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No. 944095

this girl on spam insta i used to follow is a pathological liar and no one ever calls her out. i felt insane like i was dreaming it all up because she had a few friends that would eat up all the lies in the comments, turns out other ppl see it….bc there's a whole google site dedicated to debunking a few of her lies and i thought it was kind of funny. an anon account messaged me on my spam and asked if i used to know her since they saw me in her comments, i said yes and they asked for any screenshots i had of her lying and i only had two so i sent them and now I'm apart of this whole thing lol.

she said she was a pro piercer and didn't bother mentioning she actually works at a claires type store that uses ear guns and she doubled down saying she was a professional in the linked vid. she said she used real needles at work. which is a lie because that place states on their site that they use guns. that isn't the worst of it but that's when i started following along and paying attention because i just didn't think she was REALLY a piercer. turns out there's a whole shit show of her being a liar that's been documented for the last 5 years lmaoooooo oh and to add onto how shitty she is, she used to have this thing she did on her insta story called "tinder nightmares" and she would post old and/or disabled people and make fun of them to her followers, and they would join in on making fun. she actually took down a bunch of them after someone messaged her about it and she leaked their number for it. I unfollowed after the tinder nightmares stuff because it was so disrespectful because one of the people she made fun of has the same condition my aunt is struggling with. there's so much stuff i didn't even know about her

idk if links work but this is a site that has a lot of the stuff she lied about allegedly as well as her insta if you'd like to take a look at this chronically online troglodyte


https://www.instagram.com/goosewizard/(shit thread)

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