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No. 1003993
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Firstly, @quirkyegirl. He constantly harrases Bianca Devins and her family and makes fun of people who defend her (pic related) and doxxes women just trying to have a good time
No. 1003997
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Secondly, shidoger. He doxxed some little girl for saying "kill all men" as a joke, (pic related) Which shows how much of an fragile incel he is, and also put yung cynical's house on google maps, and harrased her while she was having a breakdown on live. He is also openly transphobic.
No. 1004003
File: 1594224285838.png (225.4 KB, 336x421, Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 12.0…)

Next, we have noose.maniac. He constantly harrases Bianca Devin's family, (pic related) and constantly posts about her. I also have his leaked face pic, But I need to find it
No. 1004007
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>>1003997>transphobic pic related, it’s you
No. 1004021
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>>1003997I forgot about this, he doxxed some 13 year old girl for being pansexual, along with harrasing multiple rape
victims (yung cynical, some furry, and a girl on tiktok, this one) and bragged about it.
No. 1004029
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Next we have @berserk___________ who harrases, doxxes and hacks "irony" girls for fun, pic related
No. 1004044
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>>1004003Idk about #killallmen but #killallincels is something I can stand behind. Sorry for edgelord bullshit but Jesus Christ
No. 1004059
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>>1004038I'm not a virgin and you constantly post about her, pic related, this was legit three weeks ago, with the shidoger kid
No. 1004250
Oh right, if you’re friends with 10ksunny doesn’t that mean you were accomplice to bullying an autistic kid? Why are you acting like you’re all high and mighty? You’re just as bad.
No. 1004253
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>>1004250Yeah that was the reason we were mean to her. She manipulated a special needs kid (pic related) by tricking him into thinking he's her boyfriend just to promote herself.
No. 1004266
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cool mods unlocked this thread. Thanks! noose.maniac etc are pathetic incel virgins. noose.maniac especially is so sensitive it's hilarious. He's constantly reporting mean comments left on his page. I saw a pic of him a while ago and he had a serious acne problem. Exactly what you'd expect from a dumb edgelord.
The fact he's in here SO QUICK defending himself kek
No. 1004278
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Alright, next one. Tfosing is another incel like noose and shidoger who doxxes women because mysoginy=funny apparently!! He doxxed some meme page that was standing up for women's rights and abortion (pic related) :/. More in a bit, see ya
No. 1004289
File: 1594252709108.jpg (19.32 KB, 384x383, FB_IMG_1591315817407.jpg)

>no one sages
This thread will be a dumpster fire. All these immature little boys are going to flood here. Obviously have already.
No. 1004293
No. 1004310
>>1004276From where? Where did you all come from?
You're obviously not from LC, none of you (if there is more than one of you) are saging, you're all doxing them which is against the rules, this isn't even milk.
What the fuck is going on on /snow/.
No. 1004323
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>>1004315fuck off with the demanding answers
No. 1004331
>>1004325>>1004323>>1004319>>1004315you guys are so fucking retarded. making a whole thread about some edgy teenagers' instagram accounts, and you cant even do that right.
>HE'S OPENLY TRANSPHOBIC :(((and yet you call me the newfag.
No. 1004333
>>1004331your post was dumb anon, move the fuck on.
Where's that noose.maniac pic
No. 1004350
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>>1004333yeah definitely an offshoot of the shayna threads and not a bunch of stupid egirls vendetta posting
No. 1004353
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This is such a huge mess of a thread.
No. 1004367
>>1004365It’s >>1004352
The retard uploaded it as a png instead of jpeg so nobody can even see it
No. 1004368
>>1004362What gore? I’ve seen much worst on here
>>1004365you gotta sage your post, retard
You’re shitting up the thread
No. 1004389
>>1004381 And the proof you got was that they doxed a girl who lied about being raped and 10ksunny (I talked about this) who really
deserved to be 'bullied' in a gc. I dont like Anarcho Incelism at all but his name is satirical and so is all the other political stuff posted by IRONY pages.
No. 1004401
>don't mean what they say
>doxx and harass underage teenage girls>also potentially groom them for nudes>harass a murder victim's familysure bby deny being a raging misogynists all you want
>>1004396They are TEENAGERS, how a 16 year old bullying a grown man is a big deal?
No. 1004407
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>>1004401>grown manHe isn’t 22 btw
No. 1004444
>>1004368gore isn't about what you personally have seen, slow-chan.
>>1004375shut the fuck up.
>>1004412it's kiling me they are trying to get this thread locked again by derailing because they're terrified on a platform without their following. They all report so fast if you say something mean to them on their pages but then they're happy to go bully fucking 12-year-olds whos sister was just murdered? Get fucked you disgusting edgelords. Seethe.
>>1004440This website still uses kek. Leave incel.
No. 1004454
>>1004450Literally wtf are you autists talking about. Most of the people on LC have issues with you losers because of yungcyncial and the shit posted in her thread. Most people here don't know who the fuck sunny is.
>>1004453No one cares, incel.
>>1004452I don't care if it was a month ago you fucking sped. You bullied a 12 year old girl to look edgy on fucking instagram. You are a loser. This is your cumupence. Seethe you little bitch.
Also lmao @ gimmie ur insta grow the fuck up.
No. 1004459
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big mad lol
No. 1004466
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No. 1004476
>>1004473You're just racist, homophobic raging misogynists that like to target girls aged 16 and under with threats and manipulation into giving you nudes, all from the safety of your anonymous instagram accounts.
But when you're the target shit yourself.
No. 1004503
>>1004494Dm me I’ll show you>>1004501
Lmao Im mexican
No. 1004512
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No. 1004513
>>1004504This thread isn't meant for you to explain yourselves. It's meant for us to discuss your retardation.
We do not give a shit about your side of the story, let me make that very clear. The more you try and explain yourself, the more pathetic you fucking look and the more attention you'll bring to the thread, and the more we will call you retards.
No. 1004532
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>>1004527The pic got taken down but this is a visual recreation of how he looks
No. 1004544
>>1004538Not really doing us any justice here :/
No. 1004545
>>1003989You gotta love how they start sperging once you out them.
>>1004524>>1004538These are the so ~kind~ meme page admins that were acting like angels an hour ago for defending an autistic kid.
No. 1004552
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This is the ugly, blading scrote they all look up to kek. That fucking hair no wonder Bianca didn't want him. He couldn't even grow hair correctly at 23.
>>1004551Absolutely. Their moms finding out what they do on the phone plan she pays for is their worst nightmare.
No. 1004553
File: 1594264784748.jpeg (164.57 KB, 750x1216, 9FB68064-C8AC-40B5-8728-ED21CF…)

Shidoger is unfunny as fuck and only has a few follower no wonder he selfposts and leeched off fatcynical’s infamy
No. 1004554
File: 1594264869284.png (3.55 KB, 118x86, Screenshot from 2020-07-09 04-…)

SHIDOGER, the person who talked shit about you posted an uncropped screenshot exposing their icon before deleting it
No. 1004556
Also incels: murder women but can't cut past the dermis