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No. 101478
Since this has been requested in the Kailyn thread ( >>7656 ), and since in YTT world anyone who posts on the internet is fair game to talk shit about, let's do this ytt thread.
http://youtalktrash.comPic related. What sort of psycho hates a baby that much?
No. 101522
>>101497Wow. I almost feel bad now for picking on her because she seems legit cray.
Only almost though.
No. 101530
>>101522Meh, just because she's crazy doesn't mean she has the right to call Gracie retarded or Downsy at every opportunity.
Yeah, Gracie won't be a genius give her parents, and Kai does nothing to help Gracie's development, but Gracie can't help being born to stupid parents.
No. 101550
>>101530They call her ugly a lot too. Graythee isn't like the cutest baby around by any means, but she's really not ugly either. She's just sort of average looking.
The way Taj and some of the others hate on that poor child so hard makes me wonder if they're jealous of her. Like they've got this big fat lesbian crush on Kai, but only the baby gets to be close to her, so they're jealous of a baby.
No. 101618
>>101557It's because they're all ween af
like maybe they do genuinely think babby is ugly, but maybe they're also trying to get a rise out of Kai because they know she reads there and they're weeners.
No. 101674
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>>101625Taj also seems to just hate ugly babies. Or is just really that edgy. Whichever.
No. 101878
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Holy shit they're embarrassing.
No. 101898
>>101878Shit that's almost momo-tier story. Both the random personal story of how funny something happened, and also the "look at this thing i can do that kai can't".
I find this funny as hell for reasons.
No. 101900
PLs keep scaring her away, and she'd be so much funnier if they didn't.
No. 102184
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>>101905They do it with Momo too. She's not even been around in the latest thread, probs because she tried to get the whole board deleted (and is probably too poor to have internet at home anyway honestly), so they do retarded shit to try and summon her.
Like this.
Sitting on your fat ass for far too much time to make a dumb ascii thingy out of the fucking cockroach emoticons that were specifically created for the dumb bitch in question.
I bet the bitch who did this thinks it's like some sort of high art too since they're all egotistical motherfuckers over there.
No. 113577
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this depresses me. there are other things to do than read a message board about a boring, fat youtuber. no need to resort to singing peoples posts out loud. go for a fucking walk or paint a picture or something, jesus.
No. 120267
>>113577ugh wtf? what a bunch of fucking weirdos.
YTT seems to be shitting themselves right now because Guru Gossip has actually managed to get worse, and they think more GG users are actually going to come onto their shitshow of a site even though they talk shit about GG users whenever they get a chance. Also looks like there's forum wars going on from what can be gathered off leggunslave's tumblr here shore how I feel about LS tbh, but she's not Taj at least, so there's that.
No. 166560
Necroing with news.
YTT is died.
Long live YTT.'s a lot of cattiness in the comments but summary is
>multiple users were just one mod, who was friend of Kai, who was hoarding lulz>one girl called her out but got shitslammed for it because you don't dare disagree with the herd>posts are getting deleted. users are being banned. IPs are getting checked. >Taj is just sitting back and letting the mods do whatever the fuck they want, because she doesn't even give a shit about the forum and never has (as is obvious by her not doing anything when the forums were down last year)>everyone is selfeating and taking their cattiness elsewhere>some people really do need a hobby outside of Kai.I'll link this to the Kai thread as well I guess. x