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/snow/ - flakes & mistakes

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No. 107157

Post the users of tumblr and insta users that are clearly pro ana and harmful so we all know too avoid them
This is clearly excluding the infamous snowflakes already covered

No. 107162

but don't we already do that in the other pro ana / wannorexic thread?

No. 107182

So "we" know to avoid them? This isn't MPA. Keep it in the other thread.

No. 107187

I'm going to follow them all! I don't even have an eating disorder. Emaciation is just my fetish!

No. 107193

Any other dudes here? As a male, when did you realize you were into skinny girls? It wasn't until I was about 15 and my older sister got cancer. She's better now, but it did something to me. I'm 49 now but these girls just make my dick so hard.

No. 107267


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