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No. 1047714
File: 1601351026882.png (1.03 MB, 1440x2675, Screenshot_20200929-134157~2.p…)

Can we add @misogoth to this?
Brisbane based e-girl. She recently went viral again calling out a local tattooist.
Her facetuned alien face is nightmare fuel imo.
No. 1047805
File: 1601367875868.jpeg (217.65 KB, 750x1200, 2FCF5947-E9B0-46DB-A510-7275D4…)

> constance wilcox - goes by “cents”
@pcpcents, @lostcents, @blaidebabi, @lithiablade
> adelaide based
> major lilith levisis skinwalker
> has been problematic for years
> absolutely no friends because everyone hates her
> whores around and has slept with half of adelaide
> cheats on every boyfriend then cries rape
> glamorises excessive drug usage, has since she was 14~15
> posts her self harm, blood stains etc
> started “sex work” but just scammed money and didn’t post
> pretends like she’s some underground soundcloud artist yet has been “making music” for the past 5 years and has never posted ANYTHING
> posts stories often of her absolutely blasted on benzos, lean, coke, mdma, alcohol pretty much anything she can get her hands on
> is the biggest judgemental cunt, shames anyone who isn’t anachan but constantly advocates for ~positivity~
> recently posted multiple stories publicly of her yelling and accusing her boyfriend of apparently cheating on her. she was clearly off her face and her boyfriend just left, it was painful to watch.
this has been a personal cow but she’s honestly so milky. lots of quality content in her highlights.
No. 1047825
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> 3 years ago No. 1047843
File: 1601379012591.jpg (299.55 KB, 1080x1589, Screenshot_20200929-213007__01…)

>>1047825What the absolute fuck is this edit? Also spy the cow crossover kek.
No. 1048120
>>1047750Georgia Collings (georgiakcollings on instagram) - claims to have super severe anorexia whilst stomping around in an obese body.
Shay (shay.w99) - claims to have "chronic bowel obstructions" aka holds in her shit to the point where she needs hospital admissions to flush her intestines out. Also shaved her head an eyebrows to "support her friend with cancer" and totally NOT to make herself look sicker. Oh and also claims anorexia.
No. 1049139
File: 1601549915397.jpeg (209.68 KB, 750x1200, 77D5989D-63D9-48DF-AA37-B5B574…)

blaidebabi found this and went on a huge rant on her story basically confirming half of the milk. what was posted wasn’t even bad - imagine if she saw the other threads.
No. 1049140
File: 1601550035578.jpeg (518.99 KB, 1758x1363, 411BAA6C-C60E-487E-A61C-3D26CC…)

story was long but here’s a few screencaps.
No. 1049141
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No. 1049172
File: 1601553482467.jpeg (Spoiler Image,365.26 KB, 1608x1363, 214AD9DA-1708-4219-A496-19042C…)

>>1049140spoiler because self harm.
how is this a reminder to others that ~things get better uwu~?
also - don’t even know how I forgot to mention this, she has posted her own DDLG cp.
No. 1049190
File: 1601555109035.png (78.59 KB, 448x534, gerb.png)

Apparently being a cow is bragging rights now.
No. 1049192
File: 1601555424591.jpg (473.28 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200929-214045.jpg)

>>1049139>>1049140>>1049141Ah, the inevitable sperg we were all waiting for. Quicker than expected I might add. Here's a fully sick photo of her mixing antenex and weed. Such a ~bad kid~ kek.
No. 1049299
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No. 1049405
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>>1049172Enjoy. Lmfao. Since you wanna talk about Australian cows.
No. 1049411
File: 1601578027941.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, 95F653DE-B864-4940-8A16-0968CE…)

>>1049406He is a white supremacist
No. 1049432
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No. 1049434
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No. 1049435
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No. 1049436
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No. 1049493
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>>1049405>>1049406>>1049431>>1049434>>1049432>>1049435>>1049436nice self post constance, might want to crop out your icon before you post screenshots KEK! knew she would do this too, post to shift the attention from her.
> this is blaidebabi, mods. No. 1049507
>>1049493Bye alex dauginas. Stop stalking me. We all know who you are you ‘kek’
‘lolcow’ ‘abomination’
No. 1049513
File: 1601587945319.jpeg (164.65 KB, 750x1334, 751C7A54-144F-4CCB-BE2E-935E40…)

>>1049507>>1049510We’re not Alex but whatever makes you sleep better at night.
No. 1049514
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>>1049512Thanks. I appreciate it yet unfortunately you turned out to be vicious
No. 1049518
>>1049513>>1049513You support him? Sure lol alex dauginas Love others supporting rapists, child molestors
Lol he is a vicious psycho stalker.
No. 1049520
File: 1601588358836.png (1.95 MB, 750x1334, 1C1561BD-5EF5-4483-8405-215EC1…)

>>1049515‘Slick’? Bro lol just trying to expose this guy. He is a nazi rapist in my town. Goodluck supporting him. Disgusting. Taking him to court he’s said everything not me. Goodbye alex. And thanks
No. 1049521
>>1049520The milk keeps rolling in? So you’re going to court? With what case?
Will openly take his money for a plushie, but will cry stalker when it goes sour. What do you expect? Dumb cow.
No. 1049530
>>1049493Yeah it’s me @blaidebabi, @lostcents and
My fucking birth name Is Constance-Marie Wilcox And I love it feel free to call or email lmfao even dm? But no you’re too scared? My email is and my accounts are @blaidebabi and @lostcents which you clearly already know lmfao
You’re almost 30…. want me to post the shit about you talking to me while i was 16???
No. 1049538
File: 1601589423432.png (1.2 MB, 750x1334, 16F718E6-78A9-46C9-8F3C-CB49BC…)

>>1049536Annoying lol just me standing up [removed] if u really wanna try me
No. 1049544
>>1049541Lmfao just asking for people to talk their truth? Imagine being an incel wow…… what a life
I posted my mobile in hopes one of you would be ‘man/ballsy’ enough but surprise surprise none of you were
No. 1049761
File: 1601609439761.jpg (601.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200929-213455.jpg)

>>1049530>My fucking birth name Is Constance-Marie Wilcox>>1049538>0477126248 if u really wanna try mePeak fucking autism when a cow doxxes themselves. Can we expect to receive your address next unprovoked? What happened to being a high vibrational being kek?
No. 1049794
File: 1601613221905.png (108.77 KB, 410x427, lc.PNG)

//sorry about the shit cropping as i dont have the instagram app on my device
how is this a reminder of getting better?
No. 1049817
>>1047805How's she
problematic? gimme the quick run down?
No. 1049844
File: 1601616696752.jpg (114.82 KB, 750x1334, 118863876_2786408568128931_270…)

>>1047697>>1047713finally I can contribute! Larsaparilla (melbournian munchie) wants to be a doctor now because, get this, greys anatomy says she can!
No. 1049846
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>>1049844dumping what i got
No. 1049848
File: 1601616901340.jpg (155.78 KB, 750x1334, 119731765_637591630522721_4333…)

>>1049846no physically demanding work, huh
No. 1049899
>>1049817Well, adding on the original post. Few more notable things throughout the years.
> Was originally @pcpcents but changed it to @blaidebabi after she got hate because she hasn’t done pcp > Posted her own ddlg cp> Had “sadist so unless you want to bleed GTFO my dms” in her Instagram bio for a long time (so cringe but she changed it) > Claims to be ~the original~ before the egirl trend blew up (@dead9irl and her would get along kek)> Brain is literally fried from the concoction of prescription meds she takes > Sperges about how sadistic she is, how much of a baddie she is etc but really is a 5ft 40kg girl that doesn’t leave the house > Copies everything she posts, have screenshots of her copying photos down to the EXACT pose> Takes drug pictures from tumblr and pretends they are her own > Takes quotes / captions from other e-girls and posts them on other social medias claiming to be her own thoughts> Posts excessively about her ~oh so many~ drug overdoses eg “I have overdosed 8+ times why am I still alive” ?? > Also constantly posts about going to the looney bin> Photoshops and facetunes her pictures a ridiculous amount > Apparently makes “music” and has been ~dropping her mixtape soon~ for the past 3 - 4 years. Has made excuse after excuse as to why she hasn’t dropped it. Multiple people have called her out publicly on not releasing her music because she posts about it every week but hasn’t shown any snippets, beats, the process or anything. > First claimed that her whole ep was nearly finished (mind you this is after 3 years of music bragging with nothing to show for it) > Then claims she was completely finished recording and just doing the finishing touches. Only going to release when her page gets more following > THEN posts about apparently releasing her first two songs (single and cover) when she reaches 5k followers on her main + 1k on her spam however continues to loose heaps of followers> NOW apparently she doesn’t like any of the music she’s recorded, is completely scrapping it all and starting fresh. HOW CONVENIENT. > Begged for money for a mic but still didn’t post anything> Haven’t seen her post anything music related for months and pretty much denies any of it ever happening*Note - I know being a fake soundcloud artist doesn’t seem milky but honestly if anons saw how much she would brag about it, they would understand. Everything she does is for clout. She wants to rep all the benefits of life but not do any of the work, then cry ~why me uwu~ on her story and posts.
No. 1051339
File: 1601793300181.png (3.4 MB, 2048x1152, BEC33FA1-A5C8-4085-BE7D-2614FB…)

blaidebabi is posting milk from the lilboweep thread on her story. way to make it obvious that you’re lurking the other threads?
but we’re all big meanies remember? however she’s allowed to publicly post about other people.
No. 1051343
File: 1601793862942.jpeg (Spoiler Image,108.96 KB, 750x504, 659AB099-CFAF-4FC4-BABD-9017EB…)

samefag but ~sadist so unless u wana bleed gtfo my dm~
spoiler for gore in her header.
No. 1051430
File: 1601808940877.jpg (397.51 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200929-213537.jpg)

>>1051339Was just browsing LC on the toilet, you know how it is ladies
No. 1051486
File: 1601818619940.jpeg (183.96 KB, 750x967, A3FAEB12-A40C-4562-9441-B581F6…)

Tinfoil: This is blaidebabi. The lack of sage, interrogation and all around newfaggotry screams her. Also she posted milk on her story today from the lilboweep thread, SURELY it’s not a coincidence?
No. 1054710
File: 1602201494141.jpeg (408.35 KB, 1720x1361, A1156783-FA2D-4E71-9922-E16AD1…)

Constance-Marie Wilcox without facetune. Taken from her story when the filter flickers.
No. 1054721
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No. 1057696
File: 1602606556874.jpeg (145.91 KB, 722x960, 31E6D782-C0A2-4A4A-BBA9-A513A9…)

@babydollvomitx Is a toopoor skinwalker Victoria.
Says she sober and posts videos with @doomwife kek it’s easy to tell they’re cooking
They’re trying so hard to look like they are on heroin/toopoor(newfaggotry)
No. 1057718
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No. 1059159
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>>1057696Looks like they had a cow meet-up kek
No. 1059446
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Nina Vuitton on Facebook.
No. 1059451
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No. 1059474
File: 1602791357226.jpeg (98.25 KB, 750x1005, 205E6314-14B5-41C5-843D-8C12B9…)

She looks so good like this.
No. 1059663
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No. 1060551
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No. 1060552
File: 1602955672116.jpeg (87.49 KB, 960x516, B1761603-1E99-4423-B162-0B6125…)

No. 1249881
Used to know Lars and Jasmine irl. Haven't talked to them in years, friends joke we should start a victims of Lars/Jasmine's abuse support group. Melbourne is a suprisingly small city and I know many victims of Lars and Jasmine's BS. They're so scared of coming out about the abuse because they know Lars is manipulating so many uwu's. And these kalvin call out vids going viral don't help with that.
>Rich Queensland couple who can't rub a brain cell together to save their life
>Dog piss and shit everywhere, destroy housemates belongings-gets kicked out and claims it was for transphobia
>Burnt their house down because they left a candle unattended
>Somewhere in Queensland jasmine tapes someone, Lars defends jasmine
>Started a gofundme
>Moved to Melbourne with the GoFundMe money to avoid cancellation
>Works somehow for years
>Constantly defends Jasmine- their wife and a known serial rapist
>Let's people "couch surf" at their house, abuses the fuck out of them, steals their medication and belongings, demands access to their social media so they can stalk people who hate them, kicks them out to assert power. jasmine creeps on people couch surfing there, is hypersexual, someone who lived with jasmine saw them pissing in the yard "to see what the dogs would do"
>"Yeah I'm gonna bait kalvin into responding" joke about it for a while, tell them that this is a bad idea and how it feels like theyre misrepresentation of people's experiences with gender is fake woke as fuck.
>"Lol too late" basically
>Jumping with joy when kalvin made a video, boasted to everyone that they got tons of new followers
>People take photos of them walking around, shows me kiwifarm and lolcow threads
>Tell them I'm uncomfortable, and to delete photos of us together on socials BC I didnt feel comfortable being dragged in
>Got angry at me
>They are actually disabled, that part of people mocking thems shitty
>Begins to bug out
>I warned you
>Kicks the couch surfers out, one uses a wheelchair and was left street side homeless. Idk where the other one went. Was told he developed stress-induced epilepsy from living with Lars and is doing a lot better. Seen him in the CBD a few times but never talked to him.
>Shits on drug users 24/7, found a dirty water bottle full of syringes under their sink and can't breath without a cone.
>They're on gel, not diabetic either.
>Gets warded because of kalvin backlash, feel bad but also I warned you.
>Another friend spots them and warns someone about Lars BS
>Lars throws a tantrum, wipes off the memorial whiteboard to severely upset all residents
>How tf do you get kicked out of a psych ward
>Gone from claiming they're aboriginal to claiming they're Romani.
>Crashes someone's house party who used to couch surf at Lars and calls the cops when they see them OD even after these peoples housemates explicitly said Lars and Jasmine were not welcome
> Tells everyone they saved their friends lives
>Those friends stop talking to them for obvious reasons
>Tried to pierce their own cheek with a eBay kit while fucked on benzos and had to be forced to stop by their ex best friend housemate
>Housemate leaves because they're sick of Lars bullshit and Jasmine's creeper shit
That's the last I know. Lars manipulates vulnerable people into being their friend, and forces them to be their social media henchmen. Warn fucking everyone you know.
No. 1249999
File: 1623187315024.png (1.93 MB, 750x1334, 4C4A5585-2D06-4F5E-A7C3-FE35B9…)

While I’m here, adding @arsonaffinity to the list.
>befriended lilboweep when LBW returned to Adelaide
>load of chaotic messy nights out ensued
>drama unfolded check lilboweep thread but basically confirmed weep pregnancy was scam
>says weep stole her tweaker bf
>claims homelessness
>bitches that her fucked up friends only see her when she’s also fucked up…I mean obviously
>moves to Brisbane to escape grotbag life in Adelaide
>that seems to fuck out so rinse repeat she’s now homeless again
>ongoing themes are life is shit everything fucked chronically ill new music coming soon
One to watch.
No. 1250449
>>1249881Thank u
nonnie I am one of lars most dedicated hate followers but I’ve not seen shit about them for ages, I gotta say though I really don’t reckon they’re actually disabled, I had receipts for this ages ago but deleted them when they caught wind of it which I regret v much - they really express extreme munchie behaviour (though I don’t doubt they’re extremely fucked in the head , just not DID )
Sorry to sperg with no proof
No. 1250502
>>1250449If you end up finding evidence let me know, I know they try bait farmers into screening them.
I hold the opinion that they are disabled and trans, I know they've been diagnosed with some spine thing. Its a personal thing where I refuse to invalidate people's identities like that BC (a) they could be telling the truth (b) I'm not gonna entertain their bait like that.
Lars needs to realise that 99% of their suffering is their own doing and that they need actual help and to get off social media so they heal. I hope one day they realise the
abusive shit they've done and enabled, and have the strength to do better.
Jaz is a piece of shit who constantly bangs on about "I did stupid
abusive shit in the past, it was an accident but I'm working on it uwu" as a way to get into young lesbians and trans peoples pants. They constantly go on and on about how they're trying to be a better person and how they understand if people don't feel comfortable around them, that they want to be upfront and honest with people about their
abusive past so people can choose to associate. But if you don't want to will throw a massive piss fit and say you're being transmisoginistic. You don't accidentally force someone to suck your dick, you don't accidentally take advantage of a drunk teenager and not use protection. Also every time Lars is breaking down screaming and self harming Jaz fucks off to "study" or literally anything other than support Lars. Shows zero emotion when Lars is melting down and everyone I know says that when they broke up years ago Lars got better, but then they got back together again :)))))
Jaz also has all the qualifications to be a dentist, but refuses to work and wants to be a philosopher and milk money from everyone trying to help.
No. 1250520
>>1250502yeah again sorry for no caps, i was the anon who posted
>>1049844a mutual friend was on their close friends list on multiple platforms and i kind of got spooked cause i didn't want to get them caught and framed as a filthy lolcow user when it was me all along… hah. if you've been following the disaster that is the spoonie community, phoebe tickner etc. (who was e-mates at some point w lars) you'll see that the fakery lines up. I think your beliefs are sound, though, as I myself could easily be called a munchie by my own illnesses, so i totally get where your coming from. I just have less reservations when it comes to
abusive disasters like jas and lars. Blog but this thread is a bit slow anyway
No. 1250942
File: 1623264660134.jpeg (339.42 KB, 827x1475, 2662BA02-EE70-404A-9078-0DC41F…)

>>1249999Arson ebegging again. She does this at least once a week… she’s a huge munchie that has a handful of ~chronic illnesses~
BTW her “working” is online sex work / stripping.
No. 1273556
File: 1625766432710.jpeg (1.83 MB, 3464x3464, 93BE2C0B-DF18-4D19-9EDA-E6BCE6…)

More of @arsonaffinity who’s birth name is abbey finch but she has decided to change it to lainey, coma or arson kek. begged to meet lilbotweak yet claims she didn’t.
No. 1482456
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Zheani milk
No. 1482458
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No. 1482466
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No. 1496590
>>1060553I know the Nina topic is very old at this point but as someone who had the displeasure of knowing her in real life there is a lot of tea about her from her days in the Melbourne alt scene.
I remember seeing her at a goth nightclub one night and she told me she was 19/20 then a few months later I saw people on her Facebook posting about her 17th birthday.
Known rape apologist too but that was a messy situation and everyone involved probably fits in as cows anyways.
Saged for old news
No. 1635712
necro cause we have no thread and are underrepped
anyone else filthy hilltop tries to be wholesome while songs like vidrel exist?
now I have to hear this shit and "cosby sweater" on the radio when they're flaming misogynists? does every australian have fucking amnesia? HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 1832854
File: 1684854852221.jpg (20.28 KB, 720x267, Screenshot_20230524_011509.jpg)

No. 1832855
File: 1684854937856.jpg (103.82 KB, 720x1161, Screenshot_20230524_011435.jpg)

bonus just because funny
No. 1835220
File: 1685139215772.jpeg (Spoiler Image,50.01 KB, 1159x829, 5ED41B8B-6639-42C8-A737-91A544…)

All of that is literally on the other threads already. She never mentioned how much drug usage actually happened between her and lbw together other than the whole fent psych thing so I’m assuming you know them both personally so don’t be shy on the milk. I can’t screenshot because the story expired but arson mentioned some shit about how she felt about her online scandal or cancel culture era whatever the other day basically just some virtue signalling about victim mindset and that she was/is an asshole. Still on the “I was so horrible to everyone but I’m still in the right.”mindset. Judging the lyrics she as showing on her live yesterday or the day before it looks like she’s attempting to, write a song about it seeing as one was like “that’s what you get for using your dead friends for clout.” something.
Also, did anyone see her new Amanda Bynes face tat Kek.
No. 1835672
>>1835224Sure, but I meant she ws getting the dirt about LBW predating their friendship from here. I distictly remember her mentioning she's getting through old threads for more material to her videos? idk. I mean ok, LBW deserved to be exposed, but it's Arson's sudden OMG I'M SO SAD SHE WAS MY BFF NEVERMIND WHAT I SAID attitude immediately post-Winona's death was distasteful. Sure, she could've been deeply regretting these videos, but i feel like she still was just chasing clout. She was chasing clout back in the "Lil Bo Weep is not pregnant" livestream days, and now in a sort of "LBW was my friend" way. I'm not really surprised to hear she's hanging out with some Bo Weep skinwalker rn.
Now for suicide theory… nope, i believe it was accidental overdose. If you remember her (and her shitty friend's) last stories from that day, it's apparent she was hanging out with this group. who left her to die once they saw something's happening. Iirc she was on some SSRI a few days earlier? so maybe she had a short break from opiates, then did fentanyl or opiate laced xans and just accidentally overdosed. whatever it was, i don't think it was suicide as reaction to Arson's videos.
>>1835328 is right.
No. 1837326
>>1835672So if someone, introduced you to a group of junkies and then abandoned you, tore you to shreds, ruined your career. You wouldn’t kys?
Hope she gets charged for manslaughter
No. 1837657
>>1837326Idk Arson is a fucking pathetic cow, but you sound like some scorned vendettachan. If anyone should be charged, it's fuckheads who left her to die in a park, not random bitch who wsn't even there.
I have no idea if she wanted to kill herself or not. But Arson definitely wasn't the first. there was lolcow, there was Steven & co exposing LBW's bullshit, there were people voicing they were scammed by her. Moreover, people in her comment section really were seeing that she's bullshitting, they were constantly calling her out on lying, faking pregnancy, being on drugs when she claimed she isn't, etc She was just deleting comments or denying, but not fast enough for others not to notice. She was in a way incriminating her own self constantly. her fans who followed her regularly were noticing what's wrong before Arson made the videos (which i guess reacher larger audience/casual listeners) & if you followed her thread, it's all there. Her career was ruined way before Arson. Not that her vids didn't add up ofc.
That being said, idk if she wanted to kill herself and if Arson's vid contributed to anything. But i feel like if she wanted to kill herself, she'd maybe leave a letter. And she'd do it alone, not going out with friends to a random fucking park and having an audience to watch.
No. 1838352
>>1838305Pardon ABBEY, whatever the fuck, that's a random bitch from the internet, i clearly don't know her as well as you. Splurged first about what? How Winona died? i don't remember this from LBWs threads but its entirely possible.
What's most sketchy is she spent that night with certain people, but nobody was charged for leaving her/not calling ambulance. thinking now, there's a lot of unknown about this case
No. 1838985
>>1838352she was the one who posted in the thread about her dying in a park and that is how everyone on the internet found out, before that she told her friend that I'm very close with about what happened and other details that haven't been publicly shared (to my knowledge). She was the only one apart from the people lbw was with (some of them Abbey's friends, funny right?) who knew
her guilty conscience runs deeper than just "calling Winona out"
No. 1839193
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this ex-suicide girl brisbane cringelord with botched lips just funded a $30000 liposuction with sex work. which is fine but not when you promote your sex work and your child on the same account
No. 1839195
File: 1685655869420.jpeg (Spoiler Image,251.98 KB, 1244x2259, IMG_0859.jpeg)

she frequently posts the exact location of her home
No. 1839197
File: 1685655946320.jpeg (Spoiler Image,299.17 KB, 1277x2259, IMG_0858.jpeg)

always posting the location of her and the child when they are out. she is a cool friend mom not a regular mom.
No. 1839198
File: 1685656016051.jpeg (Spoiler Image,247.67 KB, 1244x2248, IMG_0814.jpeg)

kristina wilds older child who she pimped out on youtube as a toddler recently addressed the horror.
No. 1839200
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No. 1839201
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(Not your personal army)
No. 1839221
>>1838305Yk she mentioned on live briefly she had to give a statement to the police or lbws parents back then so wouldnt that be why she “had info” what information are u even talking about apart from the one weird post from an anon.
Go find some actual milk if you hate this bitch cos so much you sound insane.
No. 1841016
>>1840621It’s very obviously a
triggered ex friend of this literal random person. Go grab some actual milk for fuck off. Maybe deal with your adult problems like adults instead no one cares about you and this nobodies argument
No. 1841366
>>1841016did you read the post? the texts are clearly from her daughter, not her friend
I have no idea who this person is, just think it’s weird people are trying to shut down discussion on her
No. 1847764
>>1846333How do you know something so oddly specific?
It’s giving off jealous, personal drama not milk lol. Wanna spill?
No. 1852919
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Ethan bramble on Komas story
No. 1862884
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lovely words from komas new bf
No. 1869736
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hell yea nothing like victim blaming
No. 1881916
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No. 1935543
>>1934999This is an imageboard. We post pics/screenshots when we want others to show something, not just telling "she's doing this or that", especially since things tend to disappear from the internet. Not everyone here is vendetta following this girl's every step, i couldn't find her current social media handles for a good while. Her new instagram is servicedisconnect3d, if anybody cares. and yes, she's very much alive& active.
Has she said anything about that yet? Who the fuck was in charge of this
>>1881916 facebook account?
No. 1952437
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the shoop on this whore is wrong ctfu(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1957667
File: 1705826349694.png (4.42 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8560.png)

She literally posted this while her and her apparent boyfriend of 2 years “fuckhazz.” were together, told me personally that she cheated on her boyfriend with him.
No. 1961770
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Cents (Constance) After being obsessed with lilboweep, seeking out her home address to “kill.” her before she died, is so obviously skin walking as winona. She still hasn’t released the so called music she’s advertised for years. She’s probably LBWS biggest and most dangerous fan. She’s changed her entire look to be exactly like winona’s.
No. 1987342
File: 1713627623197.png (2.64 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_6578.png)

The fake dreds are so weird. Is she trying to be her dead friend
No. 1987489
>>1987342I just looked and she’s completely blonde now lol ? IMO apart from the hair she doesn’t rly look like lbw at all unless she decides to get a nose job. If that’s who ur referring to.
Learn how 2 sage also
No. 1987567
>>1987489Fake dreads + shitty "lace lingerie" top + standing in a pigsty room does give LBW vibes, but hard to tell if she was going for that. After all, LBW has no monopoly on fake dreads and shitty egirl style (although, maybe she does? Remember the time Winona called herself inventor/mother of all egirls kek). i'd say it's just that shitty egirl/tiktok zoomer style they're all attempting, and that's what Winona did as well just with a fake witchy tribal twist, idk.
I don't think she's a cow worth following, but Koma will forever seem to me like a snowflake at least. i remember her posting selfies in self-harm & bandages on some rape fantasy subreddits. and yeah she milked the LBW situation to hell and back.
No. 1987926
>>1987793“self harm and bandages”
Unrelated but it seems like most of these posts are made by Abbey, Lainey or Koma themselves or whatever people say their name is.
Imagine milking a friendship you had for a few months just because they died.
It’s strange all their stuff is now private because as you said they enjoy and thrive off thee attention