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No. 113647

Hailed as the "Queen of Geeks"
Felicia Day found internet success after making her own webshow on youtube. Felicia got cast as VA for various video games and was gaining popularity as an attractive gamer girl.
fast forward to now. A 36 year old Felicia blames sexism for why no one cares about her anymore. In her book she mentions how smart, funny and attractive she is (she mentions this a lot) and can only blame men for why she isn't popular anymore

No. 113654

I never understood what was so attractive about her. People go stupid for red hair.

No. 113660

No. 113666

She's not wrong

No. 118464

> A 36 year old Felicia blames sexism for why no one cares about her anymore
Or because playing the same guest role of the quirky gamer girl over and over gets old really fast.

No. 118473

She gets on my nerves. Both her and Olivia Munn. You can be a woman who likes nerdy hobbies and gaming, but if that is your only personality, you are a boring piece of shit. I'm sick of people who think Felicia day is some sort of unicorn.

No. 118494

I have the worst hate for Olivia Munn. She's like a disease that won't go away. I used to loooove watching attack of the show (I can't even remember the old name for it) and it was around the time that they hired her ~to be there dorky hot girl that the show started feeling like it went downhill. Every time I think she's gone she pops back up, and now she gets ~*~ movie roles and I can't even enjoy football because she's banging Aaron Rogers

No. 118515

stop bumping this thread. post in the felicia thread that already exists >>>/snow/79568

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