229357She's afraid of being alone and constantly lovebombs him while also outing all their general drama, but it has slowed down since the proposal.
In the first episode of Frenemies Podcast she said that she got with Moses to fuck with Ethan and Hila and it was a 'joke' to fuck Hilas brother and infiltrate Ethan's family but it turned into something real.
No. 1229394
>>1229319There has been many speculations that Moses is on the spectrum, he said it himself on the podcast that he thinks he has asperger bc of his obsession with water, his smell sensitivity (can't handle even the smell of candles without sperging) and skin sensitivity (has trouble wearing certain fabric without sperging)
I have tism and I can't stand smells either, whether they are natural or not. Also if someone
triggers my tism enough by touching me, I get violent. I think him being autistic makes a lot of sense and explains his behavior but yes, it doesn't excuse it
No. 1229400
>>1229396BPD makes it hard to make boundaries with people, and most people with it have pretty low self esteem.
It's not that suprising that she's staying with someone that treats her like shit so that she can hold the image of "the perfect relationship". I'm just shocked that Moses hasn't pulled the plug either, but he's obviously a spineless pussy.
No. 1229415
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No. 1229419
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This is the image in
>>1229315 No. 1229420
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>>1229419This is a bruise of on Moses’s arm. See the window in the back?
No. 1229421
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>>1229420It’s the same window behind Moses in this photo.
No. 1229424
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This is a picture of the catfish. Apparently she posted a video explaining her side of the story, but she took it down.
No. 1229430
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Found another summary of what happened
No. 1229476
>>1229457Not saying Trisha is high value but she is obviously a vulnerable woman that was previously an addict. She may have been a shitty person but also a
victim and I can't help but feel a bit of compassion for her.
>>1229445 Sad but true.
No. 1229484
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Hila and Ethan both look weary in their latest live as they discuss how they are continuing to be sued by Triller after showing clips of Jake Pauls fight.
She seemed bothered to be included in the lawsuit since she was not present at the time but he reminded her it's "their company"
Ethan also announced they are going to have that tiktoker Bella Poarch and I can imagine that interview will be similar to the Belle Delphine one.
No. 1229516
>>1229476I mean I empathize with Trisha too, but let's not kid ourselves. She chose this live and I think it is partly because she thinks she is not worthy of true love. So she self sabotaged herself to the point where she will not find a man who will truly love her because she is just a complete mess nobody wants to clean up.
A lot of men want to play captain save-a-hoe aka Pretty Woman, but they expect the hoe to be a 10/10 and willing to give up the hoe-life forever. Trisha is not that.
No. 1229526
>>1229476It's incredible to me that people still fall for her
victim shtick. I know we're mostly all radfems on this site but she's a genuinely terrible human being and we don't have to be on her side just bc she is female. She's raging BPD and has zero friends (especially no female friends) for a reason.
No. 1229550
>>1229526True she continuously lies about everything and changes events when it suits her so she can get attention/be a
victim. Shes always been a troll playing up a dumb bimbo act so she can get away with saying offensive shit and that’s still happening to this day but she latches onto whatever gen z SJW Twitter woke trend so she doesn’t get hate for being ignorant. All you have to do is skim the top comments and you’ll see a lot of the new fans and they eat that shit up because they’re like 12 years old and “omg Trisha is they/them and has mental problems so let’s not judge her because she’s been through a lot”
No. 1229581
>>1229550 I also seriously hate this “ yaaaas queen omg !! “praising attitude towards trisha. She is genuinely an awful person and I cannot stand everyone acting so protective over her. She’s
abusive while also being fucking brain dead, or more irritatingly pretending to be brain dead. Like when she claimed not to know about the Holocaust but saying she read a lot of Jewish poetry…not knowing abt gravity…how are people falling for this schtick of hers. Also on the last podcast she said “if you’ stop worrying about making money, you’ll have money.” What a fuckimg privileged stupid thing to say ..and she kept saying this about money and how people shouldn’t worry about money , Ethan was clearly trying to restrain his thoughts lmao. Also episode one she brags about spending 80k on a fuckimg crocodile purse so evil Jesus
Sage for no contribution just me bitching into the void
No. 1229605
>>1229550This is why I sort of like Trisha in spite pf myself though. I know she’s trolling woth the they/them shit, the “I hear voices!” schtick, and its all so she can A) fuck over her ex boyfriend with a Gen Z personal army and B) get away with saying and doing offensive things still by using ‘mental illness’ and troonery as an ethics shield. She unlocked the code to continue being her ‘
problematic’ self in a world of cancellations. She is a shitty person and I wouldn’t be her friend (obviously no other woman is…) but she’s entertaining and I cannot WAIT for her to go off on h3h3. I think old Trisha fans understand she’s a grifter and a fun person to watch (like old reality tv stars) but her new fans expect her to be a “good person” like Gen Z tiktok sweethearts are.
No. 1229654
>>1229647Nice headcanon, maybe you should start posting on AO3 instead of figuratively shitting yourself out of your mouth.
Anyway, Ethan and Hila were circlejerking about how they can afford lawyers. It's hilarious how this kinda monkey brained beef can be milked into adsense and patreon and merch sales. Anyway unlike AB the meltdown isn't even funny or savage.
No. 1230331
>>1230096tbh keemstar is fucking scum and has it out for them so of course he'll bring it up when he can.
fuck keem and him saying you can't being orally raped bc ~just bite down~
No. 1230610
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>>1230036Ikr I saw Ethan on Instagram dancing around in his underwear looking bloated and stupid. Hila looked done. She’s really out grown him…
No. 1230733
>>1230620You all are reading way too much into their relationship. It's been a running joke since the start of h3h3 that Hila is way too good for Ethan. Like when they still had the joke of calling Hila Ethan's caretaker.
And everyone analyzing the way Hila looks "done with Ethan". That's just her demeanor. She's a low-energy person. You can also tell that Moses is similar. And they talked about it before that Hila and Moses are both like that despite their parents being very outgoing etc.
Personally, I think their marriage is going well for one already lasting quite many years. It's the small things where you can see that they are still going strong as a couple, little moments in their podcast where they show appreciation for each other. Plus, do you think they'd try so desperately for a second child if their marriage wouldn't go well? I feel like people here just really want their marriage to be bad for some weird reason.
No. 1231107
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>>1228734Ethan has weighed in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict in Twitter
No. 1231135
>>1230620Maybe she doesn't really love him and thats how she is able to stand him. I don't think any woman could be with a man who treats her that bad for so many years and lusts after barely legal sluts all day, unless she is just staying for the money. If she loved him she would be in a lot of pain.
Maybe she is asexual, she kind of gives off that vibe, but it could just be her total lack of personality.
Gotta say Ethan really lucked out tho finding a woman who is both out of his league and lets him disrespect her and treat her like shit.
Personally I hope she realizes that it is not that hard to slowly poison your husband and not get caught.
No. 1232254
>>1229647No, Hila is a doormat and and enabler. She seems to have basically given up on trying to rein her in and just passively agrees with what he's saying.
>>1230610How old is Ethan, again? It still astounds me how terrible he looks now, even compared to three years ago.
>>1231398Imagine admitting to this
No. 1232904
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No. 1232912
>>1232904Why are men allowed to post unflattering shit like this but women get ridiculed?
>Imagine being married to thatI don't find Hila particularly beautiful but she can do better personality and physically wise
No. 1232935
>>1228739>>1229420he is just lonely and autistic thats it.
Thats why he stayed with her after she beat him and forced herself on him.
And him talking to those catfishes was also a sign of him being lonely because he was venting to them about trisha instead of talking to his friends or family about it.
I read all those messages when the old account still existed and other than the sexual stuff it was basically just moses telling those catfishes how mentally unstable trisha is, that she is living in her own personal hell (wtf does that mean),that she hit him, and that she did horrible things to jason that he cant say, oh and he also compared her to miss piggy and himself to kermit..
>>1229436They're both a mess but moses has paid the majority for the house and is her house servant that does everything for her so lets not act like trisha isnt the one benefiting the most in this weird relationship.
No. 1233012
>>1232991Yeah but she spends most of her money on her 100k dollar purses weekly and whatever her current spending obsession is at the moment.
She says that lives paycheck to paycheck because she buys a lot of bougie shit that she never even uses and that she has bad credit.
She is also going to spend 500k for her wedding and is going to go on a hotel with Moses that charges 50k a night.
No. 1233016
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No. 1233019
>>1233016as her old fans who remember this shit age out of her demographic she keeps reeling in new 12-16 yr olds who don't know that she's a monster. she gets a pass for what would normally qualify as cancel-worthy unwokeness because she's "uwu mentally ill and a
victim" and now a they/them
i'm annoyed that she hasn't faded into obscurity and poverty the way she deserves
No. 1233025
>>1233019sometimes i wonder why i see people defending her but then i realize that they know nothing about her except for the episodes of frenemies they watch.
Its a shame that the owner of gurugossip went insane and banned alot of members and deleted alot of posts and threads because there was alot of information about her there and now its all gone and now the threads look weird there. So much receipts of downright disgusting horrorcow behavior is gone.
No. 1233030
>>1233016i got it from here, you can skip there to what timestamp you want. defending a pedo, 1:02 pedo tweets and shaming
victims No. 1233034
>>1233019Yeah for example people give a lot of shit to Gabbie Hanna then turn around and defend and excuse Trisha's behavior when they both deserve to get called out for being pieces of shit.
What is it about this cow that makes even the woke crowd give her a pass kek it's truly baffling.
No. 1233051
>>1233046there's barely any actual receipts about her there , the site is mostly dead and people barely post there.
Sad to say but now with gurugossip being destroyed trisha is now free to be the biggest hypocrite and horrowcow without ever being called out or having anything from her past being found out.
No. 1233459
>>1233442I feel like he is secretly attracted to Trisha and enjoys the attention she give him
Trisha is just as much as a coomer, we aren't forgetting how she would constantly beg Ethan to do onlyfans with her and then gaslight him when he says no or touch him without permission. She only stopped being weird around him recently.
No. 1233531
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>>1233527not her now throwing her rapist friend under the bus to save face when she has known about his accusations for a long time and was okay with that
She has also stayed silent about the demartino onlyfans scandal (and is still silent about that)
I hate fake woke people like her who only call out predators when its someone she hates or its to save face after being called out for associating with them.
Even her own fans are calling her out for this. (and its rare for her dumb fishies to call her out)
this bitch will either be a pig or a snake in her next life
No. 1233549
>>1233543considering she has sent him unsolicited pussy pics, made a OF video of her masturbating to a vid of him, constantly negged him about them doing a onlyfans and got angry when Ethan declined her advances to wrestle with her.
Now ask yourself that question again.
No. 1233568
>>1233556>>Why is Hila okay with them having a podcast together?because money and relevancy considering both h3h3 and Trisha have been on the decline and losing relevancy before this.
No. 1233588
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ot but I went to Trisha's Twitter to look for this
>>1233527 and got greeted with picrel
No. 1233604
>>1233599>>there are so many instances of him brushing off racism as not a big deal or justifying it if its against black or asian peopleEthan has always been highkey racist, lets not forget that he used to pander to alt-right white men only three years ago
>>Also its fucking annoying that he never allows trisha to speakMeh i disagree with this, they are both the same when it comes to NOT allowing the other to speak. Ethan has to walk around eggshells around trisha so lets not act like someone like Trasha is the better one in their shit podcast
No. 1233621
>>1233606Seth is literally best friends with Dom (the guy that raped those girl) That says enough.
Also people who watched the full prank kiss video said that Seth knew about the prank and even agreed to do a second prank kiss.
If he was really assaulted then why the fuck would he agree to do a second video?
Also he is just a loser with a vendetta that changed his story multiple times during the years when it comes to the vlog squad. First it was ''uu vlog squad racist let me leak revenge porn of erin being racist'' then it was him claiming the kissing prank video made him look gay and now its him claiming to be SA'd
No. 1233641
>>1233617Omg I remember this
Also when Ethan said that men want to “conquer” women
No. 1233699
>>1233664this is my last time bringing up race because i dont want to get banned but this is a BIG reason why i think people with openly racist pasts should not be forgiven or given 2nd chances. TOo many of these people are often revealed to be shitty people. Its like if you are racist then 9/10 you are probably misogynistic and maybe a pedo etc. No one is ever JUST racist especially if they are male. But people ignore the racism part becuase it doesnt affect them but then get shocked when its revealed the dude is a pedo or rape apologist. Like if a dude hates someone because their skin happens to be darker then it isnt far fetched to think they will hate you for having a vagina or have other depraved thoughts. But no one cares so these ugly fat chodes with legs get to get rich off of laughing at stereotypes of women and minorities and only get called out after they've made their millions and it no longer means anything because they have their forever simps.
*i accidentally deleted because im afraid to get banned but i really odnt want to racebait mods this is just something that i noticed and that keeps happening.
No. 1233778
>>1233699That's right, people should never be given second chances and someone who once said he changes the street when a group of black men walks his way is basically the same as a pedophile, probably.
You are retarded, please go back to twitter.
No. 1233807
>>1233778its because he has also said pedophilic shit too dumbass
you are retarded please go back to /pol/
No. 1233809
>>1233459I'm trying not to be mean but there isnt a nice way to say it so I'm just gonna be blunt:
Hila is a dead energy stick insect. Of course Ethan is attracted to Trisha. It doesn't matter that shes a nutcase because Trish is the opposite of Hila in every way. She has boobs, a big ass, and a "lively" personality. Any idiot coomer scrote is going to want to fuck Trisha after a while and even more so if they've been chained to a woman who looks and acts like a plastic Halloween skeleton
No. 1233819
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>>1233809Scrotes sure are entitled
No. 1233823
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>>1233809anon no…..Trisha looks like a obese dwarf with a mutilated body.
And she may be ''fun'' to be around with but any person after some time with her get their energy drained because all talks about is negativity.
Both of them aint shit but atleast Hila made a respectable business for herself without having to resort drama or porn.
No. 1233833
>>1233809I mean, who the fuck would have energy for this creature:
>>1233819? Maybe she'd be more thrilled in his presence if he put down the fork.
No. 1233870
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>>1233823this is before she gained even more weight,
anons do you suspect that trisha will reach 300lb by the end of this year because she seems to be going that route and moses seems like a feeder
No. 1233876
>>1228450Yeah he seems very much like a /b/ creep. He also cannot take a joke at his expense at all, and loves to be the centre of attention (hence the eating mayo shit and getting so pissy about AB's popularity). I also think the personality test thing was him trying to pick the most insane answers for the attention.
Anyway trisha rules and actually made me like ethan after I stopped watching them for having the shittiest people as guests on the show.
No. 1233879
>>1233809Nah, fat men especially are repulsed by fat women. Fat men are almost exclusively chasing super skinny or athletic chicks, they idolize what they themselves don't have. You will almost never see two fat people together unless they have met skinny and gotten fat over time.
Not saying he wouldn't fuck Trisha if he was drunk and single, men will fuck anything that has a hole, but I believe that he's not attracted to her.
Also lel that you think men are attracted to women with a good personality. Cute.
No. 1233922
>>1228616Pls. Trisha is the biggest narcissist/ abuser.
Hila is an angel compared to her.
I'm shocked Ethan chose to stay close to Trisha after she called his wife a cunt.
No. 1233944
>>1228805yes! This was the only good one I saw tbh. Reminds me of the midnight gospel.
The rest are cringe, wish they'd get off my recommended. No. 1234292
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>>1233809>who looks and acts like a plastic Halloween skeletonANON MY FUCKING SIDES
No. 1234387
>>1233704Was it because of Ethan's ethnicity? Trisha has a creepy fixation with Jewish men.
>>1233778I wouldn't say that Ethan is automatically a pedophile because he has made questionable comments about race either. However, he has defended pedophiles like Britbong and is a fan of pedo-baiter Belle Delphine. He is a degenerate coomer that views women as pieces of meat. He has made really gross content like his photos in diapers and tiktoks that look like he is eating shit out of an asshole. It wouldn't be surprised if we found out that he is flirting or exchanging nudes with underage girls.
>>1228622Does anyone know if the house is under the Moses' name only or does it belong to both of them?
No. 1234582
>>1234029Well there is difference between platforming a rapist and facilitating rape. False equivalencies do bot make a
valid argument. Adam22 is bottom of the barrel scum and his gf is gimp girl tier pickme., and associating with them gets ur hands dirty, but its not the same.
No. 1234608
>>1234602adam22 is not the first rapist or pedo she has platformed or sleept with see
>>1233030 for more, and she also had a fling with some pedo named Brandon Moudy in 2020
No. 1234613
>>1234582what? why tf would someone sleep with someone who is a known alleged rapist if she is so high and mighty and able to call out David. Im not even a david fan he is ugly and i have no idea what the appeal ever was. But don't sit here and tell me that someone making millions off of sucking an alleged rapists dick that you KNOW has allegations for rape out and make it seem like "it is what it is". I dont care if its the same or not you dont get to make millions off of a rapist but then get mad someone else is doing the same shit. Trisha doesnt stand for shit she only "stands" for things when it benefits her. I dont even like ugly ass jason and i laugh whenever she trashes him but this bitch is a psycho who abused him too and drove her fucking car in his home. Like his kids couldve been home. S She is nothing more than a self serving drug addicted fat cunt who got lucky because people enjoy trainwrecks.
>>1234608 EXACTLY ANON
No. 1234793
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ethan sperging over belle's spit again 10 mins into latest h3 podcast
No. 1234871
>>1234800Hila said it's because they both "respect her" for the "hustle" and she knows that Ethan doesn't think of Belle sexually.
Ethan will lovebomb her too when she says stuff like that. "That's because you're so smart and you get it Hila. Of course I don't see her sexually- that is so not my thing."
She's just sorta blue-pilled.
No. 1234998
Never underestimate the madonna-whore complex of pornsick men(most men).
They will lust after every women that is objectified and degraded in their eyes, her attractiveness is secondary because they view her as a flesh light. Men with model tier GF’s will seek uggo prostitutes because they can use their bodies with comfort without their own insecurities seeping in.
Literally men willing to fuck u is more of an insult then a flex. Unless u r literal deformed obese troglodyte , u would have no problems getting dick. Dick is worthless and extremely low in value.
No. 1235003
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>>1234747>>1234292Am I wrong though? At least the skeleton has the inherent charisma due to radiating fun Halloween energy. All Hila radiates is a thousand yard stare and the vague feeling that she has never had an orgasm
No. 1235026
>>1235003No, you're right. And the fact that Hila has bulging and empty fish eyes doesn't help.
People think she's super funny but it's mainly because her making basic jokes catch you off guard. Same when she got mad at Ethan because she thought he called her a bitch, ppl were like
>OMG HILA IS SO SAVAGEbut it was just surprising because it was so outside of her usual dead self
No. 1235081
>>1235076Exactly, trisha and david would be comparable if she was a porn producer who got girls drunk and made them have sex with known rapists. U all r delusional and hold women to a different standard. Most male pornstars r extreme degenerate
rapists, if u picked one randomly, there is a good chance that he is a sex offender. There many things to hate her for, and you all choose to act like supreme autists and WK.
(integrate) No. 1235085
>>1235079Yeah I agree, it's ironic that Ethan would call out 'Boys clubs' when you could count the amount of women he's had on the podcast as guests
on one hand and aside from Hila and their domestic staff no woman has ever contributed professionally to his work. I physically cannot listen to any of the other podcasts he does, because they are so overwhelmingly male. Plus most of the women he deems worthy of being on the show are porn stars which shows you were his coomer brain is at when it comes to viewing women.
No. 1235099
>>1235024>especially hila I would never see her as the pro porn career advocateHila is one of those feminists who has bought into the idea that the source of female empowerment is "sexual expression." It's the mainstream takes, and I'm personally exhausted by it. Porn gets lumped into that.
Super neolib girl boss view that doesn't recognize most sex workers are groomed, exploited, and trafficked.
No. 1235108
>>1235102They do indeed have a nanny for Theodore. Ethan talks about it in the episode where Trisha attacks him for leaving his kid with a nanny all the time (and claims that if she could have children she would want to spend as much time with them as possible).
>>1235085Yeah I went through their podcast guests after another anon commented about Ethan’s racism and noticed that the guests were overwhelmingly white men
No. 1235112
>>1235099But Ethan does know though. When they were discussing Trisha's prostitution past, Ethan asked her if she had a history of sexual abuse to choose that line of profession. Evidently, he knows that those women are exploited, but he doesn't give a fuck.
>>1235102You are not wrong. Here is the video mentioned by
>>1235108 No. 1235128
>>1235112Trisha's actually right. Children far less likely to be abused if they're with blood relatives.
Not saying that eliminates the possibilities for abuse and neglect entirely, but it helps. I wonder if something happened when she was younger that makes her especially sensitive to this subject.
No. 1235147
>>1233025Is that what happened? I was wondering what happened to gurugossip. The Trisha threads on there were full of soo much horrible shit she's done.
Once it all resurfaces, there's enough stuff to cancel her just like Shane Dawson was cancelled. She's just as bad as Shane.
No. 1235159
I kind of wish she'd slip up again and show her true nasty colours. But ever since the fiasco where she called Hila a cunt she's been on her best behaviour, making cringy instagram posts like "omg!! so proud of my girl boss sister in law for making teddy fresh!" ….Like how can you switch up so fast from calling her a cunt?
No. 1235161
>>1234793Why does he have this? Why does he keep this? WTF?!
Hila you need to fucking get it together and get some self-respect. Divorce this loser and take all of his shit.
That is unacceptable behavior.
No. 1235164
>>1235153 do>>1235159
>>1235159 Trisha isn't stupid though, she's knows a good cash cow when she see's one, why do you think she put up with Davids shit for long, she waited until things were completely wrecked with that lot before trashing them. She'll play nice with H3 until things are her relationship with Moses deteriorates
>>1235159>>1235159 No. 1235168
Realistically Moses will not be around for long. I'm aching with curiosity over what will happen when Moses shits the bed on this relationship
He's another plastic skeleton. His blogs with Trish are so dead on his end
No. 1235169
>>1234793The way he forced the whole crew to smell her spit………like come on bro. You could tell Dan was grossed out by his behaviour.
Death to all coomers
No. 1235178
>>1235160It makes the video in
>>1235112 worse in context. Trisha was just speaking from experience and Ethan was taking it too personally and twisting her words to make her look bad.
>>1235168At least Moses smiles and looks somewhat happy in Trisha's music videos. But even in skits, Hila has such a dead-pan expression and monotone voice. She is like Droopy.
No. 1235240
>>1235231Thats whats given her so much longevity she's always erred on the side of
problematic and brought in views from that so when its revealed she's a bad person most of her fans/viewers go 'yeah duh we know.'
But thats why frememies could be her downfall. For the first time ever shes built a platform and fanbase on being a 'good' person. So when she inevitably crashes and burns it might actually cause a fallout this time
No. 1235280
>>1235240Trisha is smarter than the people that try to orchestrate hate campaigns. She's been
problematic for years and she has a fanbase they just might not be as vocal. I know I like that she'll say stuff others are too scared to say. She'll be blunt or tongue in cheek about a lot of things. I don't get her relationships with Moses either and they're buying another property in the same neighbourhood, they're already hedging their losses if the relationship fails. Who knows what the future holds
No. 1235342
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why does her hair blend in with her skin (live now)
is this fashion?
No. 1235357
>>1235203I feel like that's her BPD-ass defense mechanism when she first encounters people. like, hypersexual and flirtatious behavior to gauge reactions. I noticed that over time as she seems to become more comfortable with him (or maybe more trusting of him?) these things have kind of stopped… Actually, when I think about it
more, during the past several weeks on Frenemies the sex jokes are always being prompted/goaded by Ethan. these days he's the one to bring up her onlyfans, for example.
you think he's subscribed? kek>>1235085ayrt, I tried to listen to the After Dark that I guess is airing now and how do are they gonna have like five fucking boys behind the scenes (whose groundbreaking and hot takes and cackles are indistinguishable), post up our favorite cardboard-cutout Hila and call themselves a pro-woman podcast
No. 1235360
>>1235280Smarter? This bitch lost all revelancy in 2020 and had to resort to doing actual porn while on xanax to make money.
Unfortunately the accident that is frenemies happened but there will be a time where she will be too old for even gen-z to support and that time is approaching fast.
Also what stuff does she say that people are too afraid to say..her putting a donut up her vag,her weaponizing
victims against people she hates,her changing her story's all the time, her calling out people for the same things she does….that's her saying what others are too afraid to say.
>>1235231How does she "own up" to her shit? I've followed her content for a long time and everytime she got called out for something she would either tell people to get over it, say a short sorry and roll her eyes or have a mental breakdown.
No. 1235463
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>>1235376in the h3h3 among us video she was wearing a pink wig, literally like belle. kind of around the same time they were sperging about belle i think. its pretty cringe and sad… No. 1235515
>>1235468it's the video where they're watching her "I'm back" video or whatever.
>>1235478who is projecting? Do you even understand what that means? Be retarded elsewhere.
No. 1235613
>>1235597That video is exactly what
>>1234871 says. Hila is on ShoeOnHead's level of dumb cuck.
No. 1235701
>>1235625A self-respecting women doesn't let her man publically disrespect her by lusting after sluts half her age. That is peak pick-me doormat behavior.
Moids will always be gross but you need to teach them to keep their gross thoughts about other women to themselves and not blurt them out infront of you or an audience of people.
Pick-me doormats keep using this logic of "oh you don't want your bf to jerk his dick to other women? You must be so insecure!" then they cry, seethe and cope cause their boyfriend jerks his dick to whore and talks about it openly. If you let your man do this you're not self-respecting, you're a cuck.
No. 1235847
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>>1235760they talk about fucking all the time because they're trying to have a second kid, Hila I think has been doing hormone treatments recently too to increase fertility
Speaking of TTC. Trisha has said that she KNOWS she
needs therapy before they have a kid, and yet every month she's still trying as hard as she can to get knocked up. It's fucking weird the way she talks about it, like it's all about the acquisition, and the work that goes into raising a child has barely crossed her mind. I seriously hope that Moses has had a secret vasectomy and is just lying to her about it. She would ruin any child's life unless she gets years of intensive treatment first, and probably still even then
No. 1235859
>>1235625The idea that women who don't like e-thottery must necessarily be insecure or jealous is scrote logic. You've been brainwashed.
Ofc Hila is entitled to her opinion. It's just a very blue-pilled one in that she assumes Ethan doesn't see Belle sexually. A more realistic "empowered" perspective would be:
"My husband is going to get a boner from a young girl taking her clothes off and giving him attention. But…
>…I don't care because it helps the success of our podcast with humorous content."OR
>…I don't care because this is all essentially fantasy as he has 0 chances with her."OR
>…I don't care because sex is not as important in our relationship at this point."OR
>…I don't care because I would leave him if he ever disrespected me enough to make a move.""He's not attracted to her" is self-delusion.
No. 1235888
>>1235859Honestly Ethan is extremely repulsive, I genuinely believe that Hila would rather he cooms to death than touch him, she doesn’t really care if he is attracted to her or not because that is irrelevant, she knows he is so repulsive that no women would want to genuinely fuck him.
>see this old video where they do a tinder experiment. how he is making himself uglier to be funny but it’s really because he can do process the rejection.
No. 1235903
>>1235893I think people are just bringing it up to say Hila's being Ethan's doormat.
A woman with more respect would understand this is a fact
>All scrotes are attracted to e-thots.And because of that, they would not condone their significant other publicly reciprocating attention a an e-thot. It's embarrassing.
No. 1235971
>>1235935>she’s just being really mature>she’s just remaining level headed>she’s not concerning herself with it>Hila is above getting involvedIs this what Hila also recites to herself to cope?
The truth is none of us know what’s really going on between them, but it still doesn’t make sense how people come up with this narrative. These sound like daily affirmations so she can be convinced that doormat behavior for her husband acting freakishly immature and inappropriate for years is tolerable.
No. 1236101
>>1236031Ethan did not make her famous, they did together.
In the earlier days of h3h3 hila basically did all of the editing, which anyone who watches them knows was a huge part of their comedic style.
No. 1236110
>>1236101I second this. I don't know why people always claim the man in a public relationship "made" the career for his female partner. That's a weird stance to take as if a woman's success is only ever thanks to their male partner. H3H3 has always been a team effort, even if Hila was less on camera at the start and even if Ethan is the more talkative one, she didn't work any less hard than he has. She doesn't have her success all thanks to him tf. And their audience isn't just there for Ethan, at least half of H3 fans are simps for Hila. And if someone wants to bring the argument that Hila couldn't have found success without Ethan I say, Ethan couldn't have found sucess without her either, and I'm 100% sure of that.
It's weird how many anons think Hila sticks around for Ethan because she owes him something or whatever. It's also weird how many people here think they know about what's going on in their relationship and that Hila must be repulsed by him or whatever. People here are projecting because they find Ethan repulsive so Hila must think so too.
No. 1236125
>>1235920>I highly doubt she would be bad to her kidsAs someone who was raised by two parents who suffered from BPD (much milder than Trisha's), I have two questions for you:
1. Have you ever been around someone with BPD during a time of severe crisis?
2. Would you, as a child, be capable of dealing with your caregiver smashing objects into walls in a rage when you get hurt/injured, putting you down/abusing you when they feel weak/inferior, not meeting your needs because they're too drunk/high/depressed to care for anyone, or playing the role of a parent/therapist whenever they can't handle life (i.e. most of the time) because they are too emotionally immature to realize how inappropriate it is to put so much responsibility onto a child?
3. If she can snap and chase Jason around with a knife, do you just assume that's where she draws the line?
It's honestly insane to hear someone claim that the risk of a severely mentally ill person who's chased their significant other around with a knife snapping and being
abusive towards their kid is low. If you haven't been around someone during their BPD episodes, it's incredibly hard to imagine the toll it takes on you (or how far they're capable of going during times of distress), but it's truly one of the worst environments to grow up in. It doesn't matter that she's rich, that child will grow up in hell unless she permanently changes, and change usually takes a long time. Do you think someone who sobered up JUST because they found someone is fit to be a parent?
No. 1236153
>>1235966But she said that she was sterile in a podcast with Ethan.
>>1235946Tbh I feel like Ethan and Hila only want kids for the same reason.
No. 1236205
>>1235028You expect Trisha to care about any of that shit?
>>1235079Wasn't the "competent woman" meant to be Hila?
>>1235089Zionists are scum.
>>1235160Why are you willing to believe a pathological liar?
No. 1236228
>>1236225How are you ok with all her lies and shitty/
abusive behaviour? I'm kind of a fan but since I read all the milk on her throughout the years I am shocked
No. 1236234
>>1236228What milk? She's upfront she has done drugs, had
toxic relationships, does porn etc etc etc. If Moses wants to air out their stuff and still stay with her that's on him. I'm close to Trisha age I wouldn't be looking to her as a role model or anything. I can choose to ignore her sex work and find her funny.
No. 1236246
>>1236236nayrt, but
>>1234031 is ironic considering that we are also talking about Trisha's low standards in men and how she would fuck a disgusting fat retard like Ethan.
No. 1236263
>>1236225I completely agree, trisha is not milky and never will be because she doesn’t hide behind a veneer of normalcy, all her dirty laundry has been aired by her, she has addressed most things she has done. Not to mention along with being extremely unstable she is also one of the greatest longest running trolls the internet had ever seen.
Hate her all you want, but denying that she wasn’t raped by or molested as a child, what makes you different than the average scrote, as if women being sexually assaulted is so out of the ordinary, and not a common thing most women endure.
No. 1236304
>>1236263I don't think all her stories about molestation and abuse are lies (she was absolutely taken advantage of by Anthony Michael Hall when she was young and honestly Roger Bart did her dirty too) but the teacher thing is a lie she made up to promote that "hot for teacher" video.
Its like when Robin Williams died and she put out that video implying that he was one of her escort clients (which is also a huge lie, she was never an upscale call girl).
No. 1236348
>>1236125BPDfag here and agree. There's no way Trisha is ready for the responsibility of a child. She wouldn't be a good mother even though I'm sure she WANTS to be a good mother. She's simply too emotionally unstable and her behavior hasn't improved to the point where she'd be able to handle motherhood. You can have good intentions but emotionally unstable is still emotionally unstable.
Her child would likely end up with psychological issues from inappropriate situations Trisha would inevitably expose them to: substance abuse, domestic violence and learning about sex and porn way too young from having a hypersexual mother (hello OnlyFans).
Trisha is funny and relatable at times but anyone with common sense can see she'd be a terrible mother.
No. 1236366
>>1236324Exactly, the problem with this thread is its treating trisha like the other cows, when in reality she is way to meta to be one. Her persona to an extent was curated to be mocked and when juxtaposed with her innate unstableness it’s difficult to decipher where she is trolling or not.
Whatever she did with jason or her other ex’s was countered by their own shittiness , I really don’t care, he has the dignity of a rotten cadaver of a sewer rat. David had treated him exponentially worse than Trisha but that never stopped him from sucking his dick. , honestly he is more deserving of a thread than trisha is.
Trisha is a supremely autistic and unstable but she is more transparent than probably any other Internet personalities.
No. 1236378
>>1236228nta but I share similar sentiments with the ayrt, and I don’t care about what she did anymore. There was a time (before j* and shane fall out) where a lot of people were becoming fans of her but weren’t aware of her past shitty takes and behavior and it was the opposite of how things are now. Then she and jason broke up and she started getting her dirty laundry brought to the forefront, and that’s when she became most entertaining imo. She’s not hiding her shit and is still trolling in the process, is still a hypocrite, etc. But she doesn’t have to have the history of a good person to be entertaining. She’s trashy and funny, that’s all. I don’t think anyone expects her to be a paradigm of justice and good morals.
>>1236366Is right.
>>1236324I wish she’d do the DID shit again.
No. 1236484
>>1236476>lol cow dot farm>weird flexew, kek
Also no one is sticking up for Joe Rogan, he's moron, but those two retards are genuinely offended by his 1 sec comment, they were both unnecessarily angry
No. 1236687
>>1236443They are not actually mad. Ethan alluded to this before but they are thriving whenever Joe Rogan gives them something to talk about. Rogan mentioning Hila in this clip was 100% the best thing that could happen to them. It's given them material to talk about the number one podcaster again for guaranteed views and make it look personal for some street cred. Just how when Joe Rogan made a comment about Trisha's looks before and Trisha absolutely enjoyed it.
Joe Rogan is an ape who thinks he is smart but exposes more and more how simple-minded he is, especially with the whole covid situation. I can't believe people are pointing their finger at Hila who was at an outdoor gathering with a mask on, instead of focusing on this dimwit calling her stupid for wearing a mask. Besides, this panedmic has been going for over a year. Do people really think Hila and Ethan never left the house during this entire time? It's not like they are out partying at superspreader events.
No. 1236735
>>1236687It's not for nothing that some countries have a curfew and make parties illegal whether the attendants get tested beforehand or not. For real tho, do rich people even realize that you can still have a social life during the pandemic without throwing or attending a party, or are they that retarded?
Shitting everyday on people going to parties and then proceeding to do the same is still hypocritical, tested & masked or not.
Ethan managed to turn his whole "podcast" into a Tea Spill brother channel, can't wait until Rogan mention them for more than 5 seconds so he can make a whole ass 2 hours podcast about it
No. 1236954
>>1236920Hila couldn't be into porn. She barely looks like she's into being hugged, let alone having sex
Can you imagine her having an orgasm? Pure plastic skeleton just totally still with empty eyes staring at the ceiling. I wonder what makes her horny
No. 1237329
Have they ever discussed their sex life on a podcast or anything?
>>1237242Holy shit, did she? That must be why Ethan seems to be on some kind of (failied) on and off diet. He mentions it sometimes but never actually seems to lose weight
No. 1237335
>>1237005Nta, but I'm pretty sure they just meant that
>>1236920 saying "But I don't get the impression that Hila is into porn" is unnecessary considering Hila is so obviously a non sexual person. It's like saying the sky is blue or a tomato is a vegetable. We already know Hila isn't into porn or any kind of heavily sexualized things because has outright stated that she values things like modesty, self respect, and doesn't like touch/hugging from people. Chill with the scrote hunting
No. 1237344
>>1236954sex repulsed or not, Hila is a robot. I recall when ethan described her birth experience, and how NONE of the hospital staff could believe it was her first birth considering how little reaction she was having to the whole thing. she just sat there, blankly staring at everyone, not reacting to contractions or anything going on around her.
never mind the sex or arousal talk, what kind of mother is she? she seems like she can't be silly or warm at all. i know plenty of stoic women raise their kids fine, plenty of type a cold women raise their kids decently but damn, what must it be like to grow up and live with an actual robot? her vacant soulless eyes really kill me.
No. 1237363
>>1237344Reaching a bit there to the point of cringe. We get you don't like Hila but let's not go as far as to say she's an awful mother because of her personality on screen.
If anything, Hila and Ethan can balance each other pretty well with the kid if you want to talk about being silly around the child.
No. 1237483
I did consider that Hila could be autistic. Does her childbirth experience line up with any autistic mothers? Assuming Ethan isn't bullshitting, not responding to pain at all is REALLY strange
>>1237481Girl, listen, until the day I see tomato flavoured starburst candy or ketchup flavoured chapstick in between the cherry and pear flavours, I will not accept tomatoes as a fruit
No. 1237532
>>1237523That was on a recent one of their uploads and I think satire is lost on some anons. Ethan basically said because of his weight Hila goes on top and Trisha got
triggered because Moses made a comment that their sex was just OK because Trisha is basically immovable.
No. 1237546
>>1237515How is it possible to be so based anon?
Really not bragging about how much you like to get kicked in the face while having sex or sharing the details of your sex life does not mean you are sex repulsed it just means you haven’t been coombrained yet.
Sex-pozzy culture is zoomer cancer and girls will always suffer accommodating degenerate fantasies.
No. 1238343
>>1238307Yes she is. Prime exemple is Moses complaining about the way her vagina smells, which is a pretty autistic remark in the first place. If master sperg Moses can't even stand the smell of scented candles, you can't expect him to not be
triggered if he smells your pussy
No. 1238408
>>1238307It’s funny you say that though, because Moses is her biggest enabler. He feeds her, buys her gifts so she’s doesn’t throw a fit, takes care of their house, does whatever videos she wants. She has him wrapped around her finger. And you can tell he does what she says because he’s scared to
trigger her, or get beaten up by her again …
No. 1238423
>>1238307He already made a bunch of blunt comments about her when he was messaging the catfish (about their sex life, her overeating and the fact that Trisha makes life hell for herself) which was enough to
trigger and go on about it for months on the podcast. An autist is not a good match for “walking on eggshells” BPD
No. 1238700
>>1228044>master sperg MosesKek
>>1238343>>1238423I'll be honest I don't know how someone as sensitive as Trisha can stand being with someone who is willing to tell people she is only ok at sex and that her pussy is bad. How does she fuck him knowing this?
No. 1239604
>>1239440Ethan was sent to Israel by a Zionist organization called Birthright. They send jewish American young adults to connect with their roots and hook-up with other jewish single people in Israel. They disclosed this in the Holocaust Museum video where they talk about how they met. In the same video, Ethan also tells us how he proposed to Hila:
He placed the ring inside a box of baby wipes. Then he asked Hila to bring him the baby wipes while he was shitting in the bathroom.
No. 1239622
>>1239601A few months ago Trisha pulled her car over on the side of the road and made Moses take a picture of her anus. So, two things happened:
One is that her butt hole had toiled paper crumbs clinging to her anus folds. Uploaded it to Twitter as an OnlyFans promotion thus sending the entire website into an usumaki style descent in to madness but instead of spirals there was cute trishas asshole everywhere
The other thing is that I realised master sperg Moses really is a snake. Who sees their girlfriend have crumbs and just DOESN'T say anything? Snake snake ssssss
No. 1239634
>>1239619That was debated.
Trisha has never done anything like that prior. It's TRUE that shes crazy but shes been a sex worker and porn actor for years, she doesn't make Lillee Jean level mistakes like that. She has the experience to know that pornstars can't have dirty butt crumbs.
I actually seen people tinfoil that Moses did notice but didn't day anything to purposefully humiliate her. Imo hes just a dirty scrote who didn't realise butt crumbs are a deterrent
No. 1239867
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>>1239824From the H3 reddit
No. 1240001
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>>1239738Agreed, I think she had to know. Probably even thought it was funny or knew it would stir up some attention..
No. 1240053
>>1239604FUCK I forgot about this lmao!
He was pretending to take a shit in the bathroom and asked Hila to open the baby wipes and she opened the package and said “what is this?”
He did say that afterwards he proposed in a better way because that was awful
No. 1240055
>>1239993Oh my god disgusting.
This makes so much sense for Ethan. I had to break up with a bf for being pornsick when I was in college. He talked about how he caught his dad sneaking into his room to watch porn on his computer growing up.
Men definitely pass along this behavior.
Also it's crazy looking at how ugly Ethan turned out because you can tell his parents were attractive when they were younger. His mom is still beautiful too.
No. 1240109
>>1240055Ethan is the Homer Simpson of the internet, the epitome of "let yourself go" like something about Youtubers makes them be as low effort and disgusting as possible, and apparently the more disgusting they are the bigger their audience grows.
Ironic he used to shit on overweight women and clout chasers and his life is now embroiled with Trisha's.
No. 1240124
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>>1240055Hila looks like Ethan’s mom. Creeps me out
No. 1240375
>>1240360Think she's workshopping a new persona, schizophrenic bimbo. Also why the fuck is it so hard to find these toilet paper asshole pictures? I don't want to look that hard but I also want to see.
>>1240124yeah this IS creepy. Oedipus calling…
No. 1240426
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Does Trisha’s Mom just permanently ride on the coat tails of Trisha’s wealth or what? I know Trisha has spoken about her mother being an alcoholic, neglectful and bringing abusive men into her childhood. Now her Mom seems to come on every single expensive outing and is constantly round at Trisha’s place eating boujee food. Kind of sad.
No. 1240499
>>1240426Trisha has been open about her mom not being a very good parent, it seems she was that single working mom type who didn’t have the “energy” to cook or pay attention properly to her kid. But she’s also pretty defensive of her, like when Ethan joked once that Trisha’s mom giving her McDonalds for school lunch was abuse she got very upset and defended her mom hard.
I think it’s the type of relationship where she resents how badly she was taken care of but still loves her mom in spite of it.
No. 1240501
I’m not 100% on how legit this info is, but there’s some short bios of her parents on this website: her mom is a mess and got married/divorced 5 times. It seems Trisha’s dad was fairly smart and well off, but Trisha hated his new wife and he was also against her acting career so she likely lived with her mom for the most part because she didn’t care what Trisha did. Trisha’s mom like never had money though so I don’t know why Trisha’s dad didn’t financially support his kids more. It seems they had joint custody so I’m not sure he had to pay child support in that scenario?
No. 1240506
>>1240501Information on Trisha’s mom and overall shitty behavior has also been discussed pretty extensively on gurugossiper.
Her mom is a drunk.
No. 1240516
Trisha once stated on an early podcast appearance with H3h3; "I've been showing my boobs for money since I was 15". Is she talking out her ass or?
>>1240468Trisha seems to have a very tiny circle of genuine friends who make appearances on her Instagram sometimes. I always think of Shane tho
No. 1240843
>>1240426considering trisha hates or is jealous of other females her mom and her sister are the only females who she has been close to.
Also am i the only one that noticed that Kalli has better chemistry with Trishas boyfriends than trisha herself. Trisha must have been happu when she found out that Kalli hates moses (because moses said that Kalli was the one dildoing trisha in onlyfans videos)
No. 1240876
>>1240784She didn't really seem comfortable with it since it's so early and not a sure thing, but she did get confirmed pregnant by the end of the show though as her blood test came back.
Ethan did say he jumped the gun but he's excited and they announced Theodore early so he thinks it's fine but she didn't seem to enthused about talking about it at first but it worked out in the end.
No. 1241376
>>1241161i also find the fact that trisha makes moses do sibling roleplay with her to be disturbing, how is moses okay with it.
That man is such a loser simp i dont even feel sorry if trisha keeps on beating him.
No. 1241521
>>1241376They're both shit, they deserve eachother.
It's going to be real sad when Trisha does eventually get pregnant. I think she has the best intentions, and that is only going to make things more tragic when her instability perks up and she is deemed unfit. Also if moses is capable of shagging around then he is likely going to piss off with some other girl. A cheating scrotoid doesn't want family he was shagging.
If Trisha hopes to be a mum then I honestly think she will have to go cold turkey from the internet. She needs to go somewhere with a good support network with her really friends/family, and actually commit to treatment while being open to accepting help with her baby every once in a while
No. 1242045
>>1241984She has more than enough money to pay for IVF or if she can’t carry, surrogacy.
Hell Hila’s new baby is IVF
No. 1242662
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Oof no one looks like they're having fun tbh. Ethan just isn't funny enough to host a tour, especially since he seems to know little to nothing about the places they're driving by. His edgelord humor makes the video so painful
No. 1242775
>>1242718Honestly now i can understand why Ethan sold out himself to porky trisha paytas.
Ethan has become such a unlikeable boomer snoozefest, nothing that he says is funny or entertaining at all, he also focuses on one joke too much until it becomes repetitive especially on sex jokes.
Trisha's meltdowns are more entertaining compared to anything h3h3 put out in the recent 3 years.
And this coming from someone who hates trisha btw.
No. 1243330
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>>1242069Yung Lean quite literally birthed the “sad boys” trend with his music and clothing line you retard
No. 1243757
>>1243330Keking at you autists thinking a neo-emo birthed “sad boys”.
No one cares, her band is very clearly inspired MCR, she has said so several time.
Imagine posting his hideous merch to proce a point.
No. 1243795
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I’m sorry but I cringe every time Ethan tries to make a point of how “beautiful” Hila is.
She’s objectively not attractive.
Probably a normie. Her upper jaw is really fucked.
No. 1243804
>>1243795If anything he should do that more often. Men should call their wives beautiful and act like it.
Even better if he really believes it.
No. 1243811
>>1243757>>1242118You were wrong, sorry.
>height of tumblr>2007Painfully wrong
No. 1243836
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Trisha was just on frenemies talking to Ethan about their pregnancy. She said that her and Moses have been trying to get pregnant but it hasn’t worked. Plans to get fertility treatment after the wedding and talked about wanting 3 babies.
No. 1243952
>>1243795I mean…he loves her.
To him, she is beautiful.
No. 1244074
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>>1243795I think she can be quite pretty. Not enough men compliment their wife like that, most men do that boomer humor "I hate my ugly wife".
No. 1245020
>>1244120She shot herself in the foot with the ripping on Ethan for having a nanny. She is the exact type of person who would most require having some sort of nanny to help assist her and get the child away from her when she goes through her clockwork manic depressive episodes.
And she strikes me as someone who would choose her pride and reputation over doing what's best for the kid and not get a nanny to somehow show she was "right" in that argument with Ethan.
No. 1245195
>>1243795>objectively not attractiveWell, she's attractive to Ethan. Guess that bores a hole in your "objectivity" argument, huh.
>>1245151It won't be fun for Trisha if she can't ruin a real-life human being's life.
No. 1245305
>>1244074Sorry to add to the nitpick but I agree. She's pretty in an 'interesting' way and her big eyes looked striking with her dark hair in their old videos.
But the blonde/pink/art hoe things she's done with her hair is not it.
No. 1245325
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>>1245291She already has a dog. What if the baby inherits Moses’ autism and can’t outwardly express affection towards her? She’d lose it kek.
No. 1245388
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>>1245346still alive…taken 2 weeks ago
No. 1246331
>>1246088I feel bad for literally anyone who has 3+ babies at the same time, that's a fucking nightmare
Like I don't even mean giving birth/carrying that many, I mean think about having to take care of that many newborns at the same time
No. 1246660
>>1246331I feel sorry for Hila, being pregnant with one kid can be hard enough, twins or triplets is going to be rough unless she is extremely lucky.
Otherwise I don't feel bad for them at all. Twins/triplets is not a surprising outcome, and more importantly they have a shitload of money to hire all the help they could ever need. I doubt they work 80h/week and can never take care of the kids either.
No. 1246778
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>>1246736Hila has a naturally very skinny frame, so I wonder if they'll end up getting a reduction in fetuses. This was her with only 1 baby.
No. 1246927
>>1246778Hila is gorgeous on that photo. I remember the first pregnancy looked good on her and made her glow. Even in the last podcast, she was glowing too, pregnancies really make her beauty come out because she seems sincerely happy. She was way more talkative than usually too, you can tell how hyped she is about her pregnancy and how much she wants to talk about it.
I think having more kids was a great decision for them because I feel like being parents really changed Ethan and Hila for the better. I know Ethan isn't very popular on here but can you deny that he has at least matured a little since he became a dad? If you watch at his old stuff vs his current one, he's changed for the better, no doubt.
No. 1246930
>>1246919Men will fuck a chicken sandwich so….
She’s average
No. 1246985
>>1246831>>1246763I don't get why anons insist they have a dead bedroom and never want to touch each other and immediately jumped to IVF, when they've been so open about actively trying to conceive naturally for so long. like I only started listening to clips of the podcast occasionally in the last 6 months and even I know that Ethan would embarrass Hila, talking about how they'd spend every free day they had in the bedroom trying to conceive while their son was at his grandparents or whatever
it just comes off so weirdly bitter, like are you just talking out of your ass and haven't ever listened to them talk about their fertility struggles, or can you just not accept that they are a married couple trying to build a family
No. 1247022
>>1246985Anon, why are you even on a gossip site if you’re going to criticise farmers for speculating?
Also, Ethan has spoken a lot about receiving treatment for depression this last year, so it’s not a stretch to think that this might have impacted his sex life since anti-depressants can cause weight gain, impotence etc. Hell he recently mentioned that his weight gain has fucked with his self esteem and Hila has to be the one to “get on top” when it comes to it.
No. 1247121
>>1247022They're not criticising farmers they're asking if you watched their previous videos were they discuss they've been trying to conceive naturally, but it's ethan with the fertility issues. Tinfoil is all well and good but the cows have literally been open about this.
>>1246778She looks beautiful here. I think a lot of people fall for the myth women have to eat double when pregnant. Like fetuses are pretty small. You only need to increase your calories by a few hundreds and it's more about the nutrition. Like no point boasting about a big baby bump if it's most McDonald's you know? She looks like she carries pregnancy weight well. They've enough access to resources to even have a nutritionist. I'm sure they'll be very attentive to hila since they already know multiples is likely.
No. 1248446
>>1246778Not a hila stan and not a fan of her newer hairstyles but she looks properly pretty here
If she ends up with triplets, Godspeed to her body
No. 1249154
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>>1246055>by giving it to her sister who takes care of the dog wellSpeaking of….does anyone else get weird skinwalker vibes from Trisha's sister Kalli? All of Kalli's most popular Tiktoks have Moses in them and are making fun of Trisha, or are using Trisha Frenemies audio.
My prediction is this is all going to go down in flames when she and Moses mess around behind Trisha's back. They're both entirely reliant on Trisha, Moses has already shown himself to be sus, and imo Kalli's better looking than Trisha. Plus iirc this is the sister she did Onlyfans content with. Feels like only a matter of time.
No. 1249174
>>1249154>>1249159Cringe, but that's tiktok for ya.
The skinwalking tinhat is a stretch, since it just makes sense to capitalize off your more successful sister's numbers. Trisha used her sister for OF content, so it's fair game for it to go both ways. I don't think it has anything to do with wearing her skin. As for Moses potentially cheating with the sister? Could happen. He's an untrustworthy scrote but I'd just chalk that up to slimy one-upmanship between slutty sisters.
No. 1249180
>>1246068they probably are having twins thats common with ivf
its so weird tho that they are having twins so is the maranda sings girl wtf
No. 1249265
>>1249154 nah anon, you're reaching. i don't see kalli skinwalking her at all. they are just both your typical valley girl girls and them being sisters and best friends at the same time is bound to make them even more similar. i also don't see any malice in her onlyfans videos and don't read them as making fun of trisha. is she riding trisha's coattail a little? probably. as most every sibling of a more successful online personality would. as for moses, while idk if i'd trust him, i don't get the feeling from kalli that she'd be such an asshole and do something potentially life ruining to her sister.
on a whole other note, trisha and ethan fight on the coming frenemies episode again and it turns really ugly. but you didn't hear this from me.
No. 1249644
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Its happening, the stupid bus was the last straw lol
No. 1249689
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David Dobrik subreddit blaming trisha and H3 for Dom getting sponsored. So retarded lol
No. 1249693
>>1249682same. i'm going to hold my opinions until i see the frenemies episodes but i agree with a lot of her points so far like the fact that if the money situation was such an issue that frenemies should have been a totally separate thing from the h3 channel.
>>1249690this too. i'd have to guess the majority of the money going into ethan's pocket from members right now is because of trisha/frenemies.
No. 1249697
>>1249682Is someone able to give a tl:dr for this? I watched it and still don’t understand?
So in an unreleased episode on their patreon, Trisha was rude to someones girlfriend on the crew and now that crew member wants to quit? And now Trisha is mad that she doesnt have control over either crew?
No. 1249701
>>1249697Idk but I found this on reddit
>Trisha was kinda feeling meh because she said she didn’t have anyone to do her makeup for the ep. They were also talking mainly about Gabbie which probably upset her. Then moved on to some other quick topics, and then ordered domino’s pizza (the curse + ethan was uncle fester again LOL)about 1hr 30min in, Ethan wanted to do the email advice segment and she was saying how that’s a lazy idea, hates it, etc. And the convo somehow basically went to the money side and Trisha was talking about how Ethan gets an extra 5%
Ethan kept trying to explain how it’s for production of the show, and pointed out how they(him/other h3 crew) do everything and Trisha doesn’t really do anything.
Again, it was just her getting super upset at him because of that and him pointing out how she gets a generous deal since she gets 50% of memberships, frenemies money, etc. And she was saying how she was frustrated, but then said she wasn’t frustrated. Ethan also says he is tired of walking on eggshells with her, and I think(?) trisha made a comment that he was gaslighting her. Which really made her upset because she immediately wanted to stop.
And ended with her saying like “we need to stop now. this needs to end.” and telling Ethan that she didn’t want to get up and leave him just sitting there with pizza talking about it and it being a “meme” and stuff. So it ended very abruptly around the 1hr 30min mark. She was crying, it was awkward.. yeah.
No idea what the 'girlfriend' shit refers to tho, sorry
No. 1249705
>>1249697Last 10 minutes of frenemies there was a fight. Ethan talked over trisha wanting to talk about lgtbq stuff presumably for pride month. Ethan wanted to do a fan qna, trisha said it was lame. (It is. The worst part of rylands podcast is when they have fan questions as well as other podcasters when they ask their unfunny fans to participate). Ethan then said she doesn't do work for the podcast. Trisha states she comes prepared and then mentioned some stuff they (H3) do is recycled material or just not good.
Money is then brought up. Trisha asks for a break down of the productions costs. Ethan says she should be happy with 50% cut of member fees. Trisha states she doesn't feel like she has creative control for frenemies and her ideas get shot down.
Her video.on her own channel she apologises for how she stated some things but she does feel ostracized when working on mondays. The H3 crew are all close friends and she hasn't been allowed to use any people she's made productions with.
No. 1249713
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>>1249644A comment she left on the video
No. 1249714
>>1249710I agree
>I can tell from her video that she's not actually ready to give up on it.Maybe Ethan/Hila/the crew is tho. If I was going through the stress of having twins/triplets the last thing I'd want would be being around a neurotic sperg
No. 1249724
>>1249714>>1249713I have a feeling if this is true then it's going to be the downfall of their personal relationship and Trisha and Moses's relationship. if there's tension then it's going to carry over to their family, Trisha cannot separate work feelings and leave them at the door
also absolutely not surprising this is happening the week after the pregnancy announcement
No. 1249725
>>1249714honestly with the potential twins/triplets, I could see Ethan and Hila just deciding “just fuck it , let her go, maybe we can pick it up after the pregnancy” type thing.
which… is going to
trigger trisha.
Knowing how she is, this feels like typical “i fucked up and was wrong, and instead of facing it and dealing with the people i hurt, im going to try to put them in a situation where they need to fight for me until the original situation is forgotten about”
its manipulation and i dont buy the “trisha is growing!” bs. if h3 truly is done, trisha is gonna go full mania and start “exposing”
No. 1249740
>>1249730H3 crew sucks and they're audibly and visibly absent on frenemies apart from Dan. H3 has more than one channel and the crew gets a cut of everything. Trisha said she always thought frenemies was a 50/50 collaboration,but when the crew sucks ethans cock she feels an imbalance of control. She said she'd have loved it on her channel or she had people she wanted for the production. She doesn't want frenemies to be synonymous with the other h3 shows which is fair enough. She didn't sign on to be a h3 cast member
Kek, my side's, lolwtfbbq
No. 1249754
>>1249748Exactly. There's been a lot of times Trisha has had to correct and headdress some points they've completely missed in regards to sexual assualts. AB has come off as a
victim blamer a few times and said
problematic shit. And Trisha points out a lot of the H3 staff are all dating like the crew members gfs end up working for Ethan too. Imagine the workplace politics. Especially when so many clout chasers in the mix
No. 1249781
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No. 1249812
>>1249746Yeah, let her talk about the gays because she’s totally a gay man herself and has even slept with gay men! kek
I couldn’t watch that ep because I didn’t want to see a spicy straight person sperg about how much they love pride month
Honestly I hate that nobody in the crew or Ethan himself has ever called her out for her blatant homophobia, claiming she identifies as a gay man and all that retardation. Probably because they don’t want to get cancelled for “telling people how they should identify” what a shit show
No. 1249836
>>1249828What's with all the kek and topkek comments seems so tryhard. Ethan didn't start off great slagging her skincare. I don't think she was looking for excuses she just had a bad day. Her complaints are
valid. Ethan does reject a lot of her ideas. He also isn't great at de-escalating situations. What's the point of making someone admit they're upset or mad when it's obvious? No one needs a room read of how everybody is feeling, how about just listen to her and stop always assuming what the issue is
No. 1249839
>>1249814Where did I claim trans is real? My point was pretty much the opposite. Her trans identity is bullshit and her claim of being a gay man and having somehow slept with gay men is retarded and offensive, no different than a greasy fat guy saying he’s a lesbian and somehow slept with “lesbians”.
>>1249816I wish they actually gatekept shit that matters, instead of going along with everything to not get cancelled by trisha’s tiktok teenagers. Its obvious that Ethan has to watch every little thing he says because it will
trigger Trisha and/or Trisha will tell him “oh you can’t say that, I found out that’s wrong”
No. 1249845
>>1249840The context of the argument was Ethan insinuating Trisha does nothing towards the input of the show which is just not true.
She agreed to shoot frenemies at his house, not the new h3 studios. She said she would have paid the cost to set up frenemies stage and shooting but Ethan declined because of his own set up. And due to it all running thru Ethan he essentially gets to veto the ideas he doesn't want to do and Trisha indulges him. If he wants to run frenemies as an extension of h3 give Trisha the revenue she's entitled too from the other shows she has boosted ,otherwise let her have more creative control.
No. 1249857
>>1249845He didn't insinuate that though. He pays the crew and Trisha doesn't. The crew is who is making the show possible in the first place.
Trisha isn't on the other shows and has nothing to do with them. H3 had millions of followers already. I don't know how she thinks 45% of a show she ONLY HOSTS is unfair
No. 1249866
>>1249852Yeah I agree with that, this feels like more
valid criticism. Ethan doesn't put 100% into it and it shows I understand why Trisha would be frustrated with that, but for her to make it about how much money she makes is bizarre? Like it almost seems like she started a fight to get out of it which is some BPD mess shit
No. 1249869
>>1249857Ya he did. Then he had to apologise because he did reject some of her ideas and recycle content from his podcasts.
Trisha said in her video frenemies was suppose to be a 50/50 collaboration and she would have wanted it to be on her platform but Ethan insisted otherwise. She's also complained on the show about the h3 logo being the podcast logo before they changed it. Like she's complained a few times about how the show has been marketed as an h3 productions when Trisha has said she is more than happy to pay production costs too and have other people produce but Ethan rejects it.
So if he's not willing to let her do her own ideas on the "collab" and not so any of her ideas for vlogs she should get the revenue from the boost in views she brought to the channel. There's a reason Ethan agreed to membership fees and not adsense. You're retarded if you think the recent increase in views across all 3 podcasts is because AB has more of a handle on things or because Zach got better on his soundbites timing etc etc.
No. 1249892
>>1249836are you a newfag or do you just take things seriously at all times? no laughing at cows allowed? this is lolcow. lighten up
>>1249852>>1249875same, it's obvious that having Trisha is saving their channel and that's both why they don't want to split frenemies to its own channel, and why they need to do that now that she's refusing to continue until things change. I doubt Ethan wants to lose his cash cow but at the same time I could see him wanting a break from the stress to focus on his pregnant wife. which will piss Trisha off even more
No. 1249899
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>>1249883“Gender is fluid” jfc, please go back to Twitter.
Ethans most recent tweets, I assume he’s just going to sell them and give Trisha half the money or maybe 60/40 out of guilt. Considering they’re almost family now it’s concerning that most of this was not communicated privately
No. 1249908
>>1249905with all due respect anon, are you new to Trisha? This has been her thing for what, over a decade now
Plus I can't blame H3 for wanting people to see how it really went down as opposed to just getting Trish's story
No. 1249913
>>1249910oh this 100% isn't the end of frenemies, ethan will cuck to whatever trisha wants bc he doesnt wanna lose his cash cow & trisha can't live without the attention that the podcast has given her in the past year(?)
no matter how you spin it h3 & trisha need each other to not only fill their pockets but their egos/attention whoring
No. 1249917
>>1249911i mean as much as the h3 crew sucks i don't blame them for not wanting to deal with someone as mentally ill and retarded as trisha
i can totally picture her spewing abuse at them off camera and ethan turning a blind eye to it bc she makes them money
No. 1249920
>>1249917Oh those poor boys making absolute thousands from her and the worst she's done is call AB out for
victim shaming.
No. 1249929
>>1249927oh i agree fully.
i saw a youtube comment saying they wish they could see whatever contract the two of them drew up for frenemies and i would be curious too. she's the draw, ethan is just like a little sideshow with his cringe commentary and showing his bare gut all the time.
No. 1249970
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the tiktok zoomers are losing their minds on trisha’s most recent post from yesterday
No. 1249991
>>1249869Ethan has honestly always been a huge control freak when it comes to his shows, I remember when he’d have guests before he refused to let organic conversation happen and had an autistic questions list he wouldn’t budge from. I feel like part of the reason he won’t accept more from Trisha in terms if production, staff, and ideas is because he gets anxious about not having 100% control over the situation, which is also why he only hires Yes Men and dismisses Trisha’s topic so instantly because they aren’t a part of HIS plans.
Obviously Trisha shouldn’t be spurging out about the crew getting paid, she always goes way over the line with her issues, but I get being upset you’re the star of the show that garnered a lot bigger of an audience and you have almost no say IN the show.
No. 1249995
>>1249840The argument they had was completely something a normal team would discuss off the air in an actual meeting. They're milking their creative differences for money and I guess that kinda is their entire format. I'd say it's a lack of people skills but I think Ethan is well aware of what's happening. Trisha… idk. People insist she is self aware but imo it's more that she is merely aware that she attracts attention and attention is money. I don't think it's an act on her part. Feels like this time Ethan pushed her buttons to get a nice outburst, reinforces the Epic Pizza Curse memes.
The deal she has with him is more than fair anyway so the argument was extra retarded. Again, the stale content and reruns of topics is actually a
valid criticism and they should probably discuss that but not on air. It's all Ethan's calculated effort to milk the cow on air imo. If Ethan truly cares about Trisha as a friend then they need to re-negotiate their setup. Have a new set if you must, hire a team that Trisha has a stake in. The deal they have is already fine but Ethan does veto her ideas a bit and falls back on the "I pay for it" thing so… I do get Trisha's frustration.
>Trisha yapping about muh gaslighting for like 20 minutesTeaching mentally ill people lingo was a fucking mistake. Mfers go to therapy and think they are self aware
while having a meltdown.
>>1249899He should not be tweeting though it. He doesn't give a fuck. They're both just trying to see who comes out on top in the council of the fans. Trisha had a couple
valid things to say but the way she said it while shitting herself made her look really bad. Ethan ended up looknig reasonable even though he (imo) purposely didn't deescalate.
>>1249991I didn't know this cause I'm not an Ethan follower. Thanks for the info, control freak sounds about right.
No. 1250034
>>1249825I get that there are maybe some
valid points she made but bringing the crew/money shit into it while her obviously being filthy rich is no doubt just gonna make all the fans she made that are just h3 fans hate her now, it's an awful look
No. 1250045
>>1250034She was criticising some of the ideas the crew members have. Like even on the live shows that have fuck all to do with Trish, members on the live chat have been complaining about boring and over done bits. Sometimes they hit and sometimes they miss. Like I still don't understand what people are on about that she discredited the crew or was out of line. She kept asking about production value and Ethan made it about employee wages. He also did not drop the topic. And he also agreed to letting it be published in the video.
The H3 crew will be making well above their pay bracket, they're far more rich than the dumbasses that feel so bad for them lol
No. 1250081
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>>1250078100% this. He knew what he was doing.
Tinfoil time: he wore the outfit and insisted on pizza because he was planning on triggering her from the start. It's not only good for views but repeats that meltdown pattern they've established. Note how he was hostile and inappropriate about her commercial at the beginning even though he always plugs his own shit without issue normally. No. 1250085
>>1250078Exactly that added to the tension.
Also unrelated, but there's been a few podcasts, some odd the rails and live shows Dan and other crew members have had an attitude about the showing running in long. Yet that's never called out as being ungrateful, yet people in the live chat have commented on it as it happens.
No. 1250096
>>1250081>>1250084There's no way he'd want to
trigger a fight. Their episodes where they fought have less views than their usual ones, so they gain nothing from it.
No. 1250105
>>1250101I really don't think Trisha cares that they got pregnant. If anything it just shows how effective ivf is that it worked. If she marries Moses those children will be her family and it's pretty obvious she spoils members of her family. I don't think she would have any animosity towards her potential nieces and nephews. Probably the implication that she'd be
triggered gets to her more. She reads the comments and keeps up with what fans think. That's probably also why she was pissed with the title of the last episode.
No. 1250126
>>1249644Eh, she'll be back in a week.
>>1249714Hila, maybe.
Ethan, no. It's not like he's the one carrying the babies. And he still has time/the mental headspace to bitch about Keemstar every other episode.
No. 1250380
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It continues. I think this is probably going to escalate and Moses will probably be forced to make a choice.
No. 1250386
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>>1250383Forgot to sage my bad
No. 1250389
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No. 1250393
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>>1250386At this point I wish she’d shut the fuck up
No. 1250440
>>1250383hate both but wow serious ethan continues to play up his jewish stereotype.
Wasn't he the one blasting other creators for being unprofessional but here he is trying to make a business deal via text? I pray to god sponsors and youtube drop his deals one day and he hits rock bottom to build some fucking modesty.
No. 1250508
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No. 1250516
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>>1250489Honestly I think this is all fake drama to drum up views. Trishas oldest trick in the book.
No. 1250537
>>1250528Isn't Trisha supposed to be Ethan's friend? Wouldn't you want to discuss the big news with your friend? They named other Frennemies eps in more nonsensical and clickbaitish ways in the past, most of them revolving around Trisha, even though they dealt with the topic for like 5 minutes.
Having to constantly be careful around someone because you might '
trigger them' sounds tiring. BPD fags are the absolute worst
No. 1250571
>>1250512I think she sometimes likes the idea of it in a shallow way, e.g- making a mini her to show off in Insta posts and probably thinks it will cement her relationship even more but I agree, I don't think deep down she actually does.
That dog that Jason gave her she basically gave to her mother and sister and she wouldn't react well to not being the centre of attention.
No. 1250600
>>1250397After watching this and reading through some of the reddit comments it seems obvious to me the main reason Trisha is mad is that Ian's girlfriend Sam got hired when she wanted her sister to be hired instead.
I feel like she's lying about not knowing it was Sam's idea and first project she worked on, and wanted make Sam look bad so she can justify how her sister should have been hired instead.
Mix in jealously over Hila's pregnancy (her whole 'dont call it an announcement because it looks like youre announcing my pregnancy" rant was embarrassing and childish) and you got what happened on the last episode.
No. 1250602
>>1250600Nah I really don't think so. She's bringing up her sister to show the scale of nepotism with H3. 3 crew members gfs/wife now work there.
She was mad about the title of the frenemies video insinuating trisha is pregnant. It was clickbait and she's discussed she thinks she infertile so it's a bit fucked up in that respect. It's like people are wanting her to be
triggered over the birth of her potential nieces and nephews.
Fans complain live all the time when the crew or ethan do shit over used jokes but because Trisha said it, it's out of line? Even though they reject her ideas? Reckon Ians just worried the gf he got from purely just being on H3 might leave him and he'll be a virgin again. The men seem extremely insecure.
No. 1250604
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So the girlfriend didn’t even come up with the idea? Who has Ethan been begging trish to apologise to then and why is anyone on the crew even upset.
No. 1250605
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No. 1250614
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>>1250600Trisha didnt know whose idea it was and claims she was happy to have a female crew member added
No. 1250632
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>>1250628Think she’s on the very left with black hair
No. 1250633
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>>1250625I think this is her
No. 1250649
>>1250397imo the reason money comes up as an issue is because it's Ethan's main excuse and justification behind him being the one who "does all the work", and that's where trisha's frustration stems from. when ethan claims she does nothing to help the show yet she's actively suggesting things and saying she's up for even putting her own money into it (for camera men or w/e), but is then shot down as it's ethan who's the ~producer~ at the end of the day.
also the fact that ethan is this big boss, hiring fans of his to work for them is kinda weird lmao. no wonder she feels uncomfortable in these situations as it's the h3 crew vs her.
No. 1250664
>>1250548Astrology fag kys
No. 1250680
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Trisha finally admitting that theres something thats been overwhelming her and I’ll bet every penny I have that it’s the fact that Hila is having a multiple pregnancy and Trisha is having trouble getting pregnant.
If Trisha acts like this now, I really dont think that bringing an innocent child into the world is the best idea.
No. 1250683
>>1250678Ethan keeps
triggering her and no, not ideal but gimme a break. Ofc she could make decisions on topics, hiring people etc. Its not like she is dumb. Fr.
No. 1250686
>>1228044I am a Trish fan and I totally would understand and back Trisha if she wanted to move frenemies production away from h3 and into its own entity, but she should have approached Ethan privately and not on air. This was Ethans gig, she was invited on, and if its evolved beyond that now then cool, but its retarded of Trish to make out that the deal was previously raw for her when so many of her projects failed in the past purely because she was incapable of getting her own ideas off the ground.
This ep was doomed, you could tell she was gonna go south from the very beginning - the actual fight was so lame, it felt she was just hunting for anything to get a dig in about after being so
triggered by the Gabbie shit and not having her feelings over it validated. Ethan was useless in predicting her cues and glossed over the warning signs in her behaviour because hes generally moronic.
Been waiting for this meltdown since Hila announced her pregnancy, Trisha is like fucking clockwork.
No. 1250695
>>1250680i think this too i dont get why people don't think this!? the last time she got her period she was all upset and depressed and at the start of this episode she mentioned that she got her period. I dont care what anyone says Trisha is jealous. I am not giving her the benefit of the doubt because she has BPD no bitch the girl has always felt threatened by other women and is always in a one sided competition with them. Its really obvious.
But anyway i honestly hate how ethan always talks over trisha because her topics are literally 10x more interesting than his. I figured they were gonna break down soon anyway because of how fake nice to each other they were in the past couple of episodes. Ethan has absolutely horrible ideas and trisha is right about Q&As its stupid and overdone. Plus who tf wants advice from these two fucking idiots.
I also don't think its fair that trisha doesnt have a little bit of a say in segments but thats her fucking fault for not speaking up from jump. Instead she would always make these little jabs like "this is the one job where i dont have to be in control of everything i get to just show up" like why lie if you knew you always wanted a say. Ethan shouldve never said that she brings nothing to the show because it was rude as hell and i'd be offended too if i was trish. This shit is dumb and they have one more time to "break up" before i stop caring all together about these crazy rich white people and their petty "drama"
No. 1250723
>>1250680IDK maybe I am weird but I can't shake off the feeling that Trisha is jealous over the pregnancy but not just because she wants babies too, but because Hila is pregnant with Ethan's babies.
It's just a feeling but I think Trisha actually has some sort of complicated crush on Ethan. And I wouldn't even be surprised if it's mutual. Like sure, Ethan loves Hila and Trisha loves Moses and yet Trisha and Ethan both notice that they have different chemistry with each other than they do with their spouses, giving them something more "exciting". I don't think they'd ever act on it but I do believe they have somewhat of a weird mutual crush going on.
No. 1250728
>>1250528Nah I agree too, probably because we're both adults. Idc how excited about their new triplet swarm, it had nothing to do with Frenemies and he knows Trisha is barren. An adult would ordinarily know not to rub this kind of thing in. It's okay to want to share something exciting but one does not act the way he does around a woman he knows cannot have a child.
>>1250537 Trisha is an unreasonable person but the fertility thing is not one of those unreasonable things. You
are supposed to tiptoe around people with infertility.
>>1250554While I think they both suck creatively, Trisha should have been given more control. She brings up wanting a producer, that isn't herself, who just happens to not be on Ethan's payroll as part of his h3 crew. They should have uploaded the podcast episodes to both channels until it gained traction then moved it to a Frenemies channel instead of putting it on h3 in the first place. Get an accountant, get a producer. Split things properly. Trisha doesn't know how to manage money so she let Ethan drive, you can see that she is not that assertive on the matter in the texts that she shared. Not setting this podcast up on neutral ground was a huge red flag. Also agreed about their little frat house of a production.
As other anons have said, the fans actually do regularly complain about recycled content and Trisha was right. She is too much of a BPD retard to articulate her thoughts and to bring it up in a way that makes her not look unhinged but she's right.
>>1250670The only reason it's "Ethan's show" is because he purposely manipulated the situation to put the show on his channel, use his crew and set. It was meant to be a 50/50 effort creatively and that is not what Ethan's controlling ass steered it towards. He conned Trisha and he was able to because Trisha is literally too retarded to foresee how it would end up. She doesn't get business. A podcast can be co-managed by even a rock so she could have done it, not a matter of Ethan's know-how either. Anyone can make a podcast on YouTube. But the ownership thing went over her head, or maybe she felt like that was her only option at the time, couldn't demand better stakes. Some people are poor at negotiating equitable terms because they lack confidence, happens a lot.
>>1250677>Frenemies is popular cause of TrishaAnd this is the truth. The show is indistinguishable from his other 2 podcasts without Trisha. Trisha should have negotiated better terms but she didn't see what she was bringing to the table here. Ethan isn't even this extremely savvy guy, she's just that down on herself.
No. 1250756
>>1250751Does anyone still believe that it's an act on her part? Like the whole thing? I'm sure she's aware that it makes her money when she lets her mental damage take over on camera but there is no act imo. She is right about some stuff though, much like Azealia Banks is. Not every time, certainly still a dumbass psycho but she is sometimes correct. This tantrum was technically over nothing but clearly they've had friction about the ownership of the podcast for a while now, just boiled to the surface.
No. 1250794
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Trisha on twitter sharing more dms between her and Ethan, making it worse.
No. 1250797
>>1250794For fucks sake Trisha, shut up.
She’s repeating herself and going around in circles when about an hour ago she was saying how sorry she was. Which is it Trish?
No. 1250823
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>>1250816My Twitter didn’t refresh yet so i still got all the tweets. I got you
nonny No. 1250827
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she's still going. I'm capping all of them but they're really repetitive and don't say very much in terms of new milk so I won't post them all
No. 1250829
>>1250397Trish is business savvy, and in that respect, she was probably the smartest person on set.
Ethan and the crew did not understand or appreciate that about her. They clearly think she's a moron. She couldn't even get Ethan's permission to PAY someone professional to sit in the room of man-children and advocate for her ideas.
When she said, "I think this isn't for me," she knows that Ethan and his crew don't have what it takes. She has higher aspirations. With polish, structure and better direction, their podcast could have been on the level of Howard Stern's show.
Her time is better spent elsewhere.
No. 1250830
>>1250408are you kidding? it was incredibly rude and insulting for trisha to insinuate that the crew doesn't need the extra 5%. they are the ones who do all the work as a regular job, not just for 'fun money' that they immediately blow on pride birkins. at the end of the day ethan is running a business and it's completely understandable that he would defend his workers when they're being shit on by an entitled guest who does nothing except show up and collect 47%. trisha is not risking anything financially, but ethan is, which is why he has the final say on everything. trisha didn't put up any money to build the set nor did she risk her brand, in fact frenemies ended up rehabilitating her image. ethan pushed back because she was being extremely petty. she hated that ethan talked about the pregnancy and used it for a clickbait title, but most of the frenemies titles are about trisha, who does most of the talking in the episodes, usually about herself, her exes, her internet drama, her music videos, her skincare brand, her clothing brand… but ethan can't talk about a life-changing event that also involves trisha, since she will become the kids' aunt someday? given their struggles with fertility (which trisha should be sensitive to since she can relate) it was not only petty but even cruel.
imo this is all rooted in trisha's hatred and jealousy of hila, because hila is not only thin, married, successful and pregnant (and all without ever having to do sex work) but protected by ethan and the entire crew. trisha is protected by no one, not even moses, and treated like a joke by everyone. that was the root of their last blowout and this time is no different.
No. 1250831
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in the screenshots of them discussing their respective cuts from the frenemies money she calls Ethan "so Jewy" because she didn't (and still doesn't) understand how to speak about minorities so she posted the Wikipedia entry on antisemitism as her defense lmfao
No. 1250833
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>>1250825Idk anon it does seem like Ethan made it all about her upsetting the staff while according to Dan the staff had no problem filming. Either Ethan is exaggerating or Dan is downplaying but the narratives don't match up.
No. 1250839
>>1250830the crew are literally just a ragtag group of h3 fans that he slapped together though. it’s not like they’re actual professionals kek.
i get people hate trisha because she’s money hungry and crazy, but come on. she’s why the show is what it is.
No. 1250841
>>1250829Trisha generally is good at delegating but she overspends like mfer, you can't call that "business savvy" in good conscience. She couldn't even negotiate with Ethan on terms she thought was equitable enough, or future-proof. She isn't savvy don't delude yourself. She
is passionate and dedicated, though. And the main event of Frenemies. She had a good hand but blew it every step of the way.
No. 1250842
>>1250756Trisha is smart and has pretty good awareness. She's right about a lot of things.
But she has no self-regulation. Where most people could say, "I'll wait to discuss this when the show is over, and deliberate over the most sensitive way to do it," she can't hold her tongue once she's upset.
I can tell her therapists have done a great job helping her to raise her emotional-awareness and give her a framework to articulate her emotions. But she has made very little progress on the behavioral piece other than saying, "This is bothering me, I need to stop."
Most people don't want to work with someone like that. It makes her a loose cannon. Ethan could have smoothed over the situation by allowing her to hire a producer to be her advocate in the room, though.
No. 1250845
>>1250835I think so too. Also agree with the
nonnie who said Trisha might be upset of Hilas pregnancy. And maybe Trisha needs some attention for the new skin line thing? Team Trish too anyway
No. 1250846
>>1250841Maybe business savvy isn't the right word, but she definitely has vision. Which is more in line with passion and dedication.
I think she's also more aspirational than Ethan.
Ethan is fine with a boy's club where everyone fucks off as long as it funds Hila's triplets.
No. 1250851
>>1250678I get where you’re coming from, but it seems like Trish is mostly looking for more creative control and I can understand her being uncomfortable with not having moses or sister allowed to be on set and being alone in “Ethan’s World”
Trish does bring good ideas, and understands better than anyone how to bring in views/keep up with the drama - which is basically what the show was grounded in - drama.
So even though she’s a piss baby I can actually understand her frustrations here when Ethan just shuts her down and blames her bringing it up on her previous mental illness.
I dont think she’s looking for the type of responsibility that would require actual elbow grease.
No. 1250852
>>1250839Strong agree.
I listened to a clip recently where Dan kept playing the same sound clip over and over for at least 5 minutes. Nobody was laughing. Ethan made a comment, "You want to keep playing that sound Dan?" Then Dan kept doing it.
It's fine if Ethan wants to do his fans favors, but they need someone smart and professional in the room directing those people. And developing them so they actually have a future if this show fails too.
No. 1250865
>>1250859Yeah, it's so transparent that I feel bad for her at this point. While Ethan milks things like this, so does she so they're evenly matched there. I do think they were actually promising as friends. She's gone full BPD again. I've seen people say that she's conditioned by her previous friend groups to see everything as transactional and ephemeral, not as true bonds. I think a lot of her uncharitable interpretations of situations have been partially rooted in this idea of hers that everyone is like Shane/Jafar. She has been waiting for the impending doom of her relationship with people who will literally be her in-laws. She's trying to get out and self-preserve like before. It's sad to watch.
>>1250861>He probably didn't think it would go this far and thought something like "I'll do the uncle fester pizza curse fight thing again this week since there isn't enough internet drama to talk about"When I wrote the tinfoil my thought was exactly this. I don't think he intended to blow the show up completely, just craft some drama to get content out of it like they often do. If there isn't a YTer they can commentate on, they usually end up bickering for the content so this is par for the course.
No. 1250868
>>1250830> imo this is all rooted in trisha's hatred and jealousy of hilaAgreeeeeeeee!
She wants to be respected and treated the same way she sees Hila being treated, and from that that power that Hila yields. Except she really hasn’t done anything to actually earn their respect that makes people treat Hila so well. This probably compounded by Moses loving and respecting the life his sister has built.
No. 1250875
>>1250868Hmm I think with Trisha there is a general abundance of ambition that is hindered by her mental illnes and lack of skills. Even with all these obstacles she was able to find some way of monetizing what she
does have, that I think is something she should be able to appreciate about herself. She is extremely ambitious though and she'll always lose if she keeps comparing herself to others. Hila is in no way a high bar but she needs to drop it.
>>1250873Skinwalking a bit, for sure. I don't think the current drama is solely about jealousy but it's definitely just facets of her unfulfilled ambitions in general. She wants ownership in a creative empire like that of the Kleins.
No. 1250881
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>>1250870Extremely. He was acting extra callous that episode, started disrespectful and kept winding her up. The multiple pizza curse mentions sealed it for me, he meant to piss her off. Blew up in his face though because it went too far. Perhaps he just can't accept that while Trisha is cool with milking drama, she is also not stable enough to "be in on" the setup. She thinks it's all life or death, all against her.
No. 1250914
>>1250907i just don’t buy it idk i think this is just some kind of manic episode in response to whatever fucking
triggered her to this degree
No. 1250928
>>1250907exactly you guys think this bitch cares if H3 fans are mass downvoting her vids and trashing her in the comments? (well she probably partially cares) do you know how much money she is going to make crying and providing "receipts" for this stupid asss meltdown that didnt even need to happen like that? She even mentioned how during the shane fallout and that hair stylist video she got so much traction to her channel. And those were "
triggering" events in her life. You guys give trisha too much credit. She is a horrible shell of a human being who lives off money and grease. Im pretty sure she even mentioned on the episode that she has a music video coming out soon.
Maybe a lot of you guys are new to trisha but ive been watching her trainwreck of a channel since at least 2015 and i remember her milking the sean drama rehashing old beef etc and then uploading a new MV like 3 days later. Trisha is not new to this she's true to this. You guys need to read her gurugossip thread and stop coddling this dumb mentally unstable rich bitch. She makes her own bed and now she has to lay in it.
Ethan is disgusting piece of shit too and he is unfunny and has horrible ideas, treats his coworkers like his personal slave and licks his own ass but idk enough about him to comment further because i only watched h3 for frenemies because i miss yt drama. But trisha was always sowing the seed that ethan was a greeedy money hungry "jew" since the show started. I think within like the first few episodes she mentioned how she wasnt getting 50/50. She definitely is anti Semitic as fuck and harbors gross views of anyone who isnt a white christian/catholic. You guys need to get a reality check and see through this clear manic bullshit. Trisha will never stop having breakdowns and fall outs because breakdowns and fallouts are the only time her channel gets a lot of views.
No. 1250951
>She called her a bitch and has talked bad about anon, youre literally describing how a jealous person acts towards someone they are jealous of.
>I don't think there's anything she envys or hers.Yeah Trish’s sudden desire to also start a clothing line and sudden obsession with being a mother must have came from nowhere. Get a grip.
No. 1250957
>>1250951Lol youtubers sell merch and with trisha being exposed to the channels of how Teddy fresh got made of course she'd think about it too. There's literally hundreds of youtubers with their own "lines".
I just don't think Trisha is specifically jealous of Hila. Like Hila is weird. Her and Trisha are not similar so I don't think Trisha would ever look at Hila and be like "I want to emulate what she does." trisha very much still has her style. Her sad boy shit is like an emo avenue, she's almost just doing a character. Like she's an entertainer.
She spoke about fertility issues well before H3. It was brought up a lot when she was with Jason. It honestly feels like people have been wanting trisha to be
triggered by Hilas pregnancy. Ethan was insensitive with the title. Like they both read their yt comments and the subreddits and tweets, so you think Trisha is oblivious to people saying she'll be jealous and act up for it. It's like it's been manifested.
I really don't think Trisha wants to be like Hila. She might want a family some day but so do most women.
No. 1250964
>>1250944open your eyes anon. hila is everything trisha is not. hila is thin without trying, hates food and struggles to gain weight. she got rich and youtube famous without doing anything sexual, degrading, or humiliating. she is not only married but happily married for nearly ten years. teddy fresh is a successful brand that celebrities wear and the drops sell out in minutes, and hila is the sole CEO and lead designer. she has a child despite struggling with infertility, and now two or three more children are on the way. hila has a boring asexual acerbic personality and barely has to do anything to get people to like her. people lost their minds when hila dyed her hair lol. trisha is the queen of personality, costumes, shock and awe, and at least 50% of the internet at any given time hates her or is disgusted by her. if you agree that trish has a crush or sexual tension with ethan, then the jealousy becomes yet even more pronounced. my personal tinfoil is that trisha fucked moses just so she could become inseminated with hila's dna and get even closer to her, kek
No. 1250967
>>1250964Why would trisha want to hate food? Who cares if Hila is thin. Trisha has never came across like she struggles to be perceived as attractive to others. She has her own issues in her relationships and she has spoken for a number of years that she wants kids, as most women in their early 30s start talking. Moses proposed to her and that's when she started talking about family. Sort of a natural reaction after being proposed to by your 40+ year old boyfriend.
Winder how the shares for H3 and Teddy Fresh are with Ethan being a terrible unprofessional boss and losing his main cash cow.
No. 1250971
>>1250969Never claimed it to be skinwalking
nonnie, just correcting the ridiculous claim that Trish has nothing to be envious of Hila about when she’s succeeding in the fields Trish is trying to succeed in
shrugs No. 1251017
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>>1251001Yeah, AB publicly going in for David Dobrick for like no reason other than he likes his videos when Trisha expressed deep trauma and upset from being in his group is just so stupid, I understand why she would be paranoid about Ethan’s crew considering they’re young scrotes who all hardcore shat on her even after she and Ethan were cool. She tries to be civil towards AB and acts appreciative of Dan’s help, defending him when Ethan snips at him on the show. But she’s not just going to get over everything they’ve said knowing they’re Ethan’s employees and fearful they’re just appeasing her and don’t actually like her.
I don’t know why it’s hard for Ethan + the crew to understand why she would be paranoid about how they see her after their whole relationship started and with how all her other friendships went. Trisha is a sperg but it doesn’t seem to me like the H3 crew try at all to understand why she’s upset. Ethan banks off her being dumb, dramatic, and volatile so he should be less of an idiot when it comes to appeasing her since all of really takes is being frank, gentle, and very communicative.
No. 1251035
>>1251011No, they did IUI. They repeatedly mentioned Hila getting hormone injections, Ethan jerking in a cup, and the doctors 'turkey basting' his spunk in her. With that said, IUI has a fairly low chance of success (10%ish) but IF it succeeds, multiples are fairly likely (30% I believe) because those injections
trigger multiple eggs to be released at the same time.
No. 1251037
>>1251020You keep using "articulated" wrong and I want you to stop.
>Trisha is articulatedShe has joints
>Trisha articulated why she feels upsetShe explained it in a clear way
>Trisha is articulateShe speaks in a clear manner
>>1251017Totally agreed. I don't understand how the fans can ignore the history here. I was kinda glad Ethan became someone to bat for Trish when she's messy and gets in drama but his loyalty is clearly to h3 crew first. It sucks cause none of this had to happen. I'm not an earnest fan of either party but I found Frenemies entertaining and don't want it to end over literally nothing.
No. 1251046
>>1251043Trisha is well established and pisses off a load of other cows and delivers receipts. It's always funny when she
triggers trans people.
No. 1251049
>>1250824Wait sooo? Sam didn’t do it? Why would someone say she did then
Wtf happened
No. 1251055
>>1250957Perhaps she isn't jealous of Hila in the conventional sense of female jealousy but something unconscious and deeper? This anon
>>1250723 was talking about Trish having a crush on Ethan and I don't think that's true but I do think she has an emotional attachment to him because he's provided some stability and care in her life.
So maybe she's jealous that Hila gets his attention over her and will always be his priority over her, even though that's irrational. She might be too ashamed to even admit this to herself - possibly driving the outbursts trying to push him away. Maybe she's projecting the situation with Shane, something she's vocal about still bothering her, onto this one. Shane abandoned her but never Ryland.
This also could be compounded by the fact that Moses and Hila also have a bond as siblings that will never fully involve her and that they will never lose, unlike Trish who could theoretically be abandoned by Moses and the rest of them at any time (which she probably worries about all the time bc BPD).
No. 1251083
>>1251075Every yt comment where someone says “she” referring to Trisha there is at least 10 replies saying “rEspEct THEIR PrOnouNs EvEn iF THEY aRe
ProBleMatiC” but literally no one I’ve seen her in a video with irl uses they pronouns on her and she even said she is okay with she too, the internet is fucking retarded
No. 1251094
>>1251075I fully agree with you. Trisha does this with every community she comes into contact with. Shes so desperate for a sense of belonging that she will shoehorn herself into marginalized communities and act like a caricature of said community until she's bored and moves onto whatever she thinks is 'edgy' and 'kool with the kidz' next even though her actions have bad consequences on the communities in question.
You can kinda see this shoehorning in her relationship with Ethan and Hilas families too like she's marrying Hilas brother and tries to get involved with family situations she should stay out of. Her relationship with Moses started because she said she thought "it'd be funny." to fuck Ethans brother in law Ethan and Hila have been the most stable thing shes had in a while so i dont doubt shes trying to stick in the family as long as she can.
No. 1251106
>>1249991I think back to that horrible episode with jontron. Or the dentist he used to make reaction videos about. I never really watched the podcast much, but Ethan should have stuck to making YouTube videos or whatever.
Seems like he burnt bridges with his youtuber friends. Jon and Joji. And I don't think even ian and post malone talk to him anymore. If Trisha actually leaves H3 will officially fade into obscurity.
No. 1251174
>>1250798I've said it before, us oldschool fans of Trish aren't fans because she's a good person. She's shit but the people she mistreats are also shit, it's a giant entertaining iconic shitshow.
Then you newfags come along and actually believe her rehabbed bs. Here she is saying she's got a good heart, and you idiots lap it up. She's playing you just like she's outplayed everyone to get to this point. If you're all as woke as you think you are you'll look back in 5 years and wonder why you were going to bat for someone who thinks it's ok to call jews "jewy". I know jews are out of vogue right now bc you're all simping for palestine, but that too will change.
No. 1251183
>>1250022honestly the whole idea has been a ticking time bomb since the beginning but i'm sure they'll be back with another episode by the end of the month
sorry for mild blogpost but i'm not really a fan of either of them nor do I know their histories in depth - I just play the podcast in the background while I do other stuff - but I always thought it was supposed to be ethan's podcast and he and his crew planned the segments and everything while trisha was supposed to go in blind and react to everything. if this isn't what she agreed to I could see why she's upset. honestly think it was very unprofessional to leave their argument in the episode
No. 1251222
>>1251215NTA but I didn’t even know who H3 was until Trisha, and I didn’t know Trisha existed until 2 years ago. I started watching the new and old content of H3 because of Trisha and I’m shocked he still has fans. His YT videos with Hila were great but his podcasts are all lazy content, Frenemies is him piggybacking off of Trisha’s personality and popularity. From my understanding, he’s grown a lot in popularity because of Trisha’s personality, not because he suddenly became kind of funny again. I can’t imagine how disappointed long term fans must have felt by H3’s quality drop, regardless of if they like Trisha or not, Ethan will never not be lazy because he loves mooching off of other’s charisma more.
Besides, if I wanted to hear a room full of poorly aged men gossip like catty bitches I’d watch drag race, at least those scrotes wear costumes.
sage for my sperging
No. 1251226
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Idk if milky but the journalist Ethan had on his podcast that wrote the David article just made an article how Trisha is anti semitic like that was pretty fast
No. 1251231
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>>1251226Huh, Ethan the H3 crew and Trisha had all praised her a lot for being really well researched too. Seems kind of shady of her to write this article after Trisha sang her praises TBH, not to mention the only reason she was able to write the article on Dom and the Vlog Squad was because of Trisha's insight.
No. 1251234
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Like what did she expect?
No. 1251235
>>1250951Also notice how Hila has 'CEO of teddy fresh' in her bio and Trisha now has 'CEO of Sadboy2005' in bio lol
Trisha has also mentioned how she would love to be super skinny like Hila
She does seem veryyy envious
No. 1251248
>>1251231She's always been anti-Trisha, even during the vlog squad stuff I remember her liking tweets that were critical of Trisha and Frenemies. It was posted to the H3 subreddit.
>Seems kind of shadyShe's a journalist, it's her job.
No. 1251256
>>1251249I’m 26 but didn’t care about YouTube drama until a woman I was on a date with told me she was interested in it.
I guess I had hobbies beyond other people’s business up until then kek
No. 1251257
>>1251253Their flirting had been on the increase lately. Even Ethan's longing stares lol.
Wonder if Hila has been hormonal and more annoyed with coomer Ethan? Wonder if she'll do Friday shows throughout her pregnancy and if it'll make her talk more or have more depth or something.
She already stopped doing the midweek show and she barely talks. Wouldn't be surprised if she stops soon.
No. 1251278
>>1251269i mean, he made some homophobic joke like 5 years ago meanwhile trisha has been racist to every single minority during her "troll" era. at the end of the day they are calling her anti semitic because till this day shes still making those weird comments about jews. what "phobic" thing has ethan done thats like not from 5 or 10 years ago?
its an imageboard if theres any tweet or video you want to share of it you know, you can. just saying this without even a single example seems just like a trisha wk with no arguments
No. 1251314
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>>1251284Holy fuck. I dont know why I ever had even an ounce of compassion for Trisha after seeing this screenshot. The fact she went on and on about how she didn’t even know the character, how stupid it was, that she never wanted to do it - and now this screenshot.
No. 1251323
>>1251284Honestly a good video about how Trisha is impossible to work with. She is so unstable and ungrateful. She was not upset about the costumes, everyone saying "omg he wanted her to get upset that's why he wore a costume!" Is so ridiculous.
Everyone has to walk on eggshells for her and even that is not enough because everything has to be her way exclusively or the show is over.
No. 1251335
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If this was Trisha’s attempt to generate buzz for his crappy skin care line, it’s backfired big time.
No. 1251337
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Everything pretty much checks out in his favor except for the stupid not liking the q&a segment because of what he’s saying is true that it wasn’t about that, and that it’s because she wanted the whole crew fired why did he tell her in texts it was Sam who put it together and was upset and that even Ian was upset for her. I’m only wondering because if he’s throwing his crew under the bus to get around his mistakes that’s fucked up
No. 1251348
>>1251294Listening now, so I'll type the relevant shit as I go.
>says he doesn't know what else he could do to prevent this from happening, tried to accommodate her in every possible way. Says he's been fair.>day after they broke up, she mentioned "for the first time ever" bringing on new staff and he agreed, including hiring a producer.>next day, she drops the quitting video without telling him. The video "rubbed him the wrong way">she went in and on about him hiring Ian's girlfriend Sam who had previously been working freelance for them for months but recently was able to join full time, unrelated to frenemies >Trisha wanted a new crew and new industrial space (he says the lease is typically 3+ years, which she's too iffy to commit to) for frenemies.>he is annoyed since he has to take all the risk, she's already quit 3 times.>says crew is extremely capable and hard working, it's disrespectful to want to ditch all of them>she doesn't really help plan the show a lot of the time>says he fucked up telling the crew she wanted to hire a new crew, so the crew felt awkward. Ethan decided not to shoot on the scheduled day to let things chill, Trisha took it as the crews' decision>Trisha said it's unfair that Sam was hired to h3 without her consent>he's mad Trisha trashed the work of whoever did the q&a session, no one was upset she didn't like it>the crew and their girlfriends are getting shit on on their personal social medias, people are randomly attacking them all>he calls her unprofessional for criticizing the q&a on air, shitting on Sam's work on her first day>Sam was never upset and loves Trisha>he says he's not speaking his mind on the show because he basically has to walk on eggshells, yet Trisha can say anything to him like calling hHila a cunt or calling them bad parents.
>"Its not a fair relationship", says he has mental illness too>mentions having no feeling in his penis out of nowhere>Annoyed she says everything he does is tourette's>"I take all the shit and she takes no shit">Reacts to her video about the ideas, saying all she does is just say an idea and does no work to execute it.>Tour bus was hard to put together and she was very rude/critical about it>The night after she posted her leaving video, he texted her privately saying he felt it was unfair she put the video out after they worked to resolve it, she ignored it and puts out another video blaming the crew>Says he never wanted to make this response video>They went over the q&a segment and questions before recording and she liked it>She hates that they pick all the costumes, shows a DM of them deciding the costumes and she says it's one of her all time favorite movies. She got the costumes tailored. Then she hates it and doesn't know who the characters are on the show.>5% cut to cover the set, space, equipment, crew, editing, concepts, prep, insurance, accounting, etc. >He sends her an itemized report monthly and shows her everything, and she's complaining. He says 5% is literally nothing and anywhere else would do 50%. She wants an itemized list for how the 5% is spent too. He claims she keeps raising the bar higher and higher>Mad she tweeted put their DMs, including from before the show was made. She said he was "being jewey" when he talked about production costs and wanting 5%.>His hand keeps going nuts shaking in the video>She doesn't want to come to his house, they get a studio. then she doesn't want to go there, but they were going to move eventually. They spent 30k on new equipment to continue doing frenemies at their house, on top of the 50k already spent. >All his profits have been tied up in the merch and production, only she's really making money>Hila used TF to make merch for them, 100s of thousands tied up in merch that they probably can't sell now.>They were going to do a photoshoot this Thursday per trishas insistence, she paid nothing (was 10k).>He says it's ironic she keeps bringing up money when he's so transparent and pays for everything and is now stiffed with the merch too>"I fully support her skincare products", says he's her hype man and wants her to do well. She gets a huge plug for it and then quits frenemies.>He keeps mentioning she gets her check and he gets the bills and doesn't even want to talk about money but she keeps bringing it up.>She was going to get 50% of the profit from merch too. >Mad she put out their profit margin for no reason>Says it's very untrue when she says they don't ask for her input when at the beginning of the show you can see she said he bothers her too much about the show for input>Says he doesn't want to make the video but she keeps posting about it and he doesn't want to be her punching bag>Appreciative of her and the show still>Doesn't want to cut her out of his life, they're family. As a partner she just shits on them and disrespect them all.>Says he's not mad at her and will forgive and forget, but wanted to get his side out. No. 1251355
>>1251348>mentions having no feeling in his penis out of nowherekek, there actually was context to this even though it was kind of a random ethan trying to break the tension in the room type humour.
He was talking about how trisha never gives the same respect back to him when he also struggles with health, namely depression in which he takes 20mg of lexapro every day. Which give him undesirable side effects such as no feeling in his dick and weight gain. Lexapro is highly known to completely kill your sex drive and numb any pleasurable feelings in your genitals (cant feel your clit or dick head)
No. 1251364
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she’s currently spiraling on twitter
No. 1251368
>>1251348I believe everything he says as much as I believe Trisha. Both are trying too hard to be the
No. 1251387
>>1251373I guarantee they won't make it to the wedding
I wonder if she'll let Moses keep the ferrari
No. 1251392
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Wow, shocker. The angry hog is hyper focusing on the one thing she thinks she can flip. Trisha has said multiple times she wants a whole new crew for Frenemies. She’s intentionally misinterpreting what Ethan said just so she can say “Yeah I lied, did he!” to deflect that slam dunk video from Ethan. He totally exposed her.
No. 1251398
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she's got hundreds of replies to her most recent string of "Ethan Klein is a Lying Liar" tweets and 99% of them are calling her out and/or telling her she's willfully misinterpreting his words. picrel just for a small sample. she stopped tweeting pretty quickly when she realized almost no one is buying her shit. Ethan sucks too but his video made him seem so much more reasonable and transparent
No. 1251417
>>1251416I'm hoping we're going to get another video because it's not going to be an "uwu so sorry just so
triggered" it's going to be aggressive and probably full of even more fresh milk. Now that she feels attacked she'll go on the offensive too
No. 1251423
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>>1251412but she isn't blaming it on her bpd now it's muh totally real schizophrenia
even though it 100% is a bpd meltdown
>>1251382well they were on tiktok together a couple hours ago
No. 1251424
>>1251406idk why Ethan is trying to play
victim here, he knows exactly what he was getting into with Trisha. If it was that hard for him to work with her why didn't he just call it quits…we all know why $$$
No. 1251434
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Praying she posts something before I go to bed. Do you think Ethan feels he got his money's worth? this explosion will probably keep his shitty channel alive and in the public's good graces for a while.
No. 1251445
>>1251282She's a selfish cunt, her heart extends to maybe her immediate family. Everything she does is self serving. She being nice and apologetic now because being nice is what's making her money. She didn't care about Tanas or any minors feelings until David hurt her. She didn't care about the people Shane hurt until he hurt her. She didn't care about hurting the DID, trans, or any other community until she needed to pander to the wokies. Does someone with a good heart make a video praising trump and the border wall, because you need to keep out immigrants?
She said all those things because they're controversial, and they're controversial because it hurts people. And kind hearted people don't go out of their way to hurt people, even if those people are retards.
Also someone with a good heart wouldn't risk traumatizing a child, and Trisha knows she's unstable as hell. There's a 0 % chance she doesn't fuck that kid up.
No. 1251458
>>1251373>>1251379iirc didn’t they joke on the podcast about moses doing what brittany spears’ dad did to her but for trisha? like him being in control of all her shit since she’s so mental? i really feel like they joked about this at some point??
honestly i doubt he will leave her bc i have a sneaky feeling that’s his end goal.. to end up with all her money and have complete control over her finances & shit
No. 1251465
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>>1251434they’re the exact same as yesterday. For someone who doesn’t care about the money she sure does talk about it alot I’m so tired these are the only screenshots I’m posting because in 2 hours from now she’ll delete them and apologise again
No. 1251471
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>>1251470Contradictory from 11 hours ago
No. 1251481
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No. 1251484
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Trisha saying she never wanted to replace the H3 crew and the lies that are being spread give her ~uwu anxiety~
No. 1251494
>>1251484The fact she got another chance after calling a Hila cunt for no reason is beyond me but is anyone actually surprised she’s doing this shit? She’s trying to paint Ethan as some villain and soon will compare him to David Dobrik or something just like she does with everyone. All the tweets about “so confused” at Ethan lies (yet no proof of lies but proof her being fucking retarded and not knowing how to read) she’s doing her damn hardest to play
victim again. She’s always been like this, why do people still fall for the shit you can love someone out of their horrible personality or/and mental illness? Bringing her into the family and trying to make her feel welcome after just a year of her dating Moses was such a liability and even more so having any business with her. The only smart thing Ethan did was not have her co-own shit, the rest is just how he and rest made their bed. People fuck with crazy and think they won’t fall
victim to it because somehow they are gonna be that one special someone.
No. 1251502
>>1251496she just calls ethan a liar a hundred times because apparently she thinks it's possible to hire an entire second crew just for her while keeping the other crew and therefore she never said ethan should fire the crew
and she calls ethan manipulative for caring about his crew and mocks him for saying he doesn't want a
toxic work environment
then she cries because boohoo muh anger issues and muh mento illness
No. 1251506
>>1251503I dont doubt she has a mental illness but I think her fans jumping in and defending her and supporting her rage tweets is only encouraging her to keep going. I really wouldn’t be surprised if it never comes back after this, this is the worst its ever been and she just keeps going, apologising and keeps going the minute one of her stans sends her a tweet.
Feels bad about moses, i can only imagine how
toxic that household is
No. 1251537
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I just saw this post in honour of Theodore, Ethan and Hula's son, on my explore page. Picrel is the last slide, presumably a nail-art look to celebrate Theodore's birthday with his nickname, Teddy. But without the context, it might as well be in celebration of the Teddy Fresh brand. So it raised the retarded tinfoil… What if they named their first son Theodore so it could fit the Teddy Fresh brand?? I can't confirm that Teddy is actually his nickname and that the nail-art is for his birthday, but it would be even weirder to promote nail-art that advertises your company in a post about your son's birthday. Anyway…….
No. 1251540
I’m fully convinced this is a publicity stunt.
At first I wasn’t, but I think it is.
A few months back in their podcast they mentioned them releasing Frenemies merch in June.
Guess what month it is?
Also, whilst Ethan’s fans are totally pissed off about this entire thing - it seems that Ethan is already setting the tone for forgiveness.
In his video today he was talking about how his friendship isn’t over with her, and that he’s willing to forgive her.
Also their story keeps changing between
> it was Sam’s idea > it wasn’t Sam’s idea Certainly, if this was one of the biggest contributing factors, how could neither of them get their story straight?
Then they discuss vlog the following day, but Ethan says the employees are upset.
But Dan says the employees were willing to show up?
>>1250604 this
>>1250833 and this?
And in the grand scheme of things, it has to do with money. Something people/fans are willing to see past.
I don’t know, anons. I think they’re using this to drum up shit for the merch release.
No. 1251569
>>1251537I think that was the point, anon. I don’t think they accidentally named him Theodore and only realised afterwards it was the same as Teddy.
Going back and forth on these videos I think both are a little to blame for not getting a set in stone contract.
Contracts seem to be done by text message on WhatsApp, supposedly because they are family (Moses, Hila connection).
But with Trisha everything eventually will blow up.
Ethan does tip toe around her, stick up for her endlessly, and she is clearly throwing a fit because underneath things she is jealous they are having more babies, or something.
Makes me wonder did she throw these fits with Shane? How did they ever stay friends for all those years. Maybe it’s because they didn’t seem to actually spend any time together really.
She is exhausting.
No. 1251596
>>1251537This is a reach. Teddy is his nickname, they've mentioned it in passing. Yes they owned Teddy fresh before they had him but I think it was just a cute homage. I don't think of it in a way like they are using him to shill their business.
Theodore is one of those common baby names that hipsters like. They put teddy bears on a lot of their ugly clothes and it probably just felt meaningful to Hila or someshit.
No. 1251605
>>1251593Idk she seemed manic to me? Might not of been drugged induced. When I watched that episode where she was ‘super happy’ i thought ‘oh shit, the end is coming.’
It happens with my mum. She has bi-poler and she’ll be so sweet and happy for a couple of days but you know the soon it will be pure hell. Seems to be a norm with Trish…
No. 1251609
>>1251602I think Trish did a pretty good job of invalidating the staff all her own and if Trish said it herself that she wanted a whole new staff, how exactly else were the staff supposed to take it other than she wanted them fired off of frenemies?
And Ethan said that when Trisha actually brought it up he agreed with her that there should be a producer of Trisha’s choosing.
All of this comes from Trisha not being able to communicate properly when things bother her to the point she explodes on people then gets mad that they “didnt know” it was how she would feel.
No. 1251612
>>1251609>Trish said it herself that she wanted a whole new staff, how exactly else were the staff supposed to take it other than she wanted them fired off of frenemies?First of all, Ethan presented it like she wanted them all fired, not just from Frenemies but completely let go as staff.
They are all asshole moids who take digs at her and are frankly annoying as fuck playing stupid soundclips and giving their unwarranted opinion. Nobody needs them around and Trisha said all she wanted was one person working for them who was on her side, which is completely fair because she is the outsider coming into an already established group of men who all suck each other off.
They also have no contracts whatsoever and since Ethan definitely knows how to set up a business I think this is purposely malicious on his part to monetize her while not giving her a fair amount of the income generated.
Ethan is purposefully misrepresenting her and lying about things she said, he is gaslighting her and turning people against her because he is slimey.
No. 1251622
>>1251612How was Ethan supposed to remedy the situation of her wanting someone to join from her team if she never brought it up until she was exploding though? He said when she actually finally told him that is what she wanted, he agreed with her and they were going to go forward with doing that.
Ethan isnt a mind reader. If that was something Trisha wanted, she needed to -communicate- that and not just expect people to know what does or doesnt make her comfortable.
No. 1251630
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>>1251612Trish lied about the costume thing, and lied about 'not being upset' during the podcast, later recanting that and getting mad at Ethan for allowing the episode to air even though she "clearly wasn't in the correct headspace." Both were wrong in different areas, but ultimately Trisha needed to be an adult and air her grievances maturely and not expect people to just know. Even when Ethan agreed to let her have her own producer she still made the "I'm leaving Frenemies" video.
And then she goes off about "never disrespecting the crew" but then picrel. Ethan isn't an angel in this but Trish is unstable.
No. 1251640
>>1251609Most of the crew haven't been present for the majority of Frenemies and back in December, Ethan didn't even want Moses on the set. It's not unreasonable for youtubers to want to collaborate with other video editors/producers etc.
This whole thing is stupid. The fundamentals are about creative control between two different content creators and Ethan dragged his crew into it to make it personal and himself righteous.
People sperging about Trisha's spending habits and the poor crew who make thousands a week, on top of Ethan who probably earns more than them all. Only paying members can participate in their livestreams. Why do they have so many simps they're not that great?
No. 1251663
>>1251640It could of all been prevented if Trisha just spoke about her issues to Ethan, rather than making bitchy comments during the podcast. Anon above is right, Ethan isn’t a mind reader.
Though Ethan is trash because you can tell he doesn’t truly like Trisha, he does likes what she does for her brand. He constantly uses her for views, thought Trisha should get that… it’s the way LA YouTubers works, including her!
I wish Trisha would just do what rational people do, but she never has… no man or money can save her.
Ethan is just money hungry and it’s always left a bad taste in my mouth how he surrounds himself with his neck beard fans for work, imagine the power play that goes on in that office lol
No. 1251673
>>1251526>>1251528to be honest fuck both of them. but everyone know's trisha shouldnt be online she is a grown woman at the end of the day if she wants people to exploit her crazy ass then she should be aware of the consequences of that.
The only person i feel bad for in this situation is that sam girl.
i hope trisha abusing moses gets exposed more and no one buys that shitty frenemies merch. But we already have people itt who fucking bought a subscription to frenemies (aka making rich losers even more rich) even though you can see the episodes for free so who knows. a lot of you guys that watch this are dumb as fuck.
Trisha probably did this
1. to drum up sales for that skincare business and recoup all the money she lost for making those stupid music videos, that car she bought for no reason, that ugly ass pride birkin, why do you think she's making 50 thousand 40 minute videos being a manic psycho?
2. to take away from the Gabi beef they had going because she knows if she leaves frenemies that is what everyone will talk about.
3. because she got her period again after it was announced that hila is pregnant with multiples.
trisha is so transparent its actually funnny as hell. Ethan is totally a dick too and him going on and on about "uwu who's gonna buy our merch now" irritated me.
No. 1251693
>>1250797ITT: what is nuance?
>>1250728This is the most rational answer here. I know it's really easy to write off Trisha because of her mental illness and minimize her dimensionality but business is business and she was manipulated from start to finish of this business venture
No. 1251717
>>1251699I was just talking about
>>1251484 and
>>1251535 and the third part, if people wanted a recap, that's basically it
No. 1251747
>>1251744listen i was naive too. i had a soft spot for trisha because she is entertaining but she is just the same trashy drugged out stripper she was when she first started. She is a loser who will do anything for a quick buck even sabotage her own relationships.
She only goes to therapy now because its en vogue to go to therapy. People have been telling her she unironically needs therapy for at least 5 years now.
Jason nash and david are trash human beings but think about it, if jason never broke up with her she would STILL be with them cosigning their debauchery like she was alreaady doing when she was in the vlog squad. SHe was literally at the party when the girl got assaulted. She knew they were soliciting minors and did nothing to stop it until AFTER she already burned the bridge with jason and david. She will use any and everything to be perceived as a
victim its just she was smart to play
victim with people who did worse shit than her. This ended that and hopefully for good. Im tired of this hoe. LMAO.
No. 1251784
>>1251535Wow, Trish regarding the costume message receipts:
"Okay, so I love that he is showing all these receipts, and that's fine. And he's showing DMs. He was pissed at me for showing personal messages. It's fine. Show the personal messages. He's showing all this to prove this stuff, which is fine. But he can't show where I said "Let's fire the whole crew". Where are those? That's the big thing."
I can't even with her anymore.
No. 1251877
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her twitter likes are cringe
hope she gets help for her drug problem
moses x trisha break up incoming?
No. 1251961
>>1251766Shes always acts like a cunt getting
triggered over anything related to pregnancy or being a mom because it's the one thing she cant run out and buy like cars or homes to show off. She ruined her chance by making bad choices and getting STDs so shes just scorned and bitter about it. Both her and gabbie deserve each other lol
No. 1252038
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She deleted a first version of this video that was only 15:35 curious to see what she felt she needed to add new video is 17:05
No. 1252061
>>1252021She said in the video “I’m trying to use the things I learnt: de-escalate and disengage”
>De-escalate and disengage >Makes 8 videos reeing No. 1252067

>>1252021>She has regular therapy and has Moses and others to support her>She incited no hate, she just wanted to step away after being told by Ethan that the crew was upset>Maintains she had no issue with them.>Looking back she admits she was upset but thinks she was pushed and prodded. She felt like she was baited to storm off, despite wanting to just wrap it up without having to leave partway through.>Plays the clip where she's trying to get him to end it but he keeps being like "ok walk off" and the whole pizza comment. It's the last bit of the episode basically.>Her walking off became a meme and she is aware of that, she was trying to avoid repeating that. Ethan was purposely provoking her, in her opinion.>Did not want the crew fired, didn't want them all replaced. She reiterates this throughout.>Loves and appreciates Sam, thinks Ethan is throwing her under the bus alongside her.>She likes the crew in general, her complaints got blown out of proportion when she has a history of appreciating their work and wanting to promote them.>Dan and AB being hostile to her gets brought up again.>She just wants a legit camera guy cause Ian is clearly overwhelmed by it, not his forte.>Admits she was triggered and spiraling the night that they aired the episode. Especially after hearing that they supposedly were too upset to film (as Ethan told her). She felt excluded.>She doesn't wanna be someone people tiptoe around, that was her main motivation for quitting.>Plays the clip where Ethan jokes about firing them all, where he kept trying to get people to buy them pizza and Trish kept saying they need someone else to do this kinda stuff bc they're all busy, including Sam.>Plays some tiktoks of people taking her side. They're on this gaslighting bandwagon, seemingly unaware of the term's definition. One of them is armchairing basically, talks about splitting and stuff.>>1252038The extra minutes appear to be those tiktoks she included.
No. 1252068
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Ok but has anyone caught the fact that Ethan and Trisha shared the exact same DM conversation, and in Ethan’s, she was clearly excited about the costume idea. She literally deleted the messages where she expressed excitement about the costume in her “receipts”. Trish this is so sloppy.
No. 1252126
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>>1252117samefag, I scrolled through and didn't see these specific texts in the thread so here they are for reference
No. 1252174
>>1252126It’s a bad look for both of them to be putting this all out there they all suck, the gabbie thing seemed to just be gasoline on a fire and doing this all online is just pouring more fuel into something that needs to stop, then come back to it without feeling like it’s some stupid battle.
Trisha is a horrible communicator too like wtf are those texts fucking hell
No. 1252183
>>1252067Christ, I was more on Trisha’s side on this in the beginning because I thought Ethan was being non-communicative and petty (also I think Ethan is a huge asshole in general), but she’s just being so fucking dumb and manipulative and despite how much I don’t like Ethan I do feel bad for him for trying to make their relationship work okay while she continues to be so self absorbed while getting pissed if he doesn’t go hard for her 1% of the time.
It doesn’t even matter if Ethan is being fake about it she doesn’t even try to fake being supportive of him besides saying he looks skinny once an episode.
( No. 1252429
>>1252352I think Trisha has a crush on every man who speaks to her, especially if he's taken
And I think Ethan is married way out of his league and wouldn't look twice at a crusty unstable drug addict like Trisha.
No. 1252515
>>1252511lmao you right tbh i just kinda felt bad because it was a
woc LMAO.
(integrate better) No. 1252703
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>>1252539NGL Ethan was kinda cute in a skinny swarthy way when he was younger, I feel like if he just lost the weight and kept his hair longer he wouldn’t look that bad now. Sage for unnecessary Ethan praise.
No. 1252778
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This screenshot got shared on one of the H3h3 subreddits today and it's very disturbing. dont open if you don't want to see Trisha dressed as an egirl masturbating while her h3h3 podcast appearance plays in the background. How could you ever look them in the eye again after this kek, Trisha is seriously fucked up. It is so creepy to masturbate to people you know, on camera, who were in no way sexual with you. Moses is a freak if he can stay with a woman who touched herself while looking at his sister. if this was some dude it would be immediate grounds for cancellation by Trisha herself kek