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No. 103239
I think it goes without saying that everyone here already knows about Dahvie and the kind of person he is.
So finally here's a thread for dicussions regarding Dahvie, Jay, BOTDF, their cringe-inducing behaviors and attitudes, and the accusations/scandals surrounding them.
Dahvie's insta:'s insta: youtube: known blog with fan submitted stories about run-ins with Dahvie at concerts: No. 103256
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I'd love to contribute to this but idk if there's new milk
Scene is dead
No. 103871
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I saw this image a while back and saved it. Is the dude in the pic the same as the guy in OP's pic?
No. 104005
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>>103938He's toned it down a lot since then.
He's currently going for the instagram makeup trend with the heavy contouring and highlights. I will admit the guy is damn good at the application, but he is straight up scum.
No. 104015
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>>104013I bet he looks like a toddler naked
>Those short, fat limbs No. 104018
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>>104015He's fat as fuck, I followed this drama like the back of my hand at one point.
His real name is like Jesus or something, no fucking lie.
It's old, but he's skinnyfat.
No. 104019
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>>104018and him before (apparently)
Anon should have also posted their ED
> No. 104020
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>>104019Lastly proof of his name in this police report.
No. 104056
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>>104018He looks like muscle-man from regular show
No. 104070
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I had a scroll through his instagram and got weird hanna beth vibes straight away. idk why but to me he looks a little like she did before she went full kardashian.
No. 424438
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>>103256I know this is all kinds of necromancy but a tiny crumb. JayyVon is drag queen 'Dahli' and is currently starring in Season 2 of Dragula. The new episode (3) features Dahli talking about the abusive situation in the band. Conversation is at 9:00: No. 424541
>>424438I'm watching this and I had no idea, damn.
Jayy/Dahli apparently has a reputation in SoCal of being a terrible performer. Makes the Dragula thing a bit puzzling.
No. 425105
>>425059While it sounds like he was abused in this working relationship himself, he seems to have a blank spot around Dahvie's nonstop exploitation of teens (and younger). Perhaps he himself came right out of abusive home life and right into Dahvie's world? That's the only "excuse" I can even start to think of. The HIV issue is enough to make him leave of course, but the shit was also hitting the fan with the accusations from very young girls, too.
Dragula is really about that dark side of life / drag, it doesn't surprise me there are some genuinely damaged souls in the cast.
No. 971401
Felt like it was a good time to bump this thread. Hopefully this isn't considered a necro, since he has been gaining a ton of attention as of late for his lawsuits against him and proven pedophilia.
Damian (aka Jessi Slaughter) was on Chris Hanson not too long ago about how he did in fact rape her when she was 10-11 years old..
There's also a subreddit that's compiling a ton of info on him as well (
No. 975307

>>974984Yeah, I couldn’t finish that vid.
“Dahvie said I was like, so good at Smash, like the best at the party!” So tone deaf and attention seeking.
It’s disgusting to see clout seekers jump in on the Dahvie train as if it’s some sort of fun trend.
When I saw this thumbnail I was actually really intrigued to see a girl that didn’t fit Dahvie’s usual MO. I didn’t wanna discount her story until I kept watching and it kept getting more ridiculous & fake. Zero proof provided other than a photo of her at that age to prove that she…. was 11? She quickly turned off comments despite seeming like she wanted asspats.
I’m so curious to know what other people think of this vid bc to me it just seemed so ridiculously convenient and scripted. Like as a reaction to all of the horrible parenting stories that have come out of Dahvie’s
victims, she just made the most neatly tied up story where her mom had superwoman intuition and ~KNEW~ dahvie was a creep & did everything that the
victims’ parents who were groomed by dahvie failed at despite not witnessing anything illegal. But dahvie did illegal stuff, just not in front of the parents! Like, it’s a nice story I guess, & it puts her in the best light possible for being ~woke to dahvie~ but it’s literal fanfic.