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No. 121257
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>Size: 10 B(M) US
Holy monster feet, batman
No. 121265
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It looks so cheap and gross lmfaoo
No. 121267
>>121266It may or may not be an abusive relationship but at least if it's IRL they've probably talked it over. These online mistresses just want money regardless of who provides it.
I'm into BDSM and it's such a cliché for any kind of relationship to be described as abusive but something about financial domination really sets my alarm bells ringing.
No. 121268
>>121267I'm just curious why you think (depending on how they find their customers) you assume they don't talk it over with them. Plus, don't all professionals do it for money, regardless of who it is from? And isn't part of the appeal, for these guys, to hand over their money? If some girl is on the internet asking for shit and some moron buys it for her I don't see how he's being abused at all.
I once spoke to a guy who was into this sort of thing and they always talked first (they usually met through some cam/phone sex site, it's not just random girls he gives money to) and actually had something going before he started buying stuff. That seems like a pretty legit BDSM activity to me. He also confirmed that he was into the idea of her taking advantage of him and taking his money, so there is that. It's one thing to sort of laugh at the situation (it's easy to mock) but I don't think anybody is endangering themselves in any way, not any more than any other internet based sex stuff.
I just wish there were a way to read their conversations, I'd love that. An amazon wishlist is just kind of meh (no offense intended, OP). I find it kind of neat/funny and I'd like to see it.
No. 121270
>And isn't part of the appeal, for these guys, to hand over their money? If some girl is on the internet asking for shit and some moron buys it for her I don't see how he's being abused at all.And many women just want to be manhandled and have rough sex, but it doesn't mean that every such relationship is healthy.
You would never see an Mf relationship dismissed as "she's a loser who deserves it" but such a reaction is par the course with Fm relationships.
No. 121271
>>121261The newbies are the ones who are like "Give me your money. I need it. I have bills to pay." The older FinDommes are people who say "You need to give me your money and maybe I'll just take it." The reverse psychology works wonders and doesn't make you seem like a greedy bitch.
For online and irl, a paypig/human ATM/FinSub must Tribute first. This comes in the form of a contract/application. The application is submitted with a fee (which varies from person to person). By doing this, a FinDomme knows the Sub has money and isn't wasting their time.
The thing is consensual BUT you must always get to know your FinSub before doing this. I noticed a lot of FinDommes don't do this and take the money. I've done this before and had men with Thousands in their savings, asking me to drain their bank account. They wanted to watch on skype as I bought things via TeamViewer.
But here was the thing, most men into Findom have some sort of third party they take care of. So while Greedy Findommes are 'helping' a FinSub drain his wallet, they're ignoring that he has a family/pets/etc to take care of. They are involving said third party who did not consent to it. That is where it gets moral-less and tricky because the FinSub might love living on the street, but the third party doesn't.
But of course most FinDomme ignore this and blame the FinSub for not telling them. Though it is a Domme's job to know their partner and give them aftercare.
New age Findommes are girls who just want to make a quick buck and don't actually work for it. That's probably the manipulative and abusive ones. They 'agree' to take your money and take a care for a FinSub but bail as soon as they have the cash.
The Glamour of the Findomme has recently fucked up the BDSM Domme community. Dommes who do sexual acts or don't Findom are looked down upon. Apparently the 'bad ass bitch' attitude of Findommes made it look cool so everyone is trying to be one. But not everyone can. Findommes also act like they are better than other Dommes because they get paid to look pretty. I remember one Domme (she wore pastel wigs or something) got pissed at another Domme for 'copying' her tumblr theme. The theme was one of their premade ones.
No. 121279
>>121278Now, yes. Back then, No.
Becoming a Findomme is difficult because there is a stigma with findomming in the BDSM community. Most BDSM sites won't let you state you are a FinDomme or say you want a tribute (which is very important) from slaves. If you do, you get banned.
Sites like were decent but turned to shit when EVERYONE wanted to be a Findomme for easy cash. Now the ratio is like 50 findommes to 1 real finSub.
Now to be a Findomme, you must be pretty, smart, unique and have a wide range of talents. These men/FinSubs do get to pick who they want to serve and most want to serve the best.
First you'd have to pick your persona. What brand are you. What's your gimmick. Then you have to market said gimmick and build a small following. After you have a small following, take clear photos and video teasers. This draws subs in and even a few fellow Domme who will signal boost you with reblogs.
Remain likable and you should make a bit of cash. You'll start off getting only like 100s, but after you get a decent following, you'll make $1,000.
But because it's considered sex work, it will stain your record. I had to stop for college.
No. 121281
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Some of them are soo ugly lol
>Alluring, BBW Mistress seeking devoted slaves & sugar daddies. Want to gain my attention? Purchase items from my wish list, and spoil me like the Princess I am. I can be ur little dirty girl & make u cum at the same time!
No. 121282
Not findom but there's something I just find so interesting about stripper wishlists. one has like, toys for her kid along with dildos/panties/stuff like that
No. 121284
>>121280Sugar arrangements are usually "financially beneficial dating". They want the GFE or girlfriend experience.
Findomming is mentally dominating someone into giving you money. They chose to do so, but the fantasy is that you force them into it and they are powerless, usually.
So basically, one is a fetish and one can be a full time exclusive relationship similar to serious dating… With cash.
No. 121292
>>121271>>121279Anon, I like you, and you obviously know what you're talking about. I've been interested in domming, I've read about the responsibilities that come with it and it makes absolutely sense to me.
I don't want this to be a blog post, but I think I could do it well for various reasons. Do you have a way I can contact you? Like you said, it's so saturated that I can't find a great way to get into it.
Sorry for vaguely OT.
Back to the topic: these girls have shit taste, everything is so tacky.