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No. 107825

>small yet popular YouTuber
>vlogs cons
>runs dance group
>cosplayer of course
>seems entirely nice

Is there something bad about her? I really like her personality and con vlogs. Seems like an angel, or am I missing something?

No. 107826

People do not understand /pt/ I think. YOU tell us why she is a lolcow.

No. 107827

Smells like a self post

No. 107828

Not a self post, just new to the board, sorry if I'm doin it wrong.

No. 107829

>"Read the rules and usage info before posting."

No. 107830

If you like her why would you actively try to find or instigate any bad rumors about her?
Is this a vendetta post in disguise?

No. 107831

File: 1458356291076.jpg (21.71 KB, 540x363, 1525209_572459446195402_742435…)


Nope, I'm just an idiot. Might wanna move this to /snow/ then.

No. 107832

The only thing I find cringeworthy is that she dated a fakeboi named Jin or something (in Katsucon 2012 vlog 02). Skylar (again i dont remember these names very well) was her first boyfriend but they broke up. Patrick is her new friend not sure if they're dating but they're almost always together. Aside from being a faghag there's nothing cringeworthy for /PT/'s sake.

No. 107833

Shit thread, not even deserves to be in snow

No. 107834

meh, next

No. 107835

The only annoying thing about her are her fans as is the case with most online people.

Plus that she gets to be a cosplay competition judge at cons even though she doesn't make any of her costumes.

No. 107836

I think Veronica is fucking hilarious

No. 111910

I think she's a decent cosplayer. She gives credit to those who help her too that's nice.

I liked her old vlogs better. 2011-2012 era. Now they're just boring or full of cringe teenagers.

No. 111919

I feel like she's dated/fucked every single guy in their friend group. I'm still surprised about Patrick. I thought he was gay.

No. 111944


Doesn't he have a boyfriend? What am I saying I don't follow any of these people I'm making a great guess here

No. 840071

Learn to pronounce
sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender; attracted to both men and women.

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