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No. 119517
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Seeing as no one else bothered to actually ask her….
No. 119573
>>119544Well if she admits IG deleted her Instagram, then people will question why, and she can't say "well it kept getting reported for
triggering content", because never in a million years will Anna admit she has a problem.
Saying she deleted her IG means saving face.
No. 122604
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No. 122707
>>122610For what it matters I'm pretty sure she's
from Delaware and just visiting Virginia. I remember a recommendation for her doctor/enabler somewhere in the last threads that said Anna Something, DE.
No. 123977
>>123971It's still there, just the last page or so of conversation got deleted. Two possible reasons: People talked about turning up to her health fair, and someone who knows some former iceskating buddies of hers gave some "info", was called creepy, then offered to send some PMs to those who are interested.
Both could be against Gomi rules, even if Partypants applies those somewhat …unevenly.
No. 125502
File: 1461830326581.png (31.63 KB, 488x367, annasveryfirstebook.png)

Cookbook will be out soon. Also, what does she mean by "happy (no) cooking"? She barely cooks her food as is, everything is "nuked" anyway.
No. 125891
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The first damn page. How hard is it to spell check or find someone to proof read?
No. 125892
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>>125888Jees, why not just to the Middle Eastern/Med' style green beans in tomato sauce. It's recognisable and delicious unlike some fake alcohol pasta whatever.
No. 125906
>>125885thanks for the link, anon. and oh my god, i just can't with this girl. i think the book actually reveals more about her than she realizes - like, it becomes pretty clear that THIS is actually how she "cooks" and what she eats like 99% of the time, even though she wants people to believe that those are just "no-cook snacks for busy days". all her food looks like this so even the meals that actually sound like they were cooked were most likely just cold or heated up in the microwave. wtf.
also, most of her recipes are literally just stuff like "toast with peanut butter and sprouts" or "lettuce with store-bought hummus"… like, who the fuck thinks this is a RECIPE? and the few times the title actually sounds like a legit interesting combination of ingredients, all she did was add fucking FLAVORED STEVIA.
i can totally imagine her and her starving, disordered mind thinking, omg, i came up with this genius meal that's so simple and so good and has like 0 calories - i NEED to share this with the world. she kinda reminds me of taralynn mcnitt in her old undressed skeleton days where she'd post "recipes" like egg whites with sugar free syrup and legitimately thought this was a revelation and ~so healthy. when in reality, the reason nobody's come up with these "meals" yet is because they're fucking gross and disordered as fuck.
No. 125908
>>125885typo on the second page. professional.
i'm gonna make all this mess.
No. 125966
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No. 125974
>>125888this looks like old beans with puke
>>125892that's delicious, I always make my beans this way but with fresh beans, tomatoes and onions
>>125901student years?
No. 125989
File: 1461938636601.png (20.33 KB, 314x417, aboutAnna.png)

After she deleted her previous About Me, which included her miraculous healing from impending blindness, she has put up a new one.
It's written in third person. Never change, Anna. Also, she seems to have moved back home for good. Her happylittleginger account briefly had UDelaware in her description, but that seems to have changed.
She is now majoring in her disorder, or, as she puts it, "working toward earring (sic) her BS with a double major in Exercise Science and Wellness, and Nutrition and Culinary Arts".
No. 125991
She also put up a link to her youtube channel: content yet, though.
No. 125997
File: 1461940914295.png (1.26 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-04-29-22-37-34…)

How is this a recipe?
Tomato sauce on a bagel sprinkled with vegan cheese. Real creative, Anna.
No. 125999
File: 1461941866578.png (189.95 KB, 362x380, Screen Shot 2016-04-29 at 3.56…)

Please tell me that cantaloupe in sandwiches isn't a common thing in any part of the world…
Think of the soggy bread…ughhhhhh.
No. 126182
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No. 126360
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>>125888How does she not realize how shitty her cookbook is compared to the ones other vegan bloggers have? The photos are worse than the photos I take of my food with my phone.
>>125997This is so bad. I am convinced she is has autism or something. I really hope she starts getting into YouTube. It could even be more fun than her Instagram.
No. 126439
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Exactly 25 chocolate chips…not "a small handful" or something like that. No. Exactly 25 of them.
No. 126450
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I just feel sad looking at this photo.
No. 126477
>>126450How tall is anna, do we know?
I wish she had ironed the shirt, it looks wrinkled. Not a good look when trying to sell things.
No. 126487
>>126450i wish she would just attempt to fill her brows. she wouldn't look so gremlin like.
No. 126561
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Someone on kiwifarms went to her health fair
>Okay, she's really unsociable and unfriendly. I tried to ask her questions and she would stare at me, pause, and just look blankly before answering. She claims to have gone vegan for health reasons at the age of 13 and was not eager to have me asking more questions. She and her friends shooed me away. I tried a sample and it wasn't so bad, it was really bland hummus. She's obviously anorexic, her hair is the thinnest I've seen from anyone. The "event" only had three tables other than hers out, and they were from legit companies and fitness trainers. The place is dead other than meatheads getting their protein powder and the other table people. I got a photo before I left though.
No. 126565
>>126561The most surprising thing about this is that she had friends with her to shoo away people. She had to pay to have a table there, didn't she? I wonder if it was worth it.
>>126562It doesn't really surprise me that she would be closed off especially to someone asking questions. The OTT cheeriness seemed phony and she would delete/block anyone who made comments she didn't like.
No. 126566
>>126561Dammit, they just had to have Ginge out of focus.
That is interesting though, I'm glad someone got to go and give us the deets.
I find it hilarious that she was so cold and standoffish considering in all her posts and videos she's ludicrously outgoing and hyperactive with a 'I LOVE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!!!' front.
I bet she was pissed that no one really showed up. Wonder if any fools bought her cookbook.
No. 126626
>>126445My boyfriend is dairy allergic and the daya fake cheese melts like this. It stays in separate shreds but stretches. Thank fuck I'm allergic to it, he says it's really sweet.
Though it's basically made of oil and various gum thickeners so I'm not sure why her supposedly "fat intolerant" ass is using it.
No. 126757
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Couldn't bother to correct this before publishing?
No. 126760
>>126757of course not.
i love she couldn't even wrangle in one of her friends to proof-read this garbage
No. 126896
>>119505>multiple e-booksWhy does she think pushing out complete garbage cookbooks is a good idea. There is no way she doesn't have some kind of mental impairment.
Most people have enough self awareness to realize there stuff sucks when 95% of people on the Internet are making fun of them.
No. 127013
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No. 127036
Shoo shoo gains goblin (just in case, it's not worth the risk)
>>127013How fucking mortifying.
No. 127037
>>126955shoo shoo gains goblin
I sent the cookbook to one of my friends, as she recently finished her undergrad degree in food and nutrition sciences and I just wanted to know how someone who's actually studied this stuff in depth would react to this.
inb4 "any sane person would already know this shit is fucked up"
No. 127074
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>>126850Are you retarded?
>>126939On the one hand, she seems so delusional, full of herself, and short-sighted that I think she's truly capable of slapping together a shoddily edited cookbook of frankenfoods and thinking it's not complete trash.
On the other hand, she couldn't even be arsed to make her own logo.
No. 127164
Fit Vegan Ginger wrote me a letter. Thought you guys might appreciate.
No. 127235
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>>127172You could tell she knew right away from the way she responded plus the questions were creepy. "W-where do you go to colleg". Also this is a pic of their hand. The gains goblin knew right away.
No. 127309
>>127194tbh she prob reads the threads and was anticipating a kiwi. Considering it's highly doubtful that anyone showed up but her friends and the kiwi user….
she's so stupid, she could have played it up and acted professional, informed, and well mannered and had the kiwi report that back instead.
No. 127332
>>127322You'd think she'd try to better herself after reading these threads.
Anna you have an eating disorder and you are going to die if you do not get help. Take this as "God" wanting you to see yourself right now.
No. 127344
>>127164"Someone is Stalking me", kek.
Showing up to a public event that you posted about & asking some questions isn't stalking. Not saying the Kiwi wasn't being shady, but seriously Anna, get help. Just. Get. Help.
No. 127361
>>127188She's so passive-aggressive. I bet she'd be a bitch to deal with in real life.
She comes across as the insanely smug, self righteous type. If she doesn't starve to death, in fifteen years she'll be the one at the checkout at Walmart, pearl clutching and how-dare-you-ing at some teen clerk who says her coupon is out of date. "Just go get the manager HON, you have NO idea about coupons and I AM IMPORTANT"
No. 127365
>>127235from BMO's post
>Edit: Maybe she doesn't like people who don't look fit. Or other females.
>look fit>other femaleskek inb4 a haes warrior
No. 127389
>>127377Sarcasm? But she's right.
Now Gingey thinks all her criticisms are coming from autist hambeasts and feel even more justified (if that's even possible) eating this shit diet. Thank you BMO for ensuring the flow of milk until she eventually collapses and dies during fasted cardio.
No. 127460
>>127392Well Ginge
IS fat intolerant…
No. 128312
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Came across this, looks like a non spoopy ginge
No. 130061
>>130032Wow there are other videos on this account too.
She's literally a fat activist to Islam and wore a hijab confirms that she has autism in this video would someone like this join KF? Much less post a video of themselves?
No. 130062
>>130032Jesus, why does she sound like she's constantly on the verge of crying? Also the sound of her chewing is grosser than how the food looks.
Gentlebro is incredibly annoying in that thread too.
No. 130080
>>130032Couldn't even watch a quarter of the video I was cringing so hard. Also this offers zero insight into gingers recipes as her tastebuds are accustomed to processed fat people food. It reminds me of the fat bitch that gagged eating a steamed brussel sprouts.
Is everyone on kiwifarms a morbidly obese autist? Because the "stalker" is as well.
No. 130083
>>130080>Is everyone on kiwifarms a morbidly obese autist?I mean, is an offshoot of /cgl/, so a lot of us are cosplayers, and most of us are women. A lot of us also seem to suffer from eating disorders. If you look at the people we talk about, they're all involved in similar types of drama. Our cows are basically extreme versions of us, which is why we enjoy discussing them so much.
Kiwifarms is dedicated to Chris-chan. So yes, the majority of them are likely to be morbidly obese autists.
No. 131396
>>130032I don't know, she seems pretty nice.
Quija Board on Kiwi farms. I read through some of the FVG thread (bc i missed her so much) and supposedly another user, EverythingIsChemicals, had to wire her the money to buy the ingredients at the store to make all of these dishes. they pretty much announced every single move they made before they put the damn video.
I want to know, is she poor? If so, why waste money on this bullshit? Was it so important that she had to literally have somebody wire the money to her?
No. 131400
>>131396This, if you can barely afford to feed yourself why spend a bunch of money to make shitty joke food? Is getting validation on the internet that important to you?
>>131382It's a spambot
No. 131982
>>131426>>131869God damn it, you cunts get
triggered by her fat face, but not the fact she had guts to taste ginger's councotions.
>>130069KF is basicaly a bunch lolcows milking other lolcows, to feel bettter about themselves, you may as well look at their jenfer thread.
>>130076As long as you are being nice person, they won't trash you even if you draw mid aged dykes with baloon tits in MS paint.
>>130152She's an autist on food stamps, so she must have lots of spare time, which she wastes on KF.
>>131400She's one of few people who had guts to actualy taste that shit, so kiwis threw money at her just to see her eating nasty stuff.