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File: 1605717995281.jpg (108.85 KB, 1050x1312, EBONI1.jpg)

No. 1085438

I know this bitch is old news, but the question becomes, where is this old news now? The white racist, drug abusing, so called "internet celebrity" and potentially homicidal maniac "luna/eboni eden"… Where is she lurking now some of us wonder. We know that she is actively disturbing and threatening the sex worker community, she has leaked and has also threatened to leak other people's nudes and personal videos. She is an internet terrorist that needs to be brought down a few pegs, also some of you may remember that she had a somewhat cute face behind the heavy multiple layers of photoshop, but here are two recent images that will truly expose her real identity. This post is not to degrade her looks for years of drug abuse, but to bring light to the fact that she is a manipulative liar with multiple fake identities, and whenever she abuses women/men online she'll get her boyfriend to message the people in questions with generic messages like, "oh well, she just has bad
mental health.."
check comments for screenshots for evidence. Lets just hope Eboni isn't going to comment or check this thread with one of her VPN's, others feel free to comment whatever you feel about her or this post. Just take into consideration this girl has been pulling this shit and glorifying herself for more than 6 years, I should know, I had to sit by and watch her ruin lives as she manipulated me.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1085440

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No. 1085443

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No. 1085444

Lolcow isn't your personal army, faggot. Provide receipts or don't fucking bother.

No. 1085445

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No. 1085447

The thread will be locked soon kek but I find this interesting

No. 1085449

Isn’t she a banned topic along with Ember Wannorexic and Em Crockpot? Or am I getting her confused with that other fatty, Danni or something.

No. 1085452

She is known for pro ana but I don’t know if she’s a banned topic, but if you google eboni eden and check the other lolcow posts that will explain a lot, also check her old tumblr lilpuker

No. 1085453

Her fanny looks like a gammon steak

No. 1085455

Size of her crows nose though

No. 1085457

Just remember, this post isn't to degrade her looks, its about her sick psycho mentality.. And to discuss if anyone else is having trouble with her lurking in their lives

No. 1085459

I heard she sniffs monkey dust off her nans stair lift

No. 1085465

When will you realise you’re irrelevant Eboni? No one gives a fuck about your shit take it else where

No. 1085466

It’s not me

No. 1085467

You’re fooling no one you massive buffoon

No. 1085468

Your probably just some munter thats jealous anyway because people actually pay attention to me so

No. 1085469

Like the other anon said, lolcow isn’t your personal army, vendettachan.

You do you that your same fagging is obviously obvious to everyone right?

Farmhands please lock this shit thread

No. 1085470

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No. 1085473

Yeah but I’m not even Eboni so why’s it matter(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1085475

Eboni tried to tickle my bum when I was sleeping a while ago

No. 1085476

>disturbing and threatening the sex worker community

Kek who gives a fuck?

This thread is embarrassing , why do newfags refuse to learn to integrate on this site and not make shitty vendetta threads like this?

No. 1085477

Looks like Eboni/Luna/Lola whatever has her friends helping her make threads on herself imo

No. 1085479

I remember when tried to stab me a while ago over some petty argument she’s a psychopath. Nothing but a controlling bully, she must get horny over this Shit

No. 1085481

This is literally not where I wanted this thread to go at all, where are the intellectual people at? Not mad, just disappointed. This girl is a toxic monster and people really should be cautious of the chaos she will bring to your life.

No. 1085484

I’m once I squashed her down a drain pipe then pissed down it(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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