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No. 941330

Kate Kearns, a 22 year old woman who keeps getting away with racist disturbing things she says. She lives in New Zealand and is currently studying eduction specifically working with children to be a teacher. She’s racist and has a history going back from high school of being a sh*t stirrer so she hasn’t changed. This video was from 3 months ago.
“At least I’m not a dumb baby getting beheaded” yea don’t think she should be around kids, wouldn’t want my kid having her as their teacher. Point of this thread is that she hasn’t held any accountability for her actions she’s deleted all social media after the video was sent around which “she’s also done before” so this isn’t new. Her Instagram went by “Fatherkearns” she had a tik tok which was “grandchadsupreme” cringe Ik her twitter goes by “comradekearns” she thinks she can just hide and it’ll go away but not this time. Have fun finding a job loser.(shit thread)

No. 941331

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someone replying to Kate about BLM

No. 941332

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More sht stirring posts

No. 941333

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No. 941334

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No. 941341

Oh my God you actually posted it here too KEK Kate stop it

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